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ITT: we post irrelevant deprecated artifacts of the ancient world

I'll start
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Damn, it has a shit ton of packages
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Hey w tf LaTeX what RKS lamo
>project package.json 100MB node_modules sooo bad lmao webshits
>cryptic poorly documented boomerware on OS level installing 6 million random packages you even won't use, totaling multiple gigabytes big brained and academic science
nigger should learn about markdown
he requires a stinger missile to hunt a fly
maybe dont recruit retards next time
>bloated and stupid
>not easy to setup bindings
>setting up bibliography and references not as easy as in latex
> just install one package
> no errors
> bibliography easier than latex (thanks zotero)
> you can share the file with people around you

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>had to settle for a m1 instead
how do i cope? ig i like the fact that it has no notch, but the screen display quality, battery and two speakers instead of the 4 that the m2/m3 have made me feel like i fucked it up, plus i used linux before so prob gonna end up putting asahi on it.
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I guess even Macniggers need their hugbox threads once in a while
>inb4 le poor
Says the cuck buying the 4 year M1 planned obsolencecore prooooduct
There's nothing planned to be obsolete about the M1. If you're buying it new it will last you many many years even today.
update: gonna return it for a m2 today, dog bless having autism
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there is no equivalent to macbooks

macbooks have:
>soldered SSD/RAM/WLAN
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
>when pajeetOS runs out of RAM it swapfile rapes the SSD to death within 3 years
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
>when the SSD dies it bricks your entire currybook because the EFI is stored on the soldered SSD to save $0.05 on a dedicated chip
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
>riveted keyboard that requires total destruction of the chassis to replace
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
>serial numbered battery that prevents boot if you replace it yourself
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs
>screens so fucking shit they have over 90ms response times (essentially 10Hz)
doesnt exist on 99% of PCs

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tldr im still buying a macbook

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what is the point
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I only condemn Russia for helping the allies instead of the axis.
You must be 18 to use this website.
Whenever I make an account or view something on github, I'm presented with the tranny ideological discources. So I have no choice in the matter. If you've converted to tranny religion, you accept this as your new reality, but for someone who didn't buy into the cult, I see it on all websites, on all TV, on all movies, on all companies, as part of work force propaganda, in schools.

I just saw the Olympics opening. Its right there on the screen for billions to consume this cult programming.
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Um, software?

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I still find this more impressive than chatgpt.
Mostly for the fact that it knows what it's doing and why.
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prove that it doesnt.
For starters it knows what the purpose of the game is. Rather than just guessing what it's likely to be
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>For starters it knows what the purpose of the game is
It is saying that because others have already said this.
Alpha go and alpha zero after it were making strategies nobody has ever seen before.
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>It is saying that because others have already said this.

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>falls to 6th place in Chinese market Q2 2024
>gave up to $300 discounts during the same period
>cuts iphone prices in India
>crawls back to China to beg Chinese users to buy iPhone 16
Btfo much?
Itoddlers btfo
It's ovah

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what's a relatively affordable thing <$500 that will moderately improve the comfort of my gay ass life? a roomba?
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Just open your window you get the benefit of fresh air and light.
<$500 of VTSAX
>t. knower
water gun is much cleaner (and you can stick it up your ass if you got constipation)
nalgene water botte
okay i need constipation NOW

I'm don't really know much about the cybersecurity and hacking scene, so this seems like an enigma to me.

A lot of black hat or threat actor websites operate on the clearnet
Sites like breachforums and raidforums were on the clearnet, and both of them got seized by the government.

Why dont they only operate from TOR? It's a good thing that this makes them easier to catch, but why would they operate in the open like that? I don't understand why they would do that.
Do they think they wont get caught, do they not care?
SOme of them do have onion addresses in addition to clearnet addresses, but i wonder why they have a clearnet at all.

