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When all is said and done, who has had the best career of this generation?
>Keira was previous generation
Marry Emma
Fuck Emilia
Kill Daisy

But I would enjoy having sex with all three
It's a tossup. Emma Watson is the prettiest and made the most money but Emilia Clarke seems like the most fun to be around and has the most rewatchable movie in Last Christmas. Daisy Ridley is in last place. The most notable thing about Daisy, besides her massive bite, is her freakish rabid fanbase.
Daisy has this uncanny legacy of consistently being the best thing about a shit movie.
Her performance is always good but everything else falls short.
Is Last Christmas more rewatchable than HP?
Daisy has a fat ass though
Id give her an impregnation fetish, then hug and rock her back and forth while she cries herself to sleep due to being barren, leaking cum every single night of her life. I'd cuck her get the sidepiece pregnant and then force her to adopt the baby. Wait what was the question?
Missionary, cowgirl, doggy, respectively.
Probably Emma, always.
The other two aren't big in China, and aren't nearly as popular with women either.
Is Emilia still working? Or is she a vegetable?
HP>Early GoT>Sequel Trilogy.
They've all got embarrassing filmographies besides their most known roles.
Daisy is the youngest and still working so maybe she can turn it around
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Whoever made it knew what they were doing. It's inoffensive and sweet. I expect it will be in regular syndication on cable for decades, especially around Christmas. Last Christmas has been out for half a decade now and already doing this.
Fuck it's been that long?
It's been on my "It came out recently and I've been meaning to watch it" list. Would have said 2 years.
Should I wait til Christtmas or watch it now?
It's best to watch it in Christmas season but it's in regular rotation on tv year round.
have they been intimate together at the same time all three
There's still a chance to save the Rey movie.
she would need to be a nudist
based darkrey tummy poster
English Roses 4 real
Emilia is way prettier than Emma
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If only. Disney would make bank for sure with just some good ass shots if Rey even clothed. Nude it'd be the happening all over again. My penis and I can always hope.
Emma had the most career success outside of her defining role (BatB made a billion dollars) but I think she's the worst actress of those 3 (actually just a bad actress overall). Emilia I think is the best, she was pretty good in GoT before it went off the rails and ruined all the characters but unfortunately got cast in some really shit movies like Terminator. It seems hard for TV stars to break into movies no matter how big the show is.
Built for prone boning
lame that ass should bounce
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Agreed. Doggie for sure. Maybe standing so you can enjoy those things and calves (Daisy would never take her high heels off with me).
I like Keira's movies.
her ass is insane
I get an aggressive urge to masturbate whenever I see a photo of Emilia Clarke.
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>Emma Watson is the prettiest
You mean the drab brown-featured feminist girl?
To me, Emma is long past her acting prime. Emilia was never that good and now she's gonna be shoved down our throats even more as Super Skrull.
Daisy, while hamstrung by SW, the Young Woman and The Sea, was pretty solid and I am interested to see her in more stuff now.
She's had 4 or 5 projects lined up for years that have never entered production, it's odd, I don't know how she keeps signing on to so many peojects that are stuck in development hell or cancelled.
But a few others have actually been produced like Last Christmas, the Pod Generation, Secret Invasion, and that animated film about a cat (Maurice?) where she had a voice role. So she is still getting work and I think she has a lot of acting juice left in her, as long as she gets projects that actually get produced of course.
Emma is trying to be Natalie Portman. Child actress that was afterwards picky with her roles but almost focused more on political and social activism and building a brand. Which in her case included sucking russian billionaire cock.

I don't know what Daisy is doing. I have none of her non SW movies, I only remember hearing of Marsh Kings Daughter, Chaos Walking and that one that gets memed here where she plays a femcel or something? I hope she does more.

Emilia put in THE WORK. GoT, SW:Solo, Terminator, a bunch of RomComs,... that is work ethic.
Keira was good but the story was pretty meh.
Keira was good (an easy performance to make fun of but I thought she did a great job showing not just mental illness but treatment; in a lot of ways her character was the healthiest of the leads).
Again Keira was great but the other character were not (especially her husband and mistress).
The Amazing Maurice. Amazing cast and based on a Terry Pratchett book. Surprised I never heard of it.
I think Emma has been too picky with her roles. Unless she's doing something more with Prada, I guess her acting retirement is more or less permanent.

