Anything that gives off Witchy vibes. Whether it's dark, somber, happy, or lewd. Regular 2D art, 3D art, anime, cosplay, etc... No AI shit though. Ideally 16:9, but phone wallpapers are also accepted.Last thread: >>7979383
>>8038078Got rid of the banding and ringing artifacts.
>>8038157I tried something with it
>>8047825lovely, but the girl in the back should be a bit more transparent. she pops up too much
>>8038614How did you do that? I've been wanting to do that for two pictures I have but the backgrounds/areas with ringing are a lot of shading/gradient so it isn't as simple as "draw over it all with one colour".
>>8060093weird, but cool
90% of the wallpapers posted here aren't giving me a "witchy" vibe, but a "prostitute dressed as a witch" vibe
>>8066490what's the difference
>>8066510ones tasteful the other is just like your mother (halloween edition)
can someone make a 1080p wallpaper with this. srry i know this isnt a request board
>>8069667You know there is an Image Modification Thread, right? It’s literally on the sticky:>3) We already have an Image Modification threadIt’s usually on page one most of the time even!!!ffs anon, baka
I doubt anyone know who this is…
>>8070922Elaina's not that obscure anon.
>>8062954liked this one but i prefer purples and deeper reds for my rig so i made this darkened and color changed edit
not witchy per se but it does fit the vibe I thinkmaybe a familiar?
allow me to plug a tumblr I really like
>>8076234awesome artist, follow on twitter
Can't see where else to post this but I found this full LP scan and fixed the lighting.
Dont mind me, passing through
>>8076930Too bad 90% of what's here is cutesy anime shit. I was more expecting a "tarot cards and black candles" kind of witch thread. Oh well.
More pls. It’s almost Halloween and would love to see more witches. Robes, brooms, and black cats.
>all these sluts and half naked anime girlsWhat happened to the old crones?
>>8054543The moon phases being in the wrong order annoys me.
>>8038614need this in 4k
>>8085547AI Upscaling to 4K
>>8089435Looks cool
more pls?
>>8090529no hat?
I will never be a real witch
>>8090971You can always lurk >>>/x/ and try some of their shit out.
>>8091003it can be a lot of fun
>>8053535repost? really liking this one
>>8094075who is that?
>>8094277Kagari Ayaka and her princess, Takamiya Honoka from Witch Craft Works.
more long skirts or robes?