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I'm glad I didn't upgraded, still on 8700k. My next build is 100% guaranteed to be Ryzen based.
There haven't been any reports of problems with meteor lake so it's probably fine

Then again, Intel has shown you exactly how they treat customers who end up with defective CPUs. Do you want to trust them?
They wouldn't have to release new microcode if stock settings were fine. If you were running it outside of the performance envelope that Intel gave you, then it would be your fault and there wouldn't be a need for a microcode update. Capiche?
buy intc, you guys are missing out
stock setting = auto overclock by board manufacturer dipshit
try reading your fucking bios manual some time this century

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what bothers you about linux the most?
is it the community, lack of software, the looks?
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im not a brit, im ukranian and i torrent everything
Redhat and "the looks". Redhat is a cancer where every solution is one step forward two steps back. The looks because there's no real native GUI standard.
that's fedora kinoite and aurora
Nvidia and GNOME practically boycotting Wayland with their actions.
X11 being a PoS for the modern world.
Being another battlefield for cultural wars.
Interesting, I didnt knew about that... Thanks for the info, last time I used mint was a couple of years ago so Im not aware if it has issues with different desktops, I just assumed it wasnt the case

I tried to search briefly about reasons too but all I see is the same as you; that its a bad idea and that it shouldnt support KDE (apart from neon). But why not? I understand the Qt thing, but it cant be just that right?

I always thought that installing specific distros only for the desktop was silly and a waste of time but I guess in these cases its justified

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>Lisp is a family of programming languages with a long history and a distinctive parenthesized prefix notation. There are many dialects of Lisp, including Common Lisp, Scheme, Clojure and Elisp.

>Emacs is an extensible, customizable, self-documenting free/libre text editor and computing environment, with a Lisp interpreter at its core.

>Emacs Resources

>Learning Emacs
C-h t (Interactive Tutorial)

>Emacs Distros

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What's the Clojure code equivalent of the data structure in that image?
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#{[y 9] [z 55] [x 4]}

#{{:red 222, :green 40, :blue 99}
{:silver 55, :gold 25, :bronze 20}
#{:derp 48 99 22}}
good morning sir, take a peek in the needful
can't believe I'm just finding out about winner-mode

fuck man
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M-x spook

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Why did this flamboyant LED shit get popularized? A PC should be a featureless box, the only thing that should matter is what it puts on your computer screen
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this stuff was really cool and different when 98% of computers were beige boxes. Even plain black was kind of unusual in the 90s.

But then an industry grew up offering this stuff pre-made, and because the basic functionality stays the same, and bling that was once unusual is now commonplace, the only way they have to compete is on meretriciousness.
Like not blinking all the colors of the rainbow, just one color
Nice prision tech.
>Lights and colors are LE BAD!

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Is there a secure way to interact with Whatsapp while using a third party open source option?

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Why is there no good linux desktop environment in 2024?
> gnome is shit
> kde is laggy
> rest look like windows 95
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Gnome has unironically the best UX I've ever seen on a computer de, it's a real fucking shame the people behind it and how they're somehow devolving the fucking de and still have the hubris to ban you for pointing out their bullshit.
I don't see the gnone foundation existing in the next 5 years at this pace, especially looking at this past two weeks happenings.
How is Cinnamon like Windows 95?
>Gnome has unironically the best UX I've ever seen on a computer de
I've given Gnome many chances and I still do not see how it can be a good UX let alone the best. What are non-Gnome users missing?
I don't
that is the point, you viscerally look away from disgust at the window "decorations" and rice and focus on the task instead. multi-tasking is also ADHD and all the tiling shit is a stupid meme for people who need to edit 4 different config files to move their programs around

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Discussion of free and open source text-to-image models

Previous /ldg/ bread : >>101558992

>Beginner UI
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Advanced UI
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
InvokeAI: https://github.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
SwarmUI: https://github.com/mcmonkeyprojects/SwarmUI

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We could it have it all!
a1111 does this to me sometimes, using a controlnet basically guarantees the slowdown, after that my gens will take like 10 minutes and i need to restart the server
Rolling in the deep
yeah it is on windows. is there a recommended way to force stable diffusion to use up all the dedicated ram or something?
So it's 2k native but also can gen 1024 without problem?

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no rice no life
previous thread >>101499934
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>he says with his 80px tall taskbar that has 20px of padding around every element
Okay jeet let me know when you're done fucking up modern UI
>desktop always too big to post, have to save as jpg first
so gay and shit
tfw you didnt make the list
I like desktops that look personalized, traditional, native and consistent. That's the recipe for a comfy desktop.
>no arcan desktop
What a load of the ultimate savior of the Desktop Linux.

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I don't think sharing this is against rules?


