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We never really stop playing this game, we just take long breaks...
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These all have a shitty watermark in the upper right hand corner.
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Such timeless evocative music, that's all way more fitting for the game than any of the new microsoft-authorised music that was added in the past few updates.

Actually pisses me off the way microsoft treated Daniel, all because MS just had to be the stereotypical shortsighted, greedy, money-grabbing company instead of just accepting the longstanding official/unofficial 'contract' Danny had with Mojang to be Minecraft's lead songwriter/sound effects engineer.

But that's all just another result of the community threatening Notch and giving him a perfectly valid reason to sell to MS; had the community not gone full retard back in the day microsoft likely wouldn't now be anywhere in the Minecraft picture, and Danny would still be happily writing his quality music for MC, and by now we'd have his third soundtrack album from the game that he was all set to release but which got shelved as part of the fallout from the whole MS contract thing.
No, i havent played it for 4 years and didnt migrate.
I stopped giving a shit about the game. It has changed too much
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Indeed. To no ones surprise, after being acquired by microsoft it has gone to shit
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Classic Minecraft papes incoming!!
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Just play older versions of the game. There is still a thriving beta community with tons of servers running pre 1.8 versions
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Unwatermarked version
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fuller image version
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Me and the boys always had this one as our wallpaper on our school computers back in the day lol
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Think this is all I've got for now. When I downloaded all these I wanted to make sure I didn't end up with half my wallpapers being old school Minecraft
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Anyone else think Minecraft feels kind of 'bloated' now? I get the appeal of having new stuff to mess with but it feels that they are just adding things for the sake of adding things now. Some of the new things almost feel like mods in the way they add entirely new systems and the like. The game feels far more complex and strangely more difficult to navigate with all the new generations, items and systems.

Not really a fan of the Bedrock across all platforms version that feels not optimised for anything either. Still a classic game though.
I agree. I just feel overwhelmed trying to play the new versions. I typically stick to playing modded 1.7.10
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Yes. I had this discussion with a friend just recently. It's very hard to add features for exploring and building. Sure they can add new blocks, but a new block doesn't inherently change how you interact with caving or building a home, in any game mode. New features, mobs, places, etc, are things the devs can dev into the game to sell more copies. And unfortunately it's a product, not a passion project nowadays.

t. Your friendly 26 yo boomer minecraft beta player who misses food healing you directly but has fomo about some of the new stuff when playing older versions (end, villager trading, new bosses to fight, which I DO like)

Pic semirel, new world because I have some nostalgia to just survive, mine some iron and build a house.
youtube tutorial ass wallpapers
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>26 yo boomer
26 yo is a zoomer
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is this the thread?
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found this random screenshot i made, i think it looks good enough for a wallpaper
not the first one

nopic at all, not even a shitty one, try harder
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It has just become too easy in my opinion.
You can get geared up really fast by visiting ships, villages, temples, buried treasure etc.
I miss the early days where you had to really search and work hard to get items.

Like clay for example, you had to travel far and wide to obtain a few chunks, now there's so much you can build a whole damn moon with it.
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5/5 for now
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>Like clay for example, you had to travel far and wide to obtain a few chunks, now there's so much you can build a whole damn moon with it.
Clay being rarer than diamonds was always a bug. I do miss the days where having a tiny bit of clay was a genuine achievement, though. People on servers would add random fireplaces to their houses just to show off their bricks.
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>after being acquired by microsoft it has gone to shit

If only the community hadn't actively threatened Notch to the point he felt he had to sell his company...

I mean yes at that point Jeb had long since taken over the games day-to-day development, but that development process was still kinda following Notch's original vision for the game

Now though with MS pulling the strings most of what's since been added by the games dev. team has been barely disguised 'filler', almost like they're compensating for a lack of actual direction by trying to throw whatever half-baked ideas they come up with at it just to show the community that they're still 'developing' the game, when in reality they probably could have gotten away with calling the game done at v1.8.9

>Just play older versions of the game.

