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Is claude or gpt better for coding?
Unfortunately I can't use it, because they banned me shortly after I made an account with my own personal email address.
I've tried appealing, but have received no response so far.
use duck.ai for it, it's more based
Thanks, anon. Seriously.
Bros, why is she so perfect?
ChatGPT is better. It has a significantly higher limit with 4o, which is more than enough for most programming tasks. If you’re really struggling with programming, you can use the option of o1, which provides even more resources. However, Claude can sometimes loop you, which means you’ll lose your credit faster.
that's a man
I have better luck with 4o and o1. Claude is pretty good though
>look at how quierky i am
>im just like you guys
>onlyfans in bio btw
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If a bear won't track her, it's a him.
You may have meant that sarcastically, but I believe it genuinely. Depraved and over-focused on aesthetics is attitude for far too many people here. If the average /g/entooman were a passably-attractive woman, that is exactly what he would do:
"Fuck Ayyland, fuck Rust, fuck systemd, pussy in bio".
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lmao incel virgin.
She was having a heavy flow day and wearing a jumbo maxi pad.
You must have a really small package if you thing that is the indication Laurie has a penis
Are there rate limits? Claude is good, but, lately, Anthropic went gay and dropped the limit significantly.
Neither. Both are unreliable, and it seems to be random which gives the better answer to a question. Because randomness is part of how they work.
That's a man.
our king
This, I hate women

our /g/ kingbro is the best
It's pretty common that *they* are known for having "small packages". So, no, it's not a pad. Besides, pads don't bulge out in front. You'd know if you've ever interacted with a women.
what's the catch here? this seems too good to be true
NTA, I'd say it just doesn't give full access to the main models features. Such as image generation, file uploads, or cross chat retention of data
are you retarded? pads with heavier flows in mind don't expand forward. they get denser. plus, if anything, the expand sideways to cover as much as possible.
>smart woman is quirky
>4chins: rages uncontrollably
>idiotic trad youtuber with fat titties says the most generic opinion 'modern vibeogame bad because women look ugly uwu pick me ugly incels'
>4chins: 'soooo based, our /g/irl, there are still good women'
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Claude for conversations about life and philosophy, etc.
4o for programming and learning.
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Stop calling her trans
Is there any website with chagpt that can be used like search engine? like xyz.com/text=Hello%204chan? Idk how it's called.
>look her up
>no onlyfans
fuck you
I am Jewish and have actually had sex with Laurie. She has a perfect "innie" labia and a very tight vagina. She is a 10/10 and 100% female. I am out of her league for marriage. But she is going to make some lucky and rich Jewish brother a very happy man someday.
>incel does not know where the vagina is
Many such cases
(back of the knee, btw)
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HEY! Stop insulting our KANG!!!!! He's better than all of y'all combined! He worked at Microsoft and has done so much good for the world. He can pretend to be a women, it's not your say otherwise
I recorded this clip btw (yep, we FUCK)
Lair, I've already slept with him
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>tfw no onesie gf
sorry, I meant
> *bf
>I'm jacked! Jacked to the tEEEeets! Do you feel it?!
>hangs up
God I love that movie.
sorry I meant gf (male)
sorry, again, I meant male (mtfgf)
Claude but you have to give it good instructions otherwise it will overengineer the response
Yes, there's a limit but seems a little higher than Claude website
I was using gpt 4o a lot but decided to try Claude yesterday and damn is it impressive. I was able to take some of my old prompts chatGPT never managed to figure out after a dozen tries, and Claude gave me working output on the first try.

Also Claude seems to handle niche things better. It's like 10x better at writing code for things like modern game mods
damn I keep mistyping I obviously meant male (ftm) bf
Claude always gives me some overengineered answer, yet they always never work
>Can you compose a masterpiece and write it as lilypond code?
Turns out I couldn't copy paste his composition to hacklily.org, but the melody isn't too bad:

\version "2.22.1"

global = {
\key c \major
\time 4/4
\tempo 4 = 120

melody = \relative c' {
c4 d e f | e8( d c4) | b8( a g4) | f8( e d c) |
c'4 c a f | e8( d c4) | b8( a g4) | c,4 r

harmony = \chordmode {
c4 c c c | c c c c | c c c c | c c c c |
c c c c | c c c c | c c c c | c c c c

dynamics = \dynamic {
s4\p | s4\mf | s4\f | s4\mp |
s4\p | s4\mf | s4\f | s4\< |

\score {
\new Staff <<
\new Voice = "melody" { \melody }
\new ChordNames = "harmony" \harmony
\layout {
\context {
\remove "Chord_names_engraver"
\midi { }

\score {
\new Staff <<
\new Voice = "melody" { \melody }
\new Dynamics = "dynamics" { \dynamics }
\layout {
\context {
\override DynamicLineSpanner.staff-padding = #4
\midi { }

Claude is better IF it knows wtf is going on. GPT is WAAAAY more likely to actually understand your code but its answers might not be as professional.
why does she love us so much /g/?
is that the samsung default ringtone?
I've found the opposite, at least when writing niche game mods. GPT will just give me code in a different language or for a different game when Claude rarely does that
Because you are her simpletons.
can't even explain the sneed joke. into the trash it goes.
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white girls trying to be cute is the cringiest thing

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