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C++ is finished / Why C++ is a shitshow language thread

>C++ is an old-boys club protecting each other, even if they are pedos
>C++ people in power just making things up, while demanding proof from others
>C++ standardization groups and committees are dysfunctional and put out sub-standard work while blocking good proposals
>C++ leadership inept, out of touch with reality and cannot lose
>A short intro to the Dark Souls lore

I'll take the rust tranny any time of the day.

>safe C++
the last c++ version was c++11
this is a schizopost but it's all true
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since it's a reddit thread
mentally deranged troon lmfao
I don't even know what the fuck this post is about and it didn't make me feel anything.
C compiler go brrrrrrr
I feel you.
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didnt read
also not technology
>C++ is an old-boys club protecting each other, even if they are pedos
What does this have to do with the utility of the language?
>C++ people in power just making things up, while demanding proof from others
Who cares? Are they preventing good features from being implemented?
>C++ standardization groups and committees are dysfunctional and put out sub-standard work while blocking good proposals
Can you name some good proposals that are denied?
>C++ leadership inept, out of touch with reality and cannot lose
Again, why do you put so much emphasis on the leadership? The developers of a language are quite irrelevant!
Someone post the pic of Bjarne BTFOing a troon
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C doesn't have this problem.
ah so it WAS that same person lmao
I was looking for this one
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damn homie's mad
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Damn, I like this websites css, albeit colors are a bit gay. Dude also seems kinda smart.
Too bad he got prolly did too much tren and trooned out. He'd probably be living a happy life
ok, xir is funny as fuck
bJaRnE's PrOfIlEs
a reminder that all rust RFCs are public, posted on GitHub, open to commentary from everyone, and your comments and all reactions to them are public.
even Pre-RFCs are fully open and public, posted to the internals forum.
mind you, rust (the project) is not fully immune to politics and behind-the-doors pressure. but some nocoding retards who probably get their non-tech "tech news" from sources like zogduke, and who confuse the "rust foundation" and the "rust project" think this is worse than fucking ISO committees. lmao.
>Now, in that linked paper Bjarne writes the most fucking insane thing I’ve ever read that is most definitely technically correct in the same way that a gram of Uranium-238 contains enough calories for a lifetime. Namely that C++ can’t be statically analyzed because of the *halting problem*.


maybe one of the pajeet sophomore coders who overconfidently post here is actually bjarne.
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Can I get a quick QRD down? I have a disability that prevents me from parsing tranny tech essays. It's just word soup to me.
Did anything actually happen? It just seems to be a tranny saying boys club is le bad.
Holy shit, BTFO so hard by Bjarn they've been seething continuously for years
I'm willing to overlook and accept all of this just to make rust trannies seethe.
I don't like rust.
I don't like trannies.
I like C and C++.
Don't fix what's not broken.
Old thing good.
Simple as.
didn't read the whole thing, or even half of it, but..
>Did anything actually happen?
that's the best part..nothing is happening. it's a deliberate stalling operation from the now fully exposed bureaucrats (have always been exposed to non-retards).

no "safe" profiles to be seen, so we can laugh at how useless they are (which is exactly why they are forever TODO).

none of the serious, if futile, "safe C++" proposals got, or going to be, accepted.

and now many "C++ people" who are not bureaucrats heading towards retirement are getting panicky because decades long of useless cpptardation knowledge may not continue to provide "job security" for long.

the last few years have been pure comedy for someone like me, who knew cpptardation for what it is, and stuck with C until rust came along.

of course it is always worth noting that all language talk is of little significance when it comes to people with specialized field expertise. but the current (admittedly overboard) push towards safety is threatening even that assumption.