Actually went back and played alpha 1.2.6 recently, and other than constantly forgetting I couldn't sprint or crouch while also having my retinas burned out by the OG extra bright acid green grass texture, it was actually kinda fun having only a very limited palette of blocks to work with while also having to deal with the rather janky early terrain generation.
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I want to go back bros
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ThE bed iS DiAgOnAL
What's a good "older version" to settle on and play? A version with many mods.
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1.7.10 has a decent amount of mods and overall is a classic. If you want to try something newer you can pick 1.12.2, it's also one of the better optimized versions before it all went to shit.
Fuck someone already uploaded that one.
what's good about 1.12.2 compared to later versions?
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forgot to include a pic
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It runs much smoother than the later versions (starting from 1.13 performance issues became significant, although they were somewhat fixed later on) and has a lot of mods some of which I think are still maintained to this day. If you really want some of the stuff from the newer versions you can always find some backport mods like FutureMC, although they may or may not lack certain features.
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The feature bloat and "adventure" stuff really took away from the core survival experience. Having an endgame or boss battles was never the point near the beginning, and that was important to the feel of the games progression. The survival sandbox gameplay was carried on the weight of the atmosphere of that world. The texture work was reminiscent of that era of RPG that inspired the game, from Dwarf Fortress, to Ultima, to Might & Magic, or Daggerfall. But unlike those games, filled with NPCs, monsters to slay, and quests to complete, minecraft was a mostly empty world. The music complemented this stark difference between those action packed titles and this never ending sandbox where the only spelled out goal was to survive. It was a collection of slow, somber, electronic tunes that created a contemplative mood reminiscent of artists like Aphex Twin or Brian Eno. That atmosphere felt lonely and isolating and that made the things you populated the world with feel important, and the steps toward survival feel like real achievements. Now you can come across prebuilt structures all the time and if you don't feel like mining you never really have to, and sure you have a food bar but that is totally pointless because you never run out of easy ways to get food.
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Survival is the definition of bloat in the current direction the game has taken and the action RPG mechanics added are lackluster compared to the mods people have made for the game while also taking away from the atmosphere of the earlier stages. Minecraft is a case study in less being more and the potential pitfalls of an endless development cycle, as well as the danger posed by acquisition by major corporations and the passing of development work from one person/group to another. The most positive spin I could put on it is that it is like a collaborative work of art that has had additions to it over the years and though those additions are not always ideal the old versions are always available to enjoy, along with an active modding community that makes ever new version into a million different games that are a unique expression of those individuals visions for what the game could be. There will never be another game quite like it, that's for sure.
>Survival is the definition of bloat in the current direction the game has taken and the action RPG mechanics added are lackluster compared to the mods people have made for the game

Those are also good points, over the years there's been a few really standout modpacks, in amongst the countless hundreds/thousands of otherwise very samey modpacks released for various versions of MC; modpacks like Tekkit Lite and Attack Of The B-Team come to mind for example, that not only didn't feel like a large bunch of different plugins all tacked together simply to add bulk content for the sake of adding more content, but which actually complemented, and then expanded upon, the basic gameplay design in a way that was both very clever and engaging and yet somehow didn't fall into the same bloated trap mojang/microsoft have slowly steered the game.
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Minecraft sucked ever since Microsoft got their sticky little fingers onto it, then it got worse by removing every single mention of Notch ever, then it got worse by Pewdiepie making it trending again, then it got even worse by Mojang not giving a shit. This used to be my favourite game and I'd talk nonstop about it and play it every single day, now I barely even want to think about it.

