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Good theme, OP.
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To whoever posted and those filling this thread: Thank you.
Kiki's bike delivery service??
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>Original Resolution: 3840x2160
Technically a unicycle.
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Geralt of Night City
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>Hypercycle Arena is a fan-made recreation and playable expansion of the light cycle scene from Tron: Legacy.

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"Making Of" Video
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>Full size: 5000x2812
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vomit inducing reddit trannypunk
too disgusted to look at the rest, post real cyberpunk next time and dont stain the genre
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>rent free
You're a stain on not only "the genre" but the earth, kindly remove yourself from it and save your parents the trouble of dealing with your 40 year old neckbearded ass.
Based transistor pape, some ingame screenshots make such good papes
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tranny obsessed faggot, go suck a dick or kill yourself nigger
this bike has no way to steer...
kill yourself niggerfaggot
There's probably handles like you'd see on a Halo Ghost in that area hiding her hand (both handles forward for forward, left up/right down for turning right, opposite for left, both down for brake), or even a steering wheel. In any case it looks like the steering is digital, and not analogue.
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>no stahlberg monobike
son, I am disappoint.
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quíck cleanup
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So when did you get promoted to the rank of Captain, Mr. Obvious?
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We need more tron in here
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here you go, here's some Tron

I hope they make another movie, so much potential in being able to turn coding into a real object. Like a molecular 3d printer
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No bike in this, but I guess you guys wont mind
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touchgrass, you annoying retard. The smell of your room is vomit inducing
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Why do you care? (Cyber) PUNK literally has progressive values at it's core.
it is anti capitalist, and anti conservatism.
IF you hate progress, trannies, punks, leftists, portraying capitalism as an evil thing that if not regulated can turn normal civilisation into a dystopic nightmare... THEN WHY DO YOU CARE ABOUT THE GENRE AT ALL?
>buh muh cool cyberwear inplants and future and cool cars and bikes!!!!
its ok to like cyberpunk for the cool future stuff. but dont act like a retarded baby when you see trannies in a fucking sci-fi genre.
Looks like Wall-E.
If everything purple and neon pink reminds you of troons......
Maybe it means you're the troon you faggot.
>IF you hate progress, trannies, punks, leftists, portraying capitalism as an evil thing that if not regulated can turn normal civilisation into a dystopic nightmare... THEN WHY DO YOU CARE ABOUT THE GENRE AT ALL?
How can you call somebody a fag and then proceed to be a faggot at the same time? Amazing
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"Sci-fi/cyberpunk with bikes" is the motorcycle you ride today
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>Full size: 9070x5007
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1) Red isn't trans, just female, and
2) Cyberpunk is a progressive genre. Get your widdle head around it and play the game before whining.
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need a high res snowcrash wp
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Thanks for keeping the thread alive anon but the prompt is "with bikes"

Cheerio mang
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why bikes though?, other cyberpunk pics can be just as good
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is there a term for this type of wheel attachment where it's bound to the rim? i cant figure out what to google lol
im sure they're not viable in real life but man they're cool
there's something kind of hilarious about that vehicle having a volvo badge ahaha
fuck off with your ai slop
Are you posting your drawn artwork? No? Didn't think so, Mr lazy.
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The tron bikes make me orgasm..
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based af
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Reminds me a ton of the album art for Downtown Battle Mountain II.
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Reminder that trannies only exist in the cyberpunk genre to prove how shitty and dystopian the future is.

The entire premise of "high tech, low life" is that humans will take the most advanced mind-blowing technology in existence and use it for sex, drugs, and crime.

Trannies running around with 14-inch cybernetic horse cocks and variable-growth inflatable robo-tits is supposed to be one of the things that revolts and horrifies you when you consume cyberpunk media, just like you're supposed to be repulsed by the sky-high murder rate, rampant pollution, debilitating poverty and corporate overreach.

The same trannies that cyberpunk portrays as objectively vile and disgusting are looking at these grotesque caricatures when they play CP2077 and saying "Look, I'm being represented!" Because they're too fucking sick in the head to realize they are part of the dystopia.
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> These extracts from Gibson’s short stories ‘The Belonging Kind’ and ‘Burning Chrome’ draw attention to alternative forms of sexuality which bring into play organs other than the genitals: hybrid organs reminiscent of mythical shapes, on the one hand, and prosthetic adjuncts, on the other. In both cases, we are presented with an eroticism in which pleasure and horror are inextricably intertwined, as the abject, the tabooed and the sublime meet and merge in mutual suffusion. These alternative versions of sexual intercourse point not to the demise of the body but rather to the necessity of extending conventional notions of desire and pleasure into hitherto forbidden territories.

> Ostensibly incorporeal, clean and safe, cybereroticism actually requires a merging of biological bodies and machines that is intensely physical, for it forces its users to confront the uncertainty of their boundaries and the ambiguity of all sexual and gender roles.

— Dani Cavallaro, “Cyberpunk and Cyberculture: Science Fiction and the Work of William Gibson” (2000)

If all you’re getting out of transgressive SFnal sexuality is “eww, yuck! bad!,” much of the text is in fact going over your head.

P.S. Nothing is “objectively” disgusting, because disgust is an intrinsically subjective phenomenon.
this gives me great anxiety just one wrong bump lmao
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Hubless wheel
at least use a good AI model
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bet you think you said something - it proves his point, hedonistic and sexually obsessed people, driven to madness through modification in pursuit of disgusting and inhuman sex acts. The tranny in cyber dystopia is one of the peak outcomes and meant to horrify and add to the ill feeling at the disposable momentary pleasure seeking society hellscape we became.
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insane art this
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Or the need to brake really hard and fast.

Coming out next year apparently
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you (the reader) can get machines way cooler than most of this thread at your local powersports dealer to say nothing of concepts and customs
artists need 2 step it up
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Nice, but those fairings on the lowers are ugly

Any other examples?
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