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This isn't your jobs thread or cert thread, it's a group therapy session. /Cyb/er/sec/urity/pri/vacy general is for the discussion of anything and everything related to cyberpunk culture, cybersecurity, and digital privacy.

The FAQ: https://sizeof.cat/post/cyberpunk-faq/
What is /cyb/erpunk? https://pastebin.com/pmn9vzWZ
How do I into /cyb/erpunk? https://pastebin.com/5tpNFQds
Huge list of cyberpunk media: https://sizeof.cat/post/cyberpunk/
The cyberdeck: https://pastebin.com/7fE4BVBg
Cyberlife: https://jinteki.industries/files/cyberlife.7z
Bibliothek: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/4m5hd2065hde8/Bibliothek

--[/Re/verse Engineering]-----
Getting into /re/: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Reverse_Engineering

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based radio anon, lovin the jams
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You're welcome fren. You might have noticed that there are other books in this series that are loosly related, so if you like the crypto guide, chances are you'll like the others as well.
thanks, fren! Remember Deep /cyb/ Radio is 4u.
Hamamichi Piggumoto,
Director of (de)(re)programming
Deep /cyb/ Media, International
Bro you dont need all that shit, they dont know what they are talking about you dont need that much fucking class time.

Take CS50 and at some point you will go out on your own and if you need help, look into replit 100 days of python, and look into beez's guide to python.

The best advice i can give you is try your best to cut down on instruction time and give more time to sitting down and practically doing something building and just messing around.
Big thread about cyb on /tv/:
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version 4 is ready, it has data compression up to 4x and AES based encryption fully obfuscating the data so it can't be determined to even be hiding something without the password


pic related, password = hurgleblurgle

What do /g/entoos?
goop da poob ip bim bim
bleep? oop.
Get a phone with a bigger storage than you will fill
>54GB of non-gaming apps
what'cha doing?
I don't really know. I'm a normie at phones. I just install shit and forget about it. I usually have dozens and dozens of unread notifications, etc

Proof that AI does not think like a human:
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that's a leap, I wouldn't equal women = possessions = pets
I understand that, but unless Tony used the term explicitly to describe her there's no reason to assume that anyone would be sure about the reference. It could just as well refer to some accomplice he's been manipulating or some ironic reference to an inanimate object (like when he calls his gun "my little friend").

I'm not saying that the principle is wrong, AIs clearly don't "think" like humans. Just that the example is awkward.
What kind of ESL babble is that?
>This thread is proof that NPCs are dumber than AI.
I thought you meant Ernie


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I'm so tired of being a corporate drone bros
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nigga go out and talk to other people on vacation
>i am currently learning gardening and want to get into wood working
you'll never make nearly as much doing that sort of stuff as you will as an office drone. Industrial Revolution and all that.
Join a startup. You'll get to be tired just from being overworked.
Nobody has true "economic independence" whatever the fuck that is - just look at the CS reddit bloodbath where it's near impossible to use the stupid degree, and you are utterly at the mercy of random chance, being related to the boss, acting like a servile NPC drone for interviews, etc. etc. and all of that is just to get a lottery ticket and no guarantee of this so-called independence but a total crapshoot. Purely controlled by other actors than you 99.9999 percent of the time, yet you have the illusion of autonomy because value is being extracted from you (IF and only IF you are very lucky) by the system as per the indoctrination inculcated in schools designed to produced drones like you.

Tech wagies are essentially drawing welfare in their esoteric and often useless niches that solve some specific business problem of no objective value at best, or just pure busywork and punching fake Jira time, using mouse jigglers and shit WFH at worst where these bums brag about making $300k to do nothing. They are literally bragging about being bums and can't see their delusions of "autonomy" and having "a job" are illusory and that they are overpaid useless eaters lucky to exist in a transient loophole that's quickly closing (as the cscareers reddit tards found the hard way). You are not doing anything of value so transferring some of your made up funny money, paid while you sit at home jerking off, to deserving autists (who might actually be doing things of more intrinsic value than you) makes perfect sense so suck it up.

If the system collapses, only someone setup to subsistence farm with adequate defenses to hold off others from taking their food will have autonomy and that rules out pretty much 99.999 percent of soft, pampered sheltered white collar office workers used to feminized office politics. Tougher neets who've been homeless would fare better.
small companies will burn you out faster by making you work unpaid overtime. If your coworkers do work overtime then you will look like a low performer

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God I love Microsoft Windows so much
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For me it is pifmgr.dll
What'd you do? You posting here to make me cum?
I love icons from that period so much
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emojis before they made them woke

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all of this looks great, so what's wrong with it? what is the better option, if any?
and no, I don't want to use rust.
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anons simping for makefiles don't realize that even makefiles are complete bloat for most small sized projects.

literally just do a jumbo/unity build. it requires absolutely nothing but your compiler.

