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File: imt_782.png (4.58 MB, 6400x3600)
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4.58 MB PNG
Welcome to the official IMT! We are here to help.

All wallpaper, and most image, modification requests are welcome, but within reason, as this is not >>>/b/, >>>/r/ or >>>/w/imt.

> Requestor
• ALWAYS REVERSE IMAGE SEARCH before you ask us for help. See the /wg/ sticky.
• EXPLAIN YOUR REQUEST IN DETAIL. Details help us get you the image that you want.
• STATE SPECIFIC DESIRED IMAGE SIZE, (ex., 1920 x 1080). "Bigger," "higher," "fit my phone," and the like, are NOT sizes.
• KNOW YOUR SCREEN RESOLUTION before you ask for help. Google/Bing/DDG Phone model + "resolution".
• UPLOAD AND LINK to an image hosting site, such as https://catbox.moe/, if your image is too small to post. DO NOT add white space OR stretch/shrink your picture. Imgur is known to compress images, compromising quality.

> All
• DO NOT post images unless they need to be modified or are the answer to a request.
• BE POLITE. Try to use proper spelling and grammar.
• CORRECT word choice (ex.: transparency/cut-out/render) is not as important as DETAILS in a request.
• DO NOT harass people. HELP when they ask for an edit or let others deal with the request.
> Any questions?
• Just ask, you're bound to get at least one answer.
• Tools we use Photoshop, GIMP, Paint.NET, PIXLR, MSpaint, and luck...
> 4chan Image/Thread Limitations
• Images SMALLER than 480x600 pixels DO NOT post. (1000x599 or 479x1000 will NOT work)
• Images LARGER than 6MB will NOT post.
• Supported file types are: GIF, JPG, PNG, WEBM
• Maximum file size allowed is 6 MB
• Thread Post Bump Limit - 300 +OP
• AI generated pictures are usually ignored or made fun of.
• We recommend NOT posting NSFW images. /wg/ has always been SFW (ignoring the default Yotsuba theme). Moderators have started ENFORCING this rule.

Previous thread: >>8081727
Re requesting: >>8085999
Thank you very much in advance.
Rerequesting >>8086809
Thank you very much!
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just out of curiosity anon, why did you shrink them so much? the girl was originally 1500x1700 and the other anon asked 3414x1920.
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Could someone make this into a 1920x1080? Thanks in advance
File: 136591.jpg (720 KB, 1920x1200)
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720 KB JPG
Could someone please modify this wallpaper to replace the girl with Kenshiro from Hokuto no Ken? Preferably so that it looks like Kenshiro punched through the glass.
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468 KB JPG
could anyone make this suited for 1920x1080 please?
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Can i have this image with a dark background instead of white? Anything dark, but not completely black is fine.
File: 1.png (519 KB, 1920x1080)
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519 KB PNG
Can someone crop off the white bottom & expand the sides to make this 4K monitor compatiable?
thank you!
File: IMG_4327.jpg (578 KB, 1000x1414)
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Hello, is it possible to remove the girl in the background? Just leave a dark blue bg or something similar
Thanks in advance
Hi anons. Can I have a render please? Thank you
Is there any way someone can transparent background render this girl here >>8090987? Thanks a lot
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Thanks a lot!
File: wallhaven-0q3dmd.jpg (105 KB, 3840x1080)
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Would anyone be able to resize this to 3440x1440?
Thanks a lot anon
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Can someone please make it into 16:9 wallpaper? The girl should be in the center with additional parts on the left and on the right filled with background pattern similar to the one on the pic
It's large
¿y el pico?
I don't know german, sorry anon. If you're asking about image, I posted a link to the catbox because it's 12M
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Can i get the white boarders removed and to fit a screen of 1600X900 please
File: xx.jpg (353 KB, 1600x900)
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353 KB JPG
Requesting where the blonde girl was to be cleaned up to look more real, please.
Original image below:
https://files.catbox.moe/n9d6k1.png (embe
Thanks Anon for this
Thank you very much anon. But I specifically asked for 3414x1920. Can you or someone else do that as well? Thank you very much again
File: l.png (2.72 MB, 3414x1920)
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Can someone draw in her mouth?
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709 KB PNG
Thank you very much!!

tldr; please scale this image up to 180x180px and export a tiff and a png.

I'm using gimp to scale this image to 180x180px but every time I export as png it shows in my file manager with a transparent background but when uploaded online the background becomes white.
that's likely an issue of the site you're uploading to. probably it turns it into a jpg by deafult
Yep, never mind then. Thanks for pointing that out though.
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Something similar?
Can I get two different ones please.

