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Buy product.

prev: >>101499193
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If I wasn't a poorfag I would
I can only splurge around 150 CAD and the Huntsman V2 and BW V3 fit the budget
Huntsman then I guess. It has the snap tap thing that's allowed in tournaments (so far).
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Does the V2 have it? And I heard there were some issues with it being recognized as a controller and interfering with actual controllers, so I want to make an informed decision
Don't own the board so idk, but last I heard it was the "huntsman line" so maybe? Go ask their support or something.

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Previous thread: >>101528991

>What is DALL-E 3?
It's a text-to-image generator made by OpenAI.


AI Slop

>How does it work on Bing?
In Bing's Image Creator, "boosts" are used to speed up the image creation process, each user starts with 15 boosts. When you use a boost, the AI creates your image quickly. If you run out of boosts, the image waiting time can increase, usually if you refresh the page you can get the picture earlier.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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90s lofi neonoir comicbook retro manga in the art style of Shinichirō Watanabe, comely young woman (white skin complexion, auburn hair, wearing disheveled urbancore techwear) driving a spaceship.
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Good night bump.
(Opps, wrong pic.)
Orcish Aegon wasn't bad, though.
I actually thought about that only after I posted... Yeah, it'd be nice.
Nice, I posted the last picture without noticing it as usual. I've already baked this one, if anyone else wants to bake, please do.

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uBlock cant block youtube ads anymore, the jews won
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where do i copy paste this?
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Settings ---> my filters
thanks bro, i just did it and for now i tried a few vids and no intro ads so far

is this a temp fix tho? why wouldn't ublock devs put this in the main filters?
Not sure. It just works for me and that's good enough until the next update rolls around
Nothing to do with IP
Also the site owner can pick the default feed from PubSubHubbub

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i look completely subhuman on the android camera while on an iphone it's like looking in a mirror, and similar to a real camera
how am i supposed to use dating apps with an android?
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Shut it camera nerds with his "full frame" sensor
i already told you the issue lies in the phone you chose not android you fucking retard
giving technology to iq<70 niggers unable to comprehend lens is the world's foremost mistake
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>chudcel brings iq out of nowhere
it is the root of your problem

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Why are you so goddamn poor that you can't afford this?
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Why the fuck is no one mentioning Asus? Who the fuck is that retarded to buy from that piece of shit company? Same goes for MSI and Zotac.
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I bought a 7900xtx and it had coil whine so I returned it. My 1080ti doesn't and I have no idea why the 7900 was making that noise.
What brands do you guys have and is it quiet?
If you are getting a AMD GPU, why not get a AMD CPU?
just lucky i guess
ill be alright dont worry about me
So jewvidia will probably announce a new GPU around October, what about AMD?

I need a new GPU

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Are people actually able to stand their phones having no always on display? Talking about you moto
For it to be efficient it needs to be OLED at least.
i always turn this shit off
not everyone wants to stare at their phone screen all the time anon. I only look at it when I actually need to use it.

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Suppose i need 100+ email accounts. Wont be possible to create that many in gmail since today they ask for phone verification and most 2 accounts per number.

So, can i setup my own email server, buy a domain and create my accounts?

I read on the internet that a custom email may be autofiltered by gmail, outlook and so. Is this worth trying?

>inb4 just use the same for them all
Not possible, i need a channel for each one, otherwise i might respond to someone trying to talk to bot1 thinking they wanting to talk to bot2.
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in my country you can easily buy a sim card a fill it up with a special code, you might be able to do the same, or just use outlook and restart your router every so often
i dont get it
the world should be burning right now
or are people on average really retarded enough not to go read up on the things they would want to do?
nitration is one of the simplest chemical processes, and you dont even need to read a book to understand the concept of a circuit closing

thank god for making us that retarded i guess
(btw, this goes to show just how dangerous high school science teachers really are. dont EVER EVER EVER mess with a sci teacher. he will nerve gas yo ass without a second thought)
>how the fuck is that allowed?
>it completely defeats the purpose of introducting sim activation with ID
*anarcho capitalism.
chyna, the land of iphone factories and and suicide nets would see no problem with putting a literal gps chip in your literal ass if it would advance the goals of the party.
not saying it is right, but the state has a vast amount of power if it wasnt ruled by private corporations

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>he is still writing new software in C
>he writes software in the latest fad language that won't be supported in ten years
>lust provoking webm
>irrelevant time wasting bashing of a popular language
>yandex doesn't find anything
Uhhhhhh, Help? Source?
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>he is still writing new software in C
That is one ugly wife

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>The life of two Boeing Starliner astronauts stuck indefinitely in space
>Astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams blasted off for a short trip on June 5. Almost two months later, they’re still in orbit
What kind of technology could bring them back to earth?:
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Please wait 3 business days.
The serious answer is that they could call up Ol'Musky to send up a Crew Dragon capsule; those have been working fine for years now. One of the major reasons NASA contracted two companies for their capsules is specifically so they would have a back up option in case things went wrong with one.

The more amusing answer is that NASA should have pursued the MOOSE (Man Out Of Space Easy) system, and had that ready too.
>What kind of technology could bring them back to earth?
thoughts and prayers

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For those of you that have been archiving for years, random files, movies, books, personal backups, phone backups and so on, when was the last time you ever looked at even 5% of it all? I ask because I'm a serial archiver and I'm tired of having so much shit.
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I often go back looking at it, old pages, blogposts, articles, threads, images, videos, etc.
I archive only things I care about though, the garbage should be forgotten (this is the philosophy of 4chan too)
>random files
Those may be the most useful, but they should be properly tagged.
>movies, books
You can always download those again, keep the ones you care about.
>personal backups, phone backups
Organize your files properly and keep one backup upgraded incrementally.

Quality > quantity
for niche software and game mods archiving was the correct choice
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There real reason for hoarding, at least in my case, is things becoming inaccessible or very difficult to get. It's like a spare tyre: you hope you won't ever need it, but you keep lugging that extra weight around just in case. Even if you ignore all the stuff you've made yourself (that is thus unique), someone has to keep the files somewhere, or the phrase "nothing disappears from the internet" doesn't hold up