Also, here's a wallpaper I made.
you're an autistic retard, got it
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Does anyone still exclusively play on 1.7?
Beta 1.7 or Release 1.7?
Release 1.7/1.8 is "my" Minecraft, though anything up to 1.12 (1.13 if pushing it) is acceptable.
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got any socials?
Release, yeah. It's my go-to as well, 1.12 only if I'm roped into some modpack with friends but that one runs especially crappy as a server
I exclusively use 1.8; fact is the changes to combat from 1.9 onwards were just awful, and other than a large handful of new blocks there's nothing much else in the subsequent versions that really makes me want to stop using 1.8 at this point, even if certain large popular servers would much prefer we all upgraded to 1.19 or 1.20 right now to make their lives easier
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Can someone post a better res one of this
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beta screenshots are so kino thanks
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I've been collecting multiple of these pictures for the last 6 months. They're surprisingly rare to find now and are full of artifacts. You can get far with Waifu2x and some imagemagick arcane args, but i still wish this site supported at the very least lossless webp. Always have to choose between murdering them with jpg or balooning their size.
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I play mostly b1.7.3 and dip toe into this BTA fork once in a while. While isn't strictly bad some of its features are excesive to me.
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You can punch a block of dirt and find a good spot to screenshot, it's basically impossible to fuck up.
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Just realized this picture looks like trash, sorry, it was s constant struggle to get results however i wanted them and this should be one of the failed ones. Have this one to compensate. It's my favorite recently.
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I stand my point, is literally impossible to fuck up beta Minecraft screenshots unless you go out of your way for it. How did that fatass do it? How did he manage to capture an atemporal mythos like this?
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Bump, come one there has to be something.
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Always loved the dark blue water and bright red lava textures in the older versions, although I am sick of playing mc now, I still love the old textures.
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The old white lighting compliments the old saturated colors really well, specially water's, too bad underwater builds were fairly rare back then.
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Does this work? Artifacts are a bit annoying even with the upscaler, so blur goes brrrr most of the time.
This solves the Microsoft problem mostly.
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Givin in a last stand
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Where does this comes from?
It was from a video reviewing the April Fools snapshot 20w14infinite, which was the snapshot that featured the unlimited worlds portal that could be triggered with books with writing in.

In this case the video specifically focused on the single word custom maps easter egg that some within the MC community worked together to uncover when the snapshot came out.

The two... 'names'... down the right side of the image are two additional custom maps mentioned in the video.

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more relevant now than before
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Anothee bump for the bread.
Very silly rabbit hole, thanks for the explanation anon.
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Is rather sad how many excellent pictures are lost in a sea of JPEG artifacts and mindless crap content. I've been fiddling with magick and waifu2x to get something that achieves a similar effect to an "authentic" screenshot, though is hard. A lot of the detail is lost in the upscaling process due of the elemental way resampling works. I've had some luck with the sinc, hanning, blackman and lanczos2 filters.
Some renders I made of the 2b2t spawn back in 2016ish
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This was my attempt to map the spawn area to about 1.5k. Not to toot my own horn but I think it may be the first ever real map of the server spawn.

I literally walked everywhere without a hacked client, came across many ruins and died a lot but I enjoyed the process. The power of autism I guess. I wanted to go up to 5k but life got in the way and there was less interesting stuff as I got further away from 0,0 anyway.

4chan won't let me upload the lossless PNG version because its too big (30MB) but you can find the source file here if it interests you, you can see right down to single blocks and read all the weird stuff people carved into the ice.

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The first real build I ever made with a buddy around 2011.
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'member when chests looked like this?

1280x1024 aspect ratio, straight out of college and broke as fuck. Good times.
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Then came the tekkit years. Buildcraft quarries and redpower pipes everywhere.
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First quantum armor we ever made! Try not to be jealous.
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gregtech machines!
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building a giant 64x64 passive reactor
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The old mine-your-mind server portal
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Early shot of the last real build I ever made
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Some glam shots with shaders to wrap it up
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After it got griefed and withered. You can probably still find the ruins at these coords on 9b9t. Such is life on anarchy servers.
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Bonus sheep that always makes me lol
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Blessed thread
Fuck if that janky ass chest model doesn'y bring me back, i miss that random Mr T pixelart i did when i was 13
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>Obsidian chests w/ jetpacks and pipes
Now i feel depressed about the passage of time, thanks
kys immediately

