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pajeetman edition

Neetcode 150: https://neetcode.io/practice
Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>How to write a resume

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.

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kek I came across this profile last week. forgot from where
>20% of women of age up to 30 years old have never had an orgasm
probably 95%, worldwide
How do I have patience when teaching people tasks and stuff like that? I try to do monkey see (see me) monkey do but I get a lot of interjections or people will slow me down or they say yes but they don't really get it later and quite frankly it kinda annoys me. I even make a bunch of documents but nobody really reads them which whatever I don't mind teaching but then I get to the above issues and I get annoyed really quick. Lots of out of scope questions too. annoying
>still half an hour of sitting here doing nothing
time tracking software is criminal
I'm in my late 30s and I have no discipline. I don't plan my time, I'm disorganized as hell (and my place sucks). I usually do shit because I like it or because I feel motivated to do them.
wtf do I do to fix myself?

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Hey retards im back and was able to get a recording of the whispering im hearing everywhere i go. The one decent clip I could capture sounds like "rya if you can hear me youre being arrested" this along side insults and other statements is being broadcasted to my ears 24/7 and is even telling me what im doing. even when I am away from all my phones, computers, tvs etc. What do? this is literally torture.
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Anon, there are more than two things and the black sun isn't a masonic symbol
in your best iinterest, take meds
Anon, with proper help you can still live a normal life. Contact a doctor and tell them about your experiences and they will help you.
And stop reading 4chan until you get help, a lot of things here will only make your symptoms worse.
stop trolling the schizo
If you are hearing things, you really are hearing things. Doesn't matter if any electronic devices can record the audio/sensory input. The craziest thing is humans telling other humans, who are hearing voices, that the voices are manufactured by the mind. That's truly insane. The sane perspective is that the voices do originate from somewhere outside of the mind and there is no disfunction of the perceptive organs. The human body acts more like a sensory filter, by the way, to provide you the human experience curated to life on this planet.

There's three possibilities to narrow down. Voice to Skull, Demonic beings, or you live in close proximity to a radio tower and your audio reproduction devices are suffering induction.

Voice to skull is obvious, it sounds like it's inside your head similar to cochlear/bone induction headphones.

Radio induction can be defeated when you understand EMF.

You say you're hearing, with your ears. Disembodied voices and sounds in 3 dimensional space are other beings. "Meds! Meds! Meds!" Chants a conditioned person ignorant of reality. Willfully ignorant actually. They're not entirely wrong. Drugs can dull the senses and change the tuning of the mind away from influential "frequencies", but they're temporary and have drastic side effects. The short answer is, stop listening. Reading ancient holy texts, pick one, is a very effective route. The long answer is up to you and how you improve the condition of the body and mind. Sleep, exercise, food, meditation, etc.

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Hyperborean Edition

prev: >>102392056

>Keyboard recommendation template:
https://pastebin.com/n220xk9V (embed)
(Helps also to mention if you're open to soldering or not)

>Find vendors

>This keyboard stuff is so expensive!
https://aliexpress.com (or Taobao if you are China-savvy)

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This. No matter how much I heat the PCP the solder wont fucking melt into place
Just buy practice boards and look up soldering tutorials, if I could figure out how to do it in high school, you guys can do it now.
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>matching colour monster
I like your vision
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What do the keyboards inside those model vehilces look like though?

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Can jews make these explode anywhere?
Iphones yes,
Iphones also rapidly take screenshots and face-cam pictures every 7-8 seconds. Owning an iphone is quite possibly most retarded thing one can do. but as it stands the zoomer culture thinks owning iphone = higher status even doe a $300 phone outdoes and outlives an iphone.
I wish. I lost 195lbs in 2 years and face id stopped working.
Modern phones are such a scam. Phones from 3 years ago are virtually indistinguishable from the latest release.
bot posts. i hate reruns

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/rust/ - Dedicated to the discussion of anything Rust related.
Rust is a programming language designed to ensure memory and concurrency safety while attempting to be as fast as language like C and C++.

