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why are there no good image viewers for windows? the default one became bloated phoneware that scans your entire pc daily, and the alternatives all look like they were designed for windows ME and for some reason they all insist on being some kind of shell replacement file organizer

>fugly legacy ui
>can't zoom properly (seriously this is way too fucking common)
>lacks common format support
>incorrect color space conversion
>no folder slideshow

what the fuck is so hard about it mate? I literally just want to open an image and look at it, nothing else.

>some shitty loonix foss port that barely works with windows

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Irfanview has separate file browser, crop and exif removal (it's called "jpg lossless rotation" just uncheck "keep exif data" and you are set. There should be even batch exif removal if i'm not wrong.
I have tried them all and if you need a VIEWER. qView mogs everything in that list and is on Linux
just use Linux
Imageglass dev added malware a while back. Gone now, but the issue is the willingness to do that in the first place.

It's funny that you know reddit spacing is a hoax but still only press enter once periodically between your text

Bought this expensive ass mouse and I don't even play video games and exclusively use the terminal and vim bindings everywhere. What am I in for?
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This is my mouse but I should have gotten he black one instead of the white one
is the mx master a meme? I heard there was a chinesium brand on Aliexpress that's just as good
my thumb and wrist hurt more from using it than from regular mouse
I want to get elecom huge instead of this crap
Bluetooth is 2.4 GHz, which is why it and 2.4 GHz wifi interfere with each other unless you have a wifi/BT card that has a feature to make them coexist (i.e. it stops transmitting one to transmit the other). Bluetooth has less range because it is lower power. Stability is worse because devices are small and cheaply made and manufacturers can't be assed to put competent antennas in them. And latency is bad because they use a large buffer for audio to help compensate for the piece of shit antenna.

Meanwhile I seem to have good antennas on both ends of the connection. First I got a Qudelix 5K to make my headphones wireless. It advertises having a good antenna, and I was able to do stable 660 kbps LDAC at distances where other headsets I've has were breaking up with 350 kbps aptX. Then I upgraded my old Galaxy S7 to a Motorola Edge+, and it seems to have a better antenna. Now with good antennas on both ends I can usually get stable 990 kbps LDAC from one end of the house to the other, with the latency/buffer size set to minimum.
a 1$ wireless mouse i got from ali has both bluetooth and 2.4ghz and has a tiny pcb inside.
no excuse.

Can you give me tips on writing this better? This code works fine, but I know it's not "Pythonic" and anybody with coding knowledge would laugh at it. You're supposed to enter a list of integers and return the integer that is missing from the algorithmic equation. So [1, 2, 4, 5] would equal 3 and [2, 4, 8] would equal 6. I'm just learning for fun, this isn't homework or something.
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for such a small function it doesn't matter much if you do it one way or another in terms of prettyness, but in terms of efficiency your code is O(nlogn) because of sorting, this could be done in linear time by for example finding lowest element and second lowest element, get their difference, then make a set of the input list (pythons sets are hash sets so insertion and element access are constant time), then do a for loop over range(min(list),max(list),step) and for each iterator value check whether it's in the list
would look like this:
def missing_no(l):
s = set(l)
smallest = min(s)
next_smallest = min(s)
step = next_smallest-smallest
for i in range(next_smallest, max(s), step):
if i not in s:
return i
also for the range function, if you give it 3 arguments like you have in your code then the arguments are first element, last element, step, you can also give it 2 arguments which gives step the default value 1 or you can give it one argument which also gives the first element the default value 0 so range(0,n,1) is the same as range(n)
and if you care about that then you might want some error handling on bad inputs like full sequences or empty lists, those don't return anything/give exception in the current code but if you know where the input comes from and it's definitely well formed I wouldn't add extra bloat for checking that
>a question though, what if the missing number is right between the last two numbers?

Absolutely no idea. The preconditions are only that items must be longer than 2 and that the missing element must always be between two elements in a sequence. Forgot to type. I'm a bit drunk now so I'm forgetful.
Have you passed an empty list or one with a single element to this function? Validate input and return/raise accordingly early before thinking about sorting or anything like that.

You probably shouldn't call items.sort() as this will mutate the original list outside of the function. Maybe check out the sorted built-in instead.

