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post apocalyptic settings portrayed as peaceful rather than hostile, especially if nature has overtaken an industrialized settlement like in the op pic
let me know if anyone has a better name for this
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>post apocalyptic settings portrayed as peaceful rather than hostile
Where the fuck is the water coming from? Also how is there enough soil to grow a tree on the top of a slick aircraft (that debris would be blown off) but not to cover the runway where it would more logically collect.

That artist has a lot of similar works: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/170125
good thread bump need moar
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It looks cool.
Your post stinks of midwittery.
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>using "mid" as an insult while being full retard
Maybe post something in English if you want anyone to understand your point
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Your ass stinks of cum.
sors ?
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The original artwork is called "Blue Ruin", painted ca. 1989–90 by Jeff Buckels.

In 2012 it was used as the cover art for the album "Passion" by Para One.
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Stalker feels like this. Not all the time of course but when you're just walking those grey fields and see a blowout coming everything just really feels peaceful
Can anyone remove the parental advisory thing?
Found this textless version, though the colors and contrast look a little off.
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And here's a higher resolution replacement for >>8003687. Despite the smaller file size, it has more fine detail.
its a fictional wallpaper thread you dumbfuck
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Thanks for sharing this artist OP, I absolutely adore this atmosphere and he specializes in it
For anyone that may be looking for a full collection of all his stuff, I believe Gelbooru is the most complete archive
yes Im glad despite being german, you can read the thread title :D
This is america, speak english retard
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>in a last ditch effort to save humanity from the climate famines as well as in reaction to shortages of conventional materials they replaced many conventional materials with recyclable, biodegradable ones. Some of them where designed to degrade / be pulverized and act as mulch after scrapping.
>Humanity was too late, however. For about 22 years, peak temperatures across the globe where deadly. Peaking at 58+ degrees celcius in the arctic. Anything below the 49th paralel has known temperatures of 80+ degrees. This killed about 99.998% of humanity.
>As humanity died out, nature showed it's resilience. Temperatures have largely normalized, but human civilization and settlement has been nearly annihilated. Entire continents are virtually without human habitation. There are no communities that top 1000 people anywhere in the world.

The water is held in the fuselage, dripping out of the now porous and almost sponge-like material after absorbing it during a few weeks of rain. While the fuselage looks like classical metal, as said it is effectively slowly turning into mulch, even though it degrades rather slowly without mechanical force from plant roots since its structural integrity is too great for most insects and bacteria to break down.

Stop grumbling about what cant, start worldbuilding about what can.
actually, 4chan is Japanese now, its owner is
Hiroyuki Nishimura
a post-apocalyptic world would look very green and comfy indeed, much like abandoned buildings in a rural area look today
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Posting some Scifi/Fantasy/Cyberpunk papes that might fit
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ww1 may have had millions of men, but every inch was unfit for men to live
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or perhaps a place beyond the reach of man, though it may not be an end if it never began
>so zoomer he doesn't know what a midwit is
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this is why I love Death Stranding. So peaceful, such a defined and refined vibe
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>das glukenpiss poopenfarten jawhol myjn furer
krautoid isn't a real language
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> 5472 x 3648
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Love this one
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retards are preferable to midwits
>tard pride world wide!
no, in the oven you go.
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It makes no sense that the tram is moving
There's also a stoplight on.
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Actually it is still a website hosted in the United States. Nice try though.
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okay but where is that guy going? the bridge clearly just ends in what looks like a 100m drop at least. why is he going that way?
To brood at the edge

Captcha x p 0 s 0 y
> 4928 x 3264
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The ducks have taken over
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The weight of the materials as they took on water would cause collapse.
For a waterfall to be consistently pouring out of the engines it would have to be still raining, or have just stopped raining minutes ago. If the fuselage was made with weak, biodegradable materials, the weight of the water would split the plane apart. Imagine a cardboard box being filled with water.
it rained recently
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>ocean in the background
>"Where the fuck is the water coming from?"

are you landlocked?
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So pretty...
The source is @TOKYO_GENSO btw
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Japanese owned

That's like you buying a Toyota and calling it American because the dealership is in Saint Antonio
he's basement locked
I get it that you want to psyop /pol/ to the ground, but ffs, go there and stay go.
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>fictional post apocalypse wallpaper thread
>d-d-d-das ist nicht möglich, anonimous, look at mein zcientific chart

Why are krauts like this
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legit this and >>8001962 the bus makes no sense at all.
On record for having some of the longest fucking words in all of modern human languange.
By the way, this image is mirror reversed.
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Very nice, loved the pandas playing with sunflowers.
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>time travel modified Delorian in the center bottom
Sabel, nice. I really enjoyed that game. Felt pretty cozy.
Deceptively small door for a boss room..
Would you people calm the fuck down
But WHY is there a barbed why fence
>portrayed as peaceful
>brandishing and aiming firearm with caution for danger

dont get me wrong... i love this game but couldnt you have hidden her?
trees don't grow like that.
>trees don't grow like that.
Google angkor wat
if you are not one of the tree-brain plane worshippers then leave this place, it is forvidden yov
i don't like these cause the artist didn't have any clue about cloth fading or wearing, adding some rips down the middle is NOT realistic in any way.
yeah the stream pouring out of the turbine really bothers me. there's no possible source for it.
the amount of midwit seethe at this post cracked me up. you made my day anon.
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rain came through, you just missed it
>midwit seethe
but son, that post -is- the midwit seethe...
For the Tall screens
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>That's like you buying a Toyota and calling it American because the dealership is in Saint Antonio
Dear Anon,

Dont want to be rude, may i download and use this as my wallpaper?

Thank you,
Astute observations. The water falls are fucking stupid and the backlash for asking about it is amazing. How did people get so cucked about any minor hint of criticism?
Holy shit is this real or like a parody of a dickless softboy? Jesus... what is happening to our species?
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Greeting from /v/
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Plane has been sitting in elements with no maintenance for years maybe decades or centuries. Its fuselage is bound to crack as it goes through harsh storm and intense sun cycles. This lets sediment settle and plant take root. As the roots work their way into the structure they introduce more moisture to erode and expand. Its likely the fuel lines also suffer breaches from heating and cooling cycles which is why the the turbine leaks as well. Finally the airport could have enough blow out windows and the right floor plan that the water drains out the gates and into the cabin spaces on the parked aircraft.
>being such an autistic faggot that you assume everyone can understand your foreign retard language

autism was a mistake
>plants magickly create large flowing amounts of water because 'mosture!111'
sir, are you aware you are a complete retard?
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Someone dumped a bucket in the airplane.
80+°C is extreme. I'm told water vapor is the most potent green house gas so with those temperatures you are looking basically at no living things that could suck the co2 from the atmosphere. I presume the recovery would take definitely more than a million years. So no planes by then.

The waterfalls are fucking stupid. Only magic could explain them. Water springs from the soil and that shit is 3 meters above hard concrete. It would have made more sense to place them in the windows of the terminal but of course not.

I respect the skill of the artists, but man they sometimes draw the most silly things which tell you a lot about them
It's called Solarpunk.

Eh, solarpunk is more of an aversion to cyberpunk, where instead of all the advanced technology being used for sex, drugs, murder and profit, it's used to build egalitarian, hippy societies that focus on renewable energy and community within nature.
It almost never has any post-apocalyptic or "After the End" elements to it, except in one or two very niche franchises.

OP's "soft-apocalypse" verbiage is more just focusing on the pastoral, lonely parts of The End, and ignoring the shitty parts (cannibal gangs, mutants, eldritch abominations, etc).
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It's rainwater draining out after a storm
friendly reminder that ducks rape.

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