Daisy has a Die Hard-esque movie coming out soon, so at least she's branching out.

I actually liked emilia in Terminator.
Emma and Prada? You mean those retarded advertisement vids she's made? Lol. Some acting. Cool about Daisy, though. I wish she'd do a straight up comedy. Her interviews show a good personality and sense of humor.
>but almost focused more on political and social activism
I once thought it was all performative wokeness, but no. She really is vapid enough to think she's making a difference.
Like when she was hiding books on the London trains? God that was lame.
They were probably just thrown away if they weren't used by some hobo as toilet paper.
In a better timeline, Star Wars would have been Daisy's big break. Perhaps it still is, but I feel she could do better than she has.
Shitty take, jesus
Make way for the best thing to come out of the UK
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Like this?
>best thing to come out of the UK
Is the cure for Smallpox behind Ralph Fiennes in a wig?
Probably Daisy, she takes to indie stuff well and will have the most consistent / longest career.
In terms of raw success though Emma / Emilia have her beat for HP & GoT
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>Only one of them has a film grossing over $1b
>She not only has one, she has three
>Across two separate franchises and mediums given one is a musical
Pretending this is a fair competition is dishonest. This is two women of big budget cultural flops vs THE Emma Watson.
I never had a problem with Daisy's performance as Rey; I've always had a problem with the ST writing and increasingly the directing.
I never had a problem with Daisy's performance as Mary Debenham; I've always had a problem with the MOTOE writing and increasingly the directing.
I never had a problem with Daisy's performance as Ophelia; I've always had a problem with the Ophelia writing and increasingly the directing.
I never had a problem with Daisy's performance as Viola; I've always had a problem with the Chaos Walking writing and increasingly the directing.
I never had a problem with Daisy's performance as Fran; I've always had a problem with the Sometimes I Think About Dying writing and increasingly the directing.
I never had a problem with Daisy's performance as the Marsh King's daughter; I've always had a problem with The Marsh King's Daughter writing and increasingly the directing.
I never had a problem with Daisy's performance as Trudy Ederle; I've always had a problem with the Young Woman and the Sea writing and increasingly the directing.
>Marrying the poorest one
Daisy is so fucking gross you people are delusional. The worst thing about nuStar Wars is that it is responsible for plastering her disgusting goblin face everywhere for the past decade.
But you're wrong?
Kill Emma
Marry Emilia
Fuck Daisy
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This. Emma destroys them in every conceivable way.
I'm inclined to agree but >>201751508 raises a good point about Emilia's eyes.
i would literally slaughter trillions of pissraeli children just to kiss Emma's feet
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Found in another thread. Enjoy!
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emma eyes are one of her best features. emilias look indian tier.
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>tfw ywn be able to go back in time to 2013 get a job in a bar in London and ask the cute bartender out on a date and get her to fall in love with you and support her through her dramatic career change and marry her
I stay up at night thinking about this. If only I knew. If I could turn back time.
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I love Emilia and want to have children with her.
>Plain brown
>Viridescent vortices
sounds like pooeye cope to me
Emma made the most money but she got fucked out the most as a high class escort, Clarke is the most well liked but probably the poorest, Ridley is just an escort at this point and neither well liked nor rich.

