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File: extrapulp.jpg (518 KB, 1920x1200)
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ITT only the brightest and most vibrant SFW orange coloured papes

nothing porn-related, pale pastel, weakly insipid, or yellow/brown/golden-colored here please
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> 3888 x 2592
File: BMW Turbo Concept - 1972.jpg (2.32 MB, 1600x1065)
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anything goes, just make it green
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Shot these all myself via Minolta SRT 201, various lenses and film stocks.
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love that , more?
I have a bunch more, sadly not any that would fit this threads theme though
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Dark fantasy thread
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Take a look at the other images in the thread then look at this again.
AI was a mistake.
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Attention my beloved children...

it is time for the creatures of ze night.

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Is it possible to find high res images of Walter Wick's art? These are the well known childrens books "I Spy" and "Can you see what I see?"
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imagine being such a fucking pathetic loser that you are intimidated by people who cant make eye contact.

Get a fucking grip dude, you admitted you are more pathetic than spergs. YOU are the problem.

Weirdly specific, but I’m looking to make a custom mtg play mat with a cozy tavern/inn vibe. Hoping for something high quality that won’t look awful when it’s printed.
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yes that's right anon you're learning so fast
Agreed. Ironically, them trying to add extra comforts (larger chairs, more space, better lighting, etc.) is what takes it away from being a cozy tavern. Meh, it's a tourist attraction. Not surprising.
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I love the feelings of melancholy, sadness, homesickness, tiredness invoked by images of soviet/brutalist architecture.
In this thread i will post some High Res Pics of that!
Feel free to post some aswell, everyone is welcome.

(I will also be posting some music)

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Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
looking at these papes makes me miss winter but I know I'll be miserable during the dark (and constantly be on guard of slipping)
that is Stevens Auditorium at Iowa State University. Very cool campus with some good brutalism in some parts. never thought id see anything from there on here hahaha
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Post any wallpapers relating to the sea.
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Why flip the image?
Among my favorites.
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There's a lot of coomer threads right now. Can we please have some nice low poly wallpapers?
I have a couple I'll post to get things started.
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Lord Jesus Christ, Son And Word Of God, Have Mercy On Me, A Sinner.

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Dumping some mountain still from the videos I took in the alps.
All the images are OC, but post anything mountain related.
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I wish I were that moss on the left
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Looking for more like this please! 4k highly preferred!
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Whose the artist behind this one? Love their work.
Fedora core
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Apocalyptic Thread
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snapped this a few years ago on probably my 5th new game plus on dead space 3
How about badass apocalyptic.
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I've been fascinated with utility poles in wallpapers ever since I listened to Kodomo's Still Life album. Preferably no busy wiring.
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High resolution integrated circuits
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kino, here AI upscale version
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it's quite amazing the utterly complex highly detailed autistic things humans like you are capable of coming up with to try and seem superior to other people.

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Anything Medieval or set in ancient Times.
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File: Wizard's Telescope.png (5.18 MB, 1920x1200)
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