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Discussion of free and open source text-to-image models

Previous /ldg/ bred : >>102919427

Bakers shouldn't be Allowed to be Allergic to 1girl Edition

>Beginner UI
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Advanced UI
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
reForge: https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui

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The example fox for comfy is cute though.
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i guess that made it a bit better?
>It's criminal that a model as large as Flux /seemly/ knows less concepts than a model as small as Sana
Ikr, Flux is a big boy, it can eat a lot of stuff, I hope we'll get serious finetunes that'll bring more concepts into it
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(useless) standup edition

Neetcode 150: https://neetcode.io/practice
Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>How to write a resume

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.

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>>he's "washing" his hands (with a little cum stain worth of soap)
How much soap do you need? I only use a little too, and now you got me worried
>migrate company from Gitlab on-prem to SaaS (gitlab.com)
>company blocks all ssh connections
>can't `git clone` via ssh from Gitlab
>have to use shitty http clone with tokens that expire after a year
>want to burn the building down
Got an interview for a service desk position in a few hours. I'm really nervous since the offer is much better than I would have asked for.
But it does get you out of bed in the morning, anon.
I'm currently a physics postdoc. A friend recommended me a company that does some kind of IT consulting. He thinks there will be stuff like a technical interview. Do you think I need to practice/study? I mean, I code daily, but I google a lot. Can you use google during such an interview?

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Tech worms edition

How to request advice:
>Intended use (media, source, environment)
>Frequency response preference and music examples
>Past gear and your thoughts on them

>Where do I buy IEMs?
Amazon, Aliexpress, Linsoul, Hifigo, Shenzhenaudio

>Shopping Guide (IEMs, Cables, Ear Tips, etc.):

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if you're willing to use EQ, you can get any 1DD pos and EQ it to whatever you like, there are cheaper options than lan
Inawaken dawn ms probably. Not sure if really an upgrade but you do get better build and (possibly) improved new DD.
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why did truthear make shiori so complicated to assemble, also there's 2 extra pieces left
You know its Shiroi not Shiori
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did the timeline shift? i swore it was shiori

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Bitwarden is kill. It's over, FOSSisters.

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why did he do it bros?
I use keepass and sync the database between all of my devices with syncthing.

An I a retard who's gonna get hacked or a retard who's blundered in to the best solution?
based and same

old >>102873361
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is this boston?
I've been running my new system for a week and just noticed the boot time is way longer than the time it takes to load the OS. Should I update the BIOS? I was told it's a dangerous thing to do and should only be done as a last resort
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I'm getting 2-4 mbps from fucking spectrum, and I just got a cat 6 ethernet cable, idk if the coaxial cable got damaged but holy fuck, it's non stop annoyance from my brothers, and I been lagging too. I should replace the router and modem, see If a new one fixes anything. If not, we just gonna get at&t. This spectrum shit fucking sucks dick.
Just bought a ASUS TUF F15 for £400, it has a Intel Core i5 11400H and an RTX 3050, how well/poorly have I done?
It's basically going to be used as a Skyrim and Sims 3 machine.
room-temperature iq here, which one is it? the warm-colored one in the front, or the white one in the back that has a different structure?

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What are the consequences of you marry a AGI sex robot?
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It might rip your dick off before the weird quirks get ironed out in the alpha versions. I'd wait for the update where it doesn't rip your dick off.
The inevitable recalls for pinch points that have led to lawsuits. The fix is 23 new labels that say 'Pinch Point' and a popup screen whenever you want to 'interact' with one of them.
You're talking about intimacy. But with the number of "dead beadroom" posts I come across, i'd not be surprised if intimacy wasn't a thing anymore. After the honeymoon phase, it's over.
mating press
reminds me of the famous artist Kelly Wang

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I need to copy about 4 tb of data from external hdd to pc. I tried Teracopy but it gives me "out of memory" errors (although my pc has plenty of it - 16gb and Teracopy works fine on other pcs with win 7/xp installed).