It's a toss up really.
can you post some up-to-date images of all three? need some clear wall and bog revealing photos
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>Emma Watson is the prettiest
Make no mistake, Daisy purposefully makes herself look ugly by always having the shittiest clothes and hairstyle possible. If she groomed herself like a proper Hollywood megastar she would not be too far off from Natalie Portman tier.
Emma and Daisy are proper actresses.
Emilia has done T&A role in Game of Tits and Ass and is just a trashy coomerbait.
She was the worst thing in her Star Wars
The absolute worst thing about is no babies is possible. Can't make her preggo. Also apparently vegan now? Shieeeet
>Emma made the most money but she got fucked out the most as a high class escort
nice head cannon you virgin
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Fuck, I'm retarded bros. I meant Daisy obviously.
I like her movies, both Sometimes I Think about Dying and Young Woman and the Sea were good. The former more so than the latter. I liked Young Woman but it does have preachy elements while SITaD simply goes on with the story.
if Keira was previous, so was Emma.
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This is something I just don't get. You'll have some pics of her looking incredible, then she goes full frumpy for some retarded photoshoot of red carpet event. Pick some better dresses and hairstylists, FUCK.
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>Fuck, I'm retarded bros
>daisy fan
fits the script
If it wasn't for being forced to see Harry Potter when at school, or for browsing /tv/, I'd have no idea who these people are.
daisy won, the emiliafag never recovered
who the fuck is the third one
I need a new phone background.
Post the best photo of each, and I will judge.
No, this is wrong.

Fuck Emma
Kill Emilia
Marry best girl Daisy
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And this one. >>201753075
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Mogged by Park Rey
/tv/ will always be retarded
This is my go to
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Why are bong women so sexy?
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That's not a woman that's Mercedes AMG-Petronas Formula 1 driver George Russell
thats a really good ass desu. makes up for the zero boobs
>When all is said and done, who has had the best career of this generation?
Eva Green
She still has a decent career going.

Emma has basically quit acting.

Emilia is still appearing in stuff, but not roles that get huge amounts of praise for the performances, or which seem to increase her popularity.

Daisy is still trying with major roles, but Chaos Walking screwed her career, and Disney/Star Wars tied it up for half a decade, and it’s questionable whether the art house dramas she’s been doing will stick, and get her the reputation she needs as a “reliable” actress, for whatever role that might come up.
At least she’s still trying though.

Anya Taylor Joy has so far had her career go way better than all the above (except maybe Eva), in a wide variety of movie genres, and is still getting regular work.
I don't understand why they tried so hard to hide Daisy's fat ass in the Star Wars movies, it's not like having Natalie Portman in a torn uniform waas much of an issue
All of them childless.
One of the barren.
The other is medically braindead.

Our generation's starlets reflect our souls. We're the last men.
Daisy troons will disagree with this truth
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>Chaos Walking screwed her career
Saw it on a plane once, I thought it was alright for YA slop
>Saw it on a plane once, I thought it was alright for YA slop
It was OK, but really not great, especially considering the other major cast members and the director.
It also required major reshoots, and basically sat on a shelf for a few years waiting distribution.
Basically, filming started in Agust 2017 with Doug Liman directing.
Once reshoots were needed, those were finally completed in 2019, by Fede Alvarez.
The film was finally released in 2021, and earned $27million, on a budget estimated to be $100-$125million.
The reshoots costs weren’t that much less than the box office earnings, so the film was likely just dumped during late Covid restrictions, to comply with contractual obligations, and to get the costs off the Studio’s balance sheets.
They can't break into any serious or adult film because they're sexless.
Well not Emilia, but she's just a bad actress.

Emma is permanently entrenched in dork girl territory.
Daisy is forever linked to Disney.