>reddit spacing nooooo
The committee being ass is nothing new and don't throw stones in a glass house since Rusts committee is just as bad if not worse.
> Why C++ is a shitshow language
C++ was designed specifically to ruin the lives of programmers. Every single feature is expertly designed to be just barely useful, and as overcomplex as possible.
C has been tainted by C++, they are ruining C now.
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nobody was going to use c23
Meanwhile most of the important technology is still programmed in c and c++.
>Well at least we all don’t use the same account with the same password. Oh wait… I hope you didn’t thought the committee has good info and opsec practices. And the committee is supposed to solve safety issues. They can’t even secure the wiki.
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>it's a deliberate stalling operation
author confirms this later in the post
>Don’t get it twisted, I don’t think every game developer is a perfect little angel (far from it, I’ve seen what you fuckers write. Jesus wept), with many of them getting upset that the committee doesn’t approach them for help. This is a little silly because this is like a student in college upset that their professor didn’t magically know to help them with their homework.
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lol even cpptards at MicroSaar are panicking.
the author is too polite to not mention the cheap saar hiring angle.
Honestly, I'm not surprised. The writing has been on the wall ever since they got rid of inline assembly, and the fact that they *still* don't support dedicated register variables says everything.
>Just one more clang-tidy lint, bro. Just one more clang-analyzer run, dude. I promise. Just one more. That’ll fix everything. Run clang-scan-modules for the millionth time. More external processes. More tools that have to be updated separate from the language. Please make your CI/CD take longer because so many of you are using GitHub and that’s going to increase the amount of minutes your runs take and increase the amount of money that Microsoft-owned GitHub can charge you. Please oh please. Just one more lint bro.

taking a swing at /g/eets like that! uncool.
... analyzing what? Allocation patterns? Who the fuck uses individual lifetimes these days?
>except complete retards
Going to go buy A Tour of C++ now, thanks Bjarne.
> After all, if there was actual weight behind it the C++ committee wouldn’t have case after case after case of sex pests harassing and raping people
wtf is this true?
xyr is a retarded gopher now
remember when programming was about programming
Those days are over now.
>expert in build systems
kek, c++ in a nutshell
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me and my homies all love discrediting established insfrastructure in a focused, aggressive and relentless manner

it's hip to glow with the power of a thousand foreign interests!
oops chud, you just got bamboozled
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The author doesn't dispute that. Their claim in the text is that if C++ doesn't get its shit together with safety it'll become the next COBOL.
what if i dislike trannies but would rather support them than terfs
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>I'll take the rust tranny any time of the day.
it's a reddit meme you don't have to choose
The author is a retard.
oh my sides.
maybe it's true bjarne is one of the retard /g/ posters.
there is a "bjarne is just like trump" analogy in there if anyone is interested lol
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this gets better and better.
i mean, anyone who is not /g/tard level long had their suspicions about some of this, based on the absolute ignorant and delusional retardations bjarne speaks. but i don't think anyone would have suspected that it's THIS bad.
>C++ is finished
Probably why Herb left. So long, MSVC funding
>And, in alignment with the Secure Future Initiative, we are adopting safer programming languages, gradually moving functionality from C++ implementation to Rust.
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nuff said
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>i have standards and only use iso standards.
>i'm totally not a monkey who has no control over what languages are used.
do Americans who write "blog roll" realise that it's a pun based on a British term for "toilet paper"?
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what the actual fuck?!!
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i've heard a lot about 1, causes big issues with some talks/conventions that they sweep under the rug. 2 is stupid and yeah, they always happily joke about those days. 3 is absolutely true, gaby is a massive retard that derails everything. he only acts in bad faith. the toy language thing too, look no further than the safety papers and "iso c++ directions group" for completely unhinged rants not based on reality about safe languages
seen everything except 9 but that's good news because i know there were many issues with iso not allowing them to enforce any kind of coc or coc-lite

iso has no place in modern language dev. all that should be out in the open. private mailing lists and having to go to meetings in person to get things done has been a thing of the past for decades at this point.
its not bad for the arduino
>If the US government said profiles don’t meet their requirement, he’ll [Bjarne] just move the goal posts again and argue that no, they do in fact meet the requirement it is the US government who is wrong and they should apologize immediately and allow C++ to be used in space again.
I would love to see that go down.
I don't visit /g/ often but almost always I do there is some hilarious drama going on, last few times was the tech shrek trooning out and the godot shit (they handled the damage control masterfully).
why aren't these people just hardforking some c++ implementation to show what can be done? It shouldn't be hard was already done with circle.
* your good fork won't give you "government contracts".
* a hard, clean room even, split from C++ that works already exists. it's called rust.
rust isn't c++ they should stop pretending like it is. It doesn't take many things to make c++ better fat pointers for example would go a long way and the D guy proposed them 20 years ago. Or a better macro system isn't of hacking on top of templates over and over.
Tons of companies have compiler forks for C and C++

