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Phone Wallpapers - https://mega.nz/folder/VhdyVRpC#lfbFqEbdvSnRsanD_2j8MA

1440p Wallpapers (newer additions) - https://mega.nz/folder/YhcUmRZC#gSYQuWnjK-JgVoyBbs4W9Q

1440p Wallpapers (older) - https://mega.nz/folder/0h1GxCCA#bQkIX_qpYf9_DYCvqFeOfw
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Thread #9. An anon in the last thread suggested /catharsis/ and I like it. What do you guys think?

All are welcome here.

Previous: >>7995487
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I don't like talking to people at all. I feel like it takes a huge mental drain on me every time I have to speak to anyone on a non-business or straight forward manner. Some people are just so stubborn I don't even bother to argue with them anymore. Like my mother for instance. All she does is nag no matter what I do. I could be successful and making decent money and she would still bitch and moan that I am not a Doctor/Lawyer. The only reason she's pissed off at me is because the fact I'm 31 and never got married or been in a relationship. I don't really care for that sort of stuff and I am a bit anti-natalist when it comes to life itself. But it doesn't really matter anyways because she was always like this to me growing up. I just cannot stand people like her.
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I hope one day I can grow something as beautiful as these root bridges
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Do you have any interesting updates anon?
I've recently been scanning my memories to find the keystone moments of my personality development. If I ever have kids, i'd like to recreate a few of those moments and hopefully plant the best seeds in their minds. So far, the most impactful memory (i think) was my dad drawing costumed monkeys in a wrestling ring for me when I was 4-5 years old.
Pointing out faces in the trees, cars, and clouds could make for a similarly impactful memory, definitely go for it
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what's holding you?
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man I can recognize the feeling. but as >>8058394 said you cant have a human.
though I do feel ..94 did take it a bit far.
Having played with the thought a bit, I've dissected it to desiring human beauty, something I can achieve(by increasing my own and surrounding myself with beautiful people)

the only thing left is to choose a plan and execute.

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My current desktop background. Always love to see 'em!
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Everything Dune related goes here. Movie and book related, games, whatever- bring it.
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This is the last of the 2021 character posters.

Anyway, '84 is the only movie version of Dune that will ever get a thumbs up from Herbert, and it did. I still don't understand why it gets so much shit, but whatever.

Need some good train papes, steam engines preferred.
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Post any wallpapers relating to the sea.
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paintings of forests and trees
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People need dramatic examples to shake them out of apathy
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Not that one.
>In The Batman, there are no quotable lines.
There are. Penguin just got them all.
>There's no origin, no training.
You say that like it's a bad thing. There have been enough Batman movies that everyone knows what's up. Besides, the movie gives you all the necessary info on why he is Batman. The death of his parents is a major plot point, and they explicitly state that Alfred trained him due to his MI6 background.
>that the villains plan could have been unraveled if they lifted the carpet with a carpet tool
Did you not watch that the entire point was that he WANTED the carpet lifted? He wanted Batman to put 2 and 2 together. He even mocked Batman in jail for the fact that Batman didn't figure it out in time. "It was all there".
>They also had to make him invulnerable like superman.
Ironic, considering this was the most physically vulnerable Batman we've had. The guy took more hits than any of his predecessors, barring Bale when he got his back broken by Hardy.
>A bomb literally went off in his face,
The only thing wrong with that is that it was a big fireball that pushed him back. At best he should've been pelted with pieces of the DA's head but obviously you can't do that for a PG-13 movie.
>he gets shot with machine guns and shotguns point blank range
Body armor. Nothing new to Batman as he always should be wearing that.
>No armor in the world can take that.
Yes it can. Especially body armor made with a billionaire's fortune behind it.

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If a bomb blew up in his face he would look like this.
It would make his identity super easy to find
watch this and see what you think

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star wars papes?
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women could never be jedi, they are literal balls of emotion.
everything they do comes from emotion.
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Model is Tessa Fowler

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Anyone down for a silly wallpaper thread?
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That's not silly, that's finding love in a subaru crosstrek.
A goal I take VERY seriously

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Hey /wg/, today is my 38 birthday on this rock. Want to give this old man some subpar to decent papes?
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here's a moldy oldy for ya, old timer
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sorry for low quality but i love this wallpaper.

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> 5915x3662
I still they should've built Triplet Towers. I get the argument that rebuilding the same Twin Towers would be unnerving, but Triplet Towers would be the perfect "fuck you"
This thread is a year old?!

post your desktops
no desktops

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Let's get a retro synthwave thread going! Phone papes preferred
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Looking for ones with smiliar vibe to this one. Phone papes preferably
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Really digging these "more modern" vaporwave ones.
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tiddy bumps
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Wallpapers That Capture the 2005-2013 Aesthetic
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