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I recall this also being the reason why Windows Phone didn't take off either. Perhaps it was forward thinking because desu when people are putting their credit card and medical info on their device then perhaps being a paranoid schizo thinking developers are against you didn't such a bad thing.
I love imagining though, it's the hottest thing there is. If I was a Asian male, I'd be a sissy, be default, and would love it
Firefox OS was fully open source though, wasn't it? If so there could have been clean custom roms. Android is not fully open source, there is shit even in custom roms.
Had HTML5 webapps became the universal app format, like it was supposed to be, Firefox OS would have had tons of apps. But Google and Apple killed Flash then sabotaged HTML5 webapps in order to protect their appstore with 30% tax business. This shit is also what kept FirefoxOS from ever succeeding.
Technology wasn't there yet. Web APIs were not yet powerful enough to recreate mobile apps 1:1 using only web technologies.

The hardware wasn't there yet. Low-end mobile hardware was too slow to run web apps properly, so the devices were infamously slow.

Google and WhatsApp sabotaged it by refusing to add support for it.

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Software engineering is dead. Learn trades instead.
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kek, grow up
Out of curiosity are you on the coast or more midwest?
It feels like coasties have these wild expectations of 300k starting, while i've bummed around the major cities of the central states making good enough money to live there working the tech departments for regular companies.
This is a problem solely for Americans, everyone boasting about their six digit salaries and ample opportunities while laughing at the Europoors where coding is paid, interviewed and staffed like a regular job, welp looks like Europe was ahead of the curve again.
A mix. Some teams work at an HQ office in Texas, but engineering is all remote. The majority of engineers are in cities across Texas and Colorado. I know there is exactly one in California, and exactly one in New York (pretty sure not New York City though). Pretty sure one in North Carolina as well?
I know some mid-levels own houses. So we're paying well enough by standards in at least some of those places, just not the eye-watering Big Tech or VC-backed salaries.
I'm getting the feeling that with this reset in the IT job market, you're going to see a lot less IT guys showing up at libertarian rallies, now that they realise their jobs aren't quite as stable and high paying as they thought they always would be.

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Is sitting like that even comfortable for them? Why do they all do that?
most of that was caused by his predecessor
None of that /pol/ bullshit matters. They're using TSMC right now. It was simply an issue of egom and securing a giant fucking discount from TSMC that they promptly lost, again, because of their ego
I-I didn't know street shitters and piss drinkers were so enlightened, desu!.
Im up on intc

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C++20 added modules and C++23 added standard library modules. Why hasn't C caught on and moved away from file inclusion, like every other language?
>inb4 C++ still doesn't have any working implementations of modules
That doesn't answer the question. Surely the benefits must outweigh the pitfalls?
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>implying C++ works differently

>an entirely c++ specific problem.
A "problem" that C mitigates by not having templates entirely and just having void pointers? You are the possibly the swarthiest nigger ape I have encountered yet.
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While we're at it can we have namespaces for C kthnxbye
it does *absolutely* work differently
c++ isnt even a superset of c bc c++ doesnt have vla's, among probably a couple other things which i dont know about bc i have next to no experience with c++

>A "problem" that C mitigates by not having templates entirely and just having void pointers?
you say that like its a bad thing...
void * is not only an anonymization measure, but also the canonical way to tell the compiler to not multiply your pointer arithmetic with your type size
and you dont need templates when you can force inline
granted, force inlines are compiler specific features
but thats still part of the c toolchain, ergo, part of c framework, even if not in the standard proper
>replace _ with : pls kthx
total tranimeposter death
C doesn't have templates

C++ modules will never ever be widespread, because it requires C++20 and it requires build system changes (CMake didnt't support modules with the Makefile generator yet last time I tried it)

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*clap* stop *clap* gatekeeping
*clap* give *clap* us *clap* the *clap* exe
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And have retards write me bug reports? Fuck off, I'm making a portfolio here.
sometimes people dont post them
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>They say it's a nightly build. You know... I make buildings too but not at night!

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My pc specs are:

Amd athlon ll x4 640

Powercolor amd radeon r7 240 2gb gddr5 vram low profile

350 watts

Dell inspiron 570 Motherboard


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World of Warcraft Classic.
Ever tried messing with BCLK overclocking? I had my old Athlon II X4 620 running at 3.25GHz instead of the stock 2.6GHz using that, just make sure to put the memory clock multiplier to something that results in speeds close to what that's rated for.
It's not good for anything frankly.
>what's it good for
I guess Minecraft and Roblox at good frame rates

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reseat your RAM
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Reveals OPs autism
>reseat your RAM
im using my pc only for vidya
It's more important to reseat your cpu
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I actually reseat my gpu a few times a year. Sometimes the ram too. I have no idea what is actually wrong with it other than when it overheats in the hot mediterranean summer the gpu just shuts down and won't work again unless it's reseated. Most of the time that fixes the issue but once in a while you have to reseat the ram too. One obvious solution is to fix the overheating issue by reapplying thermal paste and thermal pads but since it happens only a couple time per year I can't be bothered.
I blame Valorant.