They have to show some grime, show some sign of life, show that it wouldnt be absolutely miserable to hang out with them.
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for me, it's daisy
Never ceases to amaze me how they fail at making run off the mill flicks just run off the mill.
Incel here. Do men actually like sticking their cocks in girls asses? It seems really weird to me.
A fat, musuclar ass like hers is great hold on to, the position or kind of sex you're having is pretty much irrelevant. Plus it always looks good
Because now that KK is in charge, the male gaze leads to the Dark Side of the Force.
I can't speak for anyone else, but I certainly do.
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I don't get the appeal. Why is is better than vagene? Would it not be weird and gross sticking your cock where poop comes from?
Emma is among the most beautiful women to ever live but she’s very boring, Emilia seems fun.
>It's a bit tighter/tight in a different way I guess. Just a nice way to mix things up
>Main reason I had anal was always because it feels really good for her, you can also hit the right spots but from a different way
>Not gross because hygene is a thing
But like the other anon said, appreciating nice asses and anal sex are completey seperate things. A nice ass is great in any position
Women love it because it reminds them of the first time they had sex.
Only tried it a couple of times.
Best way to describe it is that pussy is snug and warm, asshole is tight and hot. Like it doesn't surprise you how tight it is, like a vice on your dick, but how hot it is. First time I did it I remember being there with my dick sitting in the butt and just felt like I was cooking it. It's really hot in there.
Only do it when I want to FUCK the girl, it makes you feel really dominant. I prefer pussy.
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What's each of their best and worst works?
Allows them to use her image on duty free airports
If Keira is previous generation, who is the next/current generation?
Also, who are the American equivalents?
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Thoughts on my Bong List?:
Emma Watson
Keira Knightley
Daisy Ridley
Keeley Hawes
Emily Blunt
Lena Headey
Emilia Clarke
Anna Friel
Felicity Jones
Holly Earl
Siwan Morris
Dafne Keen
Aimee Lou Wood
Camilla Luddington
Emily Mortimer
Sophie Rundle
Polly Walker
Ellen Rose (eceleb)
Kelly Reilly
Natascha McElhone
Hayley Atwell
Elizabeth Hurley
Rachel Weisz
Ella Purnell
Susanna Reid

Who else?
Is this ranked?
No. Its justs random.
So it's just... A list of public figures from Britain...
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It still was she is just bad at picking good movies to be in. Everything I've seen her in sucks. Still haven't seen Sometimes I think about Dying or Woman and the Sea
I've literally spent the entire day at work thinking about which I should fap to this evening after seeing this thread this morning and I still haven't reached a conclusion.
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Emma Watson is such a plain bitch. I don't get the infatuation with her. Maybe you were young when you watched the first HP movie so you have a "school yard" crush on her that never went away, idk.

Daisy Ridley has a tattoo. That shit is a deal breaker for me. Chicks with tattoos look like cheap prostitutes and that's not my thing.

Emilia Clarke wins by default. She had some kind of brain aneurysm and it legit fucked her up, but that just makes her more endearing and vulnerable, and vulnerability in women is sexy. All hail queen Emilia.
Emilia Clarke is a perfect confluence of beauty. She's has just enough jeet DNA to make her look exotic without turning her shitskin brown.

That said, I think Emma Watson is and will always be hotter.
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Emilia is the only one that actually makes any attempt to be sexy. She is the only one who accepts and relishes the fact that she makes men empty their nuts. Emma resents it, Daisy at best tolerates it.
>Emma Watson is such a plain bitch. I don't get the infatuation with her. Maybe you were young when you watched the first HP movie so you have a "school yard" crush on her that never went away, idk.
Basically. She was the first girl that many people were infatuated with, or at least Hermione was, and the Harry Potter movies were safe to watch around family, so you could indulge your crush without letting anyone know, and she grew up along with the viewer, and it's impossible to replicate that kind of scenario without a long running child series. Granted, she's a feminist cunt now, but even considering how benign her actions are, it's not the biggest crush breaker for many. But never meet your heroes, right? Hermione is such a high pedestal that it's impossible for Emma to live up to it.
She was the first person I ever had an orgasm because of/fapped to. She was my PSP wallpaper. Daisy is hotter and Emilia was hotter in her prime but that crush doesn't go away.
She was awful in star wars, driver acted circles around her every time they were together on screen…which was a lot.
She bypassed the compressor anon.
The fact that you wouldnt prone bone Emilia’s fat, khaleesi ass until cum started coming out of her eyes tells me you are in fact a gay man in disguise.
People apparently used to tell my wife that she looked like Emma Watson, I fucking hate Emma Watson.
I personally never really saw the likeness but it used to piss her off when I went off about hownI thought Emma Watson was incredibly mid.