## News ##
A Re-Implementation Of The EROFS File-System In Rust Has Started - https://www.phoronix.com/news/EROFS-Rust-Code-Starts
Military researchers ask industry for ways of translating legacy software automatically from C to Rust - https://www.militaryaerospace.com/trusted-computing/article/55138748/software-c-to-rust-translating
"Prossimo" has worked with a consultancy group called Immunant to convert the AV1 video decoder 'dav1d' to Rust. https://www.memorysafety.org/blog/porting-c-to-rust-for-av1/
Google says replacing C/C++ in firmware with Rust is easy - https://www.theregister.com/2024/09/06/google_rust_c_code_language/
Changes to `impl Trait` in Rust 2024 - https://blog.rust-lang.org/2024/09/05/impl-trait-capture-rules.html
Announcing Rust 1.81.0 - https://blog.rust-lang.org/2024/09/05/Rust-1.81.0.html
Programs of the 9th edition of RustConf announced! - https://rustconf.com/programs/

## Learn Rust! ##
The Rust Book - https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/
The Rust Book (Abridged) - https://jasonwalton.ca/rust-book-abridged/

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>although the output is mirrored
Literally just reverse the lines before collecting them.
.map(|i| (3..39)
.map(|x| ((f64::from(x) % 22.0 / 3.0).cos() / 5.0)
.mul_add(-15.0, 16.0)
.map(|x| (x < (33 - i).into()).then_some("@@@").unwrap_or("```"))

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Show us the version in your shitlang in which you make it way more "maintainable" by introducing 4, 5 variables into scope and a bunch of new functions while being 10 times as slow.
It's a Rust implementation of cunny.py:
print("\n".join(reversed(["".join(i) for i in
list(zip(*reversed([["```"] * j + ["@@@"] + ["@@@"] * (32 - j) for j in
list(map(lambda x: round((2.7**(x % 22 / 3 * 1j)).real / 5 * -15 + 16),
range(3, 39)))])))])))

Also a Clojure version:
(->> (range 3 39)
(map #(-> %
(mod 22)
(/ 3)

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TL;DR: Want to track heart rate via ECG with lots of storage or an accurate fitness device with a good enough ppg sensor group to give me reliable trends.

I want a recommendation on my kettlebell journey, it's a strength endurance workout and my miband 7 jumped in one second to the other from 142 BPM to 182bpm.

I might need a better alternative to look into or to research.

The polar H10 sounded good until I found out it can only cache one workout every time.
So my next best bet seems to be looking for the best PPG sensors money can buy to track my workout and give me a good enough estimate as I try to force matter and anti-matter to copulate for 30 minutes 4 times a week.

Chinese brands are also cool with me as long as I can connect them with Google health connect.
Don't worry, anon. We all make mistakes.

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Post build list or current specs including MONITOR: https://pcpartpicker.com/
Provide specific use cases.
State BUDGET and COUNTRY or you will NOT be helped.
Building guide: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Build_a_PC

Web browsing: 5600G
Gaming: 12400F, 7600X, 7800X3D
Workstation: 7900X, 9950X
AVOID: Intel 13/14 series

AIO: Thermalright Frozen Edge/Arctic Liquid Freezer III, Hyte THICC Q60
Double towers: ID-Cooling FROZN A620 PRO SE, Thermalright Phantom Spirit 120 SE, Noctua NH-D15 G2

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7500f is like 134
7600x is 160
7700 is 180
no tray for 7600 or 7700X
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>personal cloud
>buying 500euro 6 year old cpu
It's called vaping, anon. No, it's not cool.
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windows sucks at raid arrays

Why is it so hard to make humanoid stand up with AI?
>Why is it so hard to make humanoid stand up with AI?
The humanoid is likely a lazy gen-z that has given up on life. Give it a good reason to stand up.

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(defparameter *other-names* '("(λ) - Lisp General"))

>Lisp is a family of programming languages with a long history and a distinctive parenthesized prefix notation. There are many dialects of Lisp, including Common Lisp, Scheme, Clojure and Elisp.

>Emacs is an extensible, customizable, self-documenting free/libre text editor and computing environment, with a Lisp interpreter at its core.

