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/wg/ - Wallpapers/General

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Just made this.
And here's a flipped version in case you prefer the characters in the foreground to be on the other side.
love swampy
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Hey, Hulk being dead gave us Immortal Hulk so it's not all that bad, but still, current runs are pretty bad, i've heard Immortal Thor is good but i don't like Thor enough to check it out
Immortal Hulk was Marvel's Swamp Thing, more or less. Maybe not as good but it's up there.
I also haven't read Immortal Thor but Simonson's Thor is honestly pretty good if you're into fantasy. I'm just more of a sci-fi guy.

Blue and Orange wallpapers
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oh, so it's fake and or heavily edited. figures
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Fuck you Broncos fan, here's a Silver and Black wallpaper!

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All things Star Trek
Ultrawide is a plus
Got a new 3840 x 1080 monitor that needs something other than default wallpapers.
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> PNG (6.8 MB)

What the ever-loving fuck are you on about?

Virtually nothing about what they're saying is even somewhat wrong, so why do they need to question their position? If anything, the people who respond to them are the ones deflecting and unable to handle any "cold hard reality".

These anti-woke bitchboys can't handle that the world is leaving them behind and are hilariously - and embarrassingly - intimidated and threatened by anything that isn't a straight white male, so they're crying and whining about Star Trek, Star Wars, Doctor Who, and every other goddamn franchise in the world being "woke". Either that, or they're pissing their Man!Pampers about canon being "broken" or "ruined", when in reality, they probably couldn't give two shits about it. If they do actually care that much, that's almost as hilariously pathetic.

No "strawmen", no "generalizations", or any other dismissive internet buzzwords you wanna throw in there; they're not making this shit up. There's quantifiable proof to back up their arguments up.

Get a goddamn grip. You're making jackasses of yourselves, and unless that's your kink, I don't think you're meaning to do so.
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>There's quantifiable proof to back up their arguments up.
Show me.

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citys under a blanket of snow or images of snow falling in a city

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Thread #9. An anon in the last thread suggested /catharsis/ and I like it. What do you guys think?

All are welcome here.

Previous: >>7995487
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You sound like me 8 years ago when I was depressed. You really don't have to "achieve" anything amazing to find fulfillment in your life. My biggest problem was that I kept trying to achieve things that other people expected of me. What works for me might not nessecarily work for you, but I found a job that I care about and took on a couple of hobbies and now I feel fulfilled.
I look at >>8057043 who has the things that I currently desire in my own life, but at the same time sounds less satisfied with their life than I am with mine.
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A few years ago I would've said Roxie, but I've just come to the realisation that I've moved on
hey neighbor
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I think I might have pedophilic obsessive compulsive disorder and it's torturing me on the inside. I'm seeing a psychiatrist in a couple weeks about depression and I'm terrified to bring it up with her. I have this irrational fear that I'm going to get arrested and they're going to find shit on my PC and my life will be ruined. I don't know how I feel and I'm scared I'm just delusional and lying to myself because everyone around me who shared the same interests wound up being fucked in the head.
Sorry, maybe this is too heavy for this thread but I can't exactly tell anyone else.
New: >>8071327

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Even though i live quite near the tropic of cancer and carry pure and perfect hatred for hot weather, summer, the mosquitoes which it brings, the sweat...i can go on but i also have awe for the Desert.

I love it's aesthetic beauty, the fight which the creatures and plant life which inhabit it carry against death foretold by nature itself. I love the desert, please help me expand my collection.
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aurora borealis
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they sure are beautiful, hopefully I'll see one with my own eyes someday :')

beautiful thread anons, got to download tons of papes
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Hi /wg
I am looking to acquire 3840x1080 for a dual 1080p setup.
Anything goes aside from nsfw, ecchi is okay.
Resolution that can also be added:
8102 x 2196
7680 x 2160
5120 x 1440
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she's a big gal
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Chess paintings or chess wallpaper
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Only have a few pointillism wallpapers, but I'm going to post what I have. Post pointillism if you have them.
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Just these three very specific categories.
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Inspired by another poster who dropped a bunch of wallpapers from 4chan's /wg/ pre-2010ish.

Lost my old wallpaper folder from that era.
Lots of 4:3 papes to follow.
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It's tempting to get a small vintage monitor just to try out all these old papes I collected but then again I can always upscale & expand them to HD widescreen using AI.
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u think haruko and naota ever had did the fooly cooly
>Lots of 4:3 papes to follow.


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Does anyone have the wallpaper of the murdoch murdoch trio as anime characters with a swastika in the background?

Cleaned my PC and deleted the photo accidently. The Murdoch-Murdoch.net site is down so I cant download it again.

Thanks in advance if anyone has the image to post!
This is not wallpaper but you'd like it.


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looking for wallpapers that have given you some kind of inspiration, be it quotes or just images
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You've just climbed a really tall mountain, you're now patting yourself on the back on that windy and narrow pinnacle for a job well done, only to find yourself presented with an absolutely world-class view of an even taller mountain in the distance...

Truly there's a fine line between inspiring and soul-crushing...

...said almost every uppity angry self-entitled out-of-control black american person right before they get their worldview rocked as they get their sorry ignorant ass quite rightly tased, arrested, and thrown in jail for committing one or more actual crimes... all while repeatedly screaming that they "can't breathe" and that they "didn't do nothing"...

At least according to countless unedited bodycam videos posted online anyway...

Wonder if anyone's ever done a serious study on the correlation between the widespread use of double negatives under stress, minimal education, an overblown sense of entitlement, and sheer overt stupidity... that's gotta be worth a Ph.D. surely?

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