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I have a few very minimal papes, I thought a thread considerate of those with shitmachines or terrible internet may be appreciated.

200 KB or less.
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the best
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>200 KB or less.

Anything with decent compression can get a file under 200kb. But yes, we can go lower. Many simple "image floating is space" backgrounds can go even SMALLER by just cropping the image. Set it as your background, centered, and have the rest of the space filled with a solid matching color. Telling it to tile an image works as well.

Irony: when you make a background thread in a section where the real space saving images aren't even allowed due to size restrictions.

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Impresive that there has not been a Gondo General for like 4 days. Lets start one!
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Cheers anon, never seen this one
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whoops forgot my pape
where is that from ? Looks kubrickian
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>Silk is a bed restaurant in Frankfurt – a bit inspired by the Supperclub in Amsterdam and the Bed Supper Club in Bangkok. But, to be honest, none of these is so consistent in its approach as Silk or offers Michelin-starred cuisine. Wait, Michelin has awarded a star to Silk (early in 2006), a restaurant without proper tables, proper tablecloths, or high-end cutlery and porcelain – in Germany?

>When it comes to fine dining I am usually somehow conservative in that I very much prefer tables where I can sit and eat properly. But Silk is more than just a restaurant – it is an oasis, a state of mind. It is a place to feel at home, to relax and to abide with all the quarrels of each day. It is even intimate for a romantic and cosy dinner…

>Beds offer enough space for 4-6 people, one has to take off shoes and is offered special sandals to go for a walk… A DJ plays ambient tunes, the light gradually changes its intensity and lets the diners appear at their best. It is a perfect way to introduce fine dining to a different audience. But, guests have changed, especially since the first star has been awarded. One also finds traditional fine diners along with crazy party people who need to be forced to lay down for a couple of hours…

The restaurant and its parent nightclub closed down a decade ago, though.
show bobs

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Today is my 28th birthday. Post your 28th wallpaper or whatever wallpaper you want.
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Dang, my 28th was yesterday, happy birthdays to us.
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Happy Birthday anon
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Happy Birthday Anon!

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Is it possible to find high res images of Walter Wick's art? These are the well known childrens books "I Spy" and "Can you see what I see?"
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Anyone have the space base made of kitchen items?
Can't imagine spending thousands of hours and using that considerable talent to make those chaotic, brightly-coloured, headache-inducing paintings.

artists are gonna be artists, I guess
man i love these, these are the definition of 90s art!

pdfs of the ispy books must have high res images right, we could extract from them
This was my favorite to look at. Seeing all the roads twisting with cars every which way was so cool. >>7985185 was also very cool.

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looks lovely, do you have any links to follow your work?
why isn't the church centered? i could understand, if the right spot had something in it, but it is empty, why would you ruin a such good looking wallpaper? and why would you post it here? why would you plan making more of these in the future? hopefully, you fail and no one will care abour your works, unless, this church pape is fixed, of course
Thank you for your appreciation. I have a tiny Youtube channel, but I'm not allowed to advertise it here directly with a link or name. In a few days my next piece will be finished - with a hinting filename.
Because it isn't the center of the scene. I wanted to create a balanced still life, where nothing should be in the clear focus, since there is no action, no plot. Beholders should immerse, not focus on a single spot and wait for something to happen.
I placed it approx. in the golden ratio on the X and Y Axis of the frame. Together with the tree and the group of banks it marks the left and right frame of a square cropped version for instagram and tumblr.
You have a point with the blank spot to the right. I tried several ideas, but non of these worked out. I decided to leave the space blank and move on to the next piece, not due to impatience, but because I don't wanted to bite on to the scene and get seriously stuck.
I fail with every new work, but keep pushing until I'll succeed eventually, it's part of the process. But I appreciate your honest words.

Wallpapers similar to pic related, doesn't matter if for PC or phone.

I like this image, but sadly the resolution is too fucked up
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Is this a little better? I ran it through a resolution cleaner.
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I've also done the upscaler thing, hope it'll help
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Post anything related, i'm trying to build a good collection of the stuff.
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These are socialist Papers, Communism never lasts long enough to be recorded.

>took the Peru bait like a champ
hahah lmao

>in most sensible countries that doesnt happen
desu this guy doesnt know about class wars and how these countries became more "sensible" with socialist policies as time went on thanks to the workers struggles

>spoken like a...
>you were probably raised by...
>ahh you havent been in...
wrong wrong wrong my dude, i was raised in a conservative right-wing family and i love them, my teachers were also quite right wing (most of them) and i'm a straight white male too (just in case you were going to throw around the race card lol), however i do like to read and i made up my own opinions with research and my own moral-compass.

why do rightards make these absurdist claims when they run out of arguments?

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Socialism is a transient stage towards True Communism (a stateless and classless society) ergo Socialism is also a part of Communism
Marxian propaganda definition based on dogmatic grand narratives
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you guys should have a debate about this shit.

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I like the theory that the 17thC Dutch masters used early camera obscuras to produce their most photorealistic works

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Let's have a thread of cats of all kinds, shapes and sizes.

I'm kinda looking for a very specific one, but this is not supposed to be a request, more like a try if it rings a bell with anyone. I remembered a wallpaper from when I was a kid and I would really like to find it, but my memory is very unclear about the details. It was definitely back in the 90s, as I'm sure it was on Win95. It was a low res (obviously) close up pic of a white kitten with brown or gray patches (it's really a long time ago so my memory is not that clear and I believe the color quality was not even 24bit back then) and I believe it was sitting in some bushes. If anyone remembers or has something close to that, it would be appreciated.

Meanwhile, as I said, gimme all your cats.
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Anything with a tail plug goes
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I love the feelings of melancholy, sadness, homesickness, tiredness invoked by images of soviet/brutalist architecture.
In this thread i will post some High Res Pics of that!
Feel free to post some aswell, everyone is welcome.

(I will also be posting some music)

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i live in one of those. Still living with my parents so it's not that comfy, but I do not understand why it is so comfy to me to look at these and to look out the window and see other people living in them as well, seeing a lot of lights in the windows. At the same time it makes me feel pathetic because I go in with the "masses". Like I am a sheep, a headless chicken in this whole rat race system driven by control of the people and at the same time can you be mad at them ? They outsmart us. They see what works and use that to gain an advantage.
I want to agree with you. For my entire life I wanted to hate them, but I have lived outside the Eastern Block for many years and I gotta tell you, at an affordable price, I still have not found a place which would satisfy all the boxes that I ticked previously in those flats. Now there is a flaw in all the apartment complexes wherever you go, and that is the noise. You can become extreamly self-concious about the sounds and noises you make even when it comes to sex. Now the one I live in has thick walls but as a musician as well I find if problematic and this created clinical levels of anxiety.
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Warszawa by Bowie always hits hard for me when I browse these Soviet threads


Wallpapers for the game series NieR, minimalist style is preferred
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I love toobie but any love for NieR Replicant / Gestalt?

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Tried finding some in the other threads but found none. I'm going to post everything I have, please help an anon out. 3440x1440 preferred.
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Not 1440p but it scales up t0 fit no problem and doesn't look too bad since its just a Pepe
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