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I still find this more impressive than chatgpt.
Mostly for the fact that it knows what it's doing and why.
Al Faggo
>Mostly for the fact that it knows what it's doing and why.
it doesnt and neither does chatgpt
prove that it doesnt.
prove that it does.
prove that it doesnt.
For starters it knows what the purpose of the game is. Rather than just guessing what it's likely to be
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>For starters it knows what the purpose of the game is
It is saying that because others have already said this.
Alpha go and alpha zero after it were making strategies nobody has ever seen before.
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>It is saying that because others have already said this.
I find chatGPT infinitely more impressive because it demonstrates that robowaifus are on the horizon
they were making things that looked like strategies but werent
I still have no idea how to play this shit.
It's pretty easy to start, but strategy is opaque to learn. It's a very abstract game so a lot of lessons and explanations are also abstract or proverbial. It's a great, great game. Learn to play on OGS.
when will ai stop falling for the obvious (human detectable) tricks that exploit its assumptions about the other player's strategy? pretty sure all of these still have outlier failures if the opposing player does strategies no ordinary go player would do, explicitly intending to trick the network.
this. ChatGPT is a good chatbot
chatgpt is disappointing not impressive...
Prove that it does please
if it actually played by selecting a strategy, then it would need magnitudes fewer computing cycles to select its moves.
These failures modes were discovered by an adversarial AI. Potentially you could use this adversary to generate training data to fix these failure modes. Problem is that requires work and katago the most popular open source AI is worked on by 1 programmer. Fineart is worked on by a team but I don't know if they still work on it.

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