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Hey everyone! Can we get an OSRS thread going? Ive been playing since 2005 and its my favorite game but i dont have any papes for it. 2560x1600 preferred but anything thats 1080+ goes.
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After all these years...
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I regret so fucking much selling my account im gonna cry
Love the underground pass so much.
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Post papes to worship Celeb Goddesses
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who's that?
I found out myself, it's Elison Brie
Alison Brie*
Haha, this photo changed my life at 14.

Old pictures of cities prior to Y2K.
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I've got some solid old photos that could be turned into wallpapers, if that's acceptable?
>if that's acceptable?

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Im moving to the city in a few days and Im nervous as fuck (grew up in a small town, first apartment by myself)

send me some cityscapes to hype me please
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Why? Where would you post this shit? kek
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Solarized wallpapers.
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Got kinda annoyed at how the colors and wedge shapes weren't quite right in this one, so I made my own take on it.
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And here's a light version for all the psychos.
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Anything that, in your mind, represents a duality. Please keep it safe for work.
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thanks anon
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spring edition
previous thread >>8004686
there are probably going to be reposts from the previous thread in here but i will do my best to share new papes
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This is such a great thread, thank you OP, and everyone contributing. I saved a dozen and I fell in love with >>8051869 this artist.
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i love vickisigh to death, even though she has same-face syndrome pretty bad sometimes
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Fortunately, her same-face has a great symmetrical vibe. Thank you for introducing her to me, anon!

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Had my 27th birthday. Post the 27th wallpaper in your folder.
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wouldn't mind getting fucked by a man that looked like that
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Happy bday
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greatest political photos ever
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i think it's really funny when editors hide silly messages like this
>Now I wonder who “they” are

"They" are the same people who've wasted so much time, money, and energy paying for, and running, the lawfare campaign against Trump that is based entirely on lies and made up BS using their network of corrupt officials and paid actors while stomping on the judicial process and constitutional rights of Trump

"They" are the same people who are now so desperate to make Trump go away by any means because their lawfare has spectacularly backfired on them that it left them with one option which resulted in the greatest political snapshot in recent history if not all time

"They" are responsible for setting up Jan 6th, for embedding countless federal agents in amongst Trumps supporters and directly instigating that whole situation, "they" are also responsible for shredding key evidence, and for jailing so many innocent people

"They" are responsible for the ideological agenda that has allowed millions of undocumented illegal economic migrants to flood the U.S., Europe, Britain, etc. and which will see some/most/all of those illegal migrants given free everything in exchange for their vote at the expense of the safety and rights of the native citizens of all the western countries afflicted with the illegal mass migrant problem

"They" are the same people responsible for 'removing' JFK/RFK/MLK, along with various politicians, heads of state, VIP's, and media folks, from around the world over the years because those people were all inconvenient to the agenda

"They" are directly responsible for instigating the Russia/Ukraine situation starting back in 2014 in order to try to cover up the crimes of others, "they" are also complicit in turning the Russia/Ukraine situation into the giant money laundering and land/power-grabbing exercise that it has since become, because "they" need total control of Ukraine (the bread basket of Europe) in order to make their agenda work even if it comes a the expense of every single Ukrainian person.
/Pol, the wallpaper thread.

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I don't know how to describe it. Pastel, drawn, cozy, cartoonish, fantasy, ghibli-like
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Lord Jesus Christ, Son And Word Of God, Have Mercy On Me, A Sinner.
There Is Only One God Allah And Muhammad Is His Messenger
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So why am i supposed to believe you over the other guy? There are so many competing religions, it's hard for an outsider to understand what makes any of you more right than the other.

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I'm only making this thread to post these specific papes. Any Tommy Wiseau fans?
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Phone but whatever

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surreal landscapes with that early 2000's look, i need moar
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What a trip. I remember digital blas fromback in the early 00s
fuminori pov
I was just watching an LGR Video about this, but what I really want to see is renders from the other software mentioned Mojoworlds, I fuckin love those bejeweled 2 backgrounds
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just gonna leave this link here... >>8071096

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-No cosplay
-Background should have an upper class aurora to it
-No hyper sexual poses
-Keep it high res
-Landscape preferred
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This thread is cringe but so is this guy >>8064228
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>Pick one
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I had a dream with Riko Matsudaira as my SEA maid. She whispered to me, coom my master. And then she said, I want a raise. I said, no. And she pumped faster. And then she said again, I want a raise, and I said again, no, not until you make me coom in 2 minutes. And then she pumped even harder, faster. I slap her ass, I ask her, who owns you puta? In her gasps for air, she replied, you my master. I slapped her again and again, I asked her, who owns you whoreslut? She said moaning, you my master. I woke up and I immediately opened MSPaint on my PC to draw that wild dream.

pic related is a sketch drawing of that dream.
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I know I’m breaking the rules by not posting more. BUT please I have looked far and wide for a good high quality pape of some hydrangea flowers. Please help
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Anything like this. The less empty space the better.
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No he's right. Stop being obnoxious faggots. It's pathetic.
"Duuuuuude I'm so high right now"
Grow up faggots, your "lifestyle" is pathetic retard shit.
lol @ saddam
my friend in highschool would wear jimi hendrix, rasta colors, and weed pins on his backpack and I was honestly so embarrassed to be around him. Not friends with that guy anymore
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