mega based

me too, man
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kill yourself immediately


here's my addition, from an old minecraft server
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Couple from me <3
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I never was a fan of Dokucraft but someone was working on porting it to Better than Adventure and the textures do look ok from this perspective, i dig it.
Good, what's the state of art on Shaders for Minecraft? It's been a while since i tried them.
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>what's the state of art on Shaders for Minecraft?

"Sildur's Shaders" is still one of the best shaders for MC.
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...forgot the link... oops!

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Im unsure what the state of the art is, but these all are Sildurs Vibrant, paired with JohnSmith Legacy

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Post all of them plz...
cant even go for a nice swim in survival mode now without a dumbass zombie shooting you with a spear within 10 seconds of entering the water.
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can you tell us tales of your journey? surely there were adventures worth sharing. Do you have ss of the structures encountered? maybe you can make a pack with the pictures and send it here?

screenshot i took on my way in the nether before my base was griefed.
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Neat, I'll have to check it out
Second this there should be something funny worth seeing
nice pic, tho i'm curious why someone would use whool in the nether XD
no idea what this aesthetic is, but it goes hard

schizo minceraft mode based and cool
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Like many true stories mine is rather boring. The few screenshots I do have of my journey are not particularly interesting but I'll share them while I spin my yarn.

I was burnt out, unemployed and lonely. Suffice to say I had a lot of time on my hands and not much to do. Somehow my autistic brain got absorbed in the idea of mapping out a server that, at that point, had never been mapped.

And I was gonna do it without hacks.
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You see, the thing about being mentally retarded is that illogical things seem logical, sometimes even beautiful.

In my case I found solice in being the only normie faggot in a sea of raging faggots. There was a kind of poetic juxtaposition of being a regular player in a post apocalyptic world of overpowered hackers.
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The most interesting things to me were not the lavacasts or even the ruins.

It was these weird little oddities you would stumble upon. A random sign, a message scribbled into the ice, a single melon that the griefers missed.
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I would walk in a giant spiral pattern around the spawn, slowly expanding the map like some kind of bot.

Once in a while I'd find a real bot just parked in a random location. Just two bots passing in the night, one fleshy, one not.
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Illegal builds were a favorite of mine too. I don't know why they just do it for me.

Nether portals in general were a dice roll. Sometimes they'd take you to some awesome highway, other times they would be booby trapped.
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Anyway that's about it. I'm struggling to think of how to end this tale. I'm happy to report that my life is still in the shitter and like many of my projects this one was pointless and I started strong but eventually I got bored and gave up.

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>I was burnt out, unemployed and lonely
fair enough, everyone need a project to break this cycle
>autistic brain
idk if that's a autistic thing, to me it seems normal because i would do it too, but who am i to judge when i never was "normal" to the normies. Anyway, the goal seems so solid, with potential fame if you make it public, that it may sound appealing to many.
>booby trapped
Did you go through them to test?

I would screenshot each builds i met on the server i was playing last year too.
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Kino autism
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Nobody is forcing you to interact with the new features. I've been playing since alpha and have never explored a single End City or conquered an ocean monument.
I still play on PS3. It's a nice version to stop at.
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I got a minor obsession with archiving Minecraft screenshots when the Tinypics exodus happened and a lot of valuable memories were lost forever. A few of the pictures i saved can't be found online anymore. And i was dumb enough to ditch the original sources and saved compressed upscales instead.
Perhaps anyone has a wallpaper of a failed glowstone portal? Would go real depressing as a pape
gosh minecraft is so beautiful
comfy desu
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Second this.
It has a completely timeless appeal that stays characteristic through the years.
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Kinda works
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oh come on i just made this last night.
In your defense, nothing particularly ground-shattering has happened after 1.16.5.
Just a lot of stuff that mods did a gorillion times better and should have been official changes ever since Notch left and they had all power to do changes, proper changes.

