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First of all, I want to clarify that I am not an expert in this world, I speak from my point of view regarding aesthetics, performance, optimization and some other things, so feel free to tell me yours. First I want to contextualize: In my house in my town I have a computer that belongs to my parents, a desktop. An Intel Core duo, HDD of I don't know what capacity, 2 GB of RAM, without a graphic card. This computer started its life in Windows XP until Windows 10. I was little when I used Windows XP (7 or 9 years old). I don't remember very well but I know that something that everyone liked was its characteristic background of that legendary green field, the interface of the taskbar, the sounds, the aesthetics of the explorer were pleasant and pretty to look at. I can't say much about it since at that time I knew little. Some time later it was updated to Windows 7, it feels a more futuristic style like Frutiger Aero, you could notice an improvement in the interface designs, the educational programs they added were super good, it wasn't wasted space for the system, yes I realized now watching videos on YT that this operating system was not so loved by many at that time but I enjoyed it a lot.
My problem now comes with Windows 8, in my life I had never seen such a tremendous operating system like dog shit. The system came with so many unnecessary applications that you have on the phone, changing the Windows button to take you to a mega tab with all the applications instead of the simple vertical bar, how annoying it was to move the mouse to the edge to any part of the right and those annoying buttons appeared that I wanted to deactivate so I wouldn't see them anymore. This system is the worst I have ever seen, if a friend recommended me an operating system, whether it be that one or an inferior one, I would immediately tell him that it is 7, it may be more vulnerable to attacks but it does not compare with a poorly made system.
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I copy pasted a cell in excel that had a date in it and a small pop-up appeared over the cell asking if I wanted to make an outlook calendar item with that date and i actually just froze, I ceased to function. It threw me off so much because I’m so used to excel simply doing what excel does.
Having that little square there, which turned out to be part of the clip board settings, without me ever enabling such a thing is just another example of why I don’t like modern windows.

That’s not objectively a bad thing, I can see why if you’re copying a date you might want an outlook calendar item. I understand why it exists.
But why by default?

And that question, why by default, is why I don’t like modern windows. They could’ve added all the features in the world, but made them optional and started the install with the bare minimum options. You only turn on and try out what you think you might like. But instead it’s all on, all the time, and half of it you can’t turn off.

I don’t even use my computer at home anymore, im genuinely so tired of modern computers and operating systems, namely windows, that I have no desire at all to use the computer even for the recreation I do enjoy, because it comes with things I don’t enjoy. If I want to play Halo Reach, I have to deal with windows and a Microsoft account and it just outright isn’t worth it.
theres no difference between each windows version except in UI, the only thing that happened between 7-10 is the tablet-ification of the UI, in other words it become more like linux with no desktop environment
its still bloated, still shit on ARM, still has the best support for legacy programs and using LTSC you can customize the OS much more using regedit

tl:dr windows is shit, use linux (especially debian)
Windows XP is great, Windows 7 is better and Windows 8 is unironically the best. No unnecessary apps, start screen is better than the start menu and the Charms never appeared when I didn't want them and they aren't obtrusive anyways.
Forgot to say Windows 10 is a lot worse, but it still has good parts and is nostalgic. Windows 11 kinda sucks, though I do like fluent design in some cases. I used to like it a lot more before, now not nearly as much.
I honestly care about neither eesthetics nor optimizations. I only use my computer as a tool to get work done and call it a day. WIndows 11 just werks and supports all the tools that I need. The only thing that would make me do the switch on my personal computer is if I actually can't disable recall or make local account, then I would switch to mac. Being nostalgic about certain windows versions is braindead behavior of coping poorfags or obsessed failures.

