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Reminder that generation beta (born 2025 and onwards) will be baby ducks for Windows 11 in the 2040s. In fact women are already pregnant with the first batch of beta babies right now. As an oldfag who has seen multiple generations of "nostalgia" being posted on 4chan and other baby duck hangouts, I will look forward to seeing more baby duck cringe as the "window of time" keeps sliding forward. Linux is just as bad. All the Wayland drama is deja vu for the Xfree86 vs Xouvert vs Xorg fork war back in 2003.
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I fell for this baby duck meme and it was a huge mistake. The entire thing was a psyop to get me to upgrade and collect my data.
There is nothing wrong with Windows 10
Sir, this is /g/ not /pol/, where /pol/tards belong
>As an oldfag who has seen multiple generations of "nostalgia" being posted on 4chan
guarantee you're not an oldfag. anyone who screeches or mentions they are. aren't.
>Baby duck
>implying people will use anything as long as it was around when they were young
No you have to have good design decisions. People go on and on about windows 7 because it had a lot of good design decisions. People who nit pick about it don't get that nobody cares about the whole transparency thing on windows and just used it normally without any issue. Windows 7 was the culmination of the best designed windows. Notice I didn't say best programmed. Windows 8 may have technically been better, but they sacrificed good design for marketing novelty and ended up just having a hard time getting people to switch. It is why they moved back to the windows 7 look in windows 10. The problem with 10 was it started adding ads, connected search to the internet and tried to shoe horn Cortana onto everyone. It was usable, but took more work to get it working well. Now 11 has come out and once again windows shows it has no confidence in its design and just jumps to what apple was doing. MS forgets that one of windows strengths is that it isn't an apple product and that it is actually different. If they become apple it just makes them inferior apple.

Holy fuck it just keeps getting worse. Are we even going to have a tech industry left in the west by the end of this decade?
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Probably not lol
>it's a law that companies have to make profit by any means necessary
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no they want us to work in construction and factories and (((le trades))) for 18 bucks an hour (on a good day)
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>by any means necessary
What would be a wild law if it existed. I'm sure C-levels interpret it that way.
You schizos are living in a bubble. The normies are being laid off, and they're just as pissed about the dwindling jobs as your unemployed ass is.

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Three computers edition.

>Free beginner resources to get started with HTML, CSS and JS
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn - MDN is your friend for web dev fundamentals (go to the "See also" section for other Mozilla approved tutorials, like The Odin Project)
https://web.dev/learn/ - Guides by Google, you can also learn concepts like Accessibility, Responsive Design etc.
https://eloquentjavascript.net/Eloquent_JavaScript.pdf - A modern introduction to JavaScript
https://javascript.info/ - Quite a good JS tutorial
https://flexboxfroggy.com/ and https://cssgridgarden.com/ - Learn flex and grid in CSS

>Resources for backend languages
https://www.phptutorial.net - A PHP tutorial
https://dev.java/learn/ - A Java tutorial
https://rentry.org/htbby - Links for Python and Go

>Resources for miscellaneous areas

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>annoying language
no-argument bitching
better than being "terse" with a million different runes that compromise any readability
>directory structure 180 billion levels deep
skill issue - learn to use an IDE
>programmers are scared of code, so they chop the business logic into a zillion different files because "clean code" so I never know what is going on
skill issue
>OOP shit.
skill issue - filtered by OOP
>Boring, uncreative
that's how a language is supposed to be. the creative part is what you use it for, not what quirky bullshit the language itself does
>and the build systems SUCK (they can't even say what maven IS).
skill issue - that's not a problem of the language
>that's how a language is supposed to be.
strongest java sir user. Who wrote this, a middle manager?
I don't know a thing just gathering meme things to learn.
continue that path and you won't be able to work on anything in the near future. frameworks change. always, drastically, frequently and quite a lot. the thing that they (badly) manipulate which is the web consisting of html, css, js gets extended only.

learning a framework without understanding the web is going to make you keep re-learning framework after framework after framework. learn the web on the other hand and you'll know all the frameworks...
Ok how do I learn the web sir

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any apps to boost productivity? or force me to do something productive?
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https://goblin.tools and meditation basically solve this
shit as fuck actually this app
This doesn't happen to anyone though.
first use of Ai that's actually useful
buy an ad

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Can tech jesus be stopped?
>calls out a company
>suddenly all the shill "partners" come out as they don't wanna be associated the company anymore.
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Hey Linus I bought your screwdriver can I get a shout out?
EK has factories in China too. Dongguan EKWB iirc
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Linus, let it go.
The man that single handedly exposed Linus and LTT as a sexual harassment den of rapists.
>kills Linus Tech Tips
>kills ek

Gamers Nexus for president.