That being said, out of those three I'd probably fuck Emma Watson.
They're all kind of shit honestly.
Skinny Emilia > chubby Emilia.
Her butt can't compete with Daisy.
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Requesting your best/favorite pictures of Emilia Isobel Euphemia Rose Clarke MBE.
Top 5 for me desu:

1. Emma Watson
2. Keira Knightley
3. Keeley Hawes
4. Daisy Ridley
5. Emily Blunt
>Emma is trying to be Natalie Portman. Child actress that was afterwards picky with her roles but almost focused more on political and social activism and building a brand.
OK but Hershlag is a much better actress than she is and besides that Hershlag is able to have a brand based on activism that people somewhat respect because she speaks 5 languages and has a degree in neurobiology from Harvard. She isn't "just" an actress like Emma is
>Last Christmas
This is bait but I'm taking it. Never has such a shitty fucking movie made me so angry. Fuck off.
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All three had very mediocre careers at best, and the only reason you're talking about them is because your dick is lonely.
Well, one of the first steps to get your dick less lonely is to concentrate on women IRL. If you don't know any, think about how to improve on that sad fact.
I did a Biology degree where I was around pretty much only women for 6 years in college and never got a gf.
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TIL Chaos Walking actually got released.
I dont get it. Like do men actually want to stick their cocks in girls asses unironically?
Missing gemma arterton and gemma atkinson.
And the entire female cast of hollyoaks starting with ali bastian.
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>includes Ellen Rose but not Jane Douglas
im not familiar with hollyoaks or eastenders. Its only coronation street I know any of the women from.
Among other things.
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Too Asian looking. Its bongs I like not Asians.
I forgot rachel stevens.
Why though? It seems disgusting to me as an incel. I'd never want to do anything like that.
I don't care.
Sometimes you meet a girl you want to degrade a little, and sometimes they like it too.
Obviously vag feels better.
>I did a Biology degree where I was around pretty much only women for 6 years in college and never got a gf.
Were you involved in activities off the campus with those girls?
Anyways, do you like your degree, did you get a nice job out of it? Biology seems women dominated indeed.
No I wasnt really involved in stuff outside class and labs with those girls apart from rare occasions. god no I fucking hated it and it didn't get me a good job at all.
See >>201760968
>Obviously vag feels better.
A matter of opinion, anon. To me anal is like the best bj, a feeling neither the mouth or pussy can compete with. Of course I like all 3 holes but anal is the best imo.
>No I wasnt really involved in stuff outside class and labs with those girls apart from rare occasions. god no I fucking hated it and it didn't get me a good job at all.
Not to be a party pooper here, but you did it all wrong.
...well, ok, I guess that is obvious by now.

But, see. I did the opposite of what you did. The hottest girl turned out to be interested in me. I was, by weird circumstances, invited to a birthday party of that girl.
I already made sure I could sleep at a buddy's place.
So, I told her "no. I'm fine, my sleeping bag is on a buddy's floor, I don't need to sleep in your beedroom".
...yes. she asked me to sleep in her bedroom.
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A girl in college was in bed with me and asked me if I wanted to have sex and I said "no thanks I don't feel like it". She also got annoyed with me as she said I never stop talking as I kept talking to her all night when she was trying to sleep.I was in my early 20s at the time. I think I might have had autism when I was younger and grew out of it.
>I think I might have had autism when I was younger and grew out of it.
That's a very optimistic take.
The "growing out of it" part.
Anyways, having a smoke outside.
If by a matter of opinion you mean 95% of men know that pussy feels better because it is quite literally designed by nature to feel the best it possibly can in order to milk seed out of you then yeah its a "matter of opinion" for the other 5% of guys.

Anal is nice sometimes, it certainly feels good, but come on man, the degradation and doing something you shouldn't be doing does over half the work, it doesn't actually feel better.
>95% of men know
>Source: my ass
Sure, anon. Whatever you say. Or rather, whatever your ass says.
God is on my side, slippery, tight, pussy beats out O-ring shit abyss every time my man.
I was going to reply with something like that but I figured the analtard wouldnt be open to it.
So if 95% of people prefer a certain ice cream flavor, but I prefer a different ice cream flavor, then my preference is somehow incorrect? Kek. Retarded logic in this board never fails to amuse me.
Ordinarily I'd agree but you're favourite ice cream flavour literally has bits of shit in it.
>doesn't know about enemas
>assumes everyone else is as ignorant as he is
Yep, just another day here on /tv/.
>i-it's totally the best flavour bro
>you just have to prepare 20 hours in advance by not eating and using special colon-cleaning equipment to remove the excrement from it
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Or slave Leia. How far SW has fallen, well over 6 hours of runtime and not one decent shot of Rey's Jakaal.
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>Rey's Jakaal
Thankfully there are other sources of gratification.
It's more like one flavor is made specifically to suit your tastebuds, every aspect of it carefully considered to taste the best possible way, and over millions of years every part of the ice cream that didn't taste the best possible way it could was ditched and replaced by superior versions.

