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/wg/ - Wallpapers/General

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First an explanation of the categories, search them by putting () between. Sometimes there can be a combination of two like (dark act) for example:

> scene - Sceneries from landscapes, nature, colorscapes, villages, singular houses and roadscapes
> city - Modern cityscapes, streets.
> abstract - Includes both logo/simple backgrounds and abstract stuff that's too indiscernible to be a scenery.
> synthwave - Outrun and retrowave stuff, can include retro cars/technologies too given if there's enough synthwave aesthetics/colors.
> cyberpunk - Cyberpunk stuff
> vaporware - A blend of vaporware hyper-stylized artworks/collages and sceneries with vaporwave retro aesthetics/colors.
> scifi - Includes both sci-fi cities and technologies and space stuff.

> car
> plane
> boat - Includes warships, carriers and old navel ships.
> train

> dark - Dark and grungy lighting/themes sceneries and pop-culture stuff.
> act - Action is coming, video game stuff, characters in action.
> animu - Includes a good amount of lewd stuff.
> mlp - My Little Pony
> memes - Outdated AF and just there.

A couple of triple monitor versions tagged with 'triple_monitor'.

There's a few AI wallpapers tagged with 'A.I.' and 'AI'.

Most of the wallpapers before the 2000th mark are missing the artist/photographer until I made it a must afterwards. As such if you really want to know of a source let me know.

I got all your Hiroshi Nagai and Eizin Suzuki upscales off reddit a long time ago, thanks for this brah
So, what's the password?

No password, url includes key.
Thanks, you can find all of the one's I compiled so far here:

Hiroshi Nagai: https://lensdump.com/a/v1lOe/?sort=title_asc&page=1
Eizin Suzuki: https://lensdump.com/a/LwUCq/?sort=title_asc&page=1

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