>Emacs Resources

>Learning Emacs
C-h t (Interactive Tutorial)

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>Want to learn the emac
>don't have a mac

gnu editor macro is free for all

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mpv ffmpeg yt-dlp
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Gemmy gem, anime troons seething
i love gems on the 'log
Wrap that rascal with Firejail to prevent anal leakage from malicious state sponsored videos.
No one posts when sharty 'jacks the threads.
Sad thougie

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this made me fall from my chair due to laughing
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gay "people" were a mistake
>DVD going into the VHS slot
hol up...
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Don't care, trained my body.
damn, that's deep
best looks :thumbs:

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Are you excited Apple sisters?
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the base model iPhone is such a scam

like 8gb Macbooks

last year's iPhone 15 already unsupported for AI
Mine isn’t coming for another two weeks :(
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i have a 13, no point to upgrade yet, maybe next year
time is a flat circle
itt: andjeet poorfags seething

if a memory stick with data suddenly doesnt show up anymore if you plug it in (tried all ports on 2 different laptops), is it game over or is there a way to recover the data?

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Now that it's been some time since Nvidia open-sourced the drivers, what's the Waylandies excuse for it still working like shit on Nvidia gpus?
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I still get flickering with nvidia on wayland, running on a laptop with a dedicated nvidia gpu (when selecting the nvidia gpu as the primary gpu) running kde plasma. It's running arch linux so it also has the latest drivers.
sucks being a DE loser then
works on my gtx 1080 better than X11 does, the only thing it can't do now is VRR with more than 1 monitor attached, but then X11 could never do that
>locking screen on 2 display setup can completely break one screen, requiring a restart
Oh yeah I experienced this too. I couldn't do anything to get back on, i had to force restart the computer
Its almost there but not quite. High refresh rate monitors still flicker, especially when changing workspaces. Happens across pretty much all i've tested, which is KDE, Gnome and Hyprland.
Firefox has a stutter with nvidia on initial scroll but is fine right after. Its highly annoying if you're trying to read documentation as the whole browser stutters every time you infrequently scroll.
Nvidia tooling sucks compared to nvidia-settings on X, not sure when that is going to get better.
Overall, its fine if you can look past the stupid glitches still, dont believe anyone that tells you its perfect, its not.

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>Currently work IT help desk level 1
>Earn ~$65k/year
>Applied for level 2 position, was a ball of nerves, and got told that my answers were more technical than they were looking for
>Coworker who joined level 1 a year after me gets the position
>He has CompTIA A+ cert
>Have started studying for it

I feel like I make a decent amount of money currently for my position. However, level 1 has started to become mind numbing with how repetitive it is and hearing employees bitch about "THIS IS A PRIORITY, I CANT DO MY WORK" (99% of the time it's not) and other day to day absolute retardations. Bosses are alright and benefits are great so I have that going, but I'm starting to perform somewhat worse as I'm getting tired. I still somehow seem to perform better than most of my coworkers without trying so that's cool, but I feel stuck and lost. Losing the promotion also really sucked as I feel I was genuinely qualified for it, just didn't perform well in the interview. Any advice? Sorry for the rambling, just kinda putting thoughts in.
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>CISSP for the most part is just a compliance item to check the box for government organizations and contractors that work with them.
LOL no, DoD 8750 is what a lot of people get CISSP's for but those are all paper desk pushers. They aren't getting hired outside gov work
thanks for the replies, anons
That's what I inferred. Good job.
Which direction would you go if you were in my position?
What I need to learn to have the IT help desk job?

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Discussion of free and open source text-to-image models

Previous /ldg/ bread : >>102446651

>Beginner UI
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Advanced UI
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
InvokeAI: https://github.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic

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yes there's a variant of Flux trained on NSFW on huggingface but it's totally half-assed and not trained on actual full porn and by default the Realistic style faces look terrible. There's a SFW Realism LoRa variant of Flux on huggingface and the realistic faces generated from that look good. Ideally, someone would have to train Flux on a good looking Realism LoRa + train on actual decent porn and NSFW LoRa + anime LoRa and send to huggingface and meet the conditions to get it added to the Inference API.
Nice gen
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Why are people so addicted to porn these days
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it is how it is
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>these days
Anyway. You guys wanna see some horrific pictures of Gir from Invader Zim? I saw a Lora and immediately knew I had to abuse that power.

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