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File: strangeworld composite.png (2.97 MB, 2560x1440)
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Abstract papes

I made this one today. I dont have much else to share but anything that is cool or abstract would be nice to add to my collection.

I'm so starved for papes im literally making my own
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492 KB JPG
contribootin'. Nice pape, btw
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981 KB JPG
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4.4 MB PNG
neat! how'd you make that?
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I really like it
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Compressing pixel art with JPEG is a heinous crime.
I made the pattern a bit bigger to get integer scaling.
Don't want me no blurry pixels.
If anyone has more like these, that'd be great. I really like the fluid abstract stuff.
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* *
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* * *
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* * * *
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* * * * *
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5.36 MB JPG
love it.
could you make a dark version of this?
like a black background please?
File: Scheinkubus.png (706 KB, 3440x1440)
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706 KB PNG
Not OP, but here's a version with the brightness inverted.
I'm looking for one I had, but lost. It was vivid splatters of blue on black with splashes of yellow/orange here and here. Anyone know what I'm talking about?
Check out https://unsplash.com/de/@pawel_czerwinski , he made a lot of these and I have downloaded dozens of them; you may need to scroll down a bit
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612 KB PNG
I made some shaders recently, friend told me I should share here.

precision highp float;
uniform float time;
uniform vec2 resolution;

void main(void) {
vec2 position = (gl_FragCoord.xy*2.0 - resolution.xy) / resolution.y;
float x = sin(time + position.y*position.x) + gl_FragCoord.x*gl_FragCoord.y;

float r = 0.0-sin(x);
float g = 0.0-x;
float b = 0.0;

vec3 rgb = vec3(r, g, b);
gl_FragColor = vec4(rgb, 1.0);


They all move by the way.
File: waves.png (349 KB, 1920x1080)
349 KB
349 KB PNG
>>>>forgot code blocks don't work here

precision highp float;
uniform float time;
uniform vec2 resolution;

void main(void) {
vec2 position = (gl_FragCoord.xy*2.0 - resolution.xy) / resolution.y;

float r= sin(time+.5);
float g = position.y + cos(distance(0.0, position.x+time));
float b = position.x + sin(distance(0.0, position.y-time));
vec2 gb = vec2(g,b);

gl_FragColor = vec4(r, cos(fract(gb+time*.2)), 1.);

File: squareish.png (298 KB, 1920x1080)
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298 KB PNG

precision highp float;
uniform float time;
uniform vec2 resolution;

void main( void ) {
vec2 position = (gl_FragCoord.xy*2.0 - resolution.xy) / resolution.y*2.0;
float x = distance(0.0, sin(position.x)) + distance(0.0, sin(position.y));
x = fract(smoothstep(0.0, 1.0, abs(x-sin(x*10.+time)) ));
//if x-= sin(x*10.+time) gets used more it can make the lines thinner and more frequent

float r = sin(time)/10.0-position.x;
float g = position.y;
float b = position.x;

vec3 rgb = vec3(r, g, b);
gl_FragColor = vec4(rgb+x, 1.0); //if any more of x is added, the image becomes lighter
test bump
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1.65 MB JPG
abstract cunt
this is really cool, how did you make it?
really like these
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>original 8192x4608 image
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2.79 MB JPG
Random preset with jwildfire
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393 KB JPG
Is it written in C?
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3.58 MB JPG
Made this myself, dunno if the colors are that nice but I was in the mood for purple so made it purple (green for daily dose).
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127 KB JPG
OpenGL Shading Language
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nvidia needs to hire this artist
When it's inverted it almost looks like soundcloud rapper tattoos

Great stuff good thread
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this is nice, i really like this one
Holy fuck I love this
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been using this one for a while. i cant have papes that have too much going on (the clutter hurts my eyes) and this one is perfect without being just a boring solid color. plus the heavy black on the left helps me see my icons better
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32 KB
is this from something? Very cool.
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1.35 MB JPG
Here's one i made yesterday
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98 KB
It's a shader retard. It's written in GLSL.
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i could really use this but with black background, looks neat
Right here: >>7989076
Jesus, I don't even know where to start, ty anon
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526 KB JPG
vampire hunter D?
File: nvid-LG2.png (800 KB, 4000x2800)
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800 KB PNG
I tried with Inkscape
File: London's light.jpg (5.17 MB, 3872x2592)
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5.17 MB JPG
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782 KB JPG
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4.14 MB JPG
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319 KB JPG
Ehh, fuck it, I've been here for over a decade and never contributed. Here are some favorites.
cool af
File: BlueButterfly.jpg (2.56 MB, 3840x1080)
2.56 MB
2.56 MB JPG
sometimes dual screening an abstract image only makes the image even more random and abstract...

