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I wish there was one where the whole wallpaper was what's on that screen
File: nostromo_screen.jpg (4.34 MB, 2870x1612)
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4.34 MB JPG
I tried
File: nostromo_clean.png (60 KB, 2401x1351)
60 KB
And without the filter
Always good to see some retro/inudstrial sci-fi pop up. Cyberpunk is niche and needs to stay niche.
fucking based and alien pilled

how did you get that nice filter btw?
muh man
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These look like the CG adverts for a shitty prebuilt gaming pc.
I've got a bunch of 8k screenshots from alien isolation but sadly they have HUD elements (see pic) which I guess is not that desirable for a wallpaper.
File: without HUD.jpg (3.89 MB, 7680x4320)
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this one was easy since the corners are all black
Yes but my oled knows what you did and cannot unsee.
File: alien pape.jpg (1020 KB, 3459x2160)
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File: wallhaven-3zm1vy.jpg (5.74 MB, 5120x3395)
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I don't fancy her chances.
File: alien_romulus.jpg (1.23 MB, 3840x2160)
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1.23 MB JPG
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File: alien.jpg (138 KB, 1920x1080)
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Much appreciated. Shifted it a little.
File: bronze_alien.jpg (220 KB, 1920x1080)
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220 KB JPG
Is this taken straight from the AIshit 4K rEmAsTeR?
That look horrendous.
I'd take film grain over this shit any day of the week.
File: alien_isolation__marlowe.jpg (164 KB, 1920x1080)
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164 KB JPG

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