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Gadsden flag
290 replies and 107 images omitted. Click here to view.
someone please post the black sun wallpaper, the one with people inside like goebbels and von ungern
What’s the source for the original image?
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found it here anon
Thanks man. That's a really good explanation

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-Must be very pale, nearing anemia, almost translucent skin
-Not overweight, a little thickness is okay
-No insanely pornographic poses please
-Keep it tasteful
-OC is okay as long as its actually good
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What the fuck are these poverty resolutions
I hate coomers so much its unreal
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She's Brazilian

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Any kind of maps: Contor maps, Fairy tale maps, Ancient maps, Universe maps, Roap maps, City maps.

I'll post what random ones I have!
282 replies and 174 images omitted. Click here to view.
Its a Map from 2007 (Nat Geo), I haven't been able to find an updated map of equal detail, if anyone has an updated one please post it.
Costa Rica, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Uruguay, Georgia, Egypt, Switzerland, Bhutan, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Portugal, Nepal, Iceland, Liberia, The Philippines and the Caribbean were left untouched

Bad job
the only actual cannon maps are the ones tolkien drew himself, this is from a game. he left a lot of information about what was outside of middle earth out of his writings
your video proved the earth is a globe lmfao
nice I like how the cities are modeled on the real buildings.

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Post wallpapers that are paintings. Preferably watercolor or impressionist. Also looking for anything with a lighthouse.
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Not sure if any of you will give a fuck, but I found this useful. This is a python script written by chatgpt that will rename all the images in your wallpaper folder to random filenames, generate CRC's for each file to detect and delete duplicates, and some other neat features. You can find the full list of features in the code.

I use this in conjunction with John’s Background Switcher for Windows

This gives me a new wallpaper every day. By giving all the wallpapers random names, this ensures I wont see a long string of similar wallpapers with similar filenames day after day.

nice work.You should open a github repo for it.
I'll use this for my media server. Thanks for the script
CRCs are bad because they often cause collisions (in this case deletion of different files with equal checksums); you should use a real hash function, like blake2b (provided by hashlib)
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Your wallpaper, please?
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Here is a copy.

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Anything Star Wars related. Desktop, Phone, Others. Fanart and other stuff is always welcome.
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they fly and make stuff go boom
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City lights at night.
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non blurry version of this?
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My CP2077 doesn't look like this, this is not an ingame screenshot is it

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Thread #10.

All are welcome here.

Previous: >>8031927
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I have never felt more emotionally numb in my life, over the past 8 years I have felt my normal emotional function dwindle to nothing and I can't figure out why. I have a decent job, I am moving into my own place for the first time, I have a girlfriend who thinks the world of me, but I can muster no emotional response at all. I come here in the hope that something will catch my eye and make me feel a sense of awe, I can sometimes feel that emotion pressing against a stone wall in my mind but it never seems to fully break through. I'm a bad boyfriend, a bad friend, and I just don't have the capacity to care about myself or other people any more.

Have some OC from when I actually pursued my hobbies, I haven't picked up my camera in 3 years.
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hey i took that pic :3

But yeah i just hit the 2 year anniversary of moving to a new place/starting a new job and I have to reckon with what kind of progress Ive made since then. I definitely have progressed in some areas, but in the areas that I value the most like social life and relationships, I feel like Ive gone no where. No close friends since getting here, no gf either - only a handful of boring dates. I feel pathetic despite making growth by most other metrics.

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Post pictures you took. Amateurs, professionals, anybody in between. All are welcome here.

Previous: >>8019957
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What's a decent starter camera for someone trying to get into photography?
Something in your price range from the last 10 years
Sony alpha, Canon XXXD, Nikon D-something, doesn't matter too much as long as it's got auto/manual/aperture priority modes and you can change the lens

The more modern it is the better it's going to look in low light, but you won't realize the benefits at first, unless you're got the money or a specific camera you like you don't have to buy something new (at all)
Dude I was there last week

I recently joined the ThinkPad cult, give me some more stuff
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I tried to generate some with Dall-e. This is the best one I got.
>sleek black bento box design
>study construction
>hotswap modular ultrabays where you could replace the optical drive with an SSD or another battery
>innovative history, lots of laptop firsts
>relatively cheap and easy to repair with plentiful spare parts
>great keyboard
>out of the box fantastic linux support
Etc, Lenovo ruined a lot of this though.
>Etc, Lenovo ruined a lot of this though.

Some might suggest that has something to do with stereotypical chinese corner-cutting and cost-saving methods in order to maximise profits in a particularly crowded market...

Fact is though IBM wasn't ever an especially cheap brand back in the day, but even the cheapest thinkpad had a lot of features, and that typically robust build quality, behind it, so you were always getting at least some value for the money you invested.

On the other hand Lenovo clearly like to think they offer that same robustness and feature-laden build quality, but it just seems it's generally reserved for their mid to higher end kit now rather than being available across the entire range, while at the lower to mid end of things there's nothing that particularly separates them from any other laptop manufacturer any more, and that's kind of a big shame really.
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here's some OC I took last week of my X200s and C13 :3

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its over, drop sad/depressed looking wallpapers
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nothing will change
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We never really stop playing this game, we just take long breaks...
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Kino autism
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Nobody is forcing you to interact with the new features. I've been playing since alpha and have never explored a single End City or conquered an ocean monument.

need some dark themed wallpapers for the eyes
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>Also I don't know how i missed it but the grey dot is a (.) period that was auto typed in by my keyboard after added two spaces.
it's funny how things that are mysterious and tend to spur theories and meaning usually come out of pure whimsey, carelessness, or even sheer incompetence.
Its called Outline with no fill and elegant thickness. Comes with the Niagra launcher.
The author is dead the moment he has penned his words. From that moment on his work is to be interpreted over and over by everyone who reads it in their own unique ways.
That's my crude understanding of the concept of the death of the author which I'd like to put in here (perhaps incorrectly) to shield my folly.
Does anyone have the pape with a baboon holding flames in its hands? Kinda graffiti style on a black background. I had it for my phone lock screen but lost the cunt when I had to get a new phone, been looking for it for ages. Thanks

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