Anything Star Wars related. Desktop, Phone, Others. Fanart and other stuff is always welcome.
Hi /wgI am looking to acquire 3840x1080 for a dual 1080p setup.Anything goes aside from nsfw, ecchi is okay.Resolution that can also be added: 8102 x 21967680 x 21605120 x 1440
>>8077641Ah, yes. Hmhm, thanks, bruv.
OP hereThanks for keeping thread alive, havent been back since I made the first posts.Really glad to see more images were added.>>8012640>>8012643Mirrored papes arent uncool but they do deserve a thread of their own becasue of the sheer amount thats out there, which is nice because even if its the same but a different colour , that is someones favorite colour.
spring edition previous thread >>8004686there are probably going to be reposts from the previous thread in here but i will do my best to share new papes
ello lad(ie)sdesu
>>8080441lemme know how you and your transbian wife are in 10 yrs>>8080553ur welcome
post some cool/cozy Half-Life 2, TF2, Portal, L4D2 you name it for phone or desktop
>>8079371I dont like the ones after this one. They are shit
Anything about tigers. The animal, different variants of animal, robots, tanks, tiger stripe paint jobs, anything.
New England thread!Anything welcome (nature, city/towns, autumn preferred)-bonus points for Massachusetts-
Papers any papers that look like there's a great story behind them!Also, if you see a picture posted that you have in higher res/original, feel free to post it.Starting with my very favourite.
>>8036160Too many mods in skyrim
Stuff with this kind of fun, youthful aesthetic. Doesn't have to be from games, that's just mostly where I find it.
Anything like this. The less empty space the better.
>>8075675what the hell
>>8000000CHECKED>>8038277Checking the checker>>7993130>>7993134Very dense, very cool.
I have a couple dozen of these wall papers that just have juxtaposed geometric inlays, mostly triangles. Idk what to call them but I want more
>>8032401no one responded to this but I loldLove me some EVA
Share some prog rock wallpapers, new or old, or anything music-related if you want too
Anything to do with being under the surface of a large body of water. Wonder and horror are equally welcome.
Stalkers, Serial Killer, Mobile preferably.
>>8078902have nothing to contribute, just want to say dexter was the better killer and makes for a more interesting character.
I know I’m breaking the rules by not posting more. BUT please I have looked far and wide for a good high quality pape of some hydrangea flowers. Please help
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