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Why is his agenda shilled everywhere on the internet right now?
because you touch yourself
Dunno, Xi Jinping maybe.
peter thiel
that's moot
elong muskrat
Because he's better than you.
because he has the money to shill his agenda everywhere on the internet right now.
from wikipedia
>gay, FBI informant
because of his backing of trump and because leftists have this grand conspiracy about thiel trying to become an american king or something
if it's shilling then it's paid, so you have your answer
if it's unpaid it's not shilling
Maybe because he's god? Idk
What’s his agenda OP
Recognize you can’t answer this without giving the appearance of shilling
It's official then, God is gay. Can't argue about the constant surveillance part though.
>Why is his agenda shilled everywhere on the internet right now?
He's putting out feelers for 14 year old boys that he can fuck up the ass.
Transhumanism, feudalism/authoritarianism, and mass surveillance
>authoritarianism, and mass surveillance
how is he justifying it?
Because most Americans reject the WEF tranny communist deathcult ideology and instead prefer freedom.
Freedom to rape kids, maybe. AmeriKKKans are pure evil.
There is more, that's not enough. that's like the ideology of most niggers today.
Child grooming and castration are being made illegal. Sorry castrated baby.
It only matters what the elites are pushing for. If you're into the castration ideology WEF elites, then I sure hope you don't sleep sound as the new admin will go after evil people like you.
That fag would enslave you the minute he could. no different than the libtard elite
>Tranny trying to both sides as a coping mechanism because Americans rejected your cult
Hey, it's your life if you want to spend it bowing to someone else. but don't suck me in to your lifestyle.
>the detransitioner is shitposting again
Imagine having your mind forever warped by grooming, pathetic.

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