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File: Constitution+vs+Java+14.jpg (139 KB, 1000x748)
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139 KB JPG
Post any wallpapers relating to the sea.
File: 220901-N-KL637-1063.png (1.2 MB, 1460x974)
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File: SS Imperator colourized.jpg (427 KB, 1920x1175)
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File: 1977-17.jpg (784 KB, 1565x970)
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has been my pape for 5+ years now, starting to feel like I'm never changing it
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Captcha: NAV4
must be an omen
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>muh state of the art fully loaded aircraft carrier worth billions
>muh oceanic supremacy
Absolutely fucking MOGGED by a wooden Spaniard barque
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File: Jutland.jpg (338 KB, 2601x1249)
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Grimshaw. He painted a lovely one of my hometown, Hull - once a city of fine maritime tradition (unfortunately in a state of decay and decline for years now)
Same, but for like a year.
File: seafaring.jpg (1.02 MB, 3000x2000)
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I feel like a fool for ever having picked up the pencil because no matter how hard I drew, I could never capture beauty like this even in the course of the daily efforts over the 3 1/2 years I tried.
>unfortunately in a state of decay and decline for years now
So like the rest of the western world.
Yes, but even predating the current issues around cultural enrichment, it was back in the 1970s that the fishing and shipbuilding industry began dying a slow death. They fought it but the writing was on the wall.

Related is one of the more bizarre episodes of the 20th century
my favorite subject
phoneposter bump until I can contribute to the thread from home

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