Now you come in and say "ya naw i dont like that give me the ice cream with feces in it"

I did not really think slave Leia was that hot.
UK women have the most aesthetic faces
McKayla is not impressed with your spergy behavior anon. It's a thread about Emma, Emilia, and/or Daisy, not your autism.
She was hot but Carrie Fisher's problem was that she was too skinny because of dieting and cocaine abuse.
That ab flex gets me every time.
God I wish that webm followed her up the stairs. The fapping would know no end.
Then maybe you shouldnt go on spergy tangents about why anal is your favourite and just stfu?
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Wild hot nasty Sith sex with Daisy
Extremely passionate throat slitting with Hermoine
Sexy, adventurous, pleasureful and child-free marriage with Emilia
the true winner of this generation was Emma Stone
Yes, that one. Neat she was in an adaptation of a Terry Pratchett book.
Emilia's eyes are beautiful.
She is 1/8th Indian after all
Rate my modern UK kinowaifu?
Swap out Emilia Clarke for Keeley and I’d say it’s fantastic
Does Emilia still trigger the tranny janny?

>tfw you remember when /ECG/ damn near broke /tv/
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Keeley is pretty hot desu
the absolute delusional state of daisyfags thinking she could even come close to hershlag (one of the most beautiful women of all time)
All of these women including Keira are millennials.
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>ass like this due to her training for the movie
>hide it from the world in said movie
For what purpose?
Absolutely perfect nose, I wish we got to see more of her profile.
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>(one of the most beautiful women of all time)
Hersh looks incredible, but that also applies to Daisy.
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maybe in an essex club at 3 am
Winona > Keira > Daisy > Portman
Sorry kids, I don't make the rules
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I mean not to sound like a fag but...do you see that dress? She obviously has zero fashion sense.
Daisy is pretty...she's just very...British
The problem is her piece of shit haircut. Doesn't suit her at all
Ralph Fiend wish he was that hot
I dont get herschlag fags.
the fuck is that guy on his knees doing?
Doesn’t matter . AI will make celebrities irrelevant in 50-70 years
Never said she wasn’t but not in my top 5
Penis inspections, I don’t allow other men within 25 feet of my wife Daisy.
Sniffing some teen cooter it looks like.
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Bigger version of what I posted. Thanks for the upgrade, anon. Saved.
mos def
>maybe in an essex club at 3 am
I fucking told you that you're not worth a reply....
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/tv/ will seethe at this but Zendaya too. Both seem to be in everything these days.
Kill Emma (pro troon feminist, "self-paired")
Marry Emilia (she can have kids)
Fuck Daisy
>it's a little taboo so spices things up in that way.
>it takes more work not only getting it in there but convincing her to go for it and so feels like an accomplishment.
>both the initial pain/discomfort and the later pleasure she experiences effects her more so that vaginal sex so she'll squeal and shudder more.
>you can cum balls deep in her with little worry of pregnancy.
Based backdoor!anon.
I love Emilia so much bros
>Emma (pro troon feminist, "self-paired")
What will Emma do when female spaces have been taken over by penised individuals? When every lesbian bar and yoga studio is in the majority former men? What will she say when all of women's sports records are scattered by beings whose bodies were infused by testosterone? Will she still support them then? As a traitor to her own gender?
what do you care leave her to her own demise
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>bong women thread up all day
Good to see.
cute bunny
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the real ingerland rose
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end yourself
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Did someone say bunny? Bunny!Emma is confused.
I'm hirohito-conscious. Her beauty radies anyhow.
Before she waxed her beautiful hairy arms yeah.
And the twist ending was actually really good and bittersweet.
more bunnies
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>I rabbit
Imagine sodomizing her while she's dressed like this and screaming up a storm because she can't stop herself from cumming.
Emma Watson. Everybody is gonna forget Nu Star Wars, Game of Thrones, and the shitty Terminator remake. I don't think people will ever forget Harry Potter, plus she had a couple other roles like Perks of Being A Wallflower and Little Women. Daisy Ridley was in like 3 movies recently that were forgotten as soon as they got released.
