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>30% longer battery life
x86 won. its over for ARM
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Now I read these battery specs as
>30% more explody if Israel wants it to be
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This entire x86 vs arm flame war is retarded. Instruction sets are not primarily responsible for performance and efficiency. They have some impact, and longer and more specialized instructions can have advantages, but so do shorter instructions especially related to pipelining.
In the end it's actually a form of convergent "evolution" (or rather design) where the middle ground is used in the end. Risc ISAs obviously have a simpler and less bloated set of instructions, which makes them easier to adopt, manage and thus they are intrinsically more secure as there are just less instructions to fuck up in the implementation, but x86 and especially x86_64 have such a prominent position in computing that the arm has a hard time competing, as it has no significant upside (but it has definitely advantages, just no significant ones).
Arm is perceived as more efficient because the architecture was and still is primarily focused on low power designs, while x86_64 CPUs are often used with a 10 tikes higher power budget, hence that's the range they're designed for. But there's obviously nothing stopping Intel and AMD from adjusting their designs to target this low power market segment, and that is precisely what they've done in the last couple of years. Conversely, that also means that arm designs could target 65 & 105W and properly compete with x86 in that segment, but as these parts are increasingly more fore "power users" it will still require a lot of software adaptation to be a valid alternative.

Still, I don't see a future where arm can truly beat x86, all they can do is match but just have the 2nd tier IS, which is always going to be an issue.

Personally, I hope for China to push risc-v, they can escape the licensing issues of x86 and arm and we could enjoy an open is.
okay, let's assume you are a Chinese RISC-V shill. instead of shilling and getting on every ones nerves here, please improve the ecosystem and make SBCs with fully functioning hardware support. with enough performance to shitpost on 4chan and watch webms in Linux. and I mean open source drivers for every fucking thing on that board. then maybe we will adopt your shit. otherwise, please, kindly, fuck off.

The great debate edition.

>Free beginner resources to get started with HTML, CSS and JS
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn - MDN is your friend for web dev fundamentals (go to the "See also" section for other Mozilla approved tutorials, like The Odin Project)
https://web.dev/learn/ - Guides by Google, you can also learn concepts like Accessibility, Responsive Design etc.
https://eloquentjavascript.net/Eloquent_JavaScript.pdf - A modern introduction to JavaScript
https://javascript.info/ - Quite a good JS tutorial
https://flexboxfroggy.com/ and https://cssgridgarden.com/ - Learn flex and grid in CSS

>Resources for backend languages
https://www.phptutorial.net - A PHP tutorial
https://dev.java/learn/ - A Java tutorial
https://rentry.org/htbby - Links for Python and Go

>Resources for miscellaneous areas

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Swift compiles to machine code right? While C# requires the CLR runtime
Typescript is Microsoft’s software equivalent of the wage cage. It’s the speed bumps and safety belts they needed to hire a bunch of gay retards and call it DEI.
Yes, but it requires a ton of libraries even if you don't use them.
I could not disagree more.
TS is not a speed bump. TS is not a safety belt.
TS does not make shit type safe.
TS is a time wasting linter. And that is the reason why people push it, because it hides the fact that they are not productive behind a massive wall of additional crap.
>look, we totally types now
>we just had to add these 500 lines of interface code to make our input component work
What you just described is a speed bump.

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I got two big hard drives that got corrupted, had all my music and tv shows etc on them.
It seems like about half survived but I can't sit and play through every song and tv episode to be sure. There's gotta be a way to verify those thousands of files that look ok are actually ok?
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>Page 5 after posting the solution
Did that link kill you, or what?
You restart your torrent client and click force recheck. Hope that helps
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>create checksums for each file
that's a good idea..I will if I don't kms now those drives were 15 years of work
many of these were downloaded over a decade ago
Well just find the old torrents and load them up again. Unironically. If they weren’t torrents you could try something like ufs explorer but it’s only going to help if you know which ones are corrupted to begin with

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bigger booms?
bigger ass = smellier farts
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This isn't news

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Whats the longest time you've had a computer that you regularly used? I got my last PC at the start of 2011 and only replaced it last year so 12 years for me

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Sanguine September Edition
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no that would b次日,于桃园中,备下乌牛白马祭礼等项,三人焚香再拜而说誓曰:“念刘备、关羽、张飞,
Based romance of the three kingdoms enjoyer.
nice setup bro, can you give a quick rundown on the shit on your desk? also what monitor are you got
*what monitor arm you got
> rate it
6/10 - great room layout with the floor to ceiling view diminished by slop desk choice and arrangement.