Offical Discord is an extreme LGBTQP snowflake haven and I'm tired of watching them dogpile people for now bowing low enough.
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IDGAF about an army, dumbshit.

if I wanted a raid i'd go on basedjack.
i just checked the official discord and theres no tranny discussion, not even in the off topic channels. seems like you are the snowflake here, theres no problem with that discord server apart from being on discord
it sounds like OP was misgendering someone on purpose, got banned for it and is now seething
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Just call people "you" or "john/mary/whatever" in case you want to avoid weird xe/xo/xis pronouns or calling a neckbeard a she

You are just entering a server to talk about flipper stuff, be formal friendly, works fine if you are not acting overly intimate like a complete slut. Let strangers ruin their lives and do dumb stuff away from you
Any open source project where the community is hosted on Discord does not respect freedom

You can't come up with the excuse that it takes time to self-host because there are dozens of freely available IRC or XMPP servers

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When did you realized there is no point of using linux for privacy when you have backdoors (Intel ME, systemd) in your system?
>Redhat sent recruiters to Germany to scower every underground teaboy bar they could find, until they found the twinkiest and smoothest boi
>smooth underaged teaboy twink swallowed, then agreed
>package maintainers got wet over having to edit fewer files, so they forced votes on which init system to choose
>Over the years the German twink teaboy has ballooned the init system like an inflatable buttplug until it throbs against nearly every aspect of Linux, each time claiming that some obscure edgecase won't work perfectly in his mind if an entire POSIX-style subsystem isn't replaced with his personal sex toy
any time i see people yapping "LE IME" i just write their post off as schizophrenic pedophile ramble
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Based schizo pedophiles

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>FOSS developers should be able to own their work and do with it whatever they want
>nooooo you can't just put features behind a Patreon. that's greed!
this is exactly why we need socialism,
workers get paid and you get free software
this thread's doing ironman numbers
Socialism is when the government does stuff retard. The government is not "FOSS".

Does Rust have higher-kinded types, like Haskell does?
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Those are just generics, not GATs
Try this:
>Those are just generics, not GATs
ah shit
>Try this:
i'm still new to Rust is that just a type that's only used inside of a trait then
>if you can explain to me what a higher kinded type is that'd be epic
Sure. So a generic is like a function, but at the type level, right? For example, Vec takes one type and returns one type. It's the type-level equivalent of a simple function that takes one value and returns one value.
Now, what would be the type-level equivalent of a higher-order function that can take another function as an argument? It would be like a generic that can take another generic type as an argument. For example, Vec itself, rather than Vec<String>.
I don't know Rust so I'm going to use Java-like pseudocode.
class MyWeirdDataStructure<TMap<_, _> extends Map<_, _>> {
val a = new TMap<String, Integer>();
val b = new TMap<Hash, String>();
val c = new TMap<Integer, String>();
Thanks! I'll give it a read.
I don't take it as an insult. Rust evangelists are normally more hostile than you but it still doesn't bother me. I've never written JavaScript but I do like Python.
>have you ever looked at C++ code?
Yes, I'm not a fan of C++ either. We have some C++ projects at work. I don't normally work on them but I've had to go digging in there over the years. It's kind of a mess. It could be way worse but my company has standards and rules developers have to stick to so it's not a complete free-for-all shit show. Except for this one old project where someone decided to use SWIG heavily so there's auto-generated code all over the place. Yuck.
I'm actually a systems programmer who rarely picks his head above the level of freestanding C code. I do think Rust will inevitably get more popular but I think I will be retired before it's inescapable.

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This isn't your jobs thread or cert thread, it's a group therapy session. /Cyb/er/sec/urity/pri/vacy general is for the discussion of anything and everything related to cyberpunk culture, cybersecurity, and digital privacy.

The FAQ: https://sizeof.cat/post/cyberpunk-faq/
What is /cyb/erpunk? https://pastebin.com/pmn9vzWZ
How do I into /cyb/erpunk? https://pastebin.com/5tpNFQds
Huge list of cyberpunk media: https://sizeof.cat/post/cyberpunk/
The cyberdeck: https://pastebin.com/7fE4BVBg
Cyberlife: https://jinteki.industries/files/cyberlife.7z
Bibliothek: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/4m5hd2065hde8/Bibliothek

--[/Re/verse Engineering]-----
Getting into /re/: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Reverse_Engineering

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=== /pri/ News:
>At the Olympics, AI is watching you
That is why your hobby should be distinc from your work.

Why not also try out Haiku? It is not Linux but interesting nonetheless.
If you want to try Linux and you are familiar with Windows, the easiest start will be Kubuntu, which is Ubuntu based on KDE.
BTW there are the occasional Haiku general, like this one: >>101564977
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Another slow night? You know the drill: https://youtu.be/hjGZLnja1o8?feature=shared
zero hw support

i also keep returning to this link

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When will EOS come from windows 10
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>trann0r tells me to dial 8
that literally broke me in half
cheers anon
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be a tranny faggot somewhere else redditor
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>all these boards
>still cannot deal with us
also copeycat.
which is lame.
which might explain why you still cant deal with us.
Japs are hilarious.
anime website

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What is the most comfy new laptop in terms of build quality, good keyboard, good screen etc.
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It would be perfect if it had the clit.
I want battery life. I hate being tethered to an outlet, I want the freedom to go anywhere. I also want it to look good. What laptop do I get?
I always buy chromebooks I can coreboot now. It's easy to find a linux laptop with 16GB, ssd, and a i5/i7 for about $500 that way
My last few laptops having been asus gaming laptops and it's been comfy
Wow I didn’t know about this anon, thank you.

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