DESU, I still expect that one day either Mojang, MS or even Daniel will get MEGA-HACKED and someone will find Vol. 3, that's the only way it can exist on the internet without Daniel being sued to hell and back.
I think the main problem is that unlike early Minecraft they do a lot to punish the player for not trying to play the bloated version.
You can turn off a lot of things now but doing so makes the game either impossible to complete without doing some technical jargon or very inconvenient, like, there's still no easy way to gain string if you disable spiders, you would think that by this point they would have used some of the blocks that have extra-functions to be able to convert wool back to string and so and so with more and more items that cannot be reverted back to items or blocks that are critical, but they don't let you do that.
They want you to get used to it or suffer for not getting on with the new features. I mean, Notch did things like that too but it usually was to avoid potential progression-breaking schemes.
Wasn't that great of a mod DESU, Comes Alive still better at companions despite NOT HAVING SEX or even millenarie gets it better (it was called that, right?)
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>that's the only way it can exist on the internet without Daniel being sued to hell and back.

Daniels original handshake agreement with Notch/Mojang meant he (Daniel) kept the rights to all of the music he did for the game while Notch/Mojang were simply allowed to use the music in-game (and for game promotion) as needed; This is what MS/Mojang then tried to change when they asked him to sign a formal contract that would have given MS/Mojang the exclusive rights to all of the music Daniel made for the game.

Daniel apparently didn't sign that contract and ended up walking away from the whole thing, but he's fortunately not one of those kinds of spiteful people that would have demanded MS/Mojang immediately stop using all of the music (and presumably any sound effects) he owns the rights to, which request could have destoyed the game in a heartbeat; hence why all his existing work is still in the game (presumably under the terms of the original handshake agreement), but MS/Mojang were then forced to start using other artists to make new music and sound effects - music that MS/Mojang own the exclusive rights too.

Because of this red hot mess though, presumably it means Daniel still owns the rights to what would have become Volume Gamma (or Volume 3), in which case there's nothing I can think of, other than maybe some residual PTSD from that whole contract debacle, that would stop Daniel from ever simply renaming the album (and all of the songs) and releasing the whole thing in its own right under different coverart rather than as anything even vaguely related to Minecraft.
i kind of like the bloated mc (even though beta 1.7.3 is sometimes more fun), but i do think its become easer than b4. at the end of the day it really doesn't matter to me lol, i just play modded
In his defense, he's probably still somewhat hopeful that MS will reconsider or at some point will get desperate enough with Mojang and Minecraft to start full-on nostalgiabait and ask him for the "lost" volume to be added to the game in a way that's not as draconic as whatever the contract he refused to sign was.
What texture pack is that?, looks hella cool for wallpaper-making.
What the fuck is wrong with you, anon
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he's based that's what wrong with him
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Sorry for late response, is an old version of Dokucraft, i think pre 1.2.4
It is, even BTA is becoming bloated over time, though at least they haven't break the core gameplay yet and balanced the Nether coal thing better, kinda.
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A last hurrah before you die, prince
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I know it's meant to be a simple game of blocks, but god damn does it look all scenic and picturesque at times
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This one my friend took of me while exploring my serv a year ago.
With about a thousand mods and shaders, sure.
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Shaders are fine but i always liked the more liminal, "rough in the edges" of older Minecraft
I mean sure the shaders and mods, and even some resource packs, do make a difference; but even without any of that the game can still be pretty darned scenic and picturesque, especially if you take the time to set up a nice shot like those posted above.
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Those picture I posted are running 3 mods, one that extends draw distance, one that generates more realistic terrain and a shader mod. So not a thousand mods like the other guy said, but still.
Also They are just screenshots of this video i came across.
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Both things have their upsides and downsides. Minecraft's simple but grounded aesthetics make it very timeless, you can try to stick with the core principles or modernize them and you're unlikely to do it wrong. Is all pixels but a subtle kind of pixels that's closely tied to the concept they were conceived in (just make cool looking things with blocks and find out).
>Johnsmith Legacy and Dokucraft are still being maintained.
>BDcraft too.
I think this is BDcraft with Dokucraft's night sky.

