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if I write a document, set my device date back say 10 days and save it, would anyone actually be able to tell the document was made later?
I can now that you've posted this, bucko
competent forensics types could probably tell that the entries for the new file in the filesystem aren't where they're supposed to be for a file created 10 days ago
it would be easier to just change the timestamp in the document itself. Pretty much all office documents are just a zip archive of xml files. One of which will have the creation date and even information about edits.

The filesystem date doesn't really matter, because when ever it goes to another filesystem it's filesystem timestamps will get rewritten anyways, but the timestamps within the file will be preserved.

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I like Veasel that's is the official mascot of the V programming language. Why Python is evil snake but it was actually named after "Monty Python's Flying Circus"?
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>gross bottom feeders
I think in some Christians books it says that sea food is sinfull, filthy..like the rust crab, trannie favourite language.
You never be the C. :)
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>mascot with hands made only to cut your cock off
what did the trannies mean by this?
I have never cared about C
>java but for windows
introduce another feature, im sure itll help lmao
>java but for windows

Why does it run faster and better on Linux then? Though, saying this is an easy tell for people who stopped learning long ago and have all of their skill atrophied.

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Why can't China innovate? Why are they always 20-30 years behind the West in basically every technology?
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>coping mutt losers thread
>But muh overcapacity!!!
Sounds like the current state of AI development. China will lead the world with their advanced scamming techniques.
Because you cannot lead on tech if you steal IP. End of story.
Their entire economy is fundamentally built around making cheaper copies of American products. Their model is simply not conducive to innovation. Maybe that will change one day, but I don't see it happening any time soon.
Chinese tech is ultimately led by a system of statist bureaucracy, which according to organizational cybernetics, has the main purpose of being stable and resisting change. Western companies, mainly startups as opposed to corporations and military, seek change and "disruption" as a shortcut for profit and market domination and will try all sorts of bullshit until something sticks.

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has anyone here moved to the Apple ecosystem? is it better than an android phone & windows/linux laptop?
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>android phone & windows/linux laptop ecosystem
there is no such thing, what is this thread even about?
why does it suck
you didn't even You the right post you retard

>Free beginner resources to get started with HTML, CSS and JS
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn - MDN is your friend for web dev fundamentals (go to the "See also" section for other Mozilla approved tutorials, like The Odin Project)
https://web.dev/learn/ - Guides by Google, you can also learn concepts like Accessibility, Responsive Design etc.
https://eloquentjavascript.net/Eloquent_JavaScript.pdf - A modern introduction to JavaScript
https://javascript.info/ - Quite a good JS tutorial
https://flexboxfroggy.com/ and https://cssgridgarden.com/ - Learn flex and grid in CSS

>Resources for backend languages
https://www.phptutorial.net - A PHP tutorial
https://dev.java/learn/ - A Java tutorial
https://rentry.org/htbby - Links for Python and Go

>Resources for miscellaneous areas
https://github.com/bradtraversy/design-resources-for-developers - List of design resources
https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials - Usually the best guides for everything server related

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a week ago i would have disagreed and said nextjs/vercel
but after the react 19 beta blogpost and seeing 80% server shit, with the only good improvement being the refs as a prop change, i have to agree
almost three years since 18.2.0 came out and that's all they have to show for it. fucking mindblowing
I really enjoyed learning about dsaa, js and even html and css to an extent. But my god these frameworks and stacks are insufferable the amount of shit they try and hide and abstract away even the docs treat you like a fucking toddler. I want to know whats going on, the whys the hows.. something. is this how people schitzo out and start developing their own OS and shit

It seems im not alone.. has this shit happened in web dev before? and what was the relief developers got (if any)
Just go for svelte and use plain Javascript when you need something past reactivity. It doesn't hide much. You can do your own Vue SSR if SvelteKit is already too much magic.
I have to learn NextJS fast, are the docs good enough or should I check some course?
there should be a new book by manning explaining the basics behind frontend frameworks, don't remember the title but see the new releases. There is also a course by frontendmasters called something like "you don't need a framework".
"Hiding" shit away is good because you get stuff done faster.
It's okay to feel uncomfortable, but it's not worth worrying that much.
If you develop your own framework you'll see it's a lot of busy work and it's better to use what has already been made.

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>every year I expect linux to work the exact same way as windows so I don't have to learn anything
>No one linked anything
Kek took you a long ass while to figure out there was a article, just that nobody had spoonfed it to you
oyyyy its impossible to fix, better upgrade to 11, stupid fucking goiym cattle
literally the only thing bitlocker does is protect your data from people with physical access
so it literally doesn't work at all
>the right recovery disc
lol. True though. Fuck with partitions in the wrong way and Windows might suddenly decide it doesn't know how to boot anymore. I think one time I had a gap in the partition numbering and that was enough to break everything despite C: being before that gap.

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why are there no good debuggers for linux
i thought it was supposed to be the best os for programming?
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how hard is it to clean cum stains from that costume's face? asking for a friend
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>mfw it's unusable for anything I work on
>i thought
you shouldn't think.
just use gdb faggot
gdb fucking blows and any gdb user whose braincells haven't been killed by estrogen will tell you that

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Can I fit a Linux distro with X11 on this bad boy? Or is it impossible?
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Your sister is too fat
this. you should work on helping her lose weight so she can fit in an exFAT formatted sdcard
Your sister is an old hag, only young loli imuotos fit on microSD cards
It might be corrupted.