What does your suggestion solve?
I am not the author simply saying if his solution is so great he should go ahead and implement it adaption will follow if its good as was with rust.
>rust isn't c++ they should stop pretending like it is.
no one is pretending that generally speaking. if they did, they would probably never have had won me over ;)
that was part tongue-in-chic, but also part true from me, since the context is the ever-mythical "Safe C++", in which comparisons and parallels with rust is unavoidable.
>compiler forks
>your suggestion
are you retarded
I classify C++ as slop just like rust. C99 shall save our world and free us of tyranny.
>are you retarded
Are you?
How do you propose a bunch of people organize to fix C++ with a "hard fork" of the language otherwise? Do you write a paper that magically fixes all the issues and saves C++ with no proof of concept?
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the boost logo redesign not noticing the runes was hilarious. i saw people point that out almost 3 weeks ago and it's still up lol
Gatekeeping exists to keep shitters like you out
Enjoy Rust with the rest of you low IQ FILTERED troons.
Glad this keeps emotional, irrational retards like you filtered from good technology.
So the CoC doesn't work? Why have one then?
Dohohoho! What a silly cartoon!
rare turbo-autist "gay" tranny win
fucking this
the author even goes on a rant about how we need feminism in programming languages design holy shit..
>How do you propose a bunch of people organize to fix C++ with a "hard fork" of the language otherwise?
i didn't propose that.
i don't care about that.
are you confusing me for OP or something?
and i didn't mention hard-forking as a solution. it was another anon (you?)
>Do you write a paper that magically fixes all the issues and saves C++ with no proof of concept?
you sound like a committee person doing damage control. although you're probably a retard doing their bidding for free.
where are bjarne's magic profiles?
why is the repository is still empty?
where are the "concept-proven" alternatives?
btw, "hard forks" are dime a dozen. here is one for your amusement:
but that's not going to be a tick in the requirement list when you apply for a government contract. get it?
or maybe you are an innocent child who thinks meritocracy rules. and in real life:
the best technical proposals get government contracts.
the best technical proposals get added to language standards.
yeah man if this troon schizo said it, it must be true!
the fuck is this nonsense
cpp is cpp, idgaf about nontech shit
can you point to a list of projects bjarne developed or majorly contributed to?
i remember in the first or second year after Rust v1, someone did a talk at a C++ conference, and he was comparing the two languages.
it was a retarded surface comparison, and he noted how C++ optimized some code and Rust didn't.
then someone from the crowd told the speaker that rust didn't optimize the operation because it involved floats, and if he changed the floats to an integer type, the same optimization would be done. so the speaker did, an voila, it was done.
so C++ was actually WRONG in doing the optimization (maybe something involving NaNs in intermediate results, i don't remember), and Rust was right.
this may actually have been the moment C++ minds collectively broke. and they never recovered since. lmao.
(if someone remembers which talk that was, please post the video.)
i recall something like this. that could've been something to do with ub with nans or signed integer not allowing rollover and optimizing accordingly
Buy an ad
sounds like your usual -ffast-math shenanigans
Bjarne, I kneel...
i don't think -Ofast/-ffast-math was involved. otherwise, it wouldn't have been that funny.
>>103246573 (Me)
just to clarify and not mislead anyone, -ffast-math may have been a factor. i don't concretely remember either way. the hilarious turn of events is what got stuck in my mind.
why didn't he just use the exact same function in c++? It's still valid so I don't get this image at all
>What does this have to do with the utility of the language?
it hurts the image of the language, which will (in the long term) turn people off from using it, which will reduce the number of libraries/tools/jobs in the language
>Who cares? Are they preventing good features from being implemented?
>Can you name some good proposals that are denied?
the binary embedding that C added was denied for no good reason. and it's a real problem people have wanted a solution for for a long time. sean baxters borrow checker was laughed out in favor of a fantasy land proposal that cannot work (requires solving a formally undecidable problem)
>Again, why do you put so much emphasis on the leadership? The developers of a language are quite irrelevant!
they're who decide the future of the language by what features go in and out. usually not that important, but now that everyone and their mom is panicking about the safety boogeyman due to Rust it's basically get safe or die away -- the way they do this will determine if C++ has a future at all
Who even needs borrow checkers? Just use arenas lol. Modern OSs support virtual address space allocations too, so there's no need to be afraid of needless copies.
half the blog is genuine issues about the committee being fucking fossilised and full of pedos

