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>Lisp is a family of programming languages with a long history and a distinctive parenthesized prefix notation. There are many dialects of Lisp, including Common Lisp, Scheme, Clojure and Elisp.

>Emacs is an extensible, customizable, self-documenting free/libre text editor and computing environment, with a Lisp interpreter at its core.

>Emacs Resources
https://gnu.org/s/emacs (Site)
https://github.com/emacs-tw/awesome-emacs (Awesome Emacs)

>Learning Emacs
C-h t (Interactive Tutorial)
https://emacs.amodernist.com (Configuration Generator)
https://systemcrafters.net/emacs-from-scratch (Emacs from Scratch)
http://xahlee.info/emacs (Xah Emacs Tutorial)

>Emacs Distros

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I think it's impossible to compile without the interpreter, but in chez scheme you can distribute a program without including the compiler
It's the entire compiler, standard library and all loaded files, in source and compiled form, along with all the program state. It's less a binary and more of a complete process core dump. Means it also needs at least that much memory to run as well.
For reference chez can go down to ~3MB for an executable, or potentially even smaller because it doesn't do core dumps and also can strip out the compiler for a much smaller interpreter at the cost of any dynamic code added afterwards will be much slower. In other words it's quite good for an in-game scripting language but you won't be able to completely alter the base game with native performance. SBCL is the opposite, it may be heavy, but it's the ENTIRE dev environment, the executable has full abilities to recompile, redefine, or reset any parts of itself at runtime with no loss of performance.
You can compile the source code down into fasl files, but you'll need an sbcl executable to run them, they're just slightly faster to load and slightly smaller than plain text.
In reality the best way to redistribute CL programs is to just package the source code and have the user run it with their own local implementation.
microlisp is your best bet
use chicken scheme sir, it compiles to C

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>What's Chudware?
Chudware refers to software that is resistant to oppressive CoC's that allow mentally ill trannies to dictate the development of software we use every day.

Examples of Chudware:
Hyprland - https://hyprland.org/

PolyMC - https://polymc.org/

OpenBSD - https://www.openbsd.org/index.html
>https://www.openbsd.org/goals.html - "Be as politics-free as possible; solutions should be decided on the basis of technical merit."
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Why is everything made by trannies so useful bros
they make everything they touch political
Me saying that men can't be woman is not me being an asshole, its me saying a fact.
This website shoves its politics into every discussion though, and I don't ever see trannies talk politics much.
Maybe some feel uncomfortable with the idea of nazis working with them even if they don't express their beliefs, I don't know (referring to Vaxry's blog post)
If they're genuinely trying to stir shit though they should be told to fuck off.
yeah this website is different from working on open source software since this website is based around retarded discussion. Vast majority of trannies by and large are shit stirrers or horribly obsessed with politics so it creates damaging work environment. I mean there definitely reasonable outlier trannies which I would see no problem with as long as they aren't massive freaks

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Where should I look to get a camera + display setup that's actually realtime? This is not for security purposes, I want it to help me in the bathroom when shaving the back of my head. It doesn't have to be fantastic quality. Thanks in advance.
Just get a haircut mirror dude.
You're putting this camera in public changing rooms to spy on women. I'm not helping you with that.
Use a mirror.
What if I give you access to the live cam

Mainting arch proved to be too hard for me, I am using it for two years and haven t updated it since last summer, when I managed to break it.
Going back to debian seems a good option but I love the AUR and the freedom arch provides. When I installed arch, I thought I will just build stuff on top and that slowly I will have a functional system, but pacman does whatever pacman wants(or I don t know how to use it), and a lot of stuff needs installing manually and that also messes with things and there also is much documentation for every little applet.
I still don t have things like a printing app, Bluetooth, wine or an ui for things like shutdown and sleep.
There also is the question if I should install the majority of things to be available only to me or to the whole system.
If I reinstall arch is there any online guide/list for all the things you should add after installation?
Thank you for listening to my blog post, I promise it will be the last one.
picrel is my shitty rice(as you can see I haven t added a shortcut for print screen)
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>GRUB issues
>System breaks after kernel updates
>SSL Certificates expired multiple times
>Devs give users terrible advice on how to maintain their systems
>Holding back packages breaks compatibility with the AUR while the devs encourages users to use it and makes it a selling point
>Incompetent and arrogant developers with inflated egos
It may work for you now, but down the line, it won't. It's a garbage distribution that has many issues that doesn't occur on vanilla Arch.
It's not really worth it, just having to deal with its installation process (both archinstall and pacstrap) isn't really worth it when you'll get basically the same thing from a Debian installer, even if the packages are newer. Not only does newer not mean better, in the case of Arch it's actively worse since you're basically just making yourself a free beta tester. There are some cases where it makes sense, such as cases where you want a minimal footprint and the newest possible applications (which is a weird as fuck usecase) but most of what it does can be done better by Gentoo or Void.
When i installed arch 10 years ago nothing was working so i kept it on the side, login in every now and then figuring shit out, today it's my main os and i haven't managed break it completely for years, i get the wiki and i still look things up their when i get stuck on something it's really helpful, actually arch single handedly teached me how to make linux just work
back in the early 2010s i used arch because i was poor and had very old hardware. nothing worked unless it was latest version

desu ubuntu is probably better to use these days
this is a good point. arch does force you to learn a bit which is good as a noob. the wiki has a lot of info to mediate that
i feel like using ubuntu as first distro you could go a long time without learning anything at all