I also need to preserve timestamps (date created). Are there any other reliable programs that would work on win10?
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Do >>102923610
or if a linux distro is inaccessible, just load Clonezilla on Ventoy and sudo -i
Need GUI? ChoEazyCopy

Ok. I'll try it, although it lacks UI and I need to type everything manually: robocopy "<source path>" <destination path> /E /DCOPY:DAT . But as long as it doesn't throw any errors I'm fine.


Never used Linux and not familiar with it unfortunately.

Ok. Thanks.
you don't have to be familiar, it's a pretty straightforward process

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is chromium leaking
only 38 tabs too
i closed some (seen as the drop)

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>look at the camera, Android user!
>I'm gonna post you using Android on my Instagram stories so people make fun of you

What would you do?
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oh no, she's been eating lipstick again
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niaroadleyy on Instagram
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get some standards
>asymmetrical face

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>he puts his pc on the ground
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>Anime board
no + >>>/a/
because the dog is the bull, if you know what I mean, heh
My case alone weights 15Kg without components in it. Good luck getting such a heavy machine on a wooden desk
where else would I put it?

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>AI will destroy humanity
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mango mango mango
Somehow I think most humans (especially females) would fail to understand that it is a nonsensical question and would spew out an answer right away.
I wouldn't ask a question from a retard, let alone any vaginoid
>>AI will destroy humanity
Fucking hope so
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Do other LLMs fail just as bad at reading specsheets?

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Don't buy anything OTHER THAN IBM/Lenovo ThinkPad T, X, and W/P Series if you want the Real Business Experience™
>Other business laptops are welcome in /tpg/ (Dell Latitude/Precision, HP EliteBook/ZBook)

Why ThinkPad?
>Used machines are plentiful and cheap
>Excellent keyboards, tactile feel and quiet
>Great durability: magnesium roll cage for structural integrity, with high quality plastic body panels
>Utilitarian design: e.g. indicator LEDs, 7 row keyboard layout on older models
>Docking stations that easily turns your laptop into a desktop
>Easy to repair (most models), upgrade & maintain thanks to readily available service manuals for every model, spare parts easy & cheap to obtain
>Excellent Linux & *BSD support

ThinkWiki - General info about ThinkPads/specs

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Am I missing something, or are they really no high-res display options for that model?
There display panel selection on most of these models looks as pathetic as Lenovo's used to look ten years ago. wtf.
Stinkpad cultists will tell you this is okay.
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t570 or t470p
which one
i like big screens for notes
what shitbox do you recommend for 17/18 inch

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When will IRC die out?
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20 years ago
>muh 36kb
so many plugins and shit.. yet IRC still looks like 80s terminal, why cant you make it look like discord with sending pictures and short videos
>or there's some small clique that will act passively aggressive towards you
irc people are strange, I'm not sure they're even human. It can be frustrating. I need to find other good places before I fully suffocate
Because some of us are adults and we do not require pretty, comfy things for functionality.
Also, Go back to discord

Have there been any murders or assassinations connected to tech companies? How common is it for people to hire hitmen when they're desperate to make a lateral move in big business? With this much potential and money, do people begin dying under odd and isolated circumstance?
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It was a suicide. That guy had mental issues and his life was in a downward spiral.

wtf i love jews now
They are not.
They accept money from blackrock, let it be infested by troons and then they jump ship or act like "Oh noes why my company is going down and is filled with incompetent idiots ?"
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Steepler went out of business because most of the board fled the country after three attempted assassinations.

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Post your PCBs.
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constant current LED driver, whatever. didn't see the third clipped leg, don't give a shit. your soldering sucks ass.
all that just to get DC power?

JuSt uSe A bAtTerY
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Better than my previous ones.
With programming it's very easy to come up with ideas and projects that are going to instantly be helpful in IRL. With electronics I can't really think of anything that would benefit me if I made it myself

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