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what is the point
ban all political discussion in github projects
Global homo and removing 4channers from your project(s)
Because 4chan is, primarily, a pro Russian site, dedicated to praising Russia and east in general, this kind of thing filters out le ebil chuds. Plus it exposes you as a member of LGBT which means BONUS marginalized points!
This, you can't force people to think the way you or others do
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It's like GNU+Nigger but it repels chuds as well. Pretty based if you ask me.
There area lot of troons here and are more radical than your normal 4chin chud
>It's like GNU+Nigger but it repells whites and attracts jews
virtue signalling
Does that mean banning github itself since it promotes tranny and communist ideology?
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See? This guy doesn't even know what the project is and it's already working.
There are 5,999,999 (less than the holocaust) trans people killed in america every day and you want to ban discussion? Literally a nazi.
She just gets like this sometimes.
No one is forcing you to do anything. If you don't agree to the terms of the license, don't use the project.
it gives them the ability to sue you for lotsa money if you don't comply. they know you won't comply. they need the cash really bad. free money.
Honestly I don't care about the project. But they are just setting up for failure.
>forks it
>or its source code, for any purpose in any shape or form
Fuck is tranny gonna do?
>Because 4chan is, primarily, a pro Russian site, dedicated to praising Russia and east in general
Speak for yourself Ivan.
Glory to Arstotzka!
Don't you stop thinking about trannies any time?
you can still use the software btw it's just words and noone in the world actually cares what you think
I wonder how fast a repo would be deleted if you replaced Russia with Israel and Ukraine with Palestine
Why do the axe-wounds suddenly care about Ukraine? Slavs hate trannies and beat them up on the street whenever they encounter them.
The TV told them
>open source is communist ideology
yes, we all know you want to pay out the fucking ass for basic software, look where ibm is from their endeavors of of making first party software packages for their line of mainframe computers
You can and that's the most effective way to change people's mind.
It wouldn't. Stop trying to be oppressed.
GNUv3+NIGGER is literally illegal
Kek, please tell me how they'll stop me from using anything? They can't
I only condemn Russia for helping the allies instead of the axis.
You must be 18 to use this website.
Whenever I make an account or view something on github, I'm presented with the tranny ideological discources. So I have no choice in the matter. If you've converted to tranny religion, you accept this as your new reality, but for someone who didn't buy into the cult, I see it on all websites, on all TV, on all movies, on all companies, as part of work force propaganda, in schools.

I just saw the Olympics opening. Its right there on the screen for billions to consume this cult programming.
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Um, software?
post cunny fag
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OP is a Discord user, by the way.
>verification not required
im scraping lewd content
thats called "ultracuckold sign"
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The point is to support total zigger death.
based. fuck ziggers
making special snowflakes like you seethe
By using this project or its source code...
> You will pay tax.
> You will support lgbtqbiarustc++ community
> You give a consent to sterilize your son
> You will let somalis fuck your wife and daughter
> You agree to give your house to everyone who needs it whenever they need it
> You condemn you will not own anything, because ownership is theft
Cry more vladimir
Cry more vOlodimir
scratch a liberal, etc...
to piss off asiatic warmongers and their brown supporters
>get banned from most western services
>still allow westerners on sites like rutracker
are vatniggers the biggest cucks?
if you combine these terms of use with the +NIGGERS license you'll repel all pol retards and all corporations
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>eurocucks and anglosissies try to sanction you
>do nothing
>they keep buying from you anyway

Russia, or better say USSR KGB created "palestinians" and risen it to the biggest welfare shithole together with western (and israeli) leftists. ukranian case is not gazavitian case

regarding "Terms of Use" i see no point. lefty choice those who speak positive juice and that spurs further burocracy. its better to tell your point than present attitude demands. theres russians with good attitude in russia, but they are part of their economy and produce % for military. attitude is important but not everywhere.
they are simply more kind than greedy western kikes
I rusheart all anti fascist patriots
quintessentially american post
oh so you're a porn addict as well. even worse.

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