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Suicide Girl Thread
-High-ish Res Please
-no AMATEUR OP (good quality is okay)
-Landscape Preferred
111 replies and 105 images omitted. Click here to view.
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Any Willow?
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As nude as possible without showing nipples or vagina. Bare butt okay!
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General thread for papes that combine porn or erotica with a popular aesthetic (i.e. vaporwave, synthwave, outrun, neon lighting, retro/nostalgia inspired, japanese text, glitch effects, etc.)

Edits and requests Welcome :)

Previous Thread
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shit, this one freaked me out!
This one is really good anon
Please do a tits focused one
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Need more like these

post your desktops
no desktops
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I finally changed it last night after realizing I've been running my old wallpaper for 8/9 years effectively.
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Might as well post my laptop too, might change it too, as I've had it like that for a year or so.
Ice to meet you HAHAHAHA
is this waybar? can you share dots again pls?

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Wallpapers That Capture the 2005-2013 Aesthetic
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oc gmod screenshot
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Miss my Toshiba Satellite on Windows XP
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South Park

>Other cartoons are fine too
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Damn... I still own the original from like 20 years ago
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Need more papes of my favorite show of all time.

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No, your incorrectly-shaped, too-small slop is not welcome.
this is just a modern "luxury" hotel room
what do you mean? it looks 80s as fuck
It's look like an Earthship. They're really neat.

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post some cool/cozy Half-Life 2, TF2, Portal, L4D2 you name it for phone or desktop
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The new tv show is the best conversion of game to show I've seen.
Halo, LoTR should take notes
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best game comin through

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Looking for more Mess up Disney wallpapers
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he always has been anon
holy SHIt this thread is epic keep em comin guys
You killed it with this comment. Jinxed it.
It's like you didn't even watch Once Upon A Time...

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Papers any papers that look like there's a great story behind them!
Also, if you see a picture posted that you have in higher res/original, feel free to post it.

Starting with my very favourite.
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Mixing sci-fi futuristic elements in a medieval fantasy world is very interesting worldbuilding for sure

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Anything about tigers. The animal, different variants of animal, robots, tanks, tiger stripe paint jobs, anything.
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I have a few very minimal papes, I thought a thread considerate of those with shitmachines or terrible internet may be appreciated.

200 KB or less.
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post apocalyptic settings portrayed as peaceful rather than hostile, especially if nature has overtaken an industrialized settlement like in the op pic
let me know if anyone has a better name for this
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It's rainwater draining out after a storm
friendly reminder that ducks rape.

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Abstract papes

I made this one today. I dont have much else to share but anything that is cool or abstract would be nice to add to my collection.

I'm so starved for papes im literally making my own
225 replies and 194 images omitted. Click here to view.
don't use these, they delete system32
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I did the same... I LOVE IT!

Reminds me of the album cover for Cocteau Twins 'Four Calendar Cafe.'
reminds me of those "I Spy" books
>those "I Spy" books


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