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>"CIA investing into and using data from Pokemon GO? LOL what a conspiracy theorist nut with a tinfoil hat LOOOOL"
>CIA Admits it
>"OK so what, Chudie? That's a good thing!"

If you downloaded it, you deserve it.
Can you keep your garbage back on /pol/ or /x/? Thanks.
Oof, bootlicking npc seethin already
Not watching your video, fuck off.
bye bye
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>CIA buys user data available for purchase to anyone willing to pay for it
the lunjuke dournal
Back to /v/ faget
>do not discuss technology on a technology board
they invested into the whole thing from the very beginning
regardless, exposing triple letters and having npc troons like you defend them is always hilarious, cant imagine how mentally retarded your brain is lmao
*chudjuke, get it right
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>clearly the issue is retards choosing to play a game!!
>n-not google/nintendo/amazon/facebook/apple/intel/amd/nvidia/twitter/etc. etc. etc. s-selling your data... haha, no...
>yes, yes, blame the user goyim, gooooood good good!

>Please wait for the timer or verify your email address before making a post.
((YOU))'re the problem for sharing your email!!! not the anonymous website asking for a form of identification with an incentive of a fucking 800 second cooldown!!! (seriously though, what the actual fuck, can't wait for the "hiroshimoot here, I'm so sorry your email was leaked from my totally secure database haha, not my fault lol haha")
they already have 3d maps quantified using 5g im not sure what they need this for other tahn i guess textures for UX? who cares lol. get a life
Google was started with seed money from In-Q-Tel, the CIA's investment front.
Lol, everyone knew the "portal scanning" feature was suspicious.
Though we all though it was so Niantic could delete "low quality" pokestops/gyms.

Why won't the OP aka Lunduke answer?

Are you a fed?

Is that why you can shill your monetized grift blog and YouTube channel 24/7?

Or do you pay the trannies for it?
Yeah I watched him for five seconds. He was denying Israhell is an apartheid state and said Palestinian babies must be killed to protect Isrhhell as an ethnostate.
>multiple people post triple letters admitting to crazy things online, this cant be happening!!!
What evidence are you exposing, really? No, a youtube video isn't it.
your astroturfing damage control didnt work out, better luck trying to derail the next thread
>Sucks the dick of any e-celeb similar to you
>Is a White supremacist

Every time
didnt read
keep defending literal CIA online on an anonymous forum
>Is gay
>redd*t types
>defends an e celeb who is a fed

>accuses others of being feds/redditors
>defends CIA
>n-no-u the guy epxosing the CIA is a fed!!!
glowniggers really arent the smartest bunch huh?
brutal, notice how they have to keep spamming the same thread to try to derail it so hard? definitely just a normal citizen KEK

no wonder you have to be below 100 iq to be accepted in a lot of the branches of government lol, embarrassing
>r*ddit types
>sucks cia dick in other ways
>thinks this is exposing cia

>calls others feds

least retarded SEApe newfag
Grim. Genshin it is!
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>Wahhhhhh my e celeb who never gets censored by feds is not a fed
>Wahhhh feds are low IQ so leave them alone and im heccin intelligent
>Wahhghhhhhhhh stop noticing
>Wahhhhh stop using paragraphs because you're making feds waste space
>Wahhhhh die for israhell, goy
Damn, OP really rustled a lot of glowniggers here huh? Lol
I have nothing to hide (except for jerking off to grannies, trannies and other weird shit)
Kill yourself you fucking troon instead of samefagging, begging for us to die for isntreal and being slaves to feds
Ugly incels who could die if they saw themselves in the mirror worried about camera data while I remember that countless people were so obsessed with this pokeshit that they walked into streets without paying attention and got ran over by cars.

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