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>cripple your battery life now so you might save some crumbs in the future
this option doesn't limit the charging to 80% retard, it will stop at 80% for most of the night, and a few minutes before you wake up it will charge to 100% (so it doesn't stay at 100% for a long period of time, which increases degradation)
how about you suck my cock
Having an actually decent sized battery to begin with would have a far greater effect on battery life, both in long and short term.
but muh thinness
I need my phone to be able to give me a papercut for some reason
They needed that since iToddlers are willing to fork 100 burger bux for a replacement battery.
If I wake up earlier due to shitty sleep I’ll get like 83%
fuck you
pretty sure the big iPhones have a decent sized battery
A guy I work with autistically manages his battery to preserve it, he drowned it last week and had to get a new one.
I use my phone however I want because I know I'll probably get a new one every 4 years or so
They're slowly catching up to $120 chinkphones from 8 years ago
thankfully Apple lets you turn that off
80% is like 2 days charge for me
This is for people laying in bed all day using their device while plugged in so they dont wear their battery out.

t. Bed layer
I'll lay you in bed
>I'll probably get a new one every 4 years or so
This. I used to take good care of my phones but planned obsolescence makes the extra effort pointless. You end up with a non-functional phone in perfect condition.
Do me next
I bought a Pixel last year, want to use it until 2040 (2030 is the end of official and GrapheneOS support, then 5 years extra updates with DivestOS/LineageOS, then another 5 years without updates until apps stop working as they want a newer Android version)/

Any tips to make my phone battery last 17 years?
Oh no! You might have to charge it 10 minutes earlier than you usually would that day!
>use a 550mA charger
>don't charge it too full
>don't let it discharge to empty
As usual the Android version is better
all they have to do is report 80% as 100% in software. problem solved and anybody that noticed gets called a schizo. win win.
1% battery for 48 hours ftw
you want to keep the battery close to 50% at all the times, and once in a while let it get to 100% for calibration

they already do that though, when your phone battery "dies" at 0%, it actually has some charge left

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