and then the other half is "that's why we need FEMINISM" and also "nazi logo bad!!"
>content warning
tldr + ywnbaw
Factually untrue.
>i-i-i... i wa-wasn't even trying to pass as a woman then!! that's right!
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another possible /g/eet among us
lol i've definitely read that straitjacket spiel here numerous times
>People are not saying "you must rewrite all code" in memory safe languages.
But there ARE people who are saying exactly that.
Literally all of the important software in the world is written in C++.
back to the rust thread where you belong, sir
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sounds just like how the c++ committee members argue
And if not?
buttsecks with silly hair
>don't you know the NAZIS said something like that once?!
what is this argument called?
it's literally a reference to "the jewish question" though, there's enough weight around that phrase that you just don't use it like "the final solution"
Introsort is the final solution to the large list unstable sorting question.
>introsort now banned by the ADL
>C++ standardization groups and committees are dysfunctional and put out sub-standard work while blocking good proposals
this is why Swift was created. ex-committee members unfucked everything from C++ and added nice features while maintaining close look and feel to real C++ in order to maximize familiarity.
it has full interop with C and C++ without needing any FFI garbage like Rust, and is fully cross-platform as of version 6, no apple dicksucking required
what does argument dependent lookup have to do with this?
because it's textbook 4chan false equivalency, the C++ version is safer and will fail to compile in the first place in cases that the C version will just crash during runtime with
i know sometimes im retarded but what is wrong with the c function?
The funniest part is both of those functions are potentially undefined behavior
everyone knows that c++ is a shitshow but this is some hi quality lolcow
stop gaslighting me, what UB is possible with the c function
signed integer overflow
thats not UB, its you being a retard
are you the "UB is implementation defined" retard from yesterday by any chance?
no, but the c89 standard uses the phrase "implementation defined behavior" not "undefined behavior"
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>it is implemented the same everywhere
that troon pink paper proves nothing
I said C89, buttmilk. the C++ standard uses UB and the C committee adopted the language in later revisions.
that nobody uses.
>Can you name some good proposals that are denied?
P0709 R4
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>I'll take the rust tranny any time of the day.
True men will never sacrifice freedom for false promises. Trash like you will be burned alive.
I enjoy the idea of some insane tranny ranting about 'muh ESSSAAYY' without realizing that no one cares about that stuff anymore and #metoo was ten years ago

maybe we didn't reach that point yet
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> i'd barely been on hrt
> wasn't visibly trying to pass
Shame they completely fucked it up: https://www.splasmata.com/?p=2798

Like, Jesus Christ, you must be completely braindead to use it.
>thinks the ever mossad-backed PKK are actual leftists and talks about it in a C++ post
transmerica is really something lol
Well this talks about reasons why the C++ group has rejected a lot of good proposals
i tried to give this a fair shake and the only tl;dr i could come up with is that this man is extremely mentally ill and could use a break from the internet
This shouldn't even matter though. I think the real problem with C and C++ is that shills want everyone to use them for everything. If people don't want to use C or C++, stop making them use it. FORTH and Common Lisp have standards but they don't go around demanding that people use them for everything. There's already a standardized language focused on safety too, Ada. Why do they have to basically add Rust to C++? I know a lot of people like C (even though a lot of that is because of lack of knowledge of any other languages) but if C and C++ programmers just didn't care as much about what other people were doing (aka demanding they use C or C++), nobody would care about changing C and C++ into Rust. Just like nobody wants to force the Common Lisp people to add curly braces and infix syntax to Lisp.
>FORTH and Common Lisp have standards but they don't go around demanding that people use them for everything.
Completely false. You're doing it now, those two langauges are constantly evangelized
if you actually made it past 5% of the post, you would have noticed the talk about people/corpos being worried about their government contracts.
it's not a matter of choice.
>it's not a matter of choice.
Sure it is. They could accept defeat and die off.
that would be fine by me.
i just wanted to point out that the boring derivative "common wisdom" replies are not applicable.
you will have to have some original thoughts to contribute something actually relevant ;)
>Who even needs borrow checkers?
>virtual address space allocations too, so there's no need to be afraid of needless copies.
Virtual memory for CoW of structs would be fucking insane. You do it in set/get, manually. You will fuck up and be too lazy to do it consistently.

Swift with safe buffers will get something similar to borrow checking, though it will likely get a different name.
They made the exact same spelling mistake too. They also used the almost the exact same sentence... Holy fuck, they walk among us.
>Virtual memory for CoW of structs would be fucking insane
Nobody's talking about CoW. I mean relocations due to failed in-place reallocation.
Don't really see what that has to do with the borrow checker. You need to allocate large vectors in empty unallocated memory in Rust as much as C++ to avoid costly reallocation.