t. fellow embody chair owner who went with a L-shaped uplift desk and underslung PC case holder

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Will software engineering become a viable career again when the fed rate cut cycle starts or is permanently dead now?
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>Man these Indians are taking all of our jobs
>it's not what you know bro, it's who you know
You know what you call things you give to 3rd worlders and your friends? Charity. Most of these are do-nothing makework jobs anyway.
dead. i'm listening to the FOMC meeting now. powell said that he doesn't envision us ever returning to a "free money era" where rates were practically 0%.
we will see UBI before any of that returning. it will be the only way to differentiate between someone who really want's to do their job because it makes them happy or someone who just wants to slack around, waiting for the next fix. yeah, we are almost at that point now.
We already have UBI for lazy niggers in America. It's called welfare and government jobs.
Bullshit, zero rates means zero growth, and exponential growth is mathematically impossible. We will see zero percent rates again in our lifetime

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China lost. The most cutting edge chips in the world are now made in America again. If they decide to invade Taiwan we’ll just bomb the island so there will be nothing left for them to steal.
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Yeah, women are a lot more fluid in sex. Not just when it comes to homosexuality but also pedophilia for example. Pretty much everyone has a story as a kid when an adult women made out with him, or touched him or things like that. Women are attracted to literally everything
because that's not relevant to what i was asking? wtf
But it's the origin, why are you so angry fren.
It's just small scale
Not that retard but if you wanted it worded in a different way, men are fucking disgusting hairy nigger orcs that rape and kill, and women are fucking retarded for even liking them.
I am surprised more women haven't taken up political lesbianism, but their 70 IQ brain makes them impulsive coomers and they still end up falling for ugly blobs with a dick.

Redpill me on this
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For the memes
I read this during high school for olympiads, super nice book but where technology you nigger
>I can tell you there's no such thing as electrons, and it's all fields and magnetism
Where to learn and understand this?
>Where to learn and understand this?
Nowhere besides that guy's own mind
Not the most comprehensive book on the subject, but probably the most clearly written.

What's your interest in it?

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never forget your roots
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Forgot link.
PPSP Recycling
8176 Elder Creek Rd, Sacramento, CA 95824

https://www. Kikebook com/1PPSP/
working at circuit city was the best retail job i ever had
was just sell computers to old people, get high with my manager, and bullshit with the customer service girls. while getting paid $15 an hour in 2007.
we had a "code pink" on the walkies. which meant a hot chick walked in. then instant you heard code pink you saw every male employee, including managers, snap their head towards the entrance.
man i miss that place. different time.
I wish I had a place like that near me
the thrift stores here won't even sell computers, if you donate one they recycle it instead of reselling it
craigslist is just beat-to-shit celerons and C2Ds
also check out Northbay Networks out of Emeryville if you are ever down in the Bay Area
Overpriced junk?

>use a friend's iPhone for 2 minutes
>lack of a bottom bar makes it automatically 10x more frustrating than any other phone

Why would you torture yourself with iOS?
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>he isn't using superior gesture nav on android
ser i must see button or i don’t know function. what is swipe?
I'd rather have no bottom bar than ||| O < hieroglyphs.
a bottom bar is the annoyance of the holepunch camera times ten, total waste of real estate
When I switched to iPhone, it was frustrating, but you figure out the swipe gestures and it becomes second nature

Will they remove fans from these once they upgrade it to m4, and cut the size since there is so much free space inside?
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grounding isn't required for double insulated devices.
That's a lie lol, those mfs always end up leaking hv
I still want an "Apple Pi". Make an SBC sized mac and it will sell like crazy.
i'm ok with fan, as long as it has no explosives

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Why, other distros have .exe installation and a non-archaic UI?
Jej. That's a good one, but I think most of the zoomers around here won't understand.
10 years in the industry, never learned regex beyond the very basics, never plan to. On the other hand, it’s of the few practical uses for ChatGPT
you type like a leftroon doever
>Ethernet cables and local networks are communism
dumb leadfaggot

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>casually deletes 15+ yrs worth of emails
>locks you out of services that asks for 2FA
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Don't hoard messages
I grew up with yahoo and have pretty much all my important shit with them. Wish I used proton or something.
What happened
>Need to input a phone number to make an account
What happened?

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/g/ humour thread
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what do you expect? the world is burning.
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i think its funny
it really isn't. your world view is extremely narrow.
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