Wallpapers with space in the middle just like this so I can fit my icons.
does this kinda count
>>8086482Anyone have this without the taskbar? If not, I can just crop and resize.
>>8086539fucking saved, nice
>>8086601Perfect, thank you.
>>8086525I can't articulate why but this really hits the spot for me.
>>8087651it's called autism anon
i love this one but have no idea where the source is, reverse image searches bring me back to /wg/ threads.
>>8086482>windows store in the taskbar still>notepad++i instantly hate you
>>8086482what do you mean by “empty middle” anon? most of the wallpapers on this thread have stuff in the center and no stuff on the outskirts. is that what you needed? or are all anons severely retarded?
>>8086510This is awesome!> 900s captcha, wtf even is this
>>8095245The thread is called “space in the middle” not “feels in the middle”.
>>8095285Looks like it's already "middle anything" now.