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File: 1481762744219.png (840 KB, 1100x732)
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Wallpapers that give you a feeling of melancholy. Could be pretty much anything that gives you that feeling.
85 replies and 77 images omitted. Click here to view.
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Dark fantasy thread
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I like this one, thanks
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I'll post what I;ve got, I've gotten rather bored of them and want some new ones
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Check out this other thread while you can, it's about to hit the bump limit: >>7981387
thanks brah, I didnt see it because I didnt have the aspect ratio memorized, probably should have just looked it up
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w i d e

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Rate hate appreciate, and remember; have fun with it.

Old Thread: >>8055857
305 replies and 91 images omitted. Click here to view.
I'd have more room If I put my desk up against the wall but then if anyone walked into my room they'd see what I'm doing which includes reading hentai or looking at Porn (Not to jerk off)
why is the black level so high
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i was just too tired of my usual rgbtq vibes.

looks good this way anon

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Had my 27th birthday. Post the 27th wallpaper in your folder.
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Happy birthday. 27 was a tough year for me, hope yours will go better.
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Crusader tank by usage of A.I.
Great film. Charlie Chaplin at his finest.
Ah yes, Julius caesar telling mark anthony to "Swivel on this, muthafukka"
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2340x1080 wallpapers
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Hard to believe I found the fucking faggot who didn't like those wallpapers.
Make that two, fuck this AI generated slop

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Looking for more Mess up Disney wallpapers
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this thread would have made 10 year old me kill himself
The bloody horror.

Nice 2x dubs, by the way.
You are one evil fucker, you know that?

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Let's get a retro synthwave thread going! Phone papes preferred
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> original PNG
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Gondola thread (OC Edition)
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Bumping to keep this thread alive.
C'mon anons.
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random gondolinos
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Keith Ebin :DDDD

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Im moving to the city in a few days and Im nervous as fuck (grew up in a small town, first apartment by myself)

send me some cityscapes to hype me please
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post some bums, more accurate
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It has been two years anon, how is city life?
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I took this pic myself this morning. Just wanting to have a visual comparison for my stuff vs the professional stuff.

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Nice, but those fairings on the lowers are ugly

Any other examples?

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9 replies and 3 images omitted. Click here to view.
Looks nice
i'm pretty sure i have the (original) pic you refer to on my x230. when i'm home, i will post it here just so you can save it.
great job on the remake tho
Is that Odo's home planet?
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I made another one
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Also made this

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No /html-css/?! Cozy holidays edition

>What are startpages?
Startpages (in the context of this thread) are locally hosted webpages (as in, the files are on your computer - not a server somewhere) that serve as the homepage or new tab page for a browser. They generally contain some number of links to frequently visited sites as the main element; search bars, clocks, calendars and other embedded items are usually added as secondary elements.

>What browser are you using?
If you can't tell what browser it is, it's probably Firefox, you can theme Firefox using Stylus and finding themes on the Firefox tag of Userstyles.
Otherwise if you won't upgrade there's always Chrome, you can ~slightly~ customize it using Chrome Theme Maker. Vivaldi has custom CSS settings too in a native way.


---Discord link---

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
167 replies and 50 images omitted. Click here to view.
Oh I like this, a lot. Although I don't like some dashes being in there and some others not
Wallpaper, please?
File: dunes.jpg (1.77 MB, 3840x2400)
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Which one lol there are like 10 or 11 different backgrounds in that webm. It's to showcase all the styles I made. The first one?

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67 replies and 67 images omitted. Click here to view.
File: Duran Duran - Rio.jpg (264 KB, 2560x1440)
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came here just for this album, thank you
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