/* build.c */
#include "util.c"
#include "app.c"

And now you just do `gcc build.c`. things are really just that simple if you want it to be.
Ok, so what happens if dependency isn't in the distro repos or doesn't give 2 shits about pkg-config?
you add it as vendor library and make a custom solution to include it and build if needed.
If they don't care about pkg-config the project likely won't fit into any other build system as is.
>so what's wrong with it?
Insanely shit documentation, fucked syntax.
>what is the better option, if any?
you still need to link/check availability of external dependencies unless you have zero dependencies

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Just werks™
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How about I just beat you to death with a shoe instead?
It doesn't really matter how easy it is, it's retarded that you have to do anything at all. Red Hat is interpreting US patent law differently than literally every other company on the planet.
No, I use my Fedora to develop racist and very white software only. And shitpost on /pol/ and /g/
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Also Just werks™
Haha but there's no videoga-

Oh...I'm not on /v/. Excuse me.

Hmm...Yes. This is well-made software. Hmm hmm hmm....

These things are the biggest fucking scam in tech. They cost like $10 each and they run out after like 10 uses. Why does anyone buy this shit?
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>You shouldn't need to clean your PC more than once or twice a year, any more means you're not cleaning the house enough.
You have no idea where OP lives or his use case. Stop giving retard advice.
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>19-year-old dies after co-worker inserts air compressor in his rectum
>A 19-year-old man from Bihar died after his colleague allegedly inserted an air compressor in his rectum at a manufacturing firm in Ahmedabad. The victim's father received a call informing him that his son was critical and rushed to the hospital, where he found him dead. The colleague jokingly shoved the air compressor into the victim's rectum, causing internal injuries. The police have registered a complaint and started an investigation.
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I never thought to do this for some reason.
I use electronic dusters to clean my glasses.
It works.
damn I thought it was actually inserted into his rectum but it looks like he just blasted air through the fabric and it was still too much

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Windows 7 is the ugliest Microsoft OS of all time. Why does everything look like a bubble? Why is everything so shiny? It just looks like crap to me. Windows XP was perfect, but the GUI designers needed job security so they made everything shiny.
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>he doesn't run Windows Server 2008R2
win8 was literally designed for tablets
>m-my deadshitos is da best
>n-no, my is da best actually
lmao, get a job baby ducks.
>old thing bad
>new thing good
Its not. I don't care for the design of windows 7, but at least the design does not cause physical pain to look at. windows 8/10/11 looks so horiffic I would rather die than have to look at it.

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Unironically, how long can my computer last on a 5800X3D before needing to upgrade
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If you're a AAA, max settings, high fps gaymer probably the rest of the current console generation. If you're a code monkey/office drone editing text files/spreadsheets all day then it will last for the next 10+ (until it dies). If you're an AI fag you're probably more concerned about what jewish tricks Nvidia are going to pull on you. Shit like professional video editing, rendering etc get nice time benefits from upgrading to modern hardware so you have to ask is downtime from your pc being tired up for X time at certain points costing you more money than you would make upgrading and getting more work done.
I'm still using a i7 4790k from 2014, you'll be fine.
but he was talking about xeon
>he doesn't remember the Spectre/Meltdown panic of '18
>I would also recommend ATX over a smaller board because of expansion shots
There isn't much of a reason to go full ATX unless you're building a multi-gpu workstation, mATX is all most people need.

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Like 90% of any site is something else than the content you came there to watch.

Why dont people realize this? Whenever I explain these things to normies their minds misfire and go blank
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>>can't scroll the video or see the duration

You dont need to scroll a 15 second video, anon.
Try pressing the "F" key
To pay respects?
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if those are dark patterns this book is the Necronomicon

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Can hackers really hack your router? The idea is too terrifying
Anything with a processor can be hacked
Its mostly automated and just cred stuffing boring shit really.

Or just looking for broken ass outdated routers that they can run book easy with exploitdb
We have to stop the stigma that everyone intrested in offsec is trans lol wtf man
If an inbound port is open on your router to the management interface it will be scanned and picked up by sites like shodan.io then botters can query shodan, populate a text file, feed it to their bots to pwn all the known vulnerabilities in those devices. A 5 year old could do all of this if they can follow directions. They are not hackers, they are "skiddies" or Script Kiddies.

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I have decided that there's no point in hiding your code. Make it public on github. Establish first of all that you are the creator, the public history proves that and can be useful. See if other programmers will understand the code, they likely won't. If they understand the code then you create some useful connections, you will be closer to them than their "boss". There is no nasty business as the whole code is auditable in cases of you being accused of trying to hack somebody. The code of a decent program is very complex and only you understand it. If others want to examine it to study some specific parts for their own creations, let them, you lose nothing.
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>having your code hosted on Micro&SoftHub
lmao even
>getting all your shit forked by some poo
>feeding the M$ AIs
>all for free

no point anymore




>I have decided
>hiding your code

Why do you think you get to say what happens to my code?
Or why I even should consider to read your other arguments?
Cause I didn't..
Extensively use macro preprocessor (like M4 or C preprocessor if you use C) without providing the source for macros. Now only you can compile the code, because nobody knows what do the macros expand to. Make the macros available to a person that requests it and prove they are human. Only the people that are actually interested and are human beings will be able to get the complete source.

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Just take me back, pls...
0% pajeet on the microphone
0% sponsorships
0% unnecessary talking
90% straight to the point useful info
10% good music
pure kino
Killing lsass.exe is faster and useful to prevent winjeet 10 updating before shutdown
>half an hour to type
corny af

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