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File: glittervomit.jpg (328 KB, 1200x1200)
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A continuing tradition of awfulness. Post the worst papes you have!

Continuing from last thread:
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Caotcha; WWHAT
oh i get it like rei's car hahaha
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bruh that thing is so bad it's actually so good
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897 KB JPG
Bruh. This is now a thing. Is that what these threads have always been?
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LOL I saw this too. Dude posted this on a coomer thread but asked for the anime girl not to be sexualized because he didn't know her age
File: Neelai_dolphin.png (3.95 MB, 1975x1024)
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3.95 MB PNG
there's no way this wasn't made as ironic bait
holy kek
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File: oorora sumo.png (1.38 MB, 1717x1073)
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Err wrong thread? Outside of some watermark and being washed out, looks pretty standard IMHO.
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is my taste really that bad or are the last ones good?
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Some people here don't know what bad papes are. Either that or they have taste in papes so bad that basic Arkham Scarecrow and competent Nighthawks parodies are "bad".
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This is amazing, i unironically love it!
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This one is blessed
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Who are these people, anyway?
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some of the cast of fishtank s2
hey ahmad
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I actually have a rifle that belonged to an Ahmad
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these are all genuinely bad wallpapers that were meant to be good. kino picks gentlemen.
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he looks comfy
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Does anyone have the tiananmen square pic?

File: bad straight up.jpg (632 KB, 1200x1200)
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didnt like the bratz doll, covered it with candy
File: art.png (42 KB, 1920x1080)
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really hoping i would find this one i made, was real proud of it when i posted this on here
File: tank 1989.png (954 KB, 1024x695)
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Sure, let's anger Winnie the Pooh. Here's the full version of the image. The one you usually see is cropped.
File: cops 1989.png (2.37 MB, 1800x1344)
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And the aftermath not long after the first pic was taken. Some things don't change.
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A challenger appears!

Dear god, stoners make terrible papes.
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love this
bro how many people is he trying to vote for? haha
why's he so tall
that's what voting for the losing side every...single...time... over about 40 years looks like
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wow, all of my favorite things
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40 years, same car, all losing political candidates. I want his car and not his political leanings.
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That's not even a bad wallpaper, it looks good.
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If I had a shitbox car, I would totally do the same thing.
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i love how my shortcuts fit right around it
File: cap falcon anon 2.jpg (2.04 MB, 1920x1080)
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i made a handful of these for anons around the time smash ultimate came out
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Classic trash pape
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File: chaos planet.png (2.47 MB, 1920x1200)
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I made this 12 years ago while bored in a high school computer class
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This one has the same exact story
File: vaporwave eva.png (4.57 MB, 1920x1080)
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This was around 2016, while bored in college
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That's Monster High, you uncultured swine!
File: a vision of christ.jpg (817 KB, 1350x855)
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still the hardest image on earth
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File: its nice to look at 4.png (3.09 MB, 1920x1080)
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My brother would always make his background out of compiling stuff that you like/means stuff to you. I found it funny. Here's mine.
fucking saved!!!!
Stone Cold Asuka. :)
File: oc.png (149 KB, 1920x1080)
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some nasty oc
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this one is hard as fuck
this one goes hard
File: joff.png (3.03 MB, 1602x1058)
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File: v 2020.jpg (3 MB, 3500x1900)
3 MB
Do you have the collages from 2019, 2022 and 2023?
Those are the only ones I'm missing.
harder than a diamond
asuka 3:16 say i just anta'd your baka
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> Giraffe man
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1.32 MB PNG
Made by this piece of shit:

File: Rebel.jpg (358 KB, 1920x1080)
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actually wait a sec, what's up with their butt? it's not a * ?
>get this gay shit off me right now or i'll wreck ur shit so hard cunt u wont even see jesus
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Love the band, but I'm not 100% on this wallpaper.
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File: SATTDT.jpg (639 KB, 1920x1080)
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Cringe as fuck.

besides that, everyone hates minorities, including "minorities".
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File: Custom_01.jpg (2.81 MB, 1920x1080)
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made this one
File: 4erv6ap.jpg (1.48 MB, 1680x1050)
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1.48 MB JPG
world war z was awesome
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Based J-punk fan

Not too bad vapor-glitch aesthetic. Could use a bit more definition on the right side but I've seen much worse. See this low effort slop as an example

A perfect reaction image. kek.

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