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Dev rage quit, so it's useless now
Works well but user experience and layout sucks ass
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Only reason I use app is to auto bookmark threads based on patterns so I don't miss any imouto/neesan threads in /a/.
Otherwise I'd just use the browser.
>Just use 4chan x and in desktop mode bro
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This is what made me fall in love with chance
What about images?
Kuroba worked great, just needs to be updated with new cookies and captcha stuff. I dont like Ex so not gonna use it.
I don't care, still using KurobaDev

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How much pain do you feel, /g/?

previous: >>102872007
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Any 3 rows or 3 rows with a distinct b.x's?
insert into a
with c as (select * from b where b.x in ('foo', 'bar', 'baz'))
select * from c where (select count(*) from c)=3;

insert into a
with c as (select * from b where b.x in ('foo', 'bar', 'baz'))
select * from c where (select count(distinct x) from c)=3;

That being said, are you sure you want to have inter-row dependencies?
Thanks anon I forgot to mention that b.x is UNIQUE column so both are fine. Is there a way to calculate number of rows from the tuple length?
>are you sure you want to have inter-row dependencies?
The real query is a bit different from example I only insert keys not entire rows.
Lisp as... the language?
Or do it the other way around and hide in a global header, so everyone thinks they're writing politically correct code but then they end up with a symbol "__NIGGERLIST__" in their binary which doesn't get found until after launch.
Now that's low and unfair.

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Venom phone edition

>What phone has X and Y feature?
Don't ask, use these!

Good Resources:

>Frequency Checkers

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I hate the fucking AI meme so fucking much.

All tech companies put their best guys on AI shit while neglecting everything else. This is why iOS 18 has so many fucking bugs and inconsistencies in UI and design while everything shown about Apple Intelligence is just peak UI/UX and shit.
no. and it's part of the reasons i got a g54
You're a faggot? I dunno why you're mentioning that
>Decide to install LineageOS on V35 to see what it's all about
>Apparently have to upgrade to Android 10 first
>Follow some instructions to upgrade to a Korean Android 10 ROM, pretty straightforward
>Turns out that disables root (that makes sense, I just didn't think of it beforehand)
>Install Magisk
>Try to do the fastboot flash thing
>Long story short I can't get into fastboot
>Can't even find instructions on how to do it
>Closest I can find is people saying they're stuck in fastboot mode
what the fuck
>have IP69
>no mention of IP68
No OEM would be this retarded.

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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
Many free software projects have active mailing lists.

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I don't like the WAF they use now. Sometimes you can't even view posts without signing in anymore.
I see stuff like the piracy based subreddits being active on Lemmy instances as a failsafe which is smart of them.
Makes sense given you can't even talk about piracy on /r/piracy. They have a strict policy against doing that because it's the only way for the subreddit to keep existing.
It mostly just exists as a gateway to links to the megathread anyway.
Yeah i might just use cinnamon if i go to another distro

Why aren't external GPUs a thing? it's litteraly the only thing, that keeps me on a Desktop. This and a decent dockingstation and I'd never look back
Wait for tb5 or hope that more companies are going to put oculink ports on their laptops.

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Previous /sdg/ thread : >>102897135

>Beginner UI local install
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Metastable: https://metastable.studio
SwarmUI: https://github.com/mcmonkeyprojects/SwarmUI

>Local install
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
InvokeAI: https://github.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

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I dont understand
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you are a retard
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Very nice.
>feeding schizo anon (you)s

How are programmers' supposed to dress?

This isn't me but my style is very similar

I feel it's impossible to dress in a way that is respected by both sweaty nerds and managers

You either dress like a child which is respected by nerds or like a lawyer which is condemned by nerds

I tried to find a middle ground by dressing like this but there must be a better way.

The official company policy is that you have to wear a shirt and many do. Most non-IT even tuck it in.

So you look out of place in the office building, every morning, during lunch break and in every other occasion that isn't being on the IT floor, if you dres like a stereotypical autist or metal fan or whatever

Many IT staff don't dress in a compliant way though. They are comfortable but look out of place often

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When considering investing in a company I look at their boards, managers.

If they are mostly good looking people -> avoid like fire.

If they are women -> avoid like plague.