1. Change the white background to black and change the yellow to a dark/deep purple.

2. Change the white background AND the yellow to the same dark/deep purple.

Thanks in advance.
File: Untitled.png (1.94 MB, 5132x3036)
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1.94 MB PNG
Is it at all possible to remove the text, enlarge it to 2160 pixels tall, and lengthen the right side to 3840?

The text removal alone might be too difficult (it's certainly more than I have the skill for), but I thought it was worth asking.
>lengthen the right side to 3840

I should have added that ideally I'd prefer if it maintained the "vibe" of the background. It's not absolutely *essential* that it looks *seamless* though.
I don’t really know how to best describe it. But can someone please make the gradients surrounding the main subject be a bit more subtle and also make them pixelated so that the pixel art “rhymes” with it? >>8092153

Thank you in advance.
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2.56 MB JPG
Is this okay? The coloring might be a bit off because I used a higher res version.
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That's actually kind of incredible. I'm impressed. Thanks.

And would it be too much to ask for a 1920x1080 version (or exactly half the size, in other words)? I tried resizing it on my own and it turned out... not great. I'm assuming you have less outdated software lol.
Wut? Most OS like windows instantly resize the wallpaper to a lesser resolution quite well. And shrinking images hardly ever create much noise, unless you’re heavily jpeg compressing or like doing it on paint.
Would someone be so kind as to remove the arms and hand holding her and fill in/smooth out the space covered by the hand to make in even? And if possible, bump it up to a 1920x1080 while keeping her size the same?
No problem. Thanks again.
That looks great but I meant more in a completely remove the girl way
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Would anyone be so kind as to remove the character from the image? I can't upload the image myself because 4chan is so retarded it banned my IP from uploading files "due to abuse"

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Can someone please remove the woman from the bench?
>newfags don’t know how to appeal broad IP band
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16:9 please?
The idea on the pic is sort of cool, but the execution is absolute trash. Full of unnecesary noise, bad copy pasting, bad composition, and so much more. I won't spend any more time than absolutely necessary on it, but here you go anon

Version 1: https://files.catbox.moe/sf12vf.png
Version 2: https://files.catbox.moe/3qo0b7.png

If you want to have shit as your wallpaper, I cannot stop you.
fast heal: https://files.catbox.moe/dwyfsh.png

also, >>8092424 lol
Thank you Anonymous
Thanks anon!
Absolutely perfect, thanks!
File: 00000.jpg (1010 KB, 6000x3375)
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YES, thank you very much!
Can someone please turn all the white background on this one >>8092585 into a soft cyan/teal/light-blue pastel color? Maybe with a little bit of grain if possible.

Thank you very much in advance.
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4.44 MB PNG
Made me kek
File: 2016-08-10 18.04.17.jpg (5 MB, 3264x2448)
5 MB
hi could someone make the contrast between the glass and the dirt better? I'm trying to better match the 'before' picture
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before picture
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thanks, man
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smaller canvas grid and color variation
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noise with teal color
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Re requesting: >>8089466
Can someone please help with removing the black jaggies around this while maintaining the size of the image?
File: No_Watermark.jpg (3.63 MB, 3840x2160)
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3.63 MB JPG
Thanks for the upscale but by "watermark" I mean the iStock trademark and the number at the bottom left. I just want the background please, if possible.
Thank you very much!!!
do you have the original illustration?
well, there's one of your problems. the ai did a terrible job so your pic looks like shit
Can someone make a render of the girl? Then could you make a wp like the one in the link? 1440 x 3120 but using the same blue tone as in the original file. If I didn't explain it well, just combine it well and have the girl like in the link.
anon... what happened in the lower left side?
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I was going to print this on canvas but I'm unsure if it's too dark. the room I'm putting it in is well lit till about 12p-1pm on the time of year, then it starts to get a little darker because the room faces east. though, it's not so dark you need to turn on a light or anything. would this look better lightened or darkened? in a way that would still look natural. thanks in advance
*lightened or brightened, not darkened

