that is not wallpaper, that is screenshot of an old game
>>8092169Stfu jeet
this board is really dead, lol
>>8092247Where is that? I've never seen this building before, and I don't recall the landscape either.>>8093105~4chan~ the internet is dead :-/
>>8093802fuckin casuals
>>8093806Funny, but I'll take the bait:> Snowless plains of the Whiterun hold, birch trees from the riftIt got to be from a mod. I know this game too well to not recognize where a screenshot was taken.
>no morrowind>no daggerfall unity>no oblivion>no enderal and nehrimI spit on this disgusting thread
>>8093808its the tundra homestead in the anniversary edition
>>8093813>complains but doesn't contribute to fix the issuego be a faggot somewhere else
>>8093802it must be one of the hearthfire housesits just east or northeast from whiterun