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Previous thread: >>101528991

>What is DALL-E 3?
It's a text-to-image generator made by OpenAI.


AI Slop

>How does it work on Bing?
In Bing's Image Creator, "boosts" are used to speed up the image creation process, each user starts with 15 boosts. When you use a boost, the AI creates your image quickly. If you run out of boosts, the image waiting time can increase, usually if you refresh the page you can get the picture earlier.

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Good night bump.
(Opps, wrong pic.)
Orcish Aegon wasn't bad, though.
I actually thought about that only after I posted... Yeah, it'd be nice.
Nice, I posted the last picture without noticing it as usual. I've already baked this one, if anyone else wants to bake, please do.
Baked again, no canid nor hawk this time, have a cat for caturday.


>/g/ makes a 13th album
Theme: Music for your god. (divine music, your interpretation)
Deadline: Midnight between August 31st and September 1st (UTC)
Please post title suggestions

Upload the file somewhere and post the link here. If you want to update your track, make a new post.
If possible use a lossless format and upload to a file-sharing service, not to a music site like Vocaroo or SoundCloud.
Include the title of the song in the post. Don't rely on us reading it from the filename or tags.

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>fl studio but worse
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>Please post title suggestions
Penis Mank II
What do we think of browser-based DAWs?
This one looks pretty interesting
>Please post title suggestions

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Previous thread: >>101554017

>What is DALL-E 3?
It's a text-to-image generator made by OpenAI.


AI Slop

>How does it work on Bing?
In Bing's Image Creator, "boosts" are used to speed up the image creation process, each user starts with 15 boosts. When you use a boost, the AI creates your image quickly. If you run out of boosts, the image waiting time can increase, usually if you refresh the page you can get the picture earlier.

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Looking for a cheap option to stream movies to upstairs, on my LAN - Roku, fire, Chromecast, which is the best? I have an arr cluster on winserver... Have used jellyfin, prefer not to setup Plex if I can help it
General goystick / box thread
I never understood why the Windows copy dialog didn't use an average speed of transfer for time estimation instead of immediate speed.
Plex isn't half bad, works on all my Roku devices just fine. Only downside is I have to convert my x264 videos at 2Mbps or they're shit. (DVD rips, upscaling to 1080p and 4k televisions).

I imagine a jail broken fire stick would be good, but I haven't used one personally.
get a n100 mini pc

This is a mageposting thread.
Computers are spell stations where we write programs (curses) against other mages (anyone who'd debug it later, cursed). In order to stay on topic, please post mages utilizing such dastard devices, and other magicentric ideas.

some arcane tools for fellow high level wizards:
>wizard name generator
>ponder the digital orb
>learn the five esoteric magicks
>personal hygiene and beard care
>maidposting and the like

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there is Dark Tranquillity
And to answer your question seriously, I use pure nicotine. There's studies which prove that nicotine reduces symptoms of ADHD, schizophrenia, boost memory and comprehension. But it's literally poison, so you should dose it correctly. No more that 2mg per gum or your receptors will adapt, so cigarettes are out of the question, they are 6 mg, use gum or patches. You'll also throw up the first time, probably.
drinking beer as a wiz apprentice will turn you into the gnome variant at old age 100% guaranteed
>it's poison
I thought it was fine as long as you didn't get yours through pipeweed, how is it bad? I've been considering the gum for awhile.
>I thought it was fine as long as you didn't get yours through pipeweed, how is it bad?
What. It's literally classified as poison. People used it as an insecticide in the past, and still do with neonicotinoids.

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>day 50 of a 8 day mission
so when will they finally admit that they are stranded?
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It sounds like you are confused.
And you still haven't presented anything of value.
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America (Jewland 1.0) is the enemy of the European race. After kidnapping German and Italian scientists during Operation Paperclip, having them successfully create atomic weapons and reaching the moon, they only gave them a medal then had "the legendary nazi hunter" Eli Rosenbaum, director of DOJ, hunt down all former German and Nazi collaborators and deport them. You won't read this on his wiki page.