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I remember using an old Toshiba laptop running XP for video conferences back in the 00s and my mic's sound was crystal clear.
Now whenever I see videos on Youtube or hear people doing voice conferences using the integrated mic it sounds like they are fucking under water.
What is this shit? Are the mics now shit or do modern systems and programs come with way too aggressive noise cancelling by default?
>Are the mics now shit
cameras too
we have $149 smartphones with both cameras and mics better than $3000 laptops
Why the fuck is literally everything getting worse?
>we have $149 smartphones with both cameras and mics better than $3000 laptops

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How popular is GNU/Linux amongst Japanese people?
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i've eaten goat's brains in the past (not great)
that shit looks rank
why people care about japanese when it comes to technology?
it isn't like they invented anything /g/-related, I mean they did, but 99.99% are still white inventions
so why do weebs care about what japanese do with the technology invented by whites?
super worthless to me
Japan, stuck in the early 00's since the 80's.
I think that the person who made moebuntu is a jap

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>intel has backdoor
>amd has backdoor
they really won isn't it ?
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And you have a backdoor that I want to see.
>low-effort thread
As always
>muh genocide
You palestirats are funny, you're the real deal.
they have even worse undocumented backdoors, sometimes an Anon pops up saying "yo guys why did this invalid opcode not throw an exception?" and the answer is always "you just found the opcode for a hidden backdoor instruction Anon."
Also the "much worse backdoors" are in things that the average /g/edditor doesnt even know exist, not just the cpu processor but the fucking fpu and the igpu and fucking everywhere dude.
It is all pozzed, burn it with fire.
>be disk firmware dev
>decide to embed a wireless port >>100267785
and a small os in it
>every time when you are requested to give information about your interrupt vector and your model and stuff you go, connect to the internet and send the entire drive to a hardcoded ip address
>nobody can notice
it is that stupidly easy
>but that would stick out
you dont know the technology the chinks have access to man, think again.
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I'd backdoor Marin if you know what I mean

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I just did another google search with like 50 results at best, that's it, fuck this piece of shit. Any engine out there that doesn't suck cocks?
skill issue
if you weren't so adhd and app-obsessed you too could attempt to find something, scroll the search results, and quickly find yourself at the end of the alleged 100,000 that don't exist and possibly never did.
I don't think so, I'm used to adding/removing words and all that shit. Most results is literally just the same shitty well known websites, its disgusting.

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It's so over, bros. What else am I supposed to do now?
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Now. Now. Now now now now now. Nnnnnnnnow. Now. Nowwwwwwww.
Move on. You have just been relieved of a burden.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

update your mirrorlist
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we're SO back
>Dopamine levels powered exclusively by bash
Lol. Lmao

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which one is better?
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Embedded and end devices: Tensorflow
Anything else: pytorch
But raw c++/c ports of models are superior, you're too stupid to use them tho.
update arch, stable diffusion shits itself cause they updated to python that doesnt support pytorch
>He doesn't use virtual environments
Thanks for exposing yourself as a brainlet kek
I just don't like being vendor-locked into one GPU company.
False. Competent people use both and more depending on the project. I sometimes refer to octave for "extra help"

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AI is the work of Satan. The apocalypse is fucking coming.
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True, we can't just blame Satan for everything.
>this thread
man how the fuck did /g/ become this
Yes. 6 is the number of the beast. Futa is a corruption of the divine forms of man and woman.
Newfags hit enter twice.

This is an example.
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go back

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I don’t have anywhere to vent. Isn’t the purpose of internet forum to venting out?

How can anyone like programming ?

It’s incredibly boring and tedious. All you do is write instructions all day and I can barely manage to do it for 1-2 painful hours most. I can’t imagine doing it 8 hours everyday.

At the same time i want to like it cuz remuneration promises a decent life. Especially if ur middle aged and without decent education.

Im stuck in a loop where i can’t drop it because it means coming back to low tier wage jobs and low life prospects. I also unable to do it cuz it’s just to tedious. Don’t see a way out. People say there are a lot of ways to make a decent living but I don’t see them. At least when u don’t have decent college education and i’m too old for one.
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its just not for you. Find something else to do in your downtime to offset such a misery while finding something else to do for a living.
I'm not a dev by trade but I do write programs form time to time. I don't like programming on itself, but producing useful stuff is nice.
good. leave and dont come back. you are not only driving down wages for us but also forcing yourself to do something you dont even like doing. nobody wins. become an electrician or something instead
>It’s incredibly boring and tedious
Ah: Bad mindset.
In any context, whenever you catch yourself thinking "this is tedious", rephrase it to "this is therapeutic".
Everything boring and tedious feels a lot more comfortable afterwards.
Its like how golf is only fun when you get good enough to break 90.

