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/wg/ - Wallpapers/General

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File: orthodox-icon-wallpaper-1.png (1.33 MB, 1920x1080)
1.33 MB
1.33 MB PNG
Orthodox Christianity Papes
11 replies and 10 images omitted. Click here to view.
File: Russia9.jpg (473 KB, 2000x986)
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473 KB JPG
File: sovl.jpg (2.1 MB, 2500x1557)
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2.1 MB JPG
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467 KB JPG
File: HagiaSophia.jpg (313 KB, 2048x1365)
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313 KB JPG

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2.17 MB PNG
Some comfy bedroom art
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File: 1655818496701.jpg (552 KB, 3840x2160)
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552 KB JPG
Good thread
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496 KB JPG
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2.87 MB PNG
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1.18 MB JPG

File: ordenador.jpg (54 KB, 1680x1050)
54 KB
Solarized wallpapers.
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File: cheatsheetdarkmode.png (291 KB, 3178x2245)
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291 KB PNG
more dark themed
File: romanbleedsolarized.png (16 KB, 1920x1080)
16 KB
File: GITSSolariced.png (38 KB, 2560x1440)
38 KB
File: deb.jpg (333 KB, 1920x1080)
333 KB
333 KB JPG
I actually found the term "solarized" as one of the console styles.
File: Fractal del dragon 4k.png (2.66 MB, 5120x2880)
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2.66 MB PNG
Dragon curve/fractal

File: atl 1.jpg (4.04 MB, 5851x3901)
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4.04 MB JPG
sup /wg/, im tryna move to GA sometime next year.

looking for any related papes, anything from metro ATL to the beautiful ecology is appreciated..!
199 replies and 168 images omitted. Click here to view.
File: Congrats Grads.jpg (899 KB, 3665x2061)
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899 KB JPG
File: Seminary Wood.jpg (3.39 MB, 3317x3317)
3.39 MB
3.39 MB JPG
File: Savannah Waterfront.jpg (5.27 MB, 2944x1964)
5.27 MB
5.27 MB JPG
>Original size 4500x3003

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496 KB PNG
Share some prog rock wallpapers, new or old, or anything music-related if you want too
89 replies and 79 images omitted. Click here to view.
File: Jardin de la Croix.jpg (488 KB, 2828x1885)
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488 KB JPG
File: Jardin de la Croix 2.jpg (474 KB, 3000x2000)
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474 KB JPG
File: Jardin de la Croix 3.jpg (424 KB, 3000x2000)
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File: allen-white-randomenc5-2.jpg (490 KB, 1920x1920)
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490 KB JPG
>A fun tribute piece. Follows my "if you can make it look like a Prog Rock album cover, you should" rule.
File: r.jpg (1.48 MB, 3840x2160)
1.48 MB
1.48 MB JPG

I know I’m breaking the rules by not posting more. BUT please I have looked far and wide for a good high quality pape of some hydrangea flowers. Please help
212 replies and 199 images omitted. Click here to view.
File: Letter From Hydrangea.jpg (711 KB, 1920x1356)
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711 KB JPG
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2.06 MB JPG

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532 KB JPG
post papes with cans
95 replies and 89 images omitted. Click here to view.
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131 KB JPG
File: vocaloid.png (829 KB, 1920x1080)
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829 KB PNG
File: evan-headphone.jpg (402 KB, 2048x1152)
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File: Running in the park.jpg (3.26 MB, 2560x1920)
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3.26 MB JPG
>19 MB

Welcome to /wg/'s videogames general thread, /vgg/ for short.

Post any wallpapers here for whatever you're currently playing, a game you like. Or whatever you want to share as long as it's video game related.

Other related threads:

Previous Thread:
296 replies and 258 images omitted. Click here to view.
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248 KB JPG
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368 KB JPG
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119 KB JPG
File: mega.png (28 KB, 1920x1080)
28 KB
I love this, I made a quick 1920x1080 version on photoshop

File: mahjong 1.jpg (273 KB, 1920x1080)
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273 KB JPG
Trying to revamp my summer folder but there's a few things I consider to have a summer vibe and I think not all people agree with me on that. But one of those things is classic games such as chess, go, etc., card games, dice, most things related to gambling, etc.

So instead of trying to start a thread with many topics that *I* consider summer-y, I guess it would be really nice to collect more wallpapers related to classic games, casino games, poker, or anything along those lines, or even board games more broadly... even billiards, darts... just any summer-y game that is also not a video game, and not a sport that involves a field... Not sure how to explain it but I think you might get the idea...
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File: dogs playing poker.jpg (454 KB, 1920x1080)
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454 KB JPG
File: Poker.jpg (823 KB, 1920x1080)
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823 KB JPG
File: Lawn Chess.jpg (2.1 MB, 2592x1458)
2.1 MB
2.1 MB JPG
saved thanks but I don't have any to contribute except a bump
File: IMG_0081.jpg (1.61 MB, 3000x2000)
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1.61 MB JPG

File: 1586569110557_Original.jpg (52 KB, 1280x800)
52 KB
Since the reboot is right around the corner drop your Futurama-related papes
143 replies and 103 images omitted. Click here to view.
File: anastasiya-razhkova-.jpg (528 KB, 1920x1080)
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528 KB JPG
File: Turanga Leela.jpg (4.97 MB, 4608x3072)
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4.97 MB JPG
whatever "artist" made this should be shot
complete and total garbage

File: 499a93c1a9f0.jpg (322 KB, 980x1225)
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322 KB JPG
women in skirt
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406 KB JPG
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890 KB JPG
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590 KB JPG
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2.61 MB JPG
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615 KB JPG

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571 KB JPG
Looking for more Mess up Disney wallpapers
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File: ogimage_top.png (853 KB, 2400x1260)
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853 KB PNG

Does it count if it's canon?
File: Shark Ariel.jpg (613 KB, 1750x1245)
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613 KB JPG
File: 1718680807891.jpg (5.79 MB, 8256x5504)
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5.79 MB JPG
File: Disney Death Battle.jpg (2.87 MB, 3033x970)
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2.87 MB JPG

Whatever ya got
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398 KB JPG
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2.73 MB JPG
File: Carcharodon Carcharias.jpg (271 KB, 1100x1920)
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271 KB JPG
File: Wallpaper (20).jpg (239 KB, 1920x1080)
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239 KB JPG

please post everything you got
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File: 17122051.jpg (485 KB, 1920x1080)
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485 KB JPG
File: TheVisit.jpg (2.65 MB, 2560x1440)
2.65 MB
2.65 MB JPG

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882 KB JPG
Anything from cold war-era Asia, bonus points for Chinese shit
19 replies and 15 images omitted. Click here to view.
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1012 KB JPG
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673 KB JPG
File: Cultural Revolution 2.jpg (640 KB, 1337x1313)
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640 KB JPG

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