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File: 5926763.jpg (753 KB, 2560x1700)
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Would love to see some cozy papes of snowy towns and cities. Can be photos, drawings, paintings, real places, fictitious, whatever you got.
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1.91 MB PNG
Grabbed this a few weeks ago and upscaled it to 1440p
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Lived in UT for a few years, here's a few I took. Will be posting quite a bit.
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I used to hang out at the Aster Cafe for hours and play Europa Universalis on my notebook. It's actually a coffee shop, not a cafe really.
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3.1 MB JPG
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File: City Snow.jpg (2.03 MB, 3840x2160)
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2.03 MB JPG
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the serene moments of a new snowfall as much as anyone, but it's nice to see a couple of papes with a less romantic view of the snow
File: snow_in_new_york_1954.4.3.jpg (3.97 MB, 3285x4096)
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3.97 MB JPG
my phone wallpaper
>actually a coffee shop, not a cafe
lol wat?
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1.25 MB JPG
A couple from when it snowed in Vancouver last year.
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1.36 MB JPG
2 out of 3.
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1.15 MB JPG
3 outta 3.
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2 MB
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easy to forget how narrow it actually is there.
nice shot

glad you got it before the left side is dominated by that neighbourhood-killing Squamish monstrosity
canada, right?
ottawa? quebec city?
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>Robert Henri (1902)

>Ottawa (2017)
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2.32 MB JPG
Very soon...
these feel very much like home

t. live in 585
File: Snowy morning in Kyoto.jpg (3.91 MB, 5745x3830)
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That image is so comfy
Do you have any more of Rochester, NY? I took a bunch pictures of that city around 2016. Maybe we can start a Rochester thread.
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Here's one from Pittsford.
Greg Girard has some amazing stuff I highly recommend him for backgrounds defiantly my favorite photographer
meant to reply to this photo
File: Princeton, Illinois.jpg (4.98 MB, 3000x2000)
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Very nice, I'm getting subtle Christmas vibes.
>I've advised and armed the Hellenic Army, I've neutralized champions of communism, I've spent the past THREE YEARS learning FINNISH, which should come in handy here in Virginia, and I'm never, ever sick at sea. So I wanna know why I'm not gonna be your Helsinki station chief.

everytime i see the name Helsinki i think of that scene
File: NYPICHPDPICT000007308049.jpg (5.48 MB, 3240x2160)
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where is this?
File: Nuuk Covered in Snow.jpg (2.11 MB, 5120x2635)
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>Nuuk, Greenland - the world's northernmost capital
This absolutely fucks, I just wish I could find something to complement it as a lock screen - great grab
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Pittsford, NY? I grew up there near the Eerie Canal.
Yep, that's the one.
Nice, I went to Thornell Rd elementary and Pittsford Middle
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File: Mountain Town.jpg (1.09 MB, 2999x1707)
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Would love to see some more night scenes.
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Where is this?
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Is this in Cheyenne?
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Nope, it's Keefer's Island in Idaho Falls, ID.
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Here's one from downtown Cheyenne.
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Incredibly how snow can make London look nice and comfy.
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Nice to see my current wallpaper in the wild
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File: Sodium Snow Town.jpg (425 KB, 1920x1200)
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Here's a color version of this one that I have in my wallpaper slideshow.
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people moan about sodium street lights being all dark and dingy and weird-looking, but honestly I'd rather still have those everywhere than any of the modern ultra bright white LED street lights that are being put up now all because the LED's are more energy efficient and make places safer for people... or they would be more energy efficient and safer for folks if the council wouldn't keep turning the sodding lights off at 11pm or midnight when people actually need them only to turn the lights back on again an hour before dawn for an hour or so... fml
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you got it boss!
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File: Milwaukee.jpg (3.79 MB, 4891x1568)
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Vaduz Liechtenstein
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Man I bet there were a lot of nigger fights here, if basketball hoops could talk they'd have some wild stories. Someone should animate a scene on this premis and make the hoops talk like those cartoon black crows with the hats and cigars.
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File: Frome, Somerset.jpg (3.62 MB, 5184x3456)
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File: Snowstorm 033.jpg (2.26 MB, 3872x2592)
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There's something just so comfy about snow in Japan. Having experienced it in the north, it absolutely lived up to the hype.

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