Lets get some more socialist wallpapers, I got a new laptop I gotta radicalize.
>>8090035I really want to know how to make text that looks like that
>>8090051It’s called Fonts
Kill yourself.
And here I thought the only threads for retards on this site was the log ones...
>>8090056You know nazis, two f(r)onts are too much for em...
>>8090380I love this :3 but I wish it were higher res
>>8091297>>8091298>>8091299What a strange and overall useless way to call me a fag.
>>8089980I posted in one of these threads earlier this year about working to unionize my job. Glad to report that we succeeded by organizing hundreds of coworkers and winning the union election in a blowout victory, one of the fastest timelines from starting out to successfully unionizing in our state's labor history. Now I'm on the bargaining committee plus networked with the other reds across the sections to start forming a socialist caucus. Management jerked people around with low pay and mistreatment, united us all together in the process and now the entire workforce is unionized. Feels so damn good, comrades.
>>8091578Neat. What industry?
>>8091578Fuck yeah, With Amazon and Starbucks starting their own union battles, the working class is on its way to regaining it's power.
>>8091463there's a schizo on /g/ who is completely and totally mindbroke by leftypol who has entire folders filled with all these same pictures, and spams them every time they get triggered by marxists existing in the same thread as them lmao. i guess they've never read any theory and this is the best they can do to try and "dunk" on something they only understand via memes. at least it's hilarious riling them up until they just start copy and pasting the same posts they've made over and over again and watching their blood pressure spike.i never understood what they gained from flaunting how much of a triggered fucking bitch they are over other peoples political opinions. you'd think they'd prefer a safespace where they could just circlejerk with other snowflakes.