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Why don't zoomers care about computers??
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>Shouldn't it be the opposite though? Am I taking crazy pills?
Yes and no; Let us remember than computers as we know them are a pretty recent development compared to other technological fields.

With this in mind we could actually evaluate what's the percentage of say.... mechanical/naval engineers compared to the total population, or if you prefer a better metric, the labor population and then extrapolate the result across time.

My guess is that, while the number of engineers increased nominally, the percentage of them is constant due to demand.

Now unto Comp. Sci. the amount of technological works and development in such a small time is staggering across all fields (Networking,Storage,Virtualization,IA,Computing,Hardware design,etc,etc)

One could hardly justify the effort to learn how whole compilers/libraries work let alone learning a poorly documented closed source O.S. that will be deprecated in a couple of years at best.

That said; there is no "true and tried" learning path for computer science so of course people have a hard time grasping the necessary basic knowledge.
>Back in the day having curly hair was guarantee you'll get bullied
We need to go back to those days
Telegony.... many such cases
this has to do with demographics, if your lineage is from northern europe or east asia, you are less likely to have curly hair. demographic shift is substantial in north america and europe, 90% of people were of european descent in the united states in the 80s, and most european countries were 95%+ . now its more like 60-70% , with some regions dipping below 40%.
you're a sick fuck for dating a zoomer who's brain has ONLY been just 2 years into being fully developed. you are literally a predator and a groomer

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I know Apple lives rent free in this board's head but I want to talk about its peripherals
What do we think about the Magic Keyboard?
I can't get into high profile mechanical keebs because my wrists are too small.
So I need a nice low profile board.

Is this a good option or are there alternatives?
I have used this board before and I quite like it
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if you like the macbook keyboard, then you'd probably like it
dunno what else to tell you about it

also you might enjoy typing more if you "hover" your hands as is supposed to be proper instead of resting your palms
No backlight kills it for me.

It works great. If you want to use it with Windows there is a subscription service you can get called “Magic Utilities” that works well. I recently got a Keychain Q1 Max too that offers more comfortable typing/features.
Mine regularly disconnects from mac mini m1 even with nearly full battery. Need to run it wired for a couple of hours to get it working in wireless mode again. Any ideas how to fix it? I am seriously considering keychron with a usb dongle because of this.
Are these easy to get fully-functional on Linux?

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>rip 10,000 songs from YouTube Music
>128kbps average opus
it's serviceable but is there another service I can rip from with higher quality/lossless files? I'd even be okay with paying a subscription for a month or two while I pull everything.
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>Except there's no guarantee that the music on YouTube was uploaded at an adequate quality.
yes there is
if it is an auto generated music upload, it was sourced from lossless just like on any other music streaming service
That's why I said official uploads are fine. This isn't necessarily what you're getting from YouTube though. The more obscure you get, the less likely the upload is auto generated
Not to mention some bands don't bother to auto generate songs already uploaded to their old ass channel so some music video uploaded in 2011 that sounds like dogshit is their upload of the song. This is happening less and less though, even when it appears to be this way you can usually poke around and find a clean auto generated upload but still it's something I occasionally come across.
good luck

So what are you waiting to delete those programming books you downloaded 5 years ago?
You are never going to read them.
all I need is SICP
>You are never going to read them.
I am reading the books, it was with a heavy heart that I learned that the only way I would have my robowaifu within this life time and perhaps within the end of the following decade, that the bulk of the work would have to fall upon my own hands. If there is a way there is a how. if you came into tech, CS/IT/whatever, and you're a normie then there is no incentive to read these books, the average desk job requires no more than whatever slop your degree mill put you through, but if you hope to refute the vitalist hypothesis, to create synthetic life, then we must study careful the texts written long before us and those after. Ne supra crepidam
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Why. Why did I think the same
Hi bant

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Xiaomi tri-fold incoming edition

>What phone has X and Y feature?
Don't ask, use these!

Good Resources:

>Frequency Checkers

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>when dowsnsampled to 800x600
too big
99% of normies are only interested in posting pretty pictures on Instagram
that is more than enough
*replaces your battery*
Nothing personnel kid



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Honest question , how do I get this good? I wanna make stuff anons but idk how
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>>>/ic/ is shit because it's full of people that unironically think like that
That's how a neural network learns to draw, not people.
git gud at gamedev
if you can intuit the geometry required to go between image-space, camera-space, ray-space and ur mom's face that scanner is basically entirely a basic embedded project
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not OP, but this book was exactly what I needed. Thanks.

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Why does my brave crash when I hover over this line in the spotify site?
Is this the power of Arch™ Linux™
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> this paper
> this startpage
holy embarrassment
That's where Mozart's Ghost hides. You should leave it alone or your machine will be hacked.
>unironically listening to music
>unironically using spotify
Imagine being so boring and retarded that you don't listen to music
>is under a spell
>has no idea
many such cases

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Why are we living in the gayest timeline?

