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/wg/ - Wallpapers/General

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Wallpapers featuring text / quotes
28 replies and 23 images omitted. Click here to view.
God. Damn. It.
However, I will suffer this burden alone. I will not transmit this plague.
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thanks I initially scrolled past it because
but that was worth the read.
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Lord of the Rings & The Hobbit
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because the lord of the rings is about HWhite people
end of
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I've been fascinated with utility poles in wallpapers ever since I listened to Kodomo's Still Life album. Preferably no busy wiring.
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Sharing an image I designed (without knowing much about Photoshop) of all the video games that have won "Game of the Year" since 2003.

Looking for more like this please! 4k highly preferred!
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Post papes to worship Celeb Goddesses
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She's way hotter and more talented that every other bitch in this thread, if anything she's in a completely different class shouldn't share with these plastic nobodys.

Preferably high contrast
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based 00s ford
my fiesta is a fantastic shitbox
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Post your best Michael Jackson Wallpapers please!!
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pedos gonna ped

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I am endlessly fascinated by this isolated state, seemingly straight out of the cold war.

Any North Korea papes welcome, including propaganda posters.
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I'm only making this thread to post these specific papes. Any Tommy Wiseau fans?
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If you have Amazon, check out "Outer Range". It's less of a slow burn while still being very interesting.
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Fuck the heat, I'm ready for fall. Post your favorite autumnal wallpapers.
I'm mainly looking for nature/landscapes, but anything with a fall feel will do.
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Summer "officially" just started, but after a week and a half of mid 90s (35C) I can't take it you guys. I'm over it already, and there are still more 90s coming. I always say that I slowly simmer like water until I start boiling and that means I'm ready for Fall. Well I'm already boiling. I'm ready.
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>the solstice was yesterday
>this fucking heat is just beginning
>got three more months of this shit
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Gondola thread (OC Edition)
48 replies and 36 images omitted. Click here to view.
anon would you also happen to have that one gondola pape where gondola is running away from a house with bed sheets and a naked woman after sleeping with her?
I love this. Is there a higher res version?
Thread bump as a gondola thread must always exist on /wg/ and /wsg/
LOL I never thought I would see one of the photos I took on here. I posted that once maybe a year ago or so after my last trip to japan. I actually ended up moving there and brought gondola along. Good to see people liked that pick enough to download it. Will look into taking more over time since I live here now. <3.

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Let's have a thread of cats of all kinds, shapes and sizes.

I'm kinda looking for a very specific one, but this is not supposed to be a request, more like a try if it rings a bell with anyone. I remembered a wallpaper from when I was a kid and I would really like to find it, but my memory is very unclear about the details. It was definitely back in the 90s, as I'm sure it was on Win95. It was a low res (obviously) close up pic of a white kitten with brown or gray patches (it's really a long time ago so my memory is not that clear and I believe the color quality was not even 24bit back then) and I believe it was sitting in some bushes. If anyone remembers or has something close to that, it would be appreciated.

Meanwhile, as I said, gimme all your cats.
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No /html-css/?! Cozy holidays edition

>What are startpages?
Startpages (in the context of this thread) are locally hosted webpages (as in, the files are on your computer - not a server somewhere) that serve as the homepage or new tab page for a browser. They generally contain some number of links to frequently visited sites as the main element; search bars, clocks, calendars and other embedded items are usually added as secondary elements.

>What browser are you using?
If you can't tell what browser it is, it's probably Firefox, you can theme Firefox using Stylus and finding themes on the Firefox tag of Userstyles.
Otherwise if you won't upgrade there's always Chrome, you can ~slightly~ customize it using Chrome Theme Maker. Vivaldi has custom CSS settings too in a native way.


---Discord link---

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
111 replies and 34 images omitted. Click here to view.
>What's the purpose of having two search bars?
I'm not used to browsers being able to search things via the address bar, so I alwasy add the dedicated search bar and use that. Also, I have a couple of search engines and can choose everytime which one I want to use
hey Lark, stretching that font a little would be nicer to read I guess, otherwise its neat. whats weebpage1 and can you share the lain pape?
its peak
do not fear i is here
a little bit - css is a lot better, but it's harder to write custom css for websites sometimes

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Apocalyptic Thread
64 replies and 61 images omitted. Click here to view.
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This is awesome.

I don't suppose there's an equally awesome remaster of pic related too?

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