When I heard "copies", I thought you were referring to Swift. Which is slowly inching towards having a borrow checker.
>Don't really see what that has to do with the borrow checker.
Then you should go learn about arenas and unified lifetimes.
>arena schizo
are you retarded? or maybe 17 years old? seriously.
Having hallucinations?
no, i see you fine especially when you shit up every thread with nonsense
C/C++ programmers are the only people who freak out if you don't want to use the languages they like. Most people don't care about what languages other people use.
Still don't see what that has to do with the borrow checker. The borrow checker is to prevent your shitty code from leaving a dangling reference to something in the arena which you just wiped.

Arena allocation, pool allocation, setting some big blocks of your 64 bit memory space aside for large containers, that's all orthogonal. It helps as much in Rust as in C++.
You wouldn't see light in dark, and especially wouldn't recognize it because you're profoundly damaged in the head.
>Still don't see what that has to do with the borrow checker.
The borrow checker deals with individual objects. Lifetimes. Those don't exist with arenas.
Lifetime still exist with arenas, you simply assume the lifetime ends at some collective deadline for a bunch of data. In Rust the compiler will force your shitty code to meet that assumption. In C++ you can assume your shitty code will not actually meet that assumption.

Either way, it has fuck all to do with container reallocation.
Why is Java always written as JAVA in all caps when it comes to pajeets?
>Lifetime still exist with arenas
Read the sentence gain:
>individual objects. Lifetimes.

>you simply assume the lifetime ends at some collective deadline for a bunch of data
Yes. Anything else would be completely asinine.

>>it has fuck all to do with container reallocation.
>he didn't read until the end
That guy hates Rust and has a derangement syndrome. You cannot reason with him or his agenda
>C++ is finished
It's been "finished" for over 30 years, yet it keeps lurching on like a brain-eating zombie on a sugar rush.
>I'll take the rust tranny any time of the day.
Enough about your sexual preferences. Keep this board Safe!
Nobody cares, my good tranny
just do

if (pData) { delete pData; pData = nullptr; }
> rape
when a person like this talks about "rape" they talk about sexual assault allegations, at best. Usually they have no real evidence other than hearsay. In general, they only pay attention to these allegations if there's something to win, and they pretend they are more obvious and "something everyone knows". If the victim is inconvenient (a male, specially white) the acussations will be dismissed, no matter how strong the evidence is.

The incentives to lie on this group are so big, that evidence will be ignored or exagerated extremely, beyond what plausible deniability would allow, depending on who is the alleged victim or agressor.
The c++ dark council is absolute garbage, don't get me wrong. They have the worst possible ideas for c++, and they will keep making a shitty language even shittier, they don't need any help killing this eyesore of a language.
But, rust people are worst. They seek to install themselves and they will truly bring the same kind of overcomplicated poorly thought cancer to everything they touch, except they will normalize a climate of doublethink, harassment, gaslighting and agression. They are literally bad, toxic extremist people. All of that just to get a specific type of safety that only helps if you wanted to do programs overcomplicated to begin with.
lmao at defending someone convicted on two counts for raping a drugged victim under the age of consent
>you can assume
ASS + U + ME
>he didn't read until the end
It has fuck all to do with borrow checking OR arena allocators. It's completely orthogonal.

You can use mmap/virtualalloc to reserve space to grow arrays in a C arena allocator. You can use Linux transparent huge tables to do it with any old allocator. You can do it in Rust in some custom allocator too.