>USB 3.1 gen 2 a.k.a USB 3.2 gen 2 a.k.a USB 3.2 gen 1x2 a.k.a 10Gbit/s

Why can't they just write the speed on the connector? And maybe the Amps.
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it gets even better when you think about usbc.
>usbc, this ubiquitous connector that was supposed to 'just work' and replace usb since it works no matter how you plug it in as opposed to the usb superposition
>instead of being force tied to a standard (ie. 3.1/3.2), it's just thrown in as a general connector and tossed on anything in usb2/3/whateverthefuck form instead, with no consistent spec behind it at all
usbc was someone's monkeys paw, surely.
dont forget the arbitrary voltage/current capability per cable
vaguely covered by the "no consistent spec behind it" part there.
>240 Bewertungen
yeah I wouldn't buy there
you're right, that isn't even nearly enough Bewertungens

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>PAR2's been most useful for me on DDL sites and Usenet. When one RAR out of 50 has corruption, bam PAR2 fix.
Does dev gonna release PAR3 at one point?
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kot bump
Sabnzbd handles it all for me
>Data recovery if the storage medium goes bad.
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Kot bump

say something nice about him
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looks like somebody got DFC'ed
for anyone reading, here is a good way to de-coomerize:
>watch porn today
>watch porn 3 days from now, nothing in between
>watch porn weekly ONCE
>watch porn monthly
>watch porn every 3 months
>stop watching

worked for me.
Is he a Gnome user?
>is the single most comfy+practical pose the human body can do
>makes you useless after middle age due to back pain
the spine was God's greatest joke

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>Currently work IT help desk level 1
>Earn ~$65k/year
>Applied for level 2 position, was a ball of nerves, and got told that my answers were more technical than they were looking for
>Coworker who joined level 1 a year after me gets the position
>He has CompTIA A+ cert
>Have started studying for it

I feel like I make a decent amount of money currently for my position. However, level 1 has started to become mind numbing with how repetitive it is and hearing employees bitch about "THIS IS A PRIORITY, I CANT DO MY WORK" (99% of the time it's not) and other day to day absolute retardations. Bosses are alright and benefits are great so I have that going, but I'm starting to perform somewhat worse as I'm getting tired. I still somehow seem to perform better than most of my coworkers without trying so that's cool, but I feel stuck and lost. Losing the promotion also really sucked as I feel I was genuinely qualified for it, just didn't perform well in the interview. Any advice? Sorry for the rambling, just kinda putting thoughts in.
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I've talked to a lot of you supposed geniuses and have seen you get lost on hilariously simple stuff
Go back to ur cubicle and code lil bitch boy monkey
Why stay in tech support? Why not go to sysadmin or specialize in another field?

If you're making 60k, and can bump it to 100k in 2 years, why not?

Fuck Cisco, just do the Network+ unless you're looking to work with cisco gear.
Ditto for Juniper/JNCIA.

Learn Windows Sysadmin (you probably already have a little bit), learn how to take proper notes and documentation, markdown + git = success.

Starting from 0, I would go A+ -> Network+ -> Security+ -> Specialize in a specific field/aread through doing personal time projects if my current position does not allow for developing those skills on the clock
My printer stopped working, go fix it peon

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the absolute state of Linux
>adopt Rust into codebase
>suddenly a need for BSOD
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I bet it can be disabled. Linux is big on having options in the kernel.
Ever heard of psychological projection, you webshitter?
You troons can't stop me from writing my own kernel. Keep seething.
how do you expcet to make a kernel in a high level language, you should swith to c
>I say this as a hobbyist myself, who should NOT be allowed to write a line of kernel code.
Linux is a hobby OS for hobbyists. The trillion dollar corporations that want free labor should look elsewhere.
> I'm doing a (free) operating system (just a hobby, won't be big and
> professional like gnu) for 386(486) AT clones. This has been brewing
> since april, and is starting to get ready. I'd like any feedback on
> things people like/dislike in minix, as my OS resembles it somewhat
> (same physical layout of the file-system (due to practical reasons)
> among other things).

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The A18 Pro chip from the iPhone 16 Pro when compared to the M1 is:
> ~40% faster in single-core performance
> ~3% slower in multi-core performance
> ~10% faster in GPU performance

how long until Apple brings back the cheap base "MacBook" for $699 with an A-series chip?
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> Nigeria
> ~10% is "Unknown"
nani??? what are they using, Ubuntu mobile?
funny because Netflix could just optimise their shit software and probably triple the battery life of all those devices
how? By creating a new magic video decoder that runs efficiently on 100 different chip architectures?
following your logic, Samsung doesn't want to sell their notebooks?
Likely some old phones no major OS from Google, Apple or Microsoft. Simple dumb phones or maybe feature phones using proprietary OS.

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shit's fucking hard

i have a bachelors, 8 """certifications""", and work experience and I'm getting blank stares in interviews from HR roasties.

my favorite interview so far was being asked to do leetcode problems for a linux sysadmin position by some woman who has no idea what she's doing, and when I said no she just ended the call without saying anything and ghosted me.

my second favorite interview was applying for a windows sysadmin and getting told slowly that it's actually a javascript developer position, with zero windows administration involved. When I was asked if I knew any javascript I said no, but I could learn it easily- then I was cut off by saying how I would be unable to learn javascript by the HR recruiter doing the interview.

TL;DR how do I navigate sociopath women in positions of powers so I can feed myself?
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You're giving them the ick.
>in IT
Go back.
So many 4chan memes...
the thing is I chose a career I was somewhat built for without greed, so everything you chinks say is bullshit
I just wanted to get paid a meager sum to write a few lines and go eat ramen not this 100k rat race gayfest
>So many 4chan memes...
because US richfags buy these for fun to torment their goyim lol

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Will your fav language get you a job?
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No, the chart shows solely open positions. If there are 5 trillion rust positions and solely 20k are open then it's a highly saturated market. Meanwhile if php had all of its positions still available it'd be fairly easy picking to get a good job.
How the fucking are there so many python jobs? Is it all some data science gigs?
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landed one today so yes
We are so back
Wait, why is java higher than javascript? I thought javascript was more used and popular.

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