I genuinely wish I got Minecraft sooner maybe during Alpha. I think I got it around the time villagers were just being introduced and at the time zombies didn't attack villagers.
I then ditched my first account to make a new one so I could have a better username.
I want to like Distant horizons but it's too performance heavy and the simple chunks are obvious
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Never liked those textures much, reminded me too much to Warcraft clones. But they work, sometimes.
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I'll post the home I made
It's the glow in the mountains far away to the left, I brought some friends on the map and we started on colonizing this peak
It got pretty civilized, there's also a ring corridor/tunnel going all around the rim of the peak, and a small underground area under the well (which I planned on maybe making industry or rent for dwarfs)
A comfy tower on another one the peaks near the estate
Another house, smaller and built in survival for a change, seen from the sauna
Inside the sauna :)
This one is really good, nice gen and build.
Microsoft purchased it, it was only inevitable. Have you seen the "minecraft store", they commodified the whole game and forced the devs to pander to children. Worst thing is they defend themselves all the time. Don't get me fucking started on fireflies.
>Microsoft purchased it, it was only inevitable.

Had the worst parts of the Minecraft community not completely lost their tiny minds for no reason and verbally attacked and threatened Notch back in the day he might very well have kept his ownership of Mojang and Minecraft to this day, even if he wasn't actively developing the game himself anymore - so the hard truth is that community only has itself to blame that MS are in charge now - on some level we ALL brought this shitshow upon ourselves.

>they commodified the whole game and forced the devs to pander to children.

Far worse than the commodification though is how MS AND Mojang have increasingly openly injected their own political ideology into the game - it's supposed to be a fun and engaging game of blocks for kids of all ages, so no, we don't need black history month or pride parade events or any other kind of politically-motivated crap being pushed on us in-game/in the game launcher, especially when Mojang keep claiming they don't have the dev resources to create and add simple things like all of the live event poll mob options, but they CAN ALWAYS find the resources to create politically-themed events... that speaks to the mindset and priorities of MS AND Mojang way more than them charging kids actual cash money for a few 'skin packs' in the MS store.
At least they haven't got rid of Java edition yet. I think is because they can't. All the meme content that hooks children into the game comes from heavy use of Java command blocks fuckery and mods.
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If Microsoft thought they could even vaguely get away with it, they'd likely remove the Java Edition in a heartbeat, and then they'd force Mojang and its partners to focus solely on the Bedrock version for each platform, simply because the Bedrock version offers Microsoft so many more opportunities for control and to endlessly in-game monetise the crap out of the game, whereas the only real monetisation Microsoft can get from the Java Edition is from tie-in licences to Minecraft-related books, films, games, and physical merchandise.

MS/Mojang can't even monetise updates to the main game (at least the Java Edition), because Notch kinda baked in the promise of free updates for life, particularly for the OG pre-alpha and alpha-version buyers of the game. And MS/Mojang full well know if they ever tried to go down that route there'd be such a public outcry over it, and backlash to the suggestion of such a move, from the community, that they simply wouldn't be able to contain all the negative media coverage that would result.

This is part of why Microsoft/Mojang have had to resort to making various Minecraft-related games over the years, because that gives them another revenue stream from the franchise that they can't directly make from the main game itself.

