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I have a couple dozen of these wall papers that just have juxtaposed geometric inlays, mostly triangles. Idk what to call them but I want more
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Thats all I got and I've had it for a good 8 years. I'd love if anyone had/made more.
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Anyone? Bumping with trippy
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I have seen these referred to as Geoscapes, altho it's been awhile since I caught a thread with them. Might have a couple for ya
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785 KB JPG
You are in luck, apparently I have a folder lol. Will dump some
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i forgot I how much I hate captchas
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1.89 MB JPG
I forgot how many of these I have lol
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last one i have, hope some folks are able to expand their collection. peace y'all.
how old is this image? i remember having it back in like 2016
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googling geoscapes came back with this imgur gallery that contains a lot of the ones both of us posted plus more
Thank you
All the ones I (OP) posted are from <2016
Thanks, m8, loving this.
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i made this image in 2015. I posted it here and it went viral on a bunch of wallpaper websites. heres a shitty screenshot of the original PSD, while remote desktoping to my PC.
i also made this one around the same time.
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3.12 MB PNG
heres a few more that i've made that werent as popular.

story time.

>was living in richmond va
>leaving apartment
>see some lanky white kid entering my building while im leaving one day
>its moot
>moot used to live/school here or whatever
>few weeks later,
>get on elevator with moot and some cubby woman with a rolly backpack
>say hi, mention that I use this website at /wg/ for wallpapers
>looked like he felt pretty awkward, girl was prolly gonna dom him or something
>get off elevator
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2.32 MB PNG
fuck the captchas
File: freeyourmind_alt.png (1.48 MB, 1280x720)
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1.48 MB PNG
chubby woman*
File: tri4.png (1.97 MB, 1600x900)
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oh, btw. They're called Polyscapes. retards.

newfags can't triforce, only uniforce with one triangle on a mountain
This folder has been on a 30 minute wallpaper shuffle on my desktop for at least 5 years and I've never known the name to find more.

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5.09 MB PNG
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Hot off the presses
This is some top tier stuff anon, thanks for the new papes. Didn't know this was my aesthetic until I found this thread.
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827 KB PNG
Thanks, bro! Here's another one I did, just kinda trying my hand at it.
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I've got a couple that I've been holding on to for almost ten years now maybe, lol
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1.46 MB JPG
Different background/filters - I'm using this format to teach myself GIMP
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You the goat! I had this as my debit card custom photo and wallpaper for a while.
>Originally 6036x4008
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828 KB JPG
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443 KB JPG
very nice collection.
I had one ages ago that depcited a very dark gray-blue ocean with a triangle. It was stormy, grey, dark. That sort of thing.
Lost it though.
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> 9890x5195
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printed this one
That's cool. Must be a good feeling to see your work appreciated and shared like that.
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5.8 MB PNG
no one responded to this but I lold
Love me some EVA
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225 KB JPG

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