Harry Potter was twenty some years ago, and Emma is unlikely to be involved in any future projects for the IP. She might have been a multi-generational sex symbol, but those generations are aging out. Her fame is fading fast.
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>that sagging neck
It's over
Is that what she wears when promoting her booze with her brother?
yes, they have a... very close relationship. it's why she'll never marry
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you're on crack
ehhhhh don't even joke about this. i'm still thinking on how to break through to my parents that not only am I a lame loser but the daughter thinks she's a dyke
She looked so much like a fairytale princess in this dress and heels.
why is she smug
Because she's best Emma.
My other bunny!Emma pic is too big to post. :(
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this one?
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No, that's actually mouse!Emma from the Tales of Despereaux premiere. Picrel is a thumbnail I found; my image exceeds the 4mb limit.
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>Tales of Despereaux
Yep, that's the event. Legs. Yummy.
Where are you finding these pictures? I get banned from the discord if I post any of this stuff
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4mb pic must be huge
sexo lego
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I used to have a huge Emma pic collection that I gathered while stuck at home during COVID. The hard drive it's on is damaged. If I ever get the data recovered I'll be sure to post zips on mega so other anons can get them since most of the celeb pic sites are closed now. Weird the discord would ban you? I've never been in one but Emma pics would seem to be on topic.
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Yeah alot of the sites with uncompressed pictures are gone for most celebs, the few sites left that i've found all compressed everything down to 2000-3000 pixel jpgs to save space, it's really a shame. I wish I had saved more years ago. you can find misc stuff here and there on rando sites but the complete archives with full res pics are gone.
You should take that to a specialist and post it in the hr thread you if you do have the good stuff on there. that's as precious as gold since it doesn't exist anymore.
who are those swag fucks in the masks, the fuck is this for
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Yeah, I did that with some other celebs last year and shared the links on /hr/. The anons who grabbed them seemed to like them. Some popular celebs like Keira Knightley and Natalie Portman, some rare r ones like Carrie Fisher Erin Grey, and the women from Downton Abbey. My Emma collection was about 40gb so too big without paying for mega storage space. The hard drive is at a data recovery place and they're trying to save it. most of the Mega zip files should still be active if you want to look for them. I might be able to find the list I'd posted if I get a minute.
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I found the list:

Keira Knightley folder is 2.9GB with 4,884 files

Carrie Fisher 1.86G 1051 files

Erin Grey 250MB

Jennifer Lawrence 1.7GB 3354 files

Marilyn Monroe 214MB

Natalie Portman 3.68G 5313 files

Sandra Bullock 430MB

Yuja Wang 1.78G 2607 files

There's also Daisy Ridley but I need to find those links (2 zips ). Small Katy Perry too. Maybe more? I don't remember. Will post again if I find more.
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Daisy got split into 2 zip files so each would be under Mega's 4gb limit for free d/l.
Daisy Ridley 2015-2018
Red carpet and tv appearances 2015-2018

Daisy Ridley 2019-2023 and Misc
Red carpet and tv appearances 2019-2023, plus magazine shoots and candids 2015-2023
Deathly Hallows part one premiere. Those are Death Eaters. You sure you're an Emma fan, anon?
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dont really remember the masks desu
She used to be so insanely cute.
It's strictly a fetish where the "pleasure" comes from the domination / humiliating side for the man and submissiveness / degrading for the woman. The pleasure is psychological rather than physical. Anyone who tells you their cock feels better inside a woman's ass than her vagina is lying to you (usually as a defense to justify their perversion), and most people who try it once or twice don't really care to try again.
It's missing Naomi Scott
british women, not shit-ish
Emma has had a shit career.
she is a british caramel goddess
I need more of her in this dress

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