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AI is a reflection of our society.
At least use lust provoking image when you make these threads
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Which one, white man?
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I'm a brown transwoman doe
1998 is aesthetically best, but I'd miss the document length indication from 2012.
Based and scrollbarpilled
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But I do see them. If you don't you should probably set your UI scaling to 150% or get some glasses or something

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It's over for the porn industry.
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Got it, SJW will be able to create trans, obese and black porn.
i don't need disgusting uncanny valley porn with zero interactivity, just give me a smart enough llm that i can do roleplay shit with.
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picrel, a perspective for you to understand.
it's going to be kosher porn, similar to what /v/troons shilling, "hades 2" with fags and lesbians - good, simple korean-doll heterosexual oriented game - bad.
How will we ever find porn without AI? I can't imagine such a dystopia.

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>walking or biking in a gentle breeze
>walking or biking in wind
>wind noise is so loud you almost go deaf
wtf is this design? why does Active Noise Canceling amplify wind noise instead of fucking filtering them out?
there's a setting to turn off the external mic for ANC. But why use ANC when it's been shown to cause tinnitus
You are a retarded niggerfaggot if you wanna anc while biking
>But why use ANC when it's been shown to cause tinnitus
>making shit up
shut the fuck up dumbass
seethe, obese amerimutt
i bet you took the vaccine too. Don't say I didn't warn you.
I didn't
now go gargle your hourly dose of fluoride and HFCS you fat mutt mongoloid

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What the fuck is this?
Its gonna be a wild day when Gen Alpha has the same nostalgia for YouTube that Millennials have for Newgrounds

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Why does 4chan not add more features to the site ?

If U were in charge what would u add
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Indicate all posts by OP in his thread. If OP is a post-and-dump I know the thread will not amount to much.
>t. Ebassi
>ban generals
this. if they want to keep a thread going just to camp out in all day (charitably assuming its not only shills and bots in generals), thats what /b/ is for.
ban all indian and canadian IPs
>muh vpns
the majority of vpns ips are blocked so there will still be a significant reduction
Yotsuba isn't anime though????

What's the technical reason why you can't post AV1 WebM's here?
It's just a file, after all. The server just needs to deliver a WebM and let the client deal with the actual codec.
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>they're going to add av1 webms with sound at some point before the year 2035
>2 more weeks trust the plan
I have never believed something less than I believe this, even though I'd support it completely.
>You know, obliterate raspberry pi 5 from the market (which doesn't support AV1 WTF).
fyi: it doesn't even support h264 and vp9 lol
only h265... which is extra fucking retarded and I have no idea what their thought process was
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>nooooooo my heckin culturino you can't have da audio
Shut the fuck up they can have a "mute by default" setting in the site/4chanx/apps if you're afraid of spooky screamers or something. people already do all sorts of retarded shit to post video with audio from crossposting to /wsg/ or /gif/ to YouTube videos to catbox to that stupid extension where you put the URL for the audio in the filename of the video. I can't stand having multiple copies of the same webm because only certain ones can be posted on certain boards and I also can't stand seeing re-encoded, shittier versions of webms that have had their audio stripped posted to /wsg/ and /gif/ because someone had to shit it up for the other boards. It's a shit system.
/wsg/ is for that, just crosspost
what a terrible thread

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how do plan9 users cope with having to use the cursor for everything? this same question applies to other software too, really.
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how did*
please don't tell me you're using an OS that hasn't been touched at all in 10 years
and no, it's recent revival isn't a revival, it was Nokia basically confirming the IP was useless and dumping it on hobbyists stuck in the past
no, I don't use it.
this is a good thing
keep using tinkertroon wms if you like and have time to memorize a gorillion keyboard combinations
Has no one made a decent group of key bindings for it?

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Which way white man ?
nobody has seriously used apache since 2004

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Hello, I am a rising third year computer science student. Due to financial concerns, I attend a rather unknown university. I've finished up to Data Structures & Algorithms, which I made an A in. After spending some time looking for internships and being unsuccessful, I surmise that my classroom education is not sufficient to secure a position at a respectable company. What advise could you offer me such that I will have the skills necessary to start a successful career upon graduation?
Sucking dick

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Has anyone tried the Odin project

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