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I've been searching for more papes like these, please help a sister out! Preferably city/nature scenery for 1920x1080p. ^^
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Based and potuspilled
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Gondola thread (OC Edition)
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you made all these? i love them so much and i'm buying a gondola now
best thread on /wg/

I recently joined the ThinkPad cult, give me some more stuff
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you joined the Lenovo cult

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Fuck, leaves are finally becoming brown and dry, Autumn's coming. And you know what happens after Autumn?

That's right, Winter.

Let's have a Winter thread. BUT! Here is the catch. All of the Winter threads are focused on a cozy, cute vibe. Getting good wallpapers there is a challenging task, as you scroll through the garbage christmasy feelsgood bullshit. I want none of that. So here are the rules:

– No signs of humanity can be visible (roads, buildings, electricity).
– No humans can be visible (animals, plants, or digital fantasy characters are okay).
– The picture must have a harsh or semi-harsh and non-inviting vibe.
– Forests, mountains, bodies of water – everything is fine as long as it satisfies the criteria mentioned above.
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Abstract papes

I made this one today. I dont have much else to share but anything that is cool or abstract would be nice to add to my collection.

I'm so starved for papes im literally making my own
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I took a bunch of high quality scans from the art institute of Chicago. I got a lot of art from Roberto Matta, Marx Ernst, Kay Sage, and Yves Tanguy using Dezoomify. I am trying to do this with other museums I have gone but I haven't found it yet.
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Stuff with this kind of fun, youthful aesthetic. Doesn't have to be from games, that's just mostly where I find it.
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stuff like this
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shenmue vibes
damn I made this wallpaper edit in 2012 thanks for saving it anon
A lot of these pics are the hood just in a different language.
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>shenmue vibes
Yep !

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Post cars or your favorite automobile wallpapers
For me, its the 1985 Toyota Supra
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looks brilliant.
I love it
thanks anon.
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Loved it before I could even read

My computer had a stroke and all my wallpapers were deleted, including a very cool one that had an Egyptian-style pyramid with two eyes in the background of a tropical scene. Post pyramid/ruin/ancient-themed papes to fill the void left in my heart
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>My computer had a stroke and all my wallpapers were deleted
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Would love to see some cozy papes of snowy towns and cities. Can be photos, drawings, paintings, real places, fictitious, whatever you got.
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Man I bet there were a lot of nigger fights here, if basketball hoops could talk they'd have some wild stories. Someone should animate a scene on this premis and make the hoops talk like those cartoon black crows with the hats and cigars.
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paintings of forests and trees
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Does anyone have some cool looking hindi styled wallpaper for either phone or a PC? Krisha, Shiva, Hanuman, Narayans...
Most of what I could find on the internet was either low res (just like the pic related, but this was the best resolution I could find) or extremely goofy looking.
I dunno why but the old pictures always try way too hard and end up looking like a caricature.
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are you going to bomb them like you allahfags like to do?
Me when i spread misinformation
Sanskrit text [Accents, Plain, Transliterated]:

स॒सानात्याँ॑ उ॒त सूर्यं॑ ससा॒नेन्द्र॑: ससान पुरु॒भोज॑सं॒ गाम् । हि॒र॒ण्यय॑मु॒त भोगं॑ ससान ह॒त्वी दस्यू॒न्प्रार्यं॒ वर्ण॑मावत् ॥
ससानात्याँ उत सूर्यं ससानेन्द्रः ससान पुरुभोजसं गाम् । हिरण्ययमुत भोगं ससान हत्वी दस्यून्प्रार्यं वर्णमावत् ॥
sasānātyām̐ uta sūryaṃ sasānendraḥ sasāna purubhojasaṃ gām | hiraṇyayam uta bhogaṃ sasāna hatvī dasyūn prāryaṃ varṇam āvat ||
English translation:

“He gave horses, he gave also the sun, and Indra gave also the many-nourishing cow; he gave golden treasure, and having destroyed the dasyus, he protected the ārya tribe.”
Commentary by Sāyaṇa: Ṛgveda-bhāṣya

The ārya tribe: ārya varṇam = implies only the best tribe, or order, uttamam varṇam, or the three first castes collectively
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Post your Operative System papes here
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post apocalyptic settings portrayed as peaceful rather than hostile, especially if nature has overtaken an industrialized settlement like in the op pic
let me know if anyone has a better name for this
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This is why you retards are being bred out of existence
That was a ten year old now he is going to kill himself because of you. I'm going to find you and rape your asshole until it's prolapsed like a garden hose
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scifi, fantasy, space, science, programing, art, architecture, landscapes, anime, whatever as long as its 1440 for trip monitors
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