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that's cool

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Desktop wallpapers about music, anything you have, but hopefully mostly about the baroque era.
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File: strangeworld composite.png (2.97 MB, 2560x1440)
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Abstract papes

I made this one today. I dont have much else to share but anything that is cool or abstract would be nice to add to my collection.

I'm so starved for papes im literally making my own
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File: Screenshot (845).png (1.14 MB, 1920x1080)
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i like this one
stolen from the linux nerds
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very nice
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I don't know how to describe it. Pastel, drawn, cozy, cartoonish, fantasy, ghibli-like
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give me gigantic things
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File: Operation Protector.jpg (219 KB, 1920x1080)
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Cool. I have tried many times to imagine what the horizon looks like on the sides of the ring.

Here it seems very narrow in the distance and at the same time earthly in the front. I remember they tried to fly from the edge and flew for a very long time. But I like how the arc horizon is depicted.
Given the limits of human vision, it probably looks flat. Maybe a little upwards at the edges of sight. Normal ringers don't get hovertech, and are all living subsistence farmer lives. The RW wasn't supposed to have a mountain, either.
it's not covenant, it's forerunner
The Covvys are cheap poser knockoffs of Forrunner tech and styles. "Oh, you can use use to do this. OK, so what about instead using this engineering principle to make some miracle machine, I instead make a helmet out of it?"
Not that anon, but I can agree that Bungie made some cool looking foes out of basic dnd monsters.

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had me in the first half
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Anything about tigers. The animal, different variants of animal, robots, tanks, tiger stripe paint jobs, anything.
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aurora borealis
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A continuing tradition of awfulness. Post the worst papes you have!

Continuing from last thread:
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And the aftermath not long after the first pic was taken. Some things don't change.
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A challenger appears!

Dear god, stoners make terrible papes.
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I have mostly bara, but feel free to post anything
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as nice as these feet and men are, what fucking computers or phones have these resolutions. you're just trying to coom here like the other annoying niggers. please use one of the many boards meant for it.

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Papers any papers that look like there's a great story behind them!
Also, if you see a picture posted that you have in higher res/original, feel free to post it.

Starting with my very favourite.
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File: Mal'ak Adonai.jpg (366 KB, 2560x1320)
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This looks like Mormon art
I want to be the main character of this story
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dragon :D

thanks anon

File: Yin & Yang.jpg (872 KB, 1920x1080)
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Anything that, in your mind, represents a duality. Please keep it safe for work.
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>17 MB
>Also 17 MB
File: Butcher v Homelander.jpg (1.97 MB, 3840x2160)
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thanks anon

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South Park

>Other cartoons are fine too
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Chuck Brown
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Family Guy
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Anything to do with being under the surface of a large body of water. Wonder and horror are equally welcome.
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>The prehistoric sea turtles were in the sea making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me
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More purple papes like these
Galaxy theme or nature for bonus.
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that's lilac, not hyacinth
File: lysrör.jpg (167 KB, 1920x1080)
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wtf happened to your image

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