If they are nerdy looking normies -> this may be interest

Chinks did a study on this and I'm not sure how everyone hadn't ralized it by now:

just seems like logical sense
I want to attract money though
Hire GL people to be sales managers then
peak corpo look is sleazecore
>thrift shop suit
>hawaiian-like pattern shirt
>unbuttoned to chest showing vneck undershirt
>dress pants
>versatile sports shoes
>cheap accessories on fingers and neck

uncanny valley hits suits because you emulate them in a youthful way, reminding them of the time they will never get back
nerds will be respectful because you mog them in style, but show humanity through unkemptness

the plan falls apart the second you dont excrete confidence and try to act the part, instead of living it

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>Majority of people treat programming languages as cryptocurrencies, they want to "invest" in them, before they get big and "moonshot"
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it's true, and it's also true of libraries, text editors and other tools. most people reject things that aren't hyped or already popular.
rust was originally a lot more similar to go, and they were in early development around the same time, so some people viewed them as competitors. somehow a rivalry still persists, even though no one remembers why.
Well Go is a simple and fast language for web servers, but at some point your site will get a lot of traffic and upgrade is needed, so the question will arise: should you optimize existing Go code or write it in Rust (non GC language) to improve the performance. So in that way, they are competitors. But writing good Rust code is exceptionally hard as the compiler will often force you to use Arc<Rc<X>> which is basically just a much slower garbage collector. To get around this, you often need to rewrite huge chunks of code. You could very well run out of money/dev time and end up with a worse program in Rust than Go. But if you do it right, it can be faster. That is where the rivalry comes from
you're firmly in the camp of "no one remembers why"
It’s entirely on the Rust side, since they have a fixation on being "the" memory safe language and thus view Go as a threat because it’s "the other" memory safe language
Go developers, meanwhile, don’t base their industry knowledge off the front page of Orange Reddit and know that there’s dozens of memory safe languages so they just go about pushing code into production instead

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why are they so slow? can /g/ do better?
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rabbi counting is more reliable than a CPU
>Then two people can compare their keys, retard.
>it's 11am on election day. On Twitter (also known as X), rumours have spread that multiple voters received the same key. Please note that your key is private and should under no circumstances be shared on social media
>3pm, officials in multiple voting districts have reported irregularities with the key generation
>6pm, the number of districts reporting suspicious keys keeps increasing. An intern who had access to at least one key generator has been arrested on suspicion of tampering with the key generator
>the polls are closed and counting has started. More than a third of the voting districts has reported irregularities. Meanwhile, more details have surfaced on social media. A group of blue-haired transbian hackers has found that all generated keys are identical. That would mean that the vote of every voter affected by this is public due to the blockchain.
>november 6, an online tool has been published that allows to search for the vote of every registered voter affected by the key irregularities (as of 10am, more than half of the voters, potentially all of them). The website asks for a name and address and within seconds provides the user with the vote of that person
>multiple social media users have apparently been laid off by their employees
>@crazyn3kow0man: What the fuck? My boss just fired me for voting for Kamala
>@grace55: my son just called me and said he won't visit me for thanksgiving because he found out I voted for Trump
It's a secret and I am not supposed to tell you this but my uncle works at a polling place and he told me they are paid a fortune to discard most Trump votes and turn them into Kamala votes.
it is not ideal but it is the most trustworthy system that a computerized system can have.
Besides, what is stopping someone from making a site where you input who you voted for and your SSN or address and have the same effect?
wtf I have the exact same story except it is my father

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free leaking and a seat boxes Edition

>Not sure what private trackers are all about?
A private tracker is a torrent website that provides the same functionality as a public tracker but is invite-only. Each member share common goals: collecting, preserving and discussing media.

