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I know I’m breaking the rules by not posting more. BUT please I have looked far and wide for a good high quality pape of some hydrangea flowers. Please help
227 replies and 214 images omitted. Click here to view.
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Full-sized version is 6.5 megabytes:
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I love the feelings of melancholy, sadness, homesickness, tiredness invoked by images of soviet/brutalist architecture.
In this thread i will post some High Res Pics of that!
Feel free to post some aswell, everyone is welcome.

(I will also be posting some music)

195 replies and 120 images omitted. Click here to view.
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humanity is so fucking stupid. why would anyone want to live like this? so glad i was born in america. looks like an absolute shithole.
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>why would anyone want to live like this? so glad i was born in america.

It may have escaped your attention that a lot of (especially larger) American cities have been heavily engaged in a program of building lots and lots of very tall buildings in the past decade or so in particular; and while some of this construction was originally started with the intention of creating more commercial office space, those cities have mostly since realised that there simply isn't the demand for so much high-rise office space anymore and so have been hastily trying to convert and sell space in at least some of those new buildings as residential apartments.

So as much as you might not want to hear or believe it, mass high-rise city living is already starting to become a thing in some parts of America, and if the left side of the political spectrum cheat their way to another win in November it's almost guaranteed that they'll start pushing many many more ordinary people as they possibly can into living in that style of cookie-cutter high-rise housing - and it'll all be done in the name of 'affordable housing' while the left complete their goal of destroying America's economy.

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can i pls get sauce on this? location/photographer ty kings xoxo gossip girl
Lord Jesus Christ, Son and Word Of God, Have Mercy On Me, A Sinner.

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280 replies and 205 images omitted. Click here to view.
I heard that in the past penthouses were the cheapest, its where poors were crammed
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Penthouse apartments are a relative novelty in themselves. The "houses" right under the roofs of european bourgeois apartment of the 19th c. can't really be called "penthouses". In these, they were indeed the worse part, hot in summer, cold in winter, badly isolated in general. The best apartment would be the second floor ones. The top ones would often be occupied by servants of the lower floors, in mansardes.
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No airplane thread?
Post aircraft of any kind.
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One more for good measure
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Anyone have some Crimson Skies?
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>No airplane thread?

Only this one >>8044718 ...because scrolling down beyond page 1 is so fucking hard

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post apocalyptic settings portrayed as peaceful rather than hostile, especially if nature has overtaken an industrialized settlement like in the op pic
let me know if anyone has a better name for this
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I love overgrown brutalism so I've enjoyed much of this thread.

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LEGO papes! Especially interested in the classic stuff.
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these are very nice anon thanks
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118 replies and 79 images omitted. Click here to view.
let the thread die dude
no thanks
>Wonder why that term dropped off so hard.

Because that particular n-word is just played out, it's been so incorrectly overused to the point of ennui, both as an insult, and as a means to try and silence any opposition to the political left, for so long now that it no longer carries any real weight to it.

It's a bit like any of the '-ist' and '-ism' words that the political left in particular just love to throw around, e.g. racist, sexist, etc., fact is those morons have simply overused those words for so long now that those words no longer carry any of the weight they once may have had; indeed some folks now accept being called any of those words as a badge of honor because to them it means both that they're likely on the correct side of the political debate, and that the political left are no longer capable of reasonably defending their own position with logical adult conversation and have instead had to resort to ad hominem attacks.
easily my favourite

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Its only August, but lets get some spook papes going.
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God I fucking hate AI. I "made" this, how fucking disengenious.
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scifi, fantasy, space, science, programing, art, architecture, landscapes, anime, whatever as long as its 1440 for trip monitors
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post your desktops
no desktops
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Man I gotta learn about customizing my desktop, I've been using the standard kde plasma de with my manjaro install. Wanted to get a new computer soon and when I do, I'll turn this computer into my arch machine
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simple. but I like it that way

Oooh, Netscape, my boy... how the time flies!
I remember.

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Just these three very specific categories.
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Blue and Orange wallpapers
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>original 5184x3888
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I don't know how to call it, but some common denominators would be:
>day time
>not gloomy
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General thread for papes that combine porn or erotica with a popular aesthetic (i.e. vaporwave, synthwave, outrun, neon lighting, retro/nostalgia inspired, japanese text, glitch effects, etc.)

Edits and requests Welcome :)

Previous Thread
298 replies and 201 images omitted. Click here to view.
goofy ass nigga only likes anorexic boys
"latinx" go back to twitter, faggot.
shes italian tho
The original Latins. lol
just accept that youre wrong and move on nigger, youre saying a fucking euro is a spic.

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