Just use
for i in items:...
instead of range if you only ever use the index to access the current value while iterating.
Got to be honest I'm only on week two of learning Python but these answers are scaring the hell out of me. Thanks for the advice.
Probably shouldn't in-place sort the argument? /probably/? Absolutely do NOT mutate passed-in things like that, unless it is the specific, single, purpose of the function.

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Dogfight edition

Previous thread >>100241242

>What is DALL-E 3?
You type some text and it makes some images


Bing AI Slop 0.6.0

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bro who cares what YOU did stfu fartfagget jesus
very nice
Earlier today I had 4 images in Creator and when I clicked on them the full size pics were not the same as the thumbnails.
Microsoft has been irrevocably pajeeted.
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With BIC/EDIT is there the possibility of getting blocked when regenerating an image?

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Every time I get a PR from an Indian I'm reminded of this.
Overcomplicated bruteforced piece of shit that only works up to a point and you can't even tell why it does.
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it's ramanujan's formula it got posted to twitter a few days back as an example of indian genius.
>combing your hair to make your brain look bigger
fucking lmao honestly
can someone provide context for picrel? I assume this stinker discovered it before pi or something, or is it truly a stupider rediscovery of pi?
Dunning-Kruger at full force.
Is this the power of /g/?
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Possibly the dumbest thread this week which is an impressive achievement.
Kys op, you waste of air code monkey wagie cuck.

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Please for the love of god, recommend me a porn blocker that works across apple devices.

>hurr fag durr
Just shut the fuck up Stallman for one fucking second. This is ruining my life and only getting worse.

I‘ve been using cold turkey blocker but it only runs on the computer, and doesn’t have an automatic porn blocklist, got to set it manually. Better than nothing but yeah.

Yes Apple has this screen time bullshit which let’s you reset the passkey easily.

>Reddit spacing
Stfu I want my life back
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Unironically get a female friend to cage your cock.
Lmao, hilarious cope
Just get a gf? I save all my cum for her. Nothing better then giving her a nice big creampie or costing the outside of her pussy in it.
Don't do this shit, OP. Seriously.

>t. fucked up degenerate coomer trying to quit
i don't have any apple devices but i guess nextdns could block porn for you

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>Character pronounces SIEM as "SEEM" instead of "SIM"
La pronunciación inglesa no tiene ningún puto sentido.
If you are going to try and tell me you didn't laugh hysterically when you saw this when you were 8 years old, we both know you're lying.
Official pronunciation according to their ads is "semens".

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>want to get a new desk
>looking at options
>remember kitty sleeps on desk
>proceed to pick one with enough space for her to sleep

do you let your cats hang out on your desk anons?
My cat sleeps on my chair back up by my head, so I must always buy a chair with a tall, puffy back.
I can't buy cases with top power buttons or fans as cats sleep on those too
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much more cozy inside a open case
you know that cat could get electrocuted to death right

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The development of the MATE desktop environment has come to a halt in the past year, and distro maintainers from not only Linux Mint but other distros that offer MATE are worried that it is not going to be around for much longer.

MATE's chief maintainer and flagship distro, Ubuntu MATE, has removed several features from it's latest 24.04 LTS release such as the software boutique, the welcome app, and are using a version of MATE that is nearing a year old (1.26). The maintainer for Ubuntu MATE has been focusing more on NixOS development than working on the desktop or the ubuntu spin. Linux Mint maintainers have also claimed there has been some friction between them and the MATE development team, and that MATE is now considered to be on life-support.

Where will you be when GNOME 2 finally breathes it's last breath?
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What's the usecase for so called "style"?
>fork/maintain GTK3
They can just port their stack to GTK4 when they feel like it without using Libadwaita. The reason Mint devs want to fork more GNOME apps is because they have adopted Libadwaita and no longer can be themed with ease like other GTK apps.
id rather use half baked shit that looks like this instead of gnome "adwaita" bullshit
> fucking burger menu and fat buttons on 90s UI with no style
It's like you took the worst parts of gnome and 90s UI.
Honestly at this point I would say why don't you fork the serenity UI toolkit and spin it off from there?
I wonder what the Serenity OS Main Dev is going to use once this is gone.

