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asm chads rise up
where is that one Erlang anon? you were right!
I thought Nim was meme
wtf is this
Rust trannies on suicide watch?
>PowerShell 13.8%
When will it be year of the Ada programming language?
C#bros, we're eating good tonight
>Average of $10k drop in median salaries across all disciplines save 3
Just 4 curious does anyone really using Visual Basic as work(aka for living)?
ruby and rails dead in the water. ouch!
>JavaScript most popular
Because the site is full of fucking Indians and this is proof
People who use Ruby on Rails are highly unlikely to be answering StackOverflow surveys.
Virtually every traditional engineer that doesn't have access to developer environments, but has access to Excel.
wtf is Apex?
trans goon xister, we winning
My thoughts are I don't care. At all.

But I better look because some of the lifeless sweaty nerds I work with will care for some reason.
t. Ruby developer
t. actually didnt participate in survey lol
Where's C?
Clojurebros, we’re rich!
It’s not on grindr
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Damn c++ beat the hell out of rust eat shit rust sisters.
Always remember, do the opposite of what /g/ says. Anything /g/ considers a meme or a "neet" language is actually the good choice
Seems that people have a low expectation of zig and elixir but then are very impressed after using them. Any users of these languages wanna chime in?
Really makes you think
I am not sure what those percentages mean but I am figuring the "admired" amount is based on those who have actually used it or something whereas the desired amount is more reflective of people in total.
If that's the case then such languages not being very desired just means people don't know about them or haven't had a need to use them, but for those who do use them they are liked.

Anyways I have been programming Zig for a few years now and it has replaced C and C++ as my primary language of choice.
It's quite great and pretty much unbeatable in terms of speed and safety for a modern high performance language.
This is in contrast to something like Rust which sacrifices performance for safety which makes it undesirable for applications that really want the most performance similar to the design philosophy of C.
Main downside though is that it's a new language, so the language is constantly evolving still (not 1.0 yet where things will be solidified), more compiler bugs than more established things (so not recommended to use in production), poor documentation and few learning resources compared to something like C which has been around for decades. That'll all improve in time though.
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My languages c# powershell and zig
MATLAB bros, it's over
>That'll all improve in time though.
few more decades and it will usable and up there with C
Pains me to see Swift so low, it's actually a pretty sweet language
thoughts were thought, nothing's new

JS / Python / PHP


Java / C++ / C

others mostly have a specific field of application or fall into above general purpose, like PHP does HTML/CSS/SQL/C or can generate shell scripts, JS does HTML/CSS even closer as it operates in browsers
Those top 6 entries are the people who think AI is going to replace their jobs.
Durgasir, I kneel.
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These are the median salaries? Holy shit that’s grim. I make double this doing an 80% programming job with intermediate Python and C++ knowledge at a hardware maker, you CS chuds are fucking retarded lmao.
they cropped off the top rankings: C is $300K starting, any job I want
Aren't these ancient tech? Must be super rare job
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For me it's PowerShell, Bash and C++ with a little dabbling in Go.
sumpremely based

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