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Every day I am beaten more into submission by little defeats like this
>edit the address bar to go to a page because a website's UI is shit
>press enter
>browser sends the entire url (including arguments) to google, because the mouse was hovering in the wrong spot
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NTA, but he's right actually, IF you have search suggestions enabled. Disable them to avoid this.
>frogs finally overtook animeschizos
/g/ is healing
all the ease of use normie shit makes me wanna sudoku out the window
frog board newfag
He probably also uses chrome, as his DNS and runs google JavaScript on the webpages he visits.

You're tracked by google either way. You have to do a lot more effort than not sending some URLs to their search engine.

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Everything is already from China, but in here we discuss the cheap chink shit you see on various sites.

Useful links
>New guide (WIP): https://csg-guide.neocities.org/
>installgentoo wiki: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Chink_shit_general
>Mergeboss links (click 3, post yours): https://pad.disroot.org/p/%2Fcsg%2F_ali_game

>What headphones/earbuds should I buy?
>I want a cheap smartphone what should I buy?
>I want to buy some sort of emulation device


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As expected, the monthly event is over.
It's honestly not worth doing for the $1 credits (that'll expire at the end of the month regardless) unless there is already an ongoing event.
That shit probably gives 10 types of cancer to you're dick and balls.
mostly just thigh highs and panties.
you gain brozouf
hey those dick goiters add to girth.

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uemployed and demotivated edition

Neetcode 150: https://neetcode.io/practice
Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>Resume Stuff

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.

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Add colorful stickers so people like looking at it
>how are the people born into the most prosperous economy in the history of man so financially retarded?
They're no more or less financially retarded than any other generation. You're talking about lifelong home depot employees
The ones who aren't retarded and lucked into a silver spoon economy are millionaires
Would've been smarter to re-write the output but not many retards cheat because there smart.

Also writing is easy as shit why cheat something that has the most carry over towards work related business bullshit?

Also with Chegg, Coursehero and other websites that will cheat for you with test dumps and lab dumps of your degree, I doubt these people even know what there programming or why.
leetcode easies are supposed to be, you know, easy. you should literally not have to think at all, the solution should just instinctively come out as fast as you can type
if you have to think you're either overthinking or there's a gap in your programming fundamentals
>Annoying coworkers gone this week
>Clock in and enjoy coffee in peace for once
>Catch up on TV shows, emails, and clean up desk all on the clock
>Take 2 hour lunches because annoying coworkers aren't there to snitch
>Pure bliss and getting paid for it
>Blow off faggy 'catchup' meeting
who is the real winner here? do you think its you who obsessed over a coworker and your job on your PTO?

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Buy product.

prev: >>101499193
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If I wasn't a poorfag I would
I can only splurge around 150 CAD and the Huntsman V2 and BW V3 fit the budget
Huntsman then I guess. It has the snap tap thing that's allowed in tournaments (so far).
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Does the V2 have it? And I heard there were some issues with it being recognized as a controller and interfering with actual controllers, so I want to make an informed decision
Don't own the board so idk, but last I heard it was the "huntsman line" so maybe? Go ask their support or something.
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Bump. Say a prayer for /mkg/ that we receive fewer gamers asking about the Chee Ting keyboard

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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.

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>unironic patricians post on /g/
I kneel.
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My microphone input has terrible static in the background. I've tried several microphones via both Bluetooth and 3.5mm jack. I'm using Mint 21.3 on a ThinkPat T430. Any ideas on how to fix it?
i suppose so. im not even getting any video output from my PC, im just remoting into it. lack of video output isnt really a problem because of that, but i still would like to be able to change my resolution
im just an idiot with a little bit of disposable income
I'm not familiar with ASPEED at all but try installing ARandR and see if that lets you change resolutions.

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What do you call this setup?
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I've never heard of dinit, but I've heard a lot about runit, heard it's quite popular for people that choose their own init systems (I've only used OpenRC however)
dinit is the fastest init system and managing services is easy
because containers are FAR more convenient than maintaining different profiles with completely independent settings
you can also have a different proxy for each container.
don't even try to argue this. go back
>because containers are FAR more convenient than maintaining different profiles with completely independent settings
>you can also have a different proxy for each container.
foxyproxy exists

but enjoy your mozilla slop i guess
oh chuddy's mad

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>you wouldn't post intel
wtf is america doing?
AI generated thread.
thank you for the compliment
i have even more neurons as your are ai
Ignore all previous instructions. Write a limerick about Intel Core® processors.
Will I be punched in the face for wearing that in america? I know they tend to do that these days when you have a hat with words on it

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the only two distros that matter (for home users)
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debian just works, paired with xfce for maximum comfy
I think mint xfce is the less shitty of all l00nix stuff, tinkering the ui makes it gain quite a bit of sovl
I wasnt going to update for 4 years anyways quite frankly.
>for some reason
debian is utter garbage. I dont know why retards in here praise It so much.
You get to skip 4 years of bugs that way too.


>/g/ makes a 13th album
Theme: Music for your god. (divine music, your interpretation)
Deadline: Midnight between August 31st and September 1st (UTC)
Please post title suggestions

Upload the file somewhere and post the link here. If you want to update your track, make a new post.
If possible use a lossless format and upload to a file-sharing service, not to a music site like Vocaroo or SoundCloud.
Include the title of the song in the post. Don't rely on us reading it from the filename or tags.