>Have a question?
- FAQ https://archive.is/UVQkn
- WIKI https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers (backup: https://igwiki.lyci.de/wiki/Private_trackers)
- NEWFAG PYRAMID (Updating) https://inviteroute.github.io/graph or https://inviteroute.github.io/sheet/
- STUDY https://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/2F379FE0CB50DF502F0075119FD3E060
- SPREADSHEET https://hdvinnie.github.io/Private-Trackers-Spreadsheet/
- TEN CURRY COMMANDMENTS https://pastebin.com/raw/dBbdE73M
- TEN NEON COMMANDMENTS https://pastebin.com/raw/Ud2pGYaE

Use >>>/g/ptg as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

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What's happening, private tracker gang?
Getting ready to drop some sweet uploads on my fave tracker, my rep keeps getting bigger
so why did ANT stop recruiting? give me the inside info
Should I even bother using freeleech tokens on RED to try and build ratio or won't that really help? Joined on Saturday so they ain't lasting that long anymore
Do I try to race some 2024 new flac release that's on the most recent list or do I grab some popular collection/top10? Not sure what the play is but I'd hate to waste the tokens cause I'm autistic

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This is open source? Then why do firefox/linux fags hate it?
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basically this
Ok any alternatives? I like how it doesnt save any gay cookies even if i have to do a million mfas
I don't really give a fuck about that if they provide me with a good browser, which they do for the most part.
>either use standard mozilla or palemoon
>le deceiving big feline
>(ow the) Edge
>meme browsers like Safari
or just cover your ears and pretend there are no crazy people at the helm with Librefox
God, it feels SO GOOD to be a fireCHAD

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Why can't we get a modern OS that comes standard a UI designed for men and designed to get work done?

Everything's designed for effeminates, fags, and women these days. And I don't want to tinkertranny for hours or look for some fag freetard hobby project to get a functional UI since freetards work for free and only work on what's fun and won't do the unpleasant work required to get a fully finished UI.
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The truth is that the UI in modern Windows is a frankenstein's monster of all the UI that came before it for compatibility reasons. That's why we can't have nice things.
I used 98 just a bit, my preteen and teen was on XP with classic theme. People post XP screenshots here with default theme (green/blue start menu) but I don't remember anyone who used XP without classic theme at that time. Too bad JeetSoft just change things for the sake of change.
>2px solid monochrome rectangle
>2px solid monochrome rectangle
>2px solid monochrome rectangle
>2px solid monochrome rectangle
i wonder what research went into this usability approach
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globohomo FAAGN design
Good ole hot dog stand

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Server-side Kotlin edition.

>Free beginner resources to get started with HTML, CSS and JS
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn - MDN is your friend for web dev fundamentals (go to the "See also" section for other Mozilla approved tutorials, like The Odin Project)
https://web.dev/learn/ - Guides by Google, you can also learn concepts like Accessibility, Responsive Design etc
https://eloquentjavascript.net/Eloquent_JavaScript.pdf - A modern introduction to JavaScript
https://javascript.info/ - Quite a good JS tutorial
https://flexboxfroggy.com/ and https://cssgridgarden.com/ - Learn flex and grid in CSS

>Resources for backend languages
https://www.phptutorial.net - A PHP tutorial
https://dev.java/learn/ - A Java tutorial
https://rentry.org/htbby - Links for Python and Go

>Resources for miscellaneous areas

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>bearer tokens
absolutely exile everybody who does that shit.
I think Kotlin has replaced Java for Android dev right? I think Google now recommends Kotlin for Android dev

But for web back-ends then yeah, Java seems to still be way ahead of Kotlin.
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I fucking hate these stupid google faggots deprecating everything they made my fucking domsubtreemodified stop working in chromeo i have to update a billion places in this website code and now some play core library fucking deprecated shit i had for an animation that was a big chore to find in this android app i maintain

FUCK OFF NERD I DONT care about your globohomo muh r/programming best practices I JUST WANT TO KEEP MAKING 6 figs wfh minimal effort
what's stopping you from making a sovl website like https://dukenukemis.cool ???
How do you guys pick a good CSS framework or styling thing or whatever like React Bootstrap or Material UI or the other million ones that exist?
Am I over thinking this shit?

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Share your phones homescreen
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Reb :3
you'd have a panic attack just thinking about how to approach him
I mean, i wont approach and talk to strangers for no reason, who does that? I was assuming we we already know each other like at work.
I love the colour green.


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