Arthur Rudolph, one of the fathers of the Saturn V rocket and the Pershing missile, was hunted down by this jew, was forced to renounce his US citizenship and to leave the USA in return for not being prosecuted.

With friends like these, who needs enemies. America, not even once.
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Euros are dumb as brick. They deserved it.
this. Soviets were honest down-to-earth people at the end of their power trip. Amerimutt knows no shame and they have a culture of saving face

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the only two distros that matter (for home users)
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RHEL is for enterprise professionals
Debian/Ubuntu/Mint is for normal people
Arch is for people who don't mind fixing their own systems. It's also the one trannies flock to for some reason.
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debian just works, paired with xfce for maximum comfy
I think mint xfce is the less shitty of all l00nix stuff, tinkering the ui makes it gain quite a bit of sovl
I wasnt going to update for 4 years anyways quite frankly.
>for some reason
debian is utter garbage. I dont know why retards in here praise It so much.

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What do when stupid?
watch anime eat hot chip and die
Smile :)
Delete your frog pngs. It has been scientifically proven that each frog png on your computer lowers your IQ by 1 point. Jpegs by 2. Webps by 0.5.
>webp by half
henlo sundar

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Techs edition

How to request advice:
>Intended use (media, source, environment)
>Frequency response preference (basshead, female vocal, treble sensitive, etc.)
>Past gear and your thoughts on them

>Where do I buy IEMs?
Amazon, Aliexpress, Linsoul, Hifigo, Shenzhenaudio, Bloom Audio, MusicTeck, Elise Audio (UK)

>Shopping Guide (IEMs, Cables, Ear Tips, etc.):

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my only other iem is ikko oh10 and this is weightless compared to that. im still checking out the sound tho, but thx
I only buy budget kings. I don't need $200 iems
the oh10 is the heaviest iem i own. it makes every other iem seem like a feather.
the timeless is a bit outdated and overpriced these days. s12/s12pro, or nicehck f1pro are good options for less
Went with the Supermix 4, wish I did read a little bit earlier about the S12 Pro though because that one looks interesting as well, but ah well

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Why is it a pain to write a ui app for linux?
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>Tkinter sucks balls though
I second this; I'd rather use curses
anything like that for C?
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Yes, GTK
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cool 5kb savings here's a 3.5mb gif to cancel that out
Nope. C is just as tedious for library writers as it is for application writers, so you're not gonna see much improvements there.

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I can't stop scraping.
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Is there a way to scrape a page after it has loaded fully without rendering everything with selenium?
Vinted.com comes to mind for a site that takes ages to load.
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>Found the general
I'm trying to scrape listcrawler to run analytics on WHOOOERS. So I click on a posted ad and from there want to go to that bitch's review page.
> <a> tag with href is nowhere to be found
However, when I login and inspect that same element, the a tag I want is there somehow. I know I could easily do this by having Selenium chromedriver click on the element, but I'm trying to git gud as well as run analytics. Can anyone explain what's going on? And perhaps how to scrape the data without logging in or using Selenium?
"Eager" page load strategy (return control to script as soon as DOM is ready without waiting for all images, styles, scripts) + explicit WebdriverWaits on the relevant elements
This >>101585511
Why would I cream my pants over parsing HTML in particular? The image is a literal meme. Of course touching JSON APIs isn't evil, that'd be completely retarded. There are options for interacting with and parsing data from sites with different tradeoffs for data/interactivity completeness, durability against external changes, reliability, implementation complexity, and resource intensity.
That is all to say that engineering is full of options and tradeoffs, and I really think everyone in these threads already knows what you are pointing out. Modern "scraping" in a world where Javascript-heavy and mobile-only software companies want immense control over how external parties interact with their products involves everything from reverse engineering a private unofficial API to replay crafted requests, to parsing HTML, to opening thin browsers that will solve captchas for you and intercepting JSON as it comes on the wire. They are all just paths to solutions.
People processing data from Facebook, Reddit, Linkedin, or Twitter in July of 2024, tasks for services that constantly break API, gate clients behind complex Javascript puzzles and captchas, and generally want to make their life difficult if they do not sign certain contracts, don't choose full Selenium-type scraping because they have a fetish for XML trees and high RAM usage.
Playwright is such a cocktease. Literally never works more than once. Come back next week and it doesnt work.