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This is a dog carrier. It carries dogs.
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To carry dogs
The look of the dog's face says: "Really? Are you serious, human?"
This is peak technology.
We will never surpass this.

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Why is Meta worth so much? What the fuck do they do?

>Own a dying social media company that no one over 30 uses?
>Own a virtual reality company that can't even get 100 sales on new games?
>Own a chat message app for third worlders who don't have iMessage
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Messenger, WhatsApp, Instagram.
These are still widely used.
Serving ads to 2 billion DAUs
Only people over 30 y/o actually have money to spend so it's lucrative to show ads to them. You poorfags will never understand this while still complaining about all the disposable income boomers have.
>Also in many countries ISPs offer cheap Internet plans that only allow access to certain websites (usually government websites and places like YouTube/Facebook etc).
That's not that common, and it's a tiny part of metas high valuation.
META valuation is not that high. P/E of 25. Even boomertech fossils like IBM have P/E of 18.

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Don't buy anything OTHER THAN IBM/Lenovo ThinkPad T, X, and W/P Series if you want the Real Business Experience™
>Other business laptops are welcome in /tpg/ (Dell Latitude/Precision, HP EliteBook/ZBook)

Why ThinkPad?
>Used machines are plentiful and cheap
>Excellent keyboards, tactile feel and quiet
>Great durability: magnesium roll cage for structural integrity, with high quality plastic body panels
>Utilitarian design: e.g. indicator LEDs, 7 row keyboard layout on older models
>Docking stations that easily turns your laptop into a desktop
>Easy to repair (most models), upgrade & maintain thanks to readily available service manuals for every model, spare parts easy & cheap to obtain
>Excellent Linux & *BSD support

ThinkWiki - General info about ThinkPads/specs

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I was being sarcastic mocking >>100303919.
>Sure, you've only got $600 but if you magic up twice as much you could get something nicer bro.
He has a point. Usually the "budget" option is lacking in places you don't expect or it's gimped on purpose. You're better off buying the best you can, unless you need a device right now. I don't think there's any laptop emergencies. None that I can think of anyway.
>Basically going to be used for word processing, browsing and PDF files.
buy used t480 and new battery from kingsener its going to be 1/3 of the price
whats the best new budget or mid thinkpad?
That screen might have developed "cataracts" and can be fixed, if it is just the thin plastic film that is on top of the LCD that has decayed. Would check it out. Check forum.vcfed.org for instance.

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Is there literally no reason for someone to buy a sata SSD in 2024. If you want high speed just get an NVMe drive. If you want high capacity then HDDs offer much higher GB/$.

Inb4 people with buyers remorse try defending their retarded coomsooomer purchase.
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>If you want high speed just get an NVMe drive
second post best post. what's with people thinking that just because something is depreciated that it's no longer useful?
My board only has two NVMe slots. But yeah, sata SSD prices need to go down hard.
>HDDs offer much higher GB/$
And are far more expensive to run while ruining everything with their noise. HDDs aren't even worth it if you get them for free beyond some cold backup external drive you rarely touch.
SATA is still useful for upgrading older machines, and the edge case of running out of NVME/PCIE slots.
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>And are far more expensive to run while ruining everything with their noise.
Why are people's perception of HDDs from the 90s?
Keeps HDDs cheap atleast

With SoM's getting to be so tiny and power efficient, why not make wooden laptops?
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wood is also heavy
Porous, haven for bacteria, hard to clean, discoloration from skin oils, heavy, soft and easy to damage, expensive
>for some reason
for portability
which obviously is a factor for laptops
>shit heat transfer
>catches on fire more easily
>rigid and more prone to snapping
>potentially rots and gets eaten by termites
It's more environmentaly friendly I guess
>light and commonly available wood
cheap but brittle
>light and strong for this use case

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Like 90% of any site is something else than the content you came there to watch.

Why dont people realize this? Whenever I explain these things to normies their minds misfire and go blank
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i never did think of it in that way, the way in which you showed us with your opening image and words. thank you very much kind sir. i think im going to be living happier, more fulfilling life now
Learn to have some will power you faggot.
you mean you can't just... ignore it?
my mother has a hard time and, because of it, she has suffered tremendous grief over the past decade. the government should do its job!
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I use a Perl script that rubs yt-dlp and populates my Downloads folder periodically. That is how I "subscribe" to channels.

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Internet is dead and will stay dead.
The future is state-owned and/or corporate-owned Intranet. You will not be happy, but you will pretend to be. Lest you would be kicked out of the Intranet you subscribed to.
Sound good. Does not work.
The darknet will die even quicker than the clearnet.
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WHAT will I do when the internet DIES? Go OUTSIDE?!?!
Yes. To buy a subscription to Google, or Amazon's Intranet.
Then, you'll ba able to come back home to lurk your new safe and secure "Internet2.0".
Until the point when you will commit a blunder and get banned from it for your non-standard behavior. Then, you'll be truly fucked.
I havent checked out usenet or anything but all TOR sites glow like fuck, are dead, or are full of retards. I think you'd have better luck on just small clearnet forums.

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