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/wg/ - Wallpapers/General

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Im moving to the city in a few days and Im nervous as fuck (grew up in a small town, first apartment by myself)

send me some cityscapes to hype me please
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post some bums, more accurate
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It has been two years anon, how is city life?
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I took this pic myself this morning. Just wanting to have a visual comparison for my stuff vs the professional stuff.

I recently joined the ThinkPad cult, give me some more stuff
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What external keyboard?
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Também sou do Brasil e tenho um thinkpad :)
o meu é um x200
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My Thinkpad.

Preferably high contrast
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straight up porn
Black and yellow dials are just pure class.
open that image stand back from the monitor and squint your eyes.
It looks like a black rabbit
That's a photo of me. I am the one on the right

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Nice, but those fairings on the lowers are ugly

Any other examples?

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Looks nice
i'm pretty sure i have the (original) pic you refer to on my x230. when i'm home, i will post it here just so you can save it.
great job on the remake tho
Is that Odo's home planet?
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I made another one
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Also made this

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Dumping some mountain still from the videos I took in the alps.
All the images are OC, but post anything mountain related.
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Where's this?
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San Pedro de Atacama, Chile

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No /html-css/?! Cozy holidays edition

>What are startpages?
Startpages (in the context of this thread) are locally hosted webpages (as in, the files are on your computer - not a server somewhere) that serve as the homepage or new tab page for a browser. They generally contain some number of links to frequently visited sites as the main element; search bars, clocks, calendars and other embedded items are usually added as secondary elements.

>What browser are you using?
If you can't tell what browser it is, it's probably Firefox, you can theme Firefox using Stylus and finding themes on the Firefox tag of Userstyles.
Otherwise if you won't upgrade there's always Chrome, you can ~slightly~ customize it using Chrome Theme Maker. Vivaldi has custom CSS settings too in a native way.


---Discord link---

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Oh I like this, a lot. Although I don't like some dashes being in there and some others not
Wallpaper, please?
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Which one lol there are like 10 or 11 different backgrounds in that webm. It's to showcase all the styles I made. The first one?

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-No cosplay
-Background should have an upper class aurora to it
-No hyper sexual poses
-Keep it high res
-Landscape preferred
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No. that's the low class that had to do bondage shit to her loan shark, not a high class babe, wife of the loan shark's boss
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came here just for this album, thank you
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Alright guys, I gotta bit of an odd one this time.

I've been playing a lot of games about being underground, mining, and digging holes. So I want everything related to that. Gimme pickaxes, dwarves, train tracks in tunnels, mine carts, Minecraft, torches on walls, gemstones, Deep Rock Galactic, ore veins, crystals in caves, dark caves, cave creatures, coal, anything and everything that says "I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole."
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Anyone remember this game?
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There you go, fellow autist.
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Suicide Girl Thread
-High-ish Res Please
-no AMATEUR OP (good quality is okay)
-Landscape Preferred
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This thread has been in my watcher for weeks, bump.
damn, /wg/ is truly a slow board. Which is great. I hope you asked her out anon.
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I really like these one's, i don't know why but it's always chairs and beds in spaceship windows that i really enjoy, or bridges (pic related)

I just like the idea to go into the darkest corner of the galaxy, go low radar and power, sit down, and enjoy the view of the universe with nothing and nobody to disturb me.
Anon, you should check out when this thread was made
It's still live.

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Lookin for the best of the best quality wallpapers of gal gadot for the phone, no wonder women stuff, that’s to easy to find
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Everything Dune related goes here. Movie and book related, games, whatever- bring it.
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Weirdly specific, but I’m looking to make a custom mtg play mat with a cozy tavern/inn vibe. Hoping for something high quality that won’t look awful when it’s printed.
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