man, I'm so fucking stupid
Would someone kindly help me remove the watermark located at the bottom right?
Hontoni arigatou gozaimasu!!!
I used a spiral gradient. The color lightens clockwise using the curve of the jacket as the starting point.
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Can someone extend the right & left sides to make this 16:9 please?
You can have the sides fade out to a blur if the background is too hard to imitate.
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623 KB JPG
Can someone enhance this image
> • EXPLAIN YOUR REQUEST IN DETAIL. Details help us get you the image that you want.
> • STATE SPECIFIC DESIRED IMAGE SIZE, (ex., 1920 x 1080). "Bigger," "higher," "fit my phone," and the like, are NOT sizes.
> • CORRECT word choice (ex.: transparency/cut-out/render) is not as important as DETAILS in a request.
ffs anon, learn to read or go back to kindergarten
I need someone to enhance the image to make it crisper, eliminate all the artifacts and keep the size 1920x1080.
File: 1736333027568044.png (3.5 MB, 1920x1080)
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3.5 MB PNG
Thank you very much, Anon.
Never expected mariko to pop up in one of these threads. Killer taste anon.
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Would anyone be willing to make this image 16:9, with the dude staying on the left side of the image? Thanks
can someone extend the sides to make it 16:9?
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Hi! Could anyone remove the numbers/text in the image and just leave the colorful stripes with the background? :)
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Can someone extend the sides to make this 16:9?
are you retarded? just cropping the pic makes it into a decent 1920x1080
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I don't want to cut her head or her boobs.

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can someone please transparent background render this girl with the table? just getting rid of the gradient background will do. thank you!
Can some talented anon please turn this >>8093460 into a 3840x2160 wallpaper? Thanks a bunch
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levels adjusted, so the image is roughly the same light values, but with less grays
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Heres a 2nd version where i do what i would call "Too much" but it might be what you wanted...
Thanks a bunch!
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Remove the text on this, please?
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265 KB PNG
Amazing. Thank you anon.
Can someone please remove all the white backgrounds while still leaving the subtle white outline on the girls?

- https://files.catbox.moe/as6aec.png
- https://files.catbox.moe/tctyiw.jpeg
- https://files.catbox.moe/gz17s6.jpeg
- https://files.catbox.moe/99lusf.jpeg
- https://files.catbox.moe/xikoha.jpeg
- https://files.catbox.moe/6a09ja.png
- https://files.catbox.moe/vkyv8m.jpeg
- https://files.catbox.moe/lb9ed4.jpeg

And for this last one, please just remove the orange background and leave the outline as intact as possible:

- https://files.catbox.moe/3y7uo8.png

Thank you in advance. your time and your effort is much appreciated.
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TY anon
aw wait a min...
you cut off her feet?
not what i wanted. :(
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1.41 MB PNG
Thank you anon!!!!
thanks, anon
TY anon!
Good day anon. Can anyone please remove the text/signatures from these two pics? Thank you for your time

Is this the best wp ever? The answer is YES, and you don't know how grateful I will be forever. I love you
What can I say, Mariko is so cool that I want to see her every time I take my phone out of my pocket
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can someone please remove the watermark and all of the background? thank you
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1.21 MB JPG
Can someone extend both sides to make this 16:9?
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4.24 MB JPG
can someone remove the watermark/text, please?
It's a little bit NSFW
thank you
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3.31 MB JPG
>60 mb png

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Thanks a lot, anon! (it's how I downloaded it, I was also surprised it's so large )
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Can you cut this guy out and put him on a transparent background?
Can someone make this 1080 vertically, remove the "OUTTAKES" text, and then make it 1920 horizontally (either by extending the left side only, or both sides equally, depending on which you think looks best)? Optionally, you can also smooth over the blue background, but that's less important.

For reasons, I'd ideally need this within the next couple hours.
Can someone make this 16:9 by extending the sides?
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File: SannaiPiloti.jpg (418 KB, 2048x1536)
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418 KB JPG
can anyone square this image for me by adding more sky with generative fill?

Are there any good free tools to do this with? All the online tools look so scammy and need account creation for no reason...
If no one already started on this then don't bother on my behalf. I needed it for something last night, but now it's not important.
Thank you anon! Saved!
File: wallhaven-l3o1xr.png (3.63 MB, 1920x1080)
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3.63 MB PNG
Can anyone please remove the words and fill the white space with the same blue like the rest of the picture?
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could someone please extend the pink line up to the top of the picture, please? Thanks in advance
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85 KB
Is it possible to combine her with the George Costanza ISHYGDDT image so she’s the one holding the bat?
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Just what I wanted, thanks!
NICE! TY very much anon!
File: roseswpp.jpg (2.1 MB, 1920x1080)
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can someone pretty please remove the text in the top left?
File: grainy-ass flowers.jpg (2.24 MB, 1920x1080)
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2.24 MB JPG
tysm anon (:

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