Oh, and if MS thought they could somehow implement a monetised version of modded Java Edition, they'd be all about doing that in a heartbeat; however the MC modding community partly/mostly relied upon certain licensing standards when publishing their mods and modpacks that mean third-party monetisation is kinda not allowed, which means if MS wanted to use just about any of those classic mods we all know (knew) and love(d), they'd either have to agree new and different license terms with each mod developer, otherwise any and all money MS made from such an implementation would likely have to go direct to the various mod developer(s) rather than into MS's bank account.
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Nice thread
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welp, that's 15 years of Minecraft lost in a sodding heartbeat all because Microsoft's account security and higher-level 'user support' is little more than a fucking joke...

their otherworldly corporate policies apparently literally make it easier for some malicious asshat to quickly hack/steal your MS/Xbox account without their actions ever being challenged by MS than it is for a provably legit account holder to try and recover their hacked/stolen account... especially because while MS might accept part of your report and eventually 'ban' the stolen account, they'll claim they can't give YOU your account back, or transfer any games/items you may have had on it to your new MS account, because the original accounts security details were changed (obviously because it was hacked...) and that means their policies don't allow them to do anything but 'ban' the affected account; problem is it seems they then very quickly ALSO lock out the new account you made to try and recover the original account, despite you having given them all the proof you can that you're the actual legit original owner of the hacked/stolen account and you're just trying to get your shit back...

just another example of why the game was infinitely so much better when Mojang dealt with the game entirely in-house, including user account security - usually one or two emails to them with the transaction ID and some other basic details and you generally got your question answered, or you got your account back, in a day or two - conversely Microsoft clearly simply don't give a shit - they'll literally tell you to buy a new copy of the game at the same time they lock out your newly made MS account leaving you with no account and thus no means with which to buy a new copy of the game...

Fuck Microsoft, and fuck the people that threatened Notch and left him feeling like he had no choice but to sell Mojang to Microsoft.

Realms is supposed to bo thier way to squeeze some renueve of Java but in practice they're an afterthought, almost every third party beats them to that game, even cross platform MP works with Bedrock clients if you limit yourself to a couple of datapacks. I think they're just going to keep a glacial development for the rest of Java's lifecycle in order to get net gains from merchadising and Marketplace compared with their low dev budget. Their plan is relatively transparent. Pay a couple of programmers to make the game internals streamlined to maintain and expand upon to the point most of the work can be done with injecting bunch of JSON files, then shrink everyone but the Sniffer tier content designers and pour everything major on Bedrock first.
All of this for perl clutching over a bunch of shitty 3rd party server modules nobody even uses anymore cause they're obsolete. Even custom Alpha/Beta servers use something else now.
I still have my first minecraft world. It's a lot smaller than I remember it. Sadly, some of the chunks are corrupted, most strikingly the chunk only a few blocks away from my largest house. I can't seem to load them in the correct version to make the terrain flush with the generation it was originally generated in or the game crashes.

Which mod are u using to have a realistic world gen ?

Also it's been some time i'm looking for a mod who do a better caves generation. I'm so bored with caves and caverns that blend together and overlap in nonsense.
unfortunately once a world starts suffering from chunk corruption it's usually a progressive issue that will gradually spread throughout the affected world, particularly in the areas that you regularly explore/build in, and eventually it can make the world unplayable.

even opening the world in its original version of the game and using a tool like worldedit with its terrain repair/regeneration options usually can't fix the problem because you generally have to be in/near the affected chunk to use those tools and just getting near to, or even worse entering, a corrupt chunk can/will often cause the game to immediately freeze and/or crash and leave you trapped in that corrupted chunk.

that said, if you do have access to worldedit you could instead try saving and moving each of your builds from the old world with corrupt chunks to a new clean world in a newer version of the game, just avoid copying any part of any of the corrupted chunks.

alternatively, the only other solution would be to revert back to an old saved copy of the world from before the point the corruption started (if you have such a save stashed away somewhere)
do kids don't know that the mod came AFTER all the porn slipperyT did? Man, I was already old when he started doing porn, now I'm old enough to see kids that jerk off to that be old and new kids not recognize the source material.

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