Does it just take the FBI a long time to catch them?
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I'm a fed lawyer, and I can say that everyone in my agency is freaking out over Loper Bright (the case the overturned Chevron). Not saying that necessarily means that things will get better, but it's certainly got my fellow bureaucrats rattled, at least until we can figure out what to do going forward.
>My theory is that anyone who would be smart enough to have enough OPSEC to not get caught, is also smart enough to find easier and more legal ways of earning a lot of money.
in the US, yes, for sure. in russia, given there are no legal repercussions for hacking/stealing from westerners you can make way more in cybercrime than a software dev job
its probably bad that they overruled that.
it's odd that /t/ is still around though
>I'm don't really know much about the cybersecurity and hacking scene
It shows

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this is from Feb 5, 2024 you dirty stinky gorilla nigger
but 2 minute papers just released a video how am i supposed to find these papers without someone feeding them to me like im a little baby who can't do anything alone
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i hate that channel because it is always reporting old shit as new
Pretty cool. What are the other advancements to usher in total paint pig death? Controllability, better fine details, hands etc.... what else?

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Bryan Lunduke confirmed NOT JEWISH
he is a thief and a liar
Here is proof of him admitting of being 100% white an 0% jewish
He looked like a freshly turned 30 year old twink in 2016, he aged so poorly

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Is there really no way to toggle the volume by increments less than 6% at a time? There's no apps that actually work to fix this. I heard Samsung phones let you do it but mine's not a Samsung.
This is so fucking stupid. Why not just allow more granularity?
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>be me
>have players with recessed volume wheels
>issue still happens
This is why you still had belt clips/holsters for these things.
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I miss meth, and drugs in general desu
t. guy playing a ppsspp game on a 4080 super/7800x3d
This is retarded, and you would not be complaining if the volume functioned exactly the way it does now, with the exact same granularity, but they just divided every number by 6 when they showed it to you, so that it starts at 1 and goes by single increments.

Think about it, you're not actually complaining that it goes up by 6% what you're complaining about is they chose to use a scale from 0 to 100 instead of 0 to 16
You are assuming that volume scales are arbitrary and proprietary.

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previous >>101523983
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Self build routers is best.
>They're just tiny computers with really old CPUs,
Also the base system is some kind of random Linux or Android with god awful scripting to make it all happen.
>I’m talking about the typing the device IP in and going into its settings to be clear.
The web interface you click around, that's all scripts running on top of some HTTP server. It can all go wrong in so many ways.
Humor yourself and SSH in if you can.
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Very very fancy routers don't rely on CPUs much when it comes to routing. That's why it's called "networking hardware" lmao.
>Quad core processor, 1GB ram
That's relevant when doing services - running programs - like serving files or running some complex DNS setup. Or Tor node even. Even the router's web interface adds to this.
That's just downright incorrect.
Which part?
Fancy network part? Yeah well idk if any consumer NAT boxes do that but just saying.

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Now that this is flawed and pozzed, what the fuck do we do?
No, IRC is not an option, and no self hosted bullshit. Stuff that you can use with family.
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Again the answer is NO. I propose my new question, now: How do you know it works as people say it works?
>Who cares if you believe me or not?
Obviously, YOU DO. Here you are seething, because I said I don't believe you. Kek
u didn't shit nigger where's the evidence?
can't find the whitepaper anywhere, perhaps you know where I might find it?
can I be a state enforced bf to my tranny overlords
>t. sexless outcast
>Again the answer is NO
Braindead subhuman
> How do you know it works as people say it works?
I trust those entities who audit Signal with that. Simple as. Again, none of us is tech-literate enough to audit Signal's protocol, therefore our only option is to take the word of someone who is for that. This applies to all other apps like that and unless you want to go back to sending OTP messages with telegraph or short wave radio, you are kinda forced to do the same.

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they cropped off the top rankings: C is $300K starting, any job I want
Aren't these ancient tech? Must be super rare job
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For me it's PowerShell, Bash and C++ with a little dabbling in Go.
sumpremely based

Good software doesn't need constant updooting
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anything that runs on an os is in that category tho
NEETs won't have anything to teach us either. Their ideas are too far removed from reality to be relevant.
even a newbs hello world depends on several frameworks
the kernel
the DE
the terminal
probably a couple more things im not thinking about
or further subdivisions
a strict NEET, yeah
bc with enthousiasts thats at least one e thats dropping, and often two even
Sorry but I always update. That is why Linux has a package manager that constantly updates your software. Nice try though, Fed.

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