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Rate hate appreciate, and remember; have fun with it.

Old Thread: >>8055857
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Im posting the same photo once again.
Standing Desk Master Race
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it's not much but it gets the job done
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Your setup seems very impractical, Nick.
Clear up your desktop, you fucking swine.
(I am telling this to myself)
Do you have to move the dock every time you want to take out the Switch?

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I like the pizza thing, in fact most of your deco is pretty good, is it a klingon sword? V nice
Based car guy
The desk is p cool, but I don't get why folks put flags as background
I see what you're doing, I like it. That 60s peace van looks cool with the lava lamp. Also, very nice book you got there, love it.
Based and magicpilled. Could I see more from this?
Very tiny desk. Your closet is interesting thou. 6/10
Pretty cool expect that lava lamp. Tacky electricity dump. 7/10
Nice chair. Nice and spacious. Clean. Nice Decor. Anime cat girl = incel. 1/10
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I still need to do something about the cable management. But that's a task for another day.
I dig it. Majora's Mask is goat. Clean wood desktop. The only thing I hate are the speakers. Are you deaf? Put them on the floor or something. Also, what is that box of dials under your monitors?
The difference between the threads on /wg/ and /g/ are phenomenal.
>The only thing I hate are the speakers. Are you deaf? Put them on the floor or something
No, this is where speakers belong. In fact I should have them on stands to angle them towards my ears better.
>Also, what is that box of dials under your monitors?
Amplifier for the speakers.
You'd get 20%+ more desk real-estate when them on the wall or floor. Think about it
I don't need anymore desk space. Nothing that doesn't belong here goes on the desk.
It's just mentally retarded to have these uber powered speakers 8 inches away from your face playing at 4.3% power. Fucking dumb.
You're making a fool of yourself over how someone else likes their setup.
Which setup is yours? Have you even posted it ITT?

Fairs fair. Roast away
You're really one to complain about desk real-estate on my 7 foot desk while yours looks like that.
the monitor is able to come up higher and then I can take it out
Thank you. I see that you also have your tablet the left of your monitor and on daily board, a man of culture as well
If you've got a subwoofer on the floor then this setup is very nice. I must say however that 6 gnomes may be too many gnomes.
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a fed with funko pops. jesus.
I don't own any funkos...
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g502 masterrace
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Gaming PC + 9MM that wouldn't hurt a kitten + alcoholism = 23 year old porn addict who's only dream is to one day stop playing video games 5 hours a day.
You tried, but failed.

>Yes, it's a gaymen PC, because I play things occasionally
>Sipping scotch/whiskey =/= alcoholism
>30's, married
>50+hr work weeks, gayming is just for unwinding anymore

Nice post to the thread though, I'm sure you've got a real nice setup.
Your desk is covered in alcohol. That's alcoholism brother.
Tiny gun on your desk like it's a toy. That's 24 chromosomes brother.
Married and works 50+ weeks. That's time to grow up and quit playing with toys brother.
Fuck off faggot.
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My work battlestation since I only use the laptop at home.
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It's ok, anon. The first step is recognizing that you have a problem
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AA is some religious horse-shit. SMART is better. Believe me, I'd know.
post your battlestation or it makes you seem like nothing more than a jealous faggot
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Here you go, anon.
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pretty low today fags, be brutal
interesting wardrobe, kinda like seeing into a strangers personal life. is that a cock sock on the desk?
Jealous of what? A $300 gun and $300 of booze? Don't do it. Talk to someone.
fag alert
Get your black ass out of here
I love it. But you should probably walk to to toilet and stop pissing in that cup. Would be 10/10 but you don't have a desk plant.
ok i take back what i said. based
from op. actually made me chuckle, thanks bro
Nice cord management
Yes, its always interesting to peek into someone else's stuff, I find it very amusing as well.
Cock sock? lol It's for when I'm playing, because my forearm sweats a lot
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So awesome setup
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lol, that's pretty cool
groovy lava lamp
>Based car guy
fun fact used to own chair made out of drivers seat of volvo 940(made it myself)
best God damn chair i ever owned
considering getting bucket seat for my prokject if so then ill use the original seat as chair
you have a shit opinion and you're extremely gay.
the size is truly in perspective when I see the cat
I don't like you.
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>Windows 10
>Windows 10
>Windows 10
>Windows 10
>Windows 10

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