and sometimes it unintentionally does this...
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3.23 MB JPG
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93 KB
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5.9 MB JPG
This is Nvidia Shield logo.
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218 KB JPG
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1.2 MB JPG
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A simple edit revealed someone unexpected...
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1.9 MB JPG
File: The Blueprint.png (3.89 MB, 2560x1440)
3.89 MB
3.89 MB PNG
loved it anon, thx
Gotta say this thread is a real treat for finding new wallpapers now i've got an oled monitor.
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1.03 MB JPG
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2.25 MB JPG
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1.41 MB JPG
checked, saved and enjoying the soothing effect.
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2.09 MB JPG
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103 KB PNG
Using Windows on my main, Linux Mint on my work PC
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3.39 MB
3.39 MB PNG
File: joshuatree.jpg (3.86 MB, 1920x1080)
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3.86 MB JPG
Here's one I made earlier today.
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690 KB PNG
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1.14 MB
1.14 MB PNG
File: blobs.png (572 KB, 4096x4096)
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572 KB PNG
i like this one
stolen from the linux nerds
File: PL3201954.jpg (1.47 MB, 6016x6016)
1.47 MB
1.47 MB JPG
very nice
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1.56 MB
1.56 MB JPG
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4.18 MB
4.18 MB PNG
Retro Mandelbulb.

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1.96 MB PNG
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1.59 MB PNG
File: FROSTBURN.png (3.02 MB, 1920x1080)
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3.02 MB PNG
don't use these, they delete system32
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296 KB JPG
I did the same... I LOVE IT!

Reminds me of the album cover for Cocteau Twins 'Four Calendar Cafe.'
reminds me of those "I Spy" books
>those "I Spy" books

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260 KB PNG
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1.58 MB JPG
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2.56 MB JPG
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1.39 MB JPG
One I made using my phone. Better for phone bg than desktop I think.
File: wallhaven-wej3pr.jpg (4.13 MB, 3840x2400)
4.13 MB
4.13 MB JPG
Truly amazing
Did you make this? Could you change it so that it's different shades of a single color?
Any particular color Anon?
Well I think blue would look nice. I feel like blue is a very relaxing color. Different shades of purple or pink might also work.
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1.35 MB JPG
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206 KB JPG
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164 KB JPG
fucking microsoft edge wallpaper
File: 9536825895_4c77de24c3_o.jpg (869 KB, 3178x1648)
869 KB
869 KB JPG
too late I my lptop is ded now
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1.7 MB
1.7 MB JPG
Found a mandelbrot set explorer and downloaded some sequences I thought looked pretty cool.
File: Post cuore ai 6.png (4.07 MB, 1080x1920)
4.07 MB
4.07 MB PNG
Try my new works! hope you enjoy (:
non representational art :)
File: jjjj-min.png (2.99 MB, 2903x2250)
2.99 MB
2.99 MB PNG
I took a bunch of high quality scans from the art institute of Chicago. I got a lot of art from Roberto Matta, Marx Ernst, Kay Sage, and Yves Tanguy using Dezoomify. I am trying to do this with other museums I have gone but I haven't found it yet.
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236 KB PNG
File: xebelion-kan-sarabi-hd.jpg (3.48 MB, 2880x1920)
3.48 MB
3.48 MB JPG
File: lena2k.jpg (2.46 MB, 2560x1440)
2.46 MB
2.46 MB JPG
File: everyriveriniceland2k.jpg (1.73 MB, 2560x1440)
1.73 MB
1.73 MB JPG
File: alaska2k.jpg (1.75 MB, 2560x1440)
1.75 MB
1.75 MB JPG
File: alaskaagain.jpg (1.28 MB, 2560x1440)
1.28 MB
1.28 MB JPG
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314 KB JPG
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1.91 MB
1.91 MB JPG
File: Icelandriver.jpg (2.09 MB, 2560x1440)
2.09 MB
2.09 MB JPG

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