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>wayland enabled on wine
so the biggest mandatory use case of x11 is now gone

bye bye x11!
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If that's the case, everything written by white men with all the memory leaks wouldn't exist.
>She doesn't like running unstable alpha software in a production environment
They could just carry on but chose not to.
You are missing the point. Gnome is perfectly following the wayland protocol. Wayland allows these issues to exist because it's designed that way. Gnome has said that they will never support setting window position relative to monitor edge, and kde plasma will also not support getting window title (among other features). This is a fundamental wayland issue with regards to its policy.
not really
wayland just expects the DE to do more, gnome is on the decline and is developed by a bunch of retards so I fully expect them to throw a fit and not support functions like this

Hi /g/

I recently bought a pile of microphone stuff for 50€ for just the one calibration mic(genelec 9300a), but now that the stuff arrived i googled what the rest was. I found out i got some stuff that might be worth reselling but i dont know who would buy it.

I got:
- 2x sennheiser sk100 g4 bodypack transmitter
- 5x akg pt470 pocket transmitter
- 4x que audio da12 microphones

They all look to cost almost 300€ a piece online but i dont see anyone reselling them so im not sure if there exists a market for them.

Any insight would be lovely
Ebay. Let the chuds fight over it

Your wish in tech in 2025?
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wayland full support
Your wish is granted. I'll see you soon.
for it to not be shit
there is already on memory computing, we need more implementations
We already can. Been blessed with an out of the box solution that fixes miene rx5700xt with rocm und pynigger godbless

Is Carmack overrated?
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>its just that i try to educate you fanboi illiterate nocoders
That I can get behind. The man isn't a god, just a good engineer and organizer of knowledge and resources.
yeah, iirc he was always the boss at id software
he was a very good engineer, without question
but hes not at the level of a complete extraterrestrial like the guy who invented the FISR algorytm
hes till coding, but i dont remember where
he used to work on the oculus VR set, but if memory serves, that went nowhere
>he used to work on the oculus VR set, but if memory serves, that went nowhere

Market forces, tech limitations, bureaucracy, mind block...

He does seem like he would have a mind for databases and information organization though.
yeah, sure, im not mentioning the failure of oculus as a judgement...
and i dont know the person well enough to have an opinion on the latter...

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now that the police are starting to introduce armed robots why don't the people start having them? gun rights should extend to them as well, i need to protect myself and my property
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The powers that be will soon be retreating below the ground and in the process discard 99% of their control structures like government bodies, intelligence personel, military enforcers, think-thank masterminds, religious figures, mercantile and economic assets, the whole managerial, bureaucratic and parasitic class, and countless other occulted elites and puppets across various fields which have been hard at work in aiding and abeting them for thousands of years to shackle and enslave the rest of humanity to their doctrines and systems of control.
This is the moment we've all been waiting for anons, the Great Equalizer will bring about the extermination campaigns most of us and our ancestors could never even have dream of. The Authority currently employes hundreds of millions of men and women across various governing bodies, industries and departments, and they will all perish in a righteous rage this world has never seen before and perhaps never will see again after. Six thousand years of lies, atrocities, misery and untold suffering are coming to an end anons, and all those currently working for the system, including those retired or decomissioned, will be hunted down and wiped off from the face of the earth for their complicity and duplicity.
Rip and tear their flesh apart until it is done.
why don't they translate the bible to modern english already? it's not like it was english to begin with so there's nothing to preserve

probably don't because modern english doesn't sound as fancy
they've already done that and it sucks in modern english, terry himself used KJV
Because the people who decide what your rights are, are your enemies.

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any way of recovering a snapchat accoounts on my ip address or they gone forever since i cant remember password or email
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pm'd you the solution
I sent the instructions to the email associated with your snapchat. Good luck anon.
come on, la'quandarius...
check your inbox my friend :)

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Prove you're smarter than a LLM, round 2.

29 out of 30 open models tested got the answer wrong, including multiple 70B ones. Only Qwen2.5-72B-Instruct answered correctly.

GPT-4o got trapped into circlular reasoning then copied the final answer from quora.
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Ducks always walk together, so unless the divider was spinning rapidly enough, they should always be in the same semicircle.

Ducks don't care about math.
If the divider was spinning in that scenario, the only way the ducks would be in the same semicircle 100% of the time would be if the rotational speed of the divider matched the ducks movement perfectly.
1 in 8
Final answer
nope. you forget the line can move to include the ducks even if they aren't initially in it's semi circle.

Another day, another scumbag tech company ripping people off.
It's crazy how governments can't allow companies and corpos to do anything without them trying to play the system and screw people over.
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Cool it with the antisemitism, will ya?
Holy shit and i already thought a car lease was scam but these guys ar NZXT are something else, makes sense though since they're new owners are in the money business
>Jay's 2 braincells
Couldn't pay me enough to watch that faggot.
He proved 8 years ago that he has no clue what he's taking about. His two braincells are barely enough to regurgitate what redditors write on plebbit.
This is a whole lotta yapping. I work as a backend dev. Make more than your village and I spend the money on my family and get the homes all over the world and we travel. Only reason I care for money is that it helps me provide for my family. Anyway I'm buying a farm next to enjoy the rest of my days.

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