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File: Screenshot (1).png (4.05 MB, 3809x1629)
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Anything arcane

im using this screenshot at the moment
Read the damned sticky bro
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K imma contribute with season 1 stuff hoping people post some HQ season 2 stuff
pd: damn captcha
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that's it from me now
anon please please explain how you are doing these because I NEED to make my own
Anyone got some phone papes? I've been in dire need of one since the finale
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Can only collaborate with a pic I saw on a /tv/ thread, but will keep my eye here for more Vi papes
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Anything more from s2 e7 with ekko and powder
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thanks anon
If anyone has Jinx's pose during her entrance on the air ship, that'd be sick.
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Anyone have some good ones of Cait's upgraded gun from act 3?
Fucking awesome mate
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exactly what i wanted thank you :)
Yesss, I'm a sucker for a good railgun.
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I highly recommend everyone watch them in full HDR/Dolby Vision, the masterization is prime and the contrasts make the entire thing looks exceptional.
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>>809040picked up the 1st season on blu ray and its night and day even on my low end tv the difference it makes
It will never not be funny to me that this show was a massive blowout success that did absolutely FUCK NOTHING to boost League of Legends' struggling player count.
We oldfag league players always asked Riot to have their own, perhaps separated art studio. Despite the game being mid at best, and lore being rewritten every year or so, the art people working in/for league was always incredible fucking talented. Give or take 3D models because it started in the 2010s and they were made by devs iirc.
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