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Now that this is flawed and pozzed, what the fuck do we do?
No, IRC is not an option, and no self hosted bullshit. Stuff that you can use with family.
I don't have friends and don't speak to family (why would you?), this sounds like a you-problem.
>No, IRC is not an option, and no self hosted bullshit. Stuff that you can use with family.
Don't think so little of your family. I am certain they can use a web front-end to IRC like TheLounge or Convos. They won't even know it's IRC.

Signal would not be allowed to exist on its current scale unless it was lawful intercept by design, as Moxie knew all too well.
>Xshitter thread

>as it is easy for sophisticated attackers to target a victim who's using the Mac app and see their chats.
How it is fucking easy to clone local files on Iphone? and if you already have access to the system (root) what the even point of it

TLDR yo mama pozzed
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god I hope this gets good one day
>flawed and pozzed
Not sure if paid anti-signal shills or just brain damaged /pol/tard
Is excellent as is imo
Has anyone tested and evaluated, themselves, the encryption capabilities of this app; how it works, that it really works? Does it also encrypt VoIP communication?
whispr.im seems promising
Tell more
It's not the app that's the problem, it's the people that shit talk it's use that are the problem.
It's a great app and concept.
Yes, I'm aware.
Does service fingerprinting. That's a FUCK NO
Cannot demonstrate how and if E2EE actually works. GTFOHWTBS
>Has anyone tested and evaluated, themselves, the encryption capabilities of this app; how it works, that it really works? Does it also encrypt VoIP communication?
Didn't some murderers use this to communicate their murderous intentions only to be arrested for the murder based on said communications?
no iOS support renders it useless (unless you're actively avoiding talking to itoddlers)
Gonna be honest I never bothered with briar so I know nothing but surface level stuff about it. Why isn't it good yet?
>made by trannies
>2 out of 3 developers are black hat
>literally has no reputation and no branding
>"The Whispr Fundation" (foundation doesn't even exist)
>Device fingerprinting
>no whitepaper, no documentation on how it works

you're probably one of the trannies from the team faggot
go kill yourself
do you ever stop thinking about trannies?
Auditing it on your own is pointless since the vast majority of people is not tech-literate enough to do so, therefore you have to rely on 3rd party audits. here is a list for signal.
Retarded take. No encryption, even one-time pads, can help if you or your contacts get compromised in another way (malware, physical extortion etc.). In this case you need to reevaluate your threat model and think beyond just using an app.
>black hat is... le bad!
>i only want developers who work for TLAs!
Obvious SimpleX
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>Question: Has anyone tested and evaluated, themselves, the encryption capabilities of this app; how it works, that it really works? Does it also encrypt VoIP communication?
>Answer: NO, just "druzd duh eggzberdz", because you're too stupid.
I evaluated source code, and looks good to me for day to day messages... consider also that I'm better expert than listed by previous anon (at least for you), do you happy now?
>I evaluated source code
I don't believe you. Please provide evidence.
Nigger, people like me and subhumans like you have very little knowledge about all the cryptography and mathematics behind Signal, therefore looking at the code ourselves is fucking pointless. You have to have negative IQ to not get it.
>attacker literally needs access to your system
uh sorry bud but in that case your chat history is the least of your concern
Just use matrix
good joke anon. but really what should op use?
Matrix wouldn’t be so bad if they wouldn’t have made there stupid server in python and everyone uses the same server so it’s super slow.
Matrix, simplex, briar and similar apps are for troons and complete schizoids. Apps like Signal or Telegram are good enough for most people but there is a big chance that your contacts do not use those. Just use what normal people use (whatsapp, messenger, discord etc.) and talk about sensitive things in real life. Do note that messenger and whatsapp nowadays have e2ee, so its not like your messages are sent in plain text there.
Who cares if you believe me or not? You asked if someone did it and that was the answer
sheesh what a retard
>Now that this is flawed and pozzed
switched to Session and Element couple years ago
Use case for communicating with people?
>Apps like Signal or Telegram are good
Again the answer is NO. I propose my new question, now: How do you know it works as people say it works?
>Who cares if you believe me or not?
Obviously, YOU DO. Here you are seething, because I said I don't believe you. Kek
u didn't shit nigger where's the evidence?
can't find the whitepaper anywhere, perhaps you know where I might find it?
can I be a state enforced bf to my tranny overlords
>t. sexless outcast
>Again the answer is NO
Braindead subhuman
> How do you know it works as people say it works?
I trust those entities who audit Signal with that. Simple as. Again, none of us is tech-literate enough to audit Signal's protocol, therefore our only option is to take the word of someone who is for that. This applies to all other apps like that and unless you want to go back to sending OTP messages with telegraph or short wave radio, you are kinda forced to do the same.
>pweeees pweeees daddy can you show me the evidevi?
look who is pathetic worm samefagging that hard? I truly believe u r the one who is shchetoing
What's wrong with matrix
Inbetween session, briar, and jabber. Don't have any idea how to setup jabber, but that seems the most "private" one.
this is exactly the "vuln" that those israelis found a couple years ago
>if I have physical access to your phone I can read your signal messages
wow such security breach
the important difference is that we have to trust messenger and whatsapp to have e2ee, but can check that signal and other OSS messenger apps do
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Knew it was snake oil the moment I saw they asked for a (((phone number))).
E2EE is now obsolete on phones embedded with AI chips.
yeah these cve theoreticals that are just "we have full access and with that can exploit it" are embarassing "we have the linux sourcecode" tier larps
SimpleX is the only thing that seems to actually improve on Signal's technology, but it has terrible UX
>Expects to be taken seriously
requires phone number
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The only non-pozzed private messenger.
You just have to accept at this point that privacy and internet use are completely incompatible. Just don't use them. Get a flip phone without GPS, and force people to call if they want to communicate. Practice brevity on the phone.

That's literally the best you can do.
waste of trips you dumb nigger. you aren't important, you have no friends, if you did, you wouldn't be asking these dumb ass questions.
one of the bugs in the OP has nothing to do with centralized or p2p messaging, it is purely a state issue.
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>I trust those entities who audit Signal with that.
I druzd duh eggzberdz beguz I'm a fuggin redard who gannod underzdand audidz gan be vaked

You fucking moron
>our only option is to take the word of someone
Retard how exactly do you think you're refuting what I'm saying? You're making my point. You retards have not examined and tested the claims made and literally trust whatever the fuck these people tell you. Thank you for making my point you fucking moron
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SimpleX combined with Orbot. Make it onion-only, always send through private relay mode, no fallbacks, and preconfigure other settings to privacy-maximum, and you have a good little chat that beats Session whole handedly. SimpleX will send big files! Call (voice & video) is good quality, and will be either ICE relayed or direct P2P (so beware that). SimpleX and Orbot are both available for itoddlers so there's that. I emphasize you will need Orbot with SimpleX for anonymity, you (IP) are not hidden from the message/file exchange servers by default. It is private and secure, but not anonymous, by default. Get Orbot with it.

There are always Briar and Cwtch, but they are never coming to itoddlers.
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glowing itoddler logoff
according to who?

No, I'm not going to visit your twitter links.

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