The borrow checker isn't there to fix reallocation, it's there to fix your incompetence in leaving dangling references and creating race conditions.
Sorry bro, I mean mam, I'm still not using rust
The way the dialogue about it is conducted is dumb and pathetic. People that think the things you think should be mogged relentlessly. Either all felons that finished their conviction are excluded of everything, or their aren't. The crime doesn't matter in a language used by profesional, grown up adults. And the fact that "Progressive" rust enthusiasts are peddling this, something that goes against their supposed tenets should ring more alerts than anything else. I care only about merit, let the alleged turbo hitler rapist work.
Nothing to do with Rust but you've already declared what side you're on, and it's got nothing to do with facts or logic
>Nothing to do with Rust
Exactly. The whole post and every line of argument you're posting has nothing to do with Rust or C++. It's just trannylicious drama fomentation. It has nothing to do with anything but your own attempt to emulate genuine female histrionics.
It's rare that I'll disregard text based on vocabulary rather than what its trying to convey, but I'm not able to accept such a high level of zoomerisms. From the multiple content warnings to the lingo you may as well be honking a clown horn (TN: *honk honk* means "please listen to me I'm being serious")
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The post lacks SPECIFICS. WHY don't the C++ committee (purportedly) want to implement le safety? HOW slow are they being? Why is it SO UNREASONABLE? It takes time to implement new shit in a language like C++, especially something complicated like a memory safety abstraction. Nonetheless, C++ has implemented a lot of new and exotic features over the past decades, so I have little reason to doubt their willingness to go for difficult new features, but I understand that it takes time. THEREFORE I would like to see some actual SPECIFICS of WHY there is a problem, not just name calling and bitching peppered with retarded nuspeak, which is all the article linked in OP amounts to.
when this guy moves his residence, notifications are sent to alert people in the area. lmao that you think this has anything to do with what programming language people prefer
>Imagine how delusional it would be it Drew DeVault did what he normally does
>10-year old tests that are completely outdated and invalid now
nice bait
>committee members sexual kinks are #1 on the list
I never understood why people obsess over this so much and it's only becoming more common.
I don't even know the people I interact with daily, people who work at restaurants making the food I eat. What difference does it make to me if they go home and jerk off to furry porn or lolicon, just put the fries in the bag. I'm not at all surprised a programmer is perverted and I do not care, write my fucking standard, produce some code then go home and jerk of to depraved shit I don't care. Why are people so adamantly trying to ousts everyone from every position, are they going to take their spot and do the work for in their place? Pick up the slack and fill the void for everyone else like you and me? I'd rather have a pervert working for me than nobody.
I didn't expect a quality thread when I clicked it but I also didn't expect this level of schizoturfing
He doesn't seem gay. As a male I'd feel safer around him than I would around your average Californian. Even if I was a woman I wouldn't be afraid of getting drugged over an SMTP mailing list let alone any kind of professional office setting with multiple other committee members present.
I might not like sex offenders but this is clearly paranoia from hypochondriacs.
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Maybe a variant of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law
I'm saying that a socially acceptable gay man is more likely a threat to another man than a heterosexual sex offender and that you can't rape someone via email so it seems silly for even woman to be worried about that happening. You're sending electronic text messages to someone about C++ it's not as scary as they're making it out to be.
>any instance of "the X question" MUST be a reference to "the final solution to the jewish question"
they really aren't sending their best are they
Article is written as if by a child. I will continue using C++.
A person that goes through jail time has paid their debt to society. What compromise would you be willing to accept to make sure that the removal of this person is honest, and not just part of a powergrab? would you be willing to forbid any future members that are communists (supporters of far worse crimes than some rapes)
I know you will pretend this is insane, or hard to follow. The reality is that your intentions here are transparent as water. You care jack shit some rapist is working in programming.
>A person that goes through jail time has paid their debt to society.
Not for the crimes this guy committed. The committee tried to cover this all up instead of having an open conversation about it
Just don't let Gabriel Dos Reis do anything other than present his own papers. That alone would be sufficient to remove over half the bad faith bullshit that goes on in the committee.

Bjarne engages in some bullshit as well, but he's on his way out. Didn't even give a CppCon talk this year, for the first time ever. Gaby is the problem.
Why do faggots make it a point to write in the most unprofessional way possible?
this troon was always unprofessional. even in earlier talks he swore a lot and wanted to make sure you know he was a cool, edgy troon
>source: trust me bro
The ultimate irony of this is that the decisions within the DoD to require the use of memory safe programming languages was recommended by a Rust tranny who weaseled its way in during the Biden administration, and has it out to punish C++.
Rust bros, we won.
See you at Advent of Code 2024 threads as we heem Cniles and C++ cucks.
>Rust bros
this language is not inclusive. it erases the identity of women, trans, and non-binary people. please use more welcoming terms like "folks" if you would like to informally refer to the Rust community. please refer to the Rust code of conduct for more information. please do not take this as an attack or criticism as I assume you were operating in good faith like a decent person would, but future instances of non-inclusive language will be taken as malicious.
>this language is not inclusive
I don't care. Didn't read whatever gay shit you wrote.
We won.
it is clear by your use of homophobic slurs that you are in fact not operating in good faith. the Rust community has no place for n*zis
>C++ is a collection of midwits who push complete dogshit
It honestly explains so much of post C++11 being retarded.
No wonder people used to just shove troons into bogs.
And no wonder they retaliate by corrupting children. Karma is a bitch.
You mean Rust? I've never seen cniles shill as hard as rustroons do
Author hates rust and actually thinks that rust is full of chuds as well. As a chud I agree. Your concern trolling liberal faggotry is countered by the very OP's post shitting on C++ while saying xhe doesn't care about Rust and rust is full of cranks (like me).

