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File: 1581302581327.png (496 KB, 1920x1080)
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Share some prog rock wallpapers, new or old, or anything music-related if you want too
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Not Prog I know but Ween is very based too.
I'd appreciate it if you shared some hi res papers, at least 1440p since I don't have any music-related ones at that res
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Not prog, but it's a cool band.
File: rush.jpg (307 KB, 1680x1050)
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Prog is the greatest genre
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semi-related because it's technically fusion-jazz, but proggy as fuck and has rock elements, check out the complete bitches brew sessions, amazing
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A Hendrix album I have, with IMT's help to make it a wallpaper
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also prog jazz
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File: oneohtrix.jpg (350 KB, 1920x1080)
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last one remotely related. I'd kill for some good Yes papes, they have amazing artwork
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Anyone have the Hemispheres cover as a pape?
Roger Dean, enjoy yourself

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not prog rock but cool wallpaper, artist is Ólafur Arnalds
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Wondering if a higher res version of this one exists.
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I really love Asia, really underrated band
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File: Bitches Brew.png (4.28 MB, 3440x1440)
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I made this wallpaper
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File: Camellia - Paroxysm.png (5.51 MB, 3440x1440)
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One of the best metal albums ever.
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Their most underrated album
Their last good album
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File: Renaissance Design.jpg (613 KB, 1600x998)
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>Homage to 70s/80s prog rock album covers. Created for a music event's advertising materials.
Love you for this
Anyone have more Genesis ones?
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hell yeah!! I fucking love Genesis, sí señor
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favorite album
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great thread. prog makes me happy
neat that harmonium is included in there
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Don't have a wp, just wanted to point out how much I love this album thoughever
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Prog is taking what sounds like segments from a bunch of different songs, and mashing them together for a not-always-coherent song.
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Just image reverse searched this. cool, thanks for sharing.
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File: GoD.png (85 KB, 1920x1080)
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>A fun tribute piece. Follows my "if you can make it look like a Prog Rock album cover, you should" rule.
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And that's the end of my Rush dump for now
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File: Bedside Manners Are Extra.jpg (2.6 MB, 3840x1920)
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File: Paladin - Charge.jpg (3.19 MB, 3840x1920)
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1017 KB JPG

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