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264 replies and 194 images omitted. Click here to view.
Jesus fuck, you're the kind of charismatic guy who has to roofie his own hand to masturbate without getting arrested on assault charges
no need to be a fag over one cheeky post
mix bleach and ammonia
lmao junkie scum/retarded junkie supporting scum.

the only good part about Portland's existence is it congregates all of the americans with the worst political ideals into one nukeable area.

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Masters of the universe sitting in their thrones.
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3 replies and 3 images omitted. Click here to view.
shit tier country
aye, and it just got a whole lot fucking worse now we have a bunch of commies running things with a super-majority

I mean people thought the conservatives (in name only) were a bunch of clueless dickheads hellbent on trying to ruin this country; well the labour party are now gonna step in and fuck this country up so damned hard peoples heads are gonna spin; and it'll be at least 2 years before we can even start to try to reduce even some of the labour party's majority, so we're all generally just plain fucked

oh and for any Anon's out there who were maybe thinking about coming to britain for a holiday or work or whatever, save your money and go somewhere safer and less expensive, like Syria
Appreciate this. I lived in London for a while, I was happy to return to my homeland, but I know not of a more beautiful city in the anglosphere.

Everything about it - the trains run on time, they are clean. The restaurants and hotels are grand. Cozy places to relax everywhere. Many avenues are dense with bright trees and ivy - there seem to be whole countrysides in the greater london area.

Even the lesser immigrants and refugees, rightfully maligned, are fathoms better behaved than those in the major cities of France or the US.

The weather is underrated.

But most of all the remaining customs of the british people are to be decent, honorable, and to respect their and others' stations in life. In New York or Paris you might have been castigated and screeched at by some waiter for not wearing a mask well into 2021. In London they defaulted to respectful deference for the most part.

The British empire has fallen and turned its worst caprices and bureaucratic autism inward on its own citizens, turning them to mere subjects, but the luster of its capital still shines.
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Lord Jesus Christ, Son And Word Of God, Have Mercy On Me, A Sinner.

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idk, looks like a fairly typical cross-braced wooden gate to me
> 6000×4000
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my very cozy wp

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ITT only the brightest and most vibrant SFW hot pink and magenta coloured papes

nothing porn-related, or pale pastel, or weakly insipid, here please
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>Originally 4378x2912:
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Let's have a thread of cats of all kinds, shapes and sizes.

I'm kinda looking for a very specific one, but this is not supposed to be a request, more like a try if it rings a bell with anyone. I remembered a wallpaper from when I was a kid and I would really like to find it, but my memory is very unclear about the details. It was definitely back in the 90s, as I'm sure it was on Win95. It was a low res (obviously) close up pic of a white kitten with brown or gray patches (it's really a long time ago so my memory is not that clear and I believe the color quality was not even 24bit back then) and I believe it was sitting in some bushes. If anyone remembers or has something close to that, it would be appreciated.

Meanwhile, as I said, gimme all your cats.
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It's been a year since you posted this. I don't know if you're still around, maybe you were mauled by ants. Wherever you are, I just want you to know I think it looks pretty cool too.
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give me gigantic things
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Terminal Redux! Great album
average space engineers w

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I love skeleton people
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Looks cool but makes no sense. There is neither air nor bacteria in space. The face would be frozen, but not decomposed.
The bacteria and the air of the own body.

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Lord of the Rings & The Hobbit
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cute pic and cute filename
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Anyone got a good Door of Moria phone pape? I used to have as my lock screen now I can't find a good one

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A continuing tradition of awfulness. Post the worst papes you have!

Continuing from last thread:
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A thread for wallpapers featuring high elevation. Seas of clouds and images that give you vertigo are preferred.
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I'm always on the lookout for new steampunk papes, since most of them seem to all be from the early 00's and have terrible quality.
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Please, I need all theater related wallpapers. preferably draw or anime, but not AI. Cool groups or stage plays shoots are welcome
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I made two versions of this, each cropped slightly differently.

Which do you think looks better?

Version 1?
Or version 2?
1920x1080 version.
1920x1080 version.
version 2 looks more complete

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Anything to do with being under the surface of a large body of water. Wonder and horror are equally welcome.
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Wallpapers that give you a feeling of melancholy. Could be pretty much anything that gives you that feeling.
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From the shape of tree (leaves are too fuzzy/small) it looks like an oak tree.

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