Are they worth it? I'm tired of laptops being made to break with terrible support and companies going out of their way to make them impossible to repair
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Point me to those laptops that have the same processing power and are half the price of the framework
are you retarded or something? How is a 15W processor from 2018 going to not be more efficient than the 35W processor in my shitbox from 2012?

Yeah I'm currently using an i7-3520M which is dual core, and 35W. What model of processor would be quad core that I can use as a replacement? This might be worth trying to extend the life of my laptop a bit.
I don't actually want something newer. If I could I'd still be using my T40. They seem to just get worse and worse except for the processor, which I wouldn't even need to upgrade if not for software bloat. I still do the exact same things now as I did on XP with a Pentium M and 1GB of memory except now I need new hardware to do it.
Buy a thinkpad x230 and install heads. Write protect the flash chip. Put nail polish on the screws and take high resolution pictures to ensure signs of tampering. Do NOT use a HDD or SSD. They have DMA so a malicious firmware could do a lot of damage, use of USB is preferred since they do not have DMA. Completely remove the microphone, sound card, webcam and the WWAN card from the laptop. Remove the fan to prevent binary acoustic data transmission. Replace the default wifi card with a supported atheros card. Disable wifi when not in use, preferably by physically removing the card. Make your own independent Linux distro from scratch. Most Linux distros value convenience over security and will thus never have good security. Your only option is to make your own. Use musl instead of glibc, Libressl instead of openssl, sinit instead of systemd, oksh instead of bash, toybox instead of gnu coreutils to reduce attack surface. Enable as little kernel modules as possible. Use a hardened memory allocator. Apply strong SELinux and sandboxing policies. Restrict the root account heavily to make sure it never gets compromised. Disable JavaScript and CSS in your browser. Block all FAGMAN domains in your hosts file. Monitor all network requests. Do not use a phone. Never speak near anyone who owns a phone, they are always listening. Never use any non-corebooted technology made after 2006. Never leave your devices unattended. Tape triple layer aluminum foil all around your room as tempest shielding. Type really quietly as defense against audio keylogging. Use ecc ram to minimize rowhammer and rambleed. Encrypt everything multiple times with various different encryption implementations. Compile everything from source. Use hardened compilation flags. Always read through the source before installing something if possible. Only use the internet when absolutely necessary.
same poster i got mine for $300 used from a friend. i would still consider framework to best new laptops outside of silicon macbooks if your into those

Why are boomer programming jobs so hard to find now? Things like assembly and low level c programming are almost nonexistent. Everyone said that as boomers retired these jobs would only become more in demand because zoomers aren't learning low level programming anymore, but it's just the opposite now. Those all became extremely competitive positions that you can only get through nepotism now. Why did /g/ lie to me?
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How are they job offers? Internships are specifically restricted to college students who haven't graduated yet.
I feel like companies consider it a solved problem and something for just system creating organizations to care about: Microsoft, Apple, Nintendo, Sony, AMD, Intel, Nvidia and the volunteers in the Linux space. They have their own teams and they have no incentive to hire new people, they have become an expensive hidrance unless they're foreigners. Anyone making new software will deploy it in the cloud, and even then, is there anything new to make? If there is, it's probably in university research, not industry jobs.
because market demand is always result of human needs that are 99.9%+ braindead cattle who cant notice that things look slow, ugly, unresponsive and too stupid to look how much cpu cycles/memory something uses so all the hardware progress in last 20-30 years went towards optimizing for profit efficiency instead of performance efficiency, why make something in C/ASM if u can make it 5 times faster in Electron? to a 60 Hz monitor laptop normie the performance and bloat hit is irrelevant since they cant notice it and if it takes 10 minutes they can just watch tiktok on phone.

tldr: all software is designed with target audience of subhumans psychometric and hardware latency in mind that massively lowers quality/performance of it
This is true. Developing more important software tends to pay less than developing shitty goyscript website #98756782398462784. The learning curve is much steeper, you actually have to learn how to be a proper programmer, and the payoff is that the job is more secure once you learn the system. But you're going to make crumbs compared to the average SF soiguzzling gapejak working at faceberg or whatever the fuck
>tfw i regularly use assembly and know low-level details to a ridiculous extent because i write malicious software but because it's not (((open source))) employers don't care
their loss i guess

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