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>all device with batteries in it will blow up, globally if israel falls
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well, the hospital system would be overwhelmed for a bit, but at least we'd finally be free of the botnet's control for a while. too bad that's not going to happen because that required tampered batteries.
As long as the jews only blow up devices in mudslime countries, I really don't care how many "innocent" civilians are killed
How sad of a life do you have to think that meal is unhappy?

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/rust/ - Dedicated to the discussion of anything Rust related.
Rust is a programming language designed to ensure memory and concurrency safety while attempting to be as fast as language like C and C++.

## News ##
A Re-Implementation Of The EROFS File-System In Rust Has Started - https://www.phoronix.com/news/EROFS-Rust-Code-Starts
Military researchers ask industry for ways of translating legacy software automatically from C to Rust - https://www.militaryaerospace.com/trusted-computing/article/55138748/software-c-to-rust-translating
"Prossimo" has worked with a consultancy group called Immunant to convert the AV1 video decoder 'dav1d' to Rust. https://www.memorysafety.org/blog/porting-c-to-rust-for-av1/
Google says replacing C/C++ in firmware with Rust is easy - https://www.theregister.com/2024/09/06/google_rust_c_code_language/
Changes to `impl Trait` in Rust 2024 - https://blog.rust-lang.org/2024/09/05/impl-trait-capture-rules.html
Announcing Rust 1.81.0 - https://blog.rust-lang.org/2024/09/05/Rust-1.81.0.html
Programs of the 9th edition of RustConf announced! - https://rustconf.com/programs/

## Learn Rust! ##
The Rust Book - https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/
The Rust Book (Abridged) - https://jasonwalton.ca/rust-book-abridged/

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LMAO, only a crackpot can believe that is readable or maintainable.
Pure mental illness.
>although the output is mirrored
Literally just reverse the lines before collecting them.
.map(|i| (3..39)
.map(|x| ((f64::from(x) % 22.0 / 3.0).cos() / 5.0)
.mul_add(-15.0, 16.0)
.map(|x| (x < (33 - i).into()).then_some("@@@").unwrap_or("```"))

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Show us the version in your shitlang in which you make it way more "maintainable" by introducing 4, 5 variables into scope and a bunch of new functions while being 10 times as slow.
It's a Rust implementation of cunny.py:
print("\n".join(reversed(["".join(i) for i in
list(zip(*reversed([["```"] * j + ["@@@"] + ["@@@"] * (32 - j) for j in
list(map(lambda x: round((2.7**(x % 22 / 3 * 1j)).real / 5 * -15 + 16),
range(3, 39)))])))])))

Also a Clojure version:
(->> (range 3 39)
(map #(-> %
(mod 22)
(/ 3)

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Why do third worlders love AI slop so much?

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for me it's electrolux
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>be front loader
y u do dis
How do I properly clean the filter thing in the bottom right?
Won't it release water as soon as you open it?
Skill issue.
speedqueen > *
They usually have a small pipe or flap to place a bowl under, you have to slowly unscrew the filter to let out the water before fully removing it

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Right after installing Linux mint I kept getting an error saying "vendor request failed", (didn't write down the error number). i shut down my PC and rebooted, but now my PC instantly shuts off when I boot into mint. Booting in win 11 works just fone! I even tried redownloading mint, creating the install on a CD, but my PC insta shits off. What do?
You're using a usb wifi adapter huh
disable secure boot in bios
>Tech support threads should be posted to >>>/wsr/
Disabling secure boot didn't work

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The ultimate social media if Facebook and Twitter join together.
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[XXX] Mark Zuck-zuck and Elon Muskl: Metaverse Rocket Explorers
How many of those accounts are dead or duplicates? I had over 7, everybody I know had at least 2 or is making a new account every couple of years
X Book
third impact

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>using sudo
I use run0; additional disk space used after installing arch linux: 0 bytes
Also, since base-devel is a requirement to install software from AUR, and sudo is a dependency of base-devel, you WILL have sudo installed anyway. I'm wondering if they will drop this dependency at some point.
skill issue
run everything as root for minimal bloat, optimally most programs as kernel modules for maximum performance, avoid userspace

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Are you excited Apple sisters?
mine is out for delivery as we speak
I took today off work just for my new phone
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no really
same shit. phone already peak and plateau. Nothing interesting anymore.

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Gnome shell is an absolute disaster but ebassi is not even a contributor to it. He contributes to gtk and glibc and is de-bloating them while telling people to fuck off.

He is dare I say /ourguy/ and if there is someone we should be executing it's Bastian Nocera.
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>more fluid and responsive than anything else I've used
So you never used anything else?
Any DE that is still on xorg and has compositing disabled is faster and more responsive then GNOME, by the very way of how they work.

And from the Compositing enabled DEs, gnome is the bottom of the barrel.
kwin is much faster than mutter
>severely mentally ill
Correct. And that has been the case for 21 years:
At this stage, I consider mentioning Gnome on a CV of a blot.
That's the issue, retard.
Anyone neutering GNOME is based, but fucking with GTK is a sin.
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>gnomes don't even notice this noise as they keep playing their instruments
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CDE also looked good. Too bad it has a huge security hole, still unplugged in the open source release.

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Does that mean I should be worried?
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your friends thought it would be funny to put c4 explosives in your phone then called it to make it blow up.
The fuck do you mean 6 million you fucking antisemite? Do you think taking off a zero from the real number is funny?
yes, they are still pretty funny
Shut up nazi. For every /g/ post, 100 jews die in horrific ways.
Are you an enemy of the state of Israel?

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I have a project idea for you nerds.
I need an app/extension/whatever software to sync watched threads, (you)s, and read posts between KurobaEx and 4chanX.
No, I will not pay you.
You'll do it for free and put it on your resume.
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No. I don't think I will.
That sounds nice but you'd first need buy-in from kuroba and 4chanx maintainers that they will actually use it.
>on your resume
Not fond of the homeless lifestyle
Call it webdev and mobile application dev experience. Do you think anybody will actually check out your github?

Never obsolete.
Look before my works ye mighty and tremble
It's been obsolete forever but inertia is a bitch.

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How often do you vacuum clean your PC?
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There's always one isn't there. Jesus fucking christ on a bike.
I take it outside and blow it with a hair dryer on the cool setting a couple times a year
1-2 times a year i will blow it out with my air compressor.
skill issue. been doing it for 20 years without issue.
>in pc
I have a case with dust filters.
It will die or become fully obsolete long before dust become a problem.

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The only original framework created fully in rust is a buttplug library that lets you link your plug to discord so others can make it vibrate
what the fuck?
all the game plugins lmfao

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Once Shader Model 7 is released, DirectX 12 will accept shaders compiled to SPIR-V.


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Why are there memes in this blog post?
Vulcan just run better,
it gives proton and easier time
they never manage step 2. they tried with their android emulator which they cancelled and wsl is next on the chopping block
>mobile is king
That's not true at all. There are plenty of reasons to not release on mobile. You would understand this if you weren't a zoomer who only uses mobile apps.
> choosing microshit apis over vulkan
Switching from Dx12 to Vulkan isn't an issue if you have half a braincell and see the actual market value in releasing on a platform that doesn't support Dx12.
written in part by a w*man

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