Cope and seethe shitter. At least we won technically while you're crippled by egomaxxing gigaboomers.
>At least we won technically
Do you mean, on technical merits? Because I'd love to see a proper code comparison between, let's say, Rust and C.
Troons have to be outside of a bog to corrupt children. The mistake is in stopping this ancient practice.
Good thing those not caught yet do the deed then, to ensure that something will remain of them years after their bog ending. Really warms my heart.
Go back to bluesky, izzy.
>GetQuakeNow! button doesn't work
Consider suicide.
>siding with trannies over terfs
become an hero
>They seek to install themselves and they will truly bring the same kind of overcomplicated poorly thought cancer to everything they touch, except they will normalize a climate of doublethink, harassment, gaslighting and agression. They are literally bad, toxic extremist people. All of that just to get a specific type of safety that only helps if you wanted to do programs overcomplicated to begin with.
C and C++ programmers already do that except for the safety part.
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Oh, no.
The irony is if anyone actually bothered to read this long ass post (I have unfortunately, but it is mildly entertaining); c, c++ and rust users are all driven to do this because it's ultimately about feeding the individual programmer's ego.
Holy fucking kek
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i know this is le ebin post, but cppcon and the committee been overrun with troons these days. "daisy holliman" continues to give talks for instance and dude looks like he could play football, fags like simon brand also run "#include<c++>" which has been slowly infiltrating the committee. there was a big uproar when one presenter said "guys" as if that's a cardinal sin and forced him to apologize in the middle of his talk. it's unironically over
And if not?
>The ultimate irony of this is that the decisions within the DoD to require the use of memory safe programming languages was
Those decisions were made about 40 years ago when the Ada requirements were being designed.
>Biden administration
Biden was President in 1975?
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When someone tells you that you need feminism in language design, they're really telling you that that you need to hand over your life's work, your life itself and your freedom and submit to the tyranny of troons. And if you don't comply, they'll label you a nazi, an asshole, an incompetent old fool, an unhinged toxic narcissist, a pedophile. Basically, a projection of their own psyche. Whatever it takes to get you to bend the knee and let them in the door.
I honestly don't think I ever read a post that is both so based and yet so cringe at the same time. It's pure fucking beauty.
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Does Ada have feminist language design?
"Feminist language design" (I don't even know what that is) is something only C family language programmers care about.
Reading it made me feel nihilistic.
to be fair, at least sepples trannies look traditionally feminine unlike whatever the fuck is going on in rustland
lmao, NSA went full retard, eh?
I'm going to write an Ada 2022 front end for LLVM/MLIR and a formal verification engine that will become the goto implementation for all Ada users and the envy of all compiler and language nerds, but I'm going to make the community explicitly masculine, trad and patriarchal just to spite trannies, feminists and other assorted marxist trash.
The only thing C++ rapes is pajeets.
> the DoD
I thought they standardized on Ada.
How did that work out? It’s probably the kiss of death.
in the good old days, i used to help people who would run into difficulties in their Ada code, make a post to usenet, and upload their code onto ftp.uu.net /tmp and t would turn out to be the code for the heads-up display for an F-14 or something.
Can't you waste your time on something productive instead, like implementing register parameters that are deviating from the calling convention?
I'll implement __vectorcall for the Windows ABI but that's really the only useful one these days.
Hah. I guess there was a reason why I always used unsigned unless I explicitly knew I needed signed.
Completely useless, the x64 ABI already uses RCX, RDX, R8, and R9 for the first four parameters. I need to be able to pass the first parameter in RAX *or* pass the return value in RCX, one of the two.
Because inlining creates major bloat, and swapping registers is completely unnecessary for static functions.
> microsoft they got rid of inline assembly
After that, the assembly listing that the compiler generated came with a big disclaimer that ml64 (masm) might not be able to compile it, and it was for information purposes only.

