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KINO screenshots from the 4K upscale.
they're 2.39:1 which is roughly Ultrawide 21:9, bust most of them center-crop nicely to 16:9
89 replies and 88 images omitted. Click here to view.
that's all for Arc 1. I'll dump the rest another day.

i checked and couldn't find a painting thread, so gimmie your favourite paintings! let's keep it to traditional media, so no digital works

name of the artist/work would be appreciated, either in file name or post
238 replies and 215 images omitted. Click here to view.
i've always loved these painting
glad i could find the name here
there's something magical about these cozy late evening/night markets
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I'm here with a humble request for an image I've seen on this board a few years ago and have been looking for since...I don't see a strictly request thread currently or I'd take it there.

It's an impressionist painting of a DJ renegade. It looked like there were 3 lads in front of a set of speakers and a DJ on the decks in an English countryside. Soft, springtime yellowish green mostly, very similar to most of the classic pastoral afternoon color pallettes I see in this thread.
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fixed it for you

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Like the Samsung Flip 6 or Motorola Razr 50 or that new Huawei Mate XT one

Let me start with a couple of examples
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Wallpapers that give you a feeling of melancholy. Could be pretty much anything that gives you that feeling.
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Dark fantasy thread
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I like this one, thanks
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I'll post what I;ve got, I've gotten rather bored of them and want some new ones
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Check out this other thread while you can, it's about to hit the bump limit: >>7981387
thanks brah, I didnt see it because I didnt have the aspect ratio memorized, probably should have just looked it up
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w i d e

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Rate hate appreciate, and remember; have fun with it.

Old Thread: >>8055857
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what camera and lighting did you use?
I'd have more room If I put my desk up against the wall but then if anyone walked into my room they'd see what I'm doing which includes reading hentai or looking at Porn (Not to jerk off)
why is the black level so high
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i was just too tired of my usual rgbtq vibes.

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give me gigantic things
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oops, ment for this post
Man, I liked ECHO. It had some seriously questionable design choices, and it was slow as molasses at times, but it had an unimpeachable art style and felt like nothing else.
Space elevators would probably be insanely impractical but I find them cool
What a jolly people
I get that you mean there are very different approaches but pretending that "science fantasy" is an agreed upon and commonly used distinction is wrong. The only somewhat commonly used distinction are sci-fi and hard sci-fi. There are of course other descriptors, but these are mainly used by writers and readers of specific subgenres, not the broad masses. It's kinda like with metal genres.

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Had my 27th birthday. Post the 27th wallpaper in your folder.
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Happy birthday. 27 was a tough year for me, hope yours will go better.
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Crusader tank by usage of A.I.
Great film. Charlie Chaplin at his finest.
Ah yes, Julius caesar telling mark anthony to "Swivel on this, muthafukka"
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2340x1080 wallpapers
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Hard to believe I found the fucking faggot who didn't like those wallpapers.
Make that two, fuck this AI generated slop

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Fuck, leaves are finally becoming brown and dry, Autumn's coming. And you know what happens after Autumn?

That's right, Winter.

Let's have a Winter thread. BUT! Here is the catch. All of the Winter threads are focused on a cozy, cute vibe. Getting good wallpapers there is a challenging task, as you scroll through the garbage christmasy feelsgood bullshit. I want none of that. So here are the rules:

– No signs of humanity can be visible (roads, buildings, electricity).
– No humans can be visible (animals, plants, or digital fantasy characters are okay).
– The picture must have a harsh or semi-harsh and non-inviting vibe.
– Forests, mountains, bodies of water – everything is fine as long as it satisfies the criteria mentioned above.
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good thread
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Looking for more Mess up Disney wallpapers
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this thread would have made 10 year old me kill himself
The bloody horror.

Nice 2x dubs, by the way.
You are one evil fucker, you know that?

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Fuck the heat, I'm ready for fall. Post your favorite autumnal wallpapers.
I'm mainly looking for nature/landscapes, but anything with a fall feel will do.
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Dread getting the mail every day but living there would be so worth it.
how has it been a fucking year already. time is moving too fast...
Who gets mail every day?

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Let's get a retro synthwave thread going! Phone papes preferred
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> original PNG
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