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/wg/ - Wallpapers/General

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General thread for papes that combine porn or erotica with a popular aesthetic (i.e. vaporwave, synthwave, outrun, neon lighting, retro/nostalgia inspired, japanese text, glitch effects, etc.)

Edits and requests Welcome :)

Previous Thread
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damn thats really great thanks for delivering anon
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fantastic work anon

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All things Star Trek
Ultrawide is a plus
Got a new 3840 x 1080 monitor that needs something other than default wallpapers.
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AKA the Javelin Argument by Lucretius from over 2,000 years ago
Anyone has mor of the Fighters?
Impeccably dogshit takeaway.
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Please, I need all theater related wallpapers. preferably draw or anime, but not AI. Cool groups or stage plays shoots are welcome
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Abstract papes

I made this one today. I dont have much else to share but anything that is cool or abstract would be nice to add to my collection.

I'm so starved for papes im literally making my own
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Lord of the Rings & The Hobbit
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South Park

>Other cartoons are fine too
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Let's get a retro synthwave thread going! Phone papes preferred
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Synthwave is the music and vaporwave is the visual no?
Each of them is both musical and visual.

>Vaporwave is a microgenre of electronic music and a subgenre of hauntology, a visual art style, and an Internet meme that emerged in the early 2010s, and became well-known in 2015. It is defined partly by its slowed-down, chopped and screwed samples of smooth jazz, 1970s elevator music, R&B, and lounge music from the 1980s and 1990s.
>Visually, it incorporates early Internet imagery, late 1990s web design, glitch art, anime, stylized Greek sculptures, 3D-rendered objects, and cyberpunk tropes in its cover artwork and music videos.

>Synthwave (also called outrun, retrowave, or futuresynth) is an electronic music microgenre that is based predominantly on the music associated with action, science-fiction, and horror film soundtracks of the 1980s. Other influences are drawn from the decade's art and video games.
>According to PC Gamer, the essence of outrun visuals is "taking elements of a period of '80s excess millennials find irresistibly evocative, and modernizing them so they're just barely recognizable."
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Anything to do with being under the surface of a large body of water. Wonder and horror are equally welcome.
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post l33t 1280 x 1024 papes
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Stuff with this kind of fun, youthful aesthetic. Doesn't have to be from games, that's just mostly where I find it.
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Hi /wg
I am looking to acquire 3840x1080 for a dual 1080p setup.
Anything goes aside from nsfw, ecchi is okay.
Resolution that can also be added:
8102 x 2196
7680 x 2160
5120 x 1440
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1950's Atomic Age Futurism, elaborate moon bases, personal rockets, etc.
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Simon Stålenhag
I love these, amazing
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some wallpapers art i actually made myself, that i would like to share to anyone who would like to use it.
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Can't find any good-sized pics, but this reminds me of the Drej from Titan A.E.
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I don't know if this counts but I made it a couple years ago and when I posted it back then no one seemed to like it so it's just been sitting on my harddrive collecting bitrot.
A bit of blurring and some chromatic aberration and that looks like it would be straight out of a late 80's/early 90's sci-fi film.

>In the year 2020 california was hit with an earthquake of apocalyptic proportions, the land split and sundered forming hills and mountains while enormous crevices plunged many to the heart of the earth. Society collapsed and now only those elite atop the highest peaks tyrannically rule the impoverished masses below who dwell within the ruins of a once great land.
>*cuts to musclebound hero doing honest work before LawSec turn up to ruin his day and set the plot off*
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Anything mainly red goes, preferably mobile
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thought i'd share some I did using gimp
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Another one

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No /html-css/?! Cozy holidays edition

>What are startpages?
Startpages (in the context of this thread) are locally hosted webpages (as in, the files are on your computer - not a server somewhere) that serve as the homepage or new tab page for a browser. They generally contain some number of links to frequently visited sites as the main element; search bars, clocks, calendars and other embedded items are usually added as secondary elements.

>What browser are you using?
If you can't tell what browser it is, it's probably Firefox, you can theme Firefox using Stylus and finding themes on the Firefox tag of Userstyles.
Otherwise if you won't upgrade there's always Chrome, you can ~slightly~ customize it using Chrome Theme Maker. Vivaldi has custom CSS settings too in a native way.


---Discord link---

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Anyone know why adding bulletpoints to my todo moves my searchbar down?? How do I fix
Because search bar is positioned relatively to the todo and vice versa.
You can sed the entire todo section as position: absolute and then put it on the page using "right" and "top" CSS attributes.
Make sure that the parent DOM element of your todo section has "position: relative" set so that "position: absolute" will work.
Useful links - https://www.w3schools.com/css/css_positioning.asp
fixed it!
bump lmao

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