I thing we should go back to the `cfront` days where C++ generates plain old C code, and compile against that.

A lot of the memory safety things can be solved with lint and/or valgrind, but most people don’t know of their existence.
As someone who still likes to use C, I ask that y'all don't group C together with C++ when rightfully shitting on C++.
C is C++ for even bigger retards that think "lmao I'm a 1337 programmer, if it compiles it's good"
Only a faggot cares about stuff like that. Just inline it.
Wrong. Someone more competent than you would care about stuff like that.
The smart money knows a deflationary recession is coming to the US early next year. Biden/Harris are handing Trump a shit sandwich, nothing can be done to prevent it at this point.

Bottom line is this. As bad as things are now, the real layoffs at Microsoft and other big tech companies haven't occurred yet. Gabriel and the MSVC++ toolchain may not survive in the end. C++/CX and C++/CLI are already deprecated and the MS STL fully supports Clang. Clang has most of the Windows extensions implemented already. Only a matter of time before MSVS is just another wrapper around it.
I had a reply written out involving a formally verified inline assembly DSL out-classing GNAT's capabilities, but then I checked myself and realized only a faggot would promise or discuss anything instead of just implementing it. That's the problem with languages and compilers today. Too much discussion. Too much community transparency. Too much catering to people's emotions. Too much faggotry.

Sean Baxter is right.
yes please kill msvc
> if it compiles it’s good
Sometimes it is. If I need quick one-off hacks, quick test drivers for prod functions, or probing an api, I sure as hell don’t waste time to make an overly complex nested template hierarchy, .h files, build system, etc.
And if i find someone doing that shit, they’ve got their bit set with me. The next step is out the door.
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And I didn't even bother going into the weeds yet.

All I want is something that should've existed in the 80s, when most parameters were still transferred onto the stack. Do you have any idea how much code out there reassembles the stack due to some shitty ABI's parameters needing a very specific order?
> kill msvc
Except the debuggers.
The clang cli debugger is the worst thing I’ve ever used. I’d rather go back to edlin and debug.com and write C:> debug.com < myprog.asm as my build system than use that fucking thing.
> when most parameters were still transferred onto the stack
we still need to do that, or the asshole that litters my code with __chkstk() functions will have to find another job somewheres.
>we still need to do that
Lol no? On Windows only past the first four registers (RCX, RDX, R8, and R9), on System V ABI (Linux) pnly past six (RDI, RSI, RDX, RCX, R8, R9):

>the asshole that litters my code with __chkstk() functions will have to find another job somewheres
You could murder him.
> 4/6
Too bad AMD didn’t quadruple the registers like other architectures already have 32 gprs.
At least they did something, though. Unlike intel.
How would you address them? They even had to come up with a new prefix (REX) to access R8-15. Same with AVX (VEX)/AVX-512 (EVEX). At least the solidified SSE and MMX support (8 XMM + 8 MM registers).
> address them
The first thing they should have done is do away with that AX, BX nonsense and use R00, R01, etc.
And, obviously, make them hex, so we’d have 256 registers, R00–RFF

Don’s MMIX already has 256 registers, does he really have to think of and do everything himself? ffs.
__chkstk is for when you blow your stack frame beyond a page. It is to help you catch stack overflow reliably.
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>"The Undefined Behavior Question"
(in the context of computer science)
>anti-semitic dog whistle
at this point it's gotta be some kind of schizophrenia right?
>The first thing they should have done is do away with that AX, BX nonsense and use R00, R01, etc.
You're forgetting specialized instructions like STOSx, MOVSx, or LOOP, which use dedicated registers. CX is the counter register for a reason.
>inb4 get rid of them too
Alright, what about MUL and DIV? They use AX and DX implicitly.

>MMIX already has 256 registers
MMX has 8, SSE also 8, AVX 16, and AVX-512 32.
> what about REP STOxxx, etc.
Obviously, we’ll keep the aliases to the old RSI, RDI, RCX, etc. for people with weak memories and need their IDE-like mnemonic “meanings”
Or you could just know that things will put things in R0.

I didn’t even get into the need for register windows, like what SPARC has, and you have i0–i7 times 4. (that’s 32… a meager proposals)
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Software has been political since the 70s.
go on...
this is about intellectual property

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