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This is the official thread for lewd, alluring, and sensual drawn or illustrated wallpapers.

>This thread is for:

- Full frontal nudity
- Subtle and provocative eroticism
- Lewd and revealing outfits (bikinis, swimsuits, leotards, lingerie, topless, latex, bodysuits, towels, etc...)
- Seductive and enticing poses (dress, partially undressed, or nude)
- Horny fanart and Rule 34
- Male, female, and anything in between. Straight, gay, yuri, yaoi, futa, anything goes. Don't be a shithead. If you don't like it, hide the thread and move on.
- Anime, western, paintings, and any other artstyle.
- Lascivious or salacious comics (as long as it's presented in wallpaper form).
- Usable laptop or phone resolutions.

>This thread is not for:

- Random lewd or porn pics (you can always go to >>>/e/, >>>/h/, >>>/d/ or >>>/s/)
- Models or Porn Stars from RL.
- Explicit sex, penetration, PIV, PIA, blowjobs, cunnilingus, scat, etc... Keep it classy anon.
- Bad edits. The idea is to post things that would look cool. A plain white background, a shitty duplicate shadow, a quick crop, or other shenanigans will not appreciated.
- AI slop. There's almost always a thread on >>>/b/ for that trash. Don't even think of posting it here.
- Resolutions that don't fit laptops or computers. This is not the place for lewd dumps.
- Requests. Those go either on >>>/r/ or in the IMT.
- Unproductive discussions. Don't feed or engage with trolls or haters.

Last thread: >>8084487

Be polite and chill towards other anons, and have fun!
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>be me
>click on thread
>press bottom
>this appears: >>8094878
lol, made me giggle. have another pape
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Is there a name for papes in this style? I really like how part of the character matches the bg color and would love to find more papes like this
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i wouldn't know anon, but i'd try looking other websites for the tags "minimalism", "simple background", or "monochrome". maybe that's a start. or maybe even asking around on >>>/r/, maybe someone there has a clue. if you find something out, please come back around, i'm interested as well
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AI btw
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Artist sauce?
according to gelbooru, ren ferrer
Who's this?
according to gelbooru: mitsuru-kun by kusanagi tonbo. ffs anon, learn to do your own damn research
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I tried the google search and searching r34 by tags but it just didn't show up. Sorry :(
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Google is an absolute pile of trash nowadays. R34 is really limited and the search function is really bad. The boorus tend to be a lot more reliable.
gelbooru and danbooru are the place you want to go for anime/ecchi illustrations, they're fairly complete and well categorised/indexed. safebooru is great for SFW stuff as well
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This artist seems familiar but I can't find them on gelbooru. Anyone know?
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Is that Agawa Ryo? Cool wallpaper.
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super cool anon

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