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i checked and couldn't find a painting thread, so gimmie your favourite paintings! let's keep it to traditional media, so no digital works

name of the artist/work would be appreciated, either in file name or post
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>even in black utopia everyone is hideously ugly, there's a pit bull and multiple stereos blasting music over the sounds of nature
Beyond parody
Cool article about the work and the artist.

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I have a couple dozen of these wall papers that just have juxtaposed geometric inlays, mostly triangles. Idk what to call them but I want more
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printed this one
That's cool. Must be a good feeling to see your work appreciated and shared like that.

Phone Wallpapers - https://mega.nz/folder/VhdyVRpC#lfbFqEbdvSnRsanD_2j8MA

1440p Wallpapers (newer additions) - https://mega.nz/folder/YhcUmRZC#gSYQuWnjK-JgVoyBbs4W9Q

1440p Wallpapers (older) - https://mega.nz/folder/0h1GxCCA#bQkIX_qpYf9_DYCvqFeOfw
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>I like this image but I didn't like the little guy in it
I was thinking the same, thanks
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I've been searching for more papes like these, please help a sister out! Preferably city/nature scenery for 1920x1080p. ^^
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paintings of forests and trees
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nice thread!
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Does anyone have some cool looking hindi styled wallpaper for either phone or a PC? Krisha, Shiva, Hanuman, Narayans...
Most of what I could find on the internet was either low res (just like the pic related, but this was the best resolution I could find) or extremely goofy looking.
I dunno why but the old pictures always try way too hard and end up looking like a caricature.
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Fuck the heat, I'm ready for fall. Post your favorite autumnal wallpapers.
I'm mainly looking for nature/landscapes, but anything with a fall feel will do.
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Stuff with this kind of fun, youthful aesthetic. Doesn't have to be from games, that's just mostly where I find it.
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Rate hate appreciate, and remember; have fun with it.

Old Thread: >>8055857
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i want you shot in the head
where did you get those little gnomes
Garden Gnome Liberation Front
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Thanks! That's kind of an old picture but the Gnomes remain and are the highlight desu
I dig the print


really nice until you see the painfully generic modern waiting room/dorm room chairs on the left

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last threads:

-No unneeded spread eagle
-No hyper pornographic poses
-Think Playboy
-Try to keep it high res
-Landscape preferred
-No OC (unless its near professional level)
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>need to be practical first and foremost
Nothing NEEDS to be practical first and foremost unless it's some ad-hoc military fortification.
Design should lift up the soul.
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Unless it is art it needs to be functional first. That doesn't mean it cannot be pretty, but that is a consideration that must not interfere with the function.
>Design should lift up the soul.
Yeah sure that silly anti-materialistic ethereal idealistic reasoning is how we get crap libraries in the first place, with zero reasoning about the actual function of a library. If people can't find stuff, can't organise their books, can't move around, there's no soul lifting going on or whatever.
I sure hope you aren't an architect.
Capitalist, actually.

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Hey everyone! Can we get an OSRS thread going? Ive been playing since 2005 and its my favorite game but i dont have any papes for it. 2560x1600 preferred but anything thats 1080+ goes.
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After all these years...
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I regret so fucking much selling my account im gonna cry
Love the underground pass so much.
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Post papes to worship Celeb Goddesses
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who's that?
I found out myself, it's Elison Brie
Alison Brie*
Haha, this photo changed my life at 14.

Old pictures of cities prior to Y2K.
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I've got some solid old photos that could be turned into wallpapers, if that's acceptable?
>if that's acceptable?

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