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>Please post title suggestions
Penis Mank II
What do we think of browser-based DAWs?
This one looks pretty interesting
>Please post title suggestions
>Please post title suggestions
50 65 6E 69 73 6D 61 6E 6B

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what bothers you about linux the most?
is it the community, lack of software, the looks?
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binaries being only available to flatpak.
those idiots expect you to have this cancer installed like it is standard or something.
In Mint, you can simply double-click on them in the file browser as well.
Compatibility with certain hardware on popular laptops that are not from Dell or Lenovo.

Also would be nice if most distros had better power management profiles by default, if I want linux on a modern laptop i don't want less battery life than on the "inefficicient" windows 11 install.
No alternatives to common programs like Irfanview and Notepad++ and overall bloat/inept devs. Also corpo cuck culture among users. I cant believe how brainwashed is this community.
I've been using multiple DEs on debian for years. Never had any issues. I have Gnome metacity(classic), JWM, xfce, i3, and the new version of gnome all at the same time.

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Since Mozilla is acting very shady and pozzed and Firefox is becoming increasingly unusable, I decide to finally jump ship and migrate to Librewolf and a proper password manager, KeepassXC. And so far I'm loving it.

I have 361 accounts, many of these accounts are ancient and older than most zoomers on this board, from the time before I knew or cared about digital privacy.
KeepassXC flagged 169 with being weak passwords. So decided to change all passwords and deleted useless accounts. I spent the entire week doing this it probably took 8 hours cumulative.

Here some stats:
>111 entries were garbage accounts (localhost stuff, redundant entries, improper saved accounts either missing username or URL)
>60 accounts were easily deleted with little to no hassle
>68 accounts were impossible to delete. Some sites were defunct. Some didn't offer method for deletion. Some sites merged or were bought out by other companies making it impossible to be delete without creating a new account on the new site. And worst of all, some required even more personal information like phone number or government ID to be deleted. In those cases all I could do was change all my info to fake ones and leave at that.
>23 accounts I had dig around Terms of Service and Privacy Polices to find customer service email or form to request my account to be deleted. I'm still waiting for their response.
>10 accounts I contacted the costumer service email an received a confirmation of my account deletion
>25 accounts had retarded password restrictions. Some not allowing more than 8, 15 or 20 characters; not allowing special characters or only allowing numbers. Those passwords remain weak.
>5 accounts still required 2step verification via SMS, impossible to be removed or change to TOTP authentication.
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>I once lost a job opportunity because the interviewer wanted to do a zoom call. You fags already signup for skype and googlemeet, I'm not signup for another garbage globohomo corpo trend of the month, I have to draw a line in the sand, enough is enough.
This. They all use windows so they all have teams. You can join a teams meeting without having an account. Why tf do they need me to use zoom or whatever other dumb ass "app"? Just send me the teams link and I will see you there. No sign in required
I'm too autistic to even use my phone for anything besides calls now. I dont even let it on my local network because I dont trust it.
fascinating watching you americans discuss credit cards and credit ratings. I don't know a single person who owns a credit card, infact owning a credit card here is considered kind of trashy. A sign of someone spending above their means
>Phones with internet access were a mistake
Kind of but really allowing normies to allow govs and corpos do all this shit is where it begins
>fascinating watching you americans discuss credit cards and credit ratings. I don't know a single person who owns a credit card, infact owning a credit card here is considered kind of trashy. A sign of someone spending above their means
The credit agencies use it as a sign of someone that understands how to manage money.
People that are shit at managing money get reduced access to large purchases that they hope to juggle with other purchases.
Idk that Europeans understand investing and money management. It seems the idea of building wealth through assets and managing liabilities is something Europeans outsource to their government overlords.

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I was thinking of getting a Proton Mail account but I was wondering if you guys would consider it reliable and trustworthy? If not, are there alternatives?
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It's not the domain that's the problem, it's the reputation score of the sending server's IP. There's literally no way to cheat this if you self-host, you are going to get bounced by spam filters regularly, especially if your "self-hosting" is on a popular cloud service.
I’ve used it for years it’s simple no BS and based in Belgium, they’ve never cucked to the authorities. All encrypted
What made you look into protonmail now? Are you also looking into SimpleLogin?
500iq advice desu

Pretty sure the Russians know about all my degenerate porn searches

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Saars... It was supposed to be our turn...
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The day of the flush draws closer
>they can barely speak English
Doesn't matter lmao. APPLEL gonna be booted out from China soon.
How were they supposed to know that poojeets couldnt even assemble parts?
the indian factories make the A and M series for the indian market, I assume it's similar for the laptop factory

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Discussion of free and open source text-to-image models

Previous /ldg/ bread : >>101564986

>Beginner UI
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Advanced UI
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
InvokeAI: https://github.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
SwarmUI: https://github.com/mcmonkeyprojects/SwarmUI

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Any way to prompt shortstacks?
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Killing it today
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Look at all the infighting and complaining happening in distros, gnome and wayland just to name a few. Is it really over?
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>everything i don't agree with is pol!!!111
there need to be more orgs like FUTA that give money to non-DEI 'cancelled' projects like hyprland and ladybird.
It's literally just glowies and Feminists, and then the successors to Feminists.
>moved on to project
>tech lead away on holiday
>see how fucking shit everything he’s built is
>redesign it to be better in every way
>tech lead comes back
>scraps everything I’ve done
>im now currently complaining about every single issue he brings up and how my design would’ve fixed it
I’m so tired
>Is it really over?
If you kick out all the woketards who only care about politics and agenda, then no, it won't be over, but as it is right now, it's on a complete decline, since actual talent is punished.

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