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That is a lie. They are in panic mode and doing damage control because 14 gens will only last one more year than 13 gens.
Is there any CPU fuckup as big as this one is shaping out to be? I honestly can't think of any
The pentium bug that had to be recalled, also from Intel.
Fuck that guy. Cost me a 4090 RMA because of his video claiming it was the users fault and not a design problem. Yeah Steve, tons of melty connectors aren't a design problem.

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Every single major system crash comes down to this shitty language developed literally 60 years ago. It's time to kill every C and C++ developer and ban this shit from enterprise codebases.

>b-but muh performance
See pic related
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I vill NUT pipe the output of curl into bash.
I vill NUT be cucked by the borrow checker.
I vill NUT use the language-specific package manager.
I vill NUT download sixty dependencies for a "standard library" crate.
I vill NUT statically compile the libraries.
I VILL use my distro's package manager for libraries.
I VILL dynamically link to them.
I VILL use the pointers.
I VILL include the headers.
I VILL abuse the preprocessor.
And I VILL be very very very happy.
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And the biggest cause of death is life

There will never be a thing that's perfect by design, that's OCD
Or you use mature software that have been tested under the operational conditions, or you use some """perfect""" solution that doesn't work

A dumb Rust rewrite has many more logic bugs and mistakes than any mature C. Plus, considering safety above all is short-sighted, you can't implement cryptography if your compiler can cause timing leaks as he can do everything and you can't do nothing
>A dumb Rust rewrite has many more logic bugs and mistakes than any mature C.
Care to elaborate?
You have a mature C software, besides being written in C, it has been tested extensively and used in many cases in architectures, a lot of known bugs and issues were solved over time

Making a Rust rewrite of it won't make it better, even if the borrow checker can supposedly find more stuff than cppcheck and valgrind. It has unknown bugs and mistakes, it wasn't tested in real cases and things can go wrong in ways the developer didn't expect

Something being perfect in theory doesn't make it perfect, you won't make a HTTP server better than nginx just because it's written in Rust, it will have it's own exploits and issues that will only be solved over a long time

Well-used software has not just maturity but they also use the same kind of tests that Rust can do through external tools and debugging. Even if they make mistakes, a novice program would end much worse
Hiring only white men

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CHUD-ware general!
Post chud-approved software and such other things.
>what is a chud
Umm, google it?
>chud terminal emulator
ST from suckless
>chud tiling vm
DWM from suckless
>chud distro
Arch or Artix, alpine, gentoo is chud approved.
>chud wallpaper
Billions must post their wallpapers ITT.
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Ahh, I remember that.
use Newsraft, it's even smaller
Chimera which alpine 2.0 is also run by a troon, give up and submit to GNU.
The core dev team is the same group of european mean since the beginning. Packagers like the conill tranny don't count.

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what up my /g/iggas

as all of you may know, the dev market (in the US at least) has fucking been saturated. My friends from T25 universities are struggling to get any internships. The thing is, as fucked as all this is; programming is still the best thing I can do, and out of all the things I can do it also happens to be what I enjoy. I cant stop, won't stop even.

So I realized, this could also look good on a college app even if it makes $0 income. Yea, it's not an original idea but I have a SaaS idea that for some fucking reason nobody else has done (im sucking my own cock right now!) so this either means I have a golden goose or im about to find out why nobody has done it. Yes it has utility, and it targets a worldwide audience of individuals (not companies).

If you have any exp with finding users, how did you do it? Do I buy ads on pornhub or what.
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hmm, so why do they bother acquiring startups then?
>yeah bro, dont try doing anything just rot in my basement like me so I feel better
dont listen to this fat fucking NEET, you're as useless as any startup idea. dogshit.
better hiring results than recruiters.
>Do I buy ads on pornhub or what.
The business to customer model is best if you can self-fund it, yeah. And if I was you I would risk the 0.1% chance of someone stealing your idea and just post it here so we can tell you if it's retarded or not.

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