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/wg/ - Wallpapers/General

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All things Star Trek
Ultrawide is a plus
Got a new 3840 x 1080 monitor that needs something other than default wallpapers.
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Always nice to have something new to put on your CRT.
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I wish someone would fund a high resolution high refresh rate modern 4:3 monitor
You can access old threads and images using archives like this one:
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Natsoc Phone Wallpapers
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>half the contributions are chuds or coomerposting
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I just made this one, here's a bump
Modern nazis don't exist. They're just coomers and terminally online mental cases wearing the awsthetics like a mask. Old nazis were based, but the ideology died in the cold war, at best

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Lets get some more socialist wallpapers, I got a new laptop I gotta radicalize.
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anyone got some more sovietwave?
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Anyone got some phone wallpapers? Particularly ones that showcase cool architecture

Drop your homescreens. Rate, hate, appreciate.
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Would also need pape please
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Buy a photo frame if you want to stare at pretty pictures so much
can you invite? or how could I get it to look like yours? looks cool man

Alright we got a month till year of the snake.
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Let's get a cheeseburger thread going. I'm hungry but don't get to eat for about seven more hours.
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Heart of Chernobyl is out!

Let's celebrate with a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. thread.
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>Heart of Chernobyl
>Chernobyl NPP isn't even in the game

You go inside it at the very end via a new route not seen in the previous games and spent all your time in the sublevels and interior. You just don't get to go outside.
That was inside the NPP? I thought that was just some small building on the outskirts of Pripyat or was under the generators. Even so, you don't get to see the reactor building itself.
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natsoc desktop thread
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AfD is ancap and hates Hitler.
So, you acted on the assumption that the person is evil because someone told you to hate that label, acted yourself as an evil person, then you tell everyone "as long as they don't fight back we'll be alright".
Replace the "nazi looking guy" with any other label, like a Muslim migrant or something, and realize you acted like a bigot.
Was the guy actually doing anything? Or was his crime just to "look nazi"?

Mental illness is what this is.
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tolerating intolerance is a one-way towards intolerance so fuck you and get punched you filthy rotten nazi
>jackets with symbols and stuff
learn to read, not only you're a retrograde but also a retard
>and that Nazi's name? Albert Einstein

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Let's get a retro synthwave thread going! Phone papes preferred
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Hello Goyim,
I was hoping you guys could help me find one specific pape. It was my background for years, and I got it from /wg/. It was sort of pink synthwave, retro feel like the pic in attached, had windows 95 logos, some kind of beer bottles, counterstrike stuff I think, maybe a nintendo gameboy? All with that washed out and glitchy aesthetic. I really liked that pape and I cant find it on my hard drive :(
>It was sort of pink synthwave, retro feel like the pic in attached, had windows 95 logos, some kind of beer bottles, counterstrike stuff I think, maybe a nintendo gameboy?
Like this?
Exactly that. Thank you so much brother, I appreciate it significantly.
It's all good m8
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I recently fell in love with Akira Toriyama's artwork through playing Dragon Quest, I found his illustrations super charming and would like a similar vibe for a wallpaper, got any?
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First an explanation of the categories, search them by putting () between. Sometimes there can be a combination of two like (dark act) for example:

> scene - Sceneries from landscapes, nature, colorscapes, villages, singular houses and roadscapes
> city - Modern cityscapes, streets.
> abstract - Includes both logo/simple backgrounds and abstract stuff that's too indiscernible to be a scenery.
> synthwave - Outrun and retrowave stuff, can include retro cars/technologies too given if there's enough synthwave aesthetics/colors.
> cyberpunk - Cyberpunk stuff
> vaporware - A blend of vaporware hyper-stylized artworks/collages and sceneries with vaporwave retro aesthetics/colors.
> scifi - Includes both sci-fi cities and technologies and space stuff.

> car
> plane
> boat - Includes warships, carriers and old navel ships.

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So, what's the password?

No password, url includes key.
Thanks, you can find all of the one's I compiled so far here:

Hiroshi Nagai: https://lensdump.com/a/v1lOe/?sort=title_asc&page=1
Eizin Suzuki: https://lensdump.com/a/LwUCq/?sort=title_asc&page=1
Bumping this thread
Woah, a 4000 wallpaper collection?

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Recently fell in love with 7 Remake and I will share some screenshots I took that coudl fit as wallpapers.
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I liked it as well.
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in honor of rebirth pc drop

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Found an a folder on an old computer full of sailing pics.
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One of my favs. Men of a different era
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William Gibson met his wife when his friend brought her home one night, fucked her brain's out while he listened and then he made them breakfast in the morning. No shit he was a total degenerate.

Also that anon calling it "tranny punk" is a fucking retard, but a lot of what's being posted here is more in line with dieselpunk than cyber.
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