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You only use this because of BibTeX.
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Zotero + Biber + Emacs was a super comfy setup when I was in university. That said, I stopped using LaTeX a while ago, and good riddance. What a frustrating piece of shit. I used to bear with it, but one day, after yet another multi-hour session of googling stuff and trying workarounds for problems that shouldn't exist, I had enough and rage-switched to Google Docs. If I remember correctly, that day started with trying to put a line break inside a table cell. This being LaTeX, of course stuff doesn't compose and you can't just do something intuitive like {line 1 \\ line 2}. So I started searching for a solution, but most of what I found didn't work or broke even more shit. In the process, I found out that the package I was using to get extra table features (which should be in the core) was unmaintained and not recommended anymore. All this stuff triggered a realization that LaTeX is yet another tarpit language where everything is possible but nothing is simple or well designed, just like cmd .exe, Bash, and the CMakeLists.txt language. Pure wastes of time. (I've rewritten all my non-trivial Bash scripts in Python too.)
I still love the idea of a Turing-complete programming language for documents, I even enjoy the LaTeX math syntax, but I'm going to wait until someone comes up with something actually good. Something built around a real programming language like Python or Common Lisp, not some retarded macro system that makes simple algorithms look like a page of line noise. Something that can do things like colored underlines and PDF hyperlinks out of the box. Something with a real plugin system, using callbacks and other abstractions instead of every package just redefining shit in the global namespace. Something that doesn't make me run compilation passes manually like it's 1970, only to litter my directory with temporary files. Something with proper tracebacks and readable errors. Until then, I'm sticking with normieware like Google Docs.
Just use overleaf
That's even worse. It doesn't fix LaTeX's fundamental problems, it's slower than my computer, and I can't use my lovely Emacs config there. Though I did find it useful to collaborate with people on papers in uni.
>Though I did find it useful to collaborate with people on papers in uni.
I'm in the same position right now. It has it's hick ups but it works good enough for writting papers. Could be worse, some departments at my uni use fucking word. I'm in STEM mind you and retarded boomers can't be arsed to use Latex.
no I use latex because I like programming and writing in latex feels kinda like "programming" in some way. I just want to satisfy the autism.

What happened to all the AI music threads? Don't tell me you guys got bored with it already? The Bing AI image threads went on for months
Bot music doesn't have the same capability to serve the cumbrains who repost the image generation generals twelve times a day.

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>You: Learn keyboard shortcuts to work as efficiently as possible.
>Me: Learn keyboard shortcuts because I'm too lazy to lift my hand off the keyboard and place it on the mouse.
We are not the same.

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Have You ever participated in hackathon, be it a startup, AI, programming or any other? What are your experiences?

I'm currently thinking about going to one. Sadly I have no team (no folk of mine sees value in such activity) so lack of team is an entry bareer for me.

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Did someone say something about emulators?

>What phone has X and Y feature?
Don't ask, use these!

Good Resources:

>Frequency Checkers

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By far the gayest name for a phone I've heard
If I ask someone what phone they're using and I hear the word "vibe" I'm instantly thinking they get dicked down by their boyfriend after they visit their local gay bar every night
If you're in the US or canada, yes. If you're elsewhere get an S23
It will go well with my Pontiac Vibe.
It's pretty cheap now. Was thinking about getting it but there's no support
Doubtful. Background activity is heavily limited on iOS. It is better for battery life (some Chinese Android versions do the same thing) but very annoying for power users.

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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.

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what is your way to use wine /g/?
I don't feel very good with it having it as a cli tool, having to track different prefixes and having multiple commands.. It's a mess, is there any good GUI alternative?
Is there a way to get udisks/udiskie to not automatically remount unmounted devices? Sometimes I need to perform on action on an unmounted drive. I can use `udiskie-umount` to unmount the device, but I have to launch whatever command I intend to run immediately thereafter, because udiskie will attempt to remount whatever partitions are on it as soon as they are unmounted.
I don't want to disable automounting entirely, but this default behavior is quite odd.
computer died spitting out an EXT4-fs error on my root partition after i made the ill-advised decision to save a photo from the internet

rebooted fine, smartctl spat out

SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED

SMART/Health Information (NVMe Log 0x02)
Critical Warning: 0x00
Temperature: 29 Celsius
Available Spare: 100%
Available Spare Threshold: 10%
Percentage Used: 8%
Data Units Read: 17,258,951 [8.83 TB]
Data Units Written: 33,201,340 [16.9 TB]

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back on my old system, aliases. Not sure if I go there on my new one.
But cli for the win.
my god i fucking despise mv syntax
i can never properly copy a dir into another it always fucking copies one level higher than what i want

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