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(defparameter *other-names* '("(λ) - Lisp General"))

>Lisp is a family of programming languages with a long history and a distinctive parenthesized prefix notation. There are many dialects of Lisp, including Common Lisp, Scheme, Clojure and Elisp.

>Emacs is an extensible, customizable, self-documenting free/libre text editor and computing environment, with a Lisp interpreter at its core.

>Emacs Resources

>Learning Emacs
C-h t (Interactive Tutorial)

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>Want to learn the emac
>don't have a mac


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Hyperborean Edition

prev: >>102392056

>Keyboard recommendation template:
https://pastebin.com/n220xk9V (embed)
(Helps also to mention if you're open to soldering or not)

>Find vendors

>This keyboard stuff is so expensive!
https://aliexpress.com (or Taobao if you are China-savvy)

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Epomaker EP84 Pro or Keychron K2 Pro?
I would go with the Epomaker EP84 Pro
Better value for money
Tfw this is true...
I can never run from the Cherry MX series as I both enjoy the Blacks and the Browns albeit, swapped to a better spring.

The great debate edition.

>Free beginner resources to get started with HTML, CSS and JS
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn - MDN is your friend for web dev fundamentals (go to the "See also" section for other Mozilla approved tutorials, like The Odin Project)
https://web.dev/learn/ - Guides by Google, you can also learn concepts like Accessibility, Responsive Design etc.
https://eloquentjavascript.net/Eloquent_JavaScript.pdf - A modern introduction to JavaScript
https://javascript.info/ - Quite a good JS tutorial
https://flexboxfroggy.com/ and https://cssgridgarden.com/ - Learn flex and grid in CSS

>Resources for backend languages
https://www.phptutorial.net - A PHP tutorial
https://dev.java/learn/ - A Java tutorial
https://rentry.org/htbby - Links for Python and Go

>Resources for miscellaneous areas

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>What operating system do you use?
Linux, but you can use Windows for normal web development.
Lots of developers use Windows, not that it is great but it works.
Note that some packages requires you to install some system dependencies, for example FFMPEG to handle processing and modifying movie files, that might not work on windows since then your Node process will actually startup another FFMPEG process that will run in the background. This is one example, and sometimes it works on windows since the program has a windows version, other times it won't work.
But these are outliers, and only relevant to backend tasks. For frontend development, it should not matter at all which OS you use at all.

Just use Windows, it is fine.
you could always just use WSL on windows
at the very minimum if you intend to go full vanilla, I'd consider using web components and then subscribing to a map/data struct when the component has been created instead of using slower query selectors.
>3 files instead of 1
And how are you planning on doing conditionals and loop renders?
>everything static but classes in ES6
allows for a nice syntax especially on getters / setters. Not completely sold in this though, but that does not change the overall structure.
>subscribe to map ... webcomponents ... because querySelector is slow
Really bro? You need way more code for this and I kinda doubt that querySelector is slow, especially compared to your alternative which would be running more JS code instead of whatever internal solution the browser is using.
>And how are you planning on doing conditionals and loop renders?
Well, I do not to be honest. With what I am describing I can simply add remove elements at any point in time doing whatever pattern/function I want for that. If an $element is in the DOM, the associated "render" (I hate this term, but lets keep it this way) function makes sure that the element looks correct.
BTW: What do you mean with "loops"? People always make it seem like doing lists in html/js was a difficult that only a framework can handle - when in reality it is actually one of the easiest to get done.

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Bocchi the C++
Nijika the Go
Ryo the Common Lisp
Kita the TypeScript
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Bocchi the Sock
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Microwaving chicken tendies isn't cooking, anon.
Bocchi is good, although it's not even one of the best Kiraras.
Which other ones besides K-On! should I watch/read?
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>Which other ones besides K-On
I liked these: Hidamari Sketch, Kiniro Mosaic, Gochuumon wa usagi desuka?, Yuyushiki, New Game!, Hoshikuzu Telepath.

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No degenerates edition
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I just booted up my machine, what's wrong???
The pathetic degenerate losers of this board thinks machines should be on at all times. Don't ask me why.
What laptop?
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>102469415 (You)
>The pathetic degenerate losers of this board thinks machines should be on at all times. Don't ask me why.

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A lot of programmers are mediocre because they don’t treat programming like the hobby it is : the art of creative problem solving.
Programming and electrical engineering are actually not that different. But DIY hacker culture is dead in programming because it got over-saturated with normies who think they will get a nice paycheck.
I hear "programmers" say things that always surprise me. They will say "I have this problem, I wish there was a software to solve this".
How about you write that fucking software?
I can understand when it’s a complex problem but sometimes they say that for the most trivial of things that they could easily solve with a script written in 15 minutes.

Programming, software development, is an art. It’s creative problem-solving. How can you be good at creative problem-solving when you constantly ignore opportunities to apply creative problem-solving and wait for someone else to solve your problems?

You ask novice programmers what they have made and often, it’s very little.
And I’m always surprised. When I was young I would write Python/Lua scripts to automate literally thousands of things. Just because I needed it. I didn’t wait for someone else to make a software or script for me. Back then script kids relied on shit languages like BASIC/Visual Basics, but they were still much more creative and DIY than current generations.

Young programmers have no DIY attitude. They only start to work on personal projects when they realize they need a job. This is why they are for the most part, mediocre. A real programmer should organically have a lot of ongoing projects at once and many many little handy scripts. Not because they need an internship, but because they identified problems they needed to solve.
Identifying problems by itself is also a skill.

Musicians practice music hundreds of times to get good. Composers compose thousands of songs. Painters paint a lot.

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>Where is this "hacker culture" at?
Pockets remain, specially in old school stuff and also /ham/, where phreaking and the micro revolution started. Woz made blue boxes.
Finally, a fucking based thread.
nah, you can be paid for the project but making a dive into a "sturdier base" or something even slightly related to it.

i think this is the most reliable way of completing side projects. for example nginx is made like that, author had other responsibility, other than writing web server.

more so, historically, there are examples where side projects survived better because they were one man made
>Programming and electrical engineering are actually not that different. But DIY hacker culture is dead in programming because it got over-saturated with normies who think they will get a nice paycheck.
That is just part of the problem. Management didn't want to pay premium for old school programmers who considered this somewhere between art and science. Instead, management and HR wanted fungible pieces that could be paid less and better yet, outsourced.

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Will your fav language get you a job?
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And they use mostly C++ nowadays, except for legacy code
Golang as popular as C#, that wild. Where I am from in Europe, C# is almost as popular as Java, and Java is king.
The government jobs love .NET and old businesses loves Microsoft so they also use .NET and Azure.

Only government systems that were early to be digitalized and their departments use Java, like the tax authorities since they are the most technically advanced in the entire government and don't like to depend on proprietary stuff.
yes, but sadly I am now stuck with python
I am only do low-level work and already know all the usual suspects ofc, so it would come down to brushing up on my python skills as sometimes there are python shells vs. learning Rust for a few meme jobs.

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"C good, Rust bad" is a Russian disinformation campaign meant to stop us from correcting for CVEs.
C good, Rust bad
t. fuck russians
Nice try, Igor.
you say that like every russian know what is CVE mostare just instagram and vk
no, C good, Rust bad, because all code is written in C
instead of rewriting the same shitty system while killing off the maintainers
don't rewrite the same program with a different language, make a better program

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Are you excited Apple sisters?
mine is out for delivery as we speak
I took today off work just for my new phone
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no really

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Can we have a thread to share wallpapers based on GNU/Linux distros?
Feel free to request a wallpaper.
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Lina doesn't exist.
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Hope this is alright
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Here's an Ubuntu one I made

I have no idea if this goes here but nose trimmers are technology so I'm posting it anyways

what's a good nose trimmer brand? I noticed they tend to have different designs? Which one is best?
I bought one from a shitty local brand with a design like pic related and it's completely useless
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Tried 2. Different brands. One of them a phillips
They don't work for me.
I have a random no name one and never hurt myself using it, although I really don't care if it pulls the hairs because I usually do that too myself when I'm bored on my room.
grow a mustache and then the nose hair would be indistinguishable from it
Those never work, I use
Good for touching up your beard too.
I've been using the panasonic trimmer for years. Double A lasts awhile and you can rinse it out under the sink. It does ears and nose well enough.

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How come Applebros keep getting all these cool new features while Android is left in the dust?
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What features? They shuffled the settings app so I have to relearn where everything is again and made the control center ugly.
that's it. I'm coding the best imageboard softwares with JXL in mind and apple devices will be the major target for that plaform,
if iOS (and macOS) is the only OS that will get JXL support natively then it will be the only viable platform for the world imageboard (the last final bastion) and funnily enough the only thing closest to cypher punks is Apple stuff while being the true Unix system.
steamOS can't, it's childish and open sores. google stuff can't, it's ad-ridden and always tracking yet open sores.
there's no other viable platform for the only hope of humanity. sure you have X which is the cheap version of my vision to true frozen peaches (freeze peach) but they have grok and a close relationship with apple. I think that if I were to choose anything from the bigtechs I would pick Apple instead of sadly the more "open source" google products and microsoft's x86 spirit.
sure it's sad, but we can figure things out through jailbreaks and shit. all the real deal niggas are at apple eco anyways and I know the reason they got JXL is simply because they are also cypherpunks.
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What new features?
Because chances are android already has them
>How come Applebros keep getting all these cool new features that Android has had for 5-10 years?

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Press S to spit on ARM, Snapdragon and Apple.
arm doesnt even provide good battery life the moment you do anything more complicated than document editing
i have no idea where people got this deranged idea that it would somehow be the next thing.
buy an ad, intel aviv
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Flagship Model: Core Ultra 9 285K

24 cores (8 P-cores + 16 E-cores) and 24 threads
Lion Cove architecture for P-cores and Skymont for E-cores
76 MB total cache (36 MB L3 + 40 MB L2)
Base clocks: 3.7 GHz (P-cores) / 3.2 GHz (E-cores)
Boost clocks: 5.7 GHz (P-cores) / 4.6 GHz (E-cores)
TDP: 125 W (PL1) / 250 W (PL2)

Mid-Range: Core Ultra 7 265K / 265KF

20 cores (8 P-cores + 12 E-cores) and 20 threads
66 MB total cache (30 MB L3 + 36 MB L2)
Base clocks: 3.9 GHz (P-cores) / 3.3 GHz (E-cores)

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That's an easy skip for me
>cuck cores
not interested
it feels disingenuous to add all the cores together as if equal.

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AMDbros, not like this...
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their all affected chud
I just need a 9800x3d to go with my 4090 cuz cpu bottlenecks at 1440pUW
it's a mouse
use whisker menu instead of applications menu
you can have the compositor on if you like the effects, just disable it before running games.
had to buy a couple laptops and looked at the arm offerings in the 1-2k offerings. all were garbage or 2in1 tablets pretending to be laptops. ended up buying amd 8k series pseud gaming laptops with an actually screen 32gb or more ram 2tb nvmes. laptop market is a shitshow. way too much intel trash that oxidizes and arm can't even stop lagging to use ms office.
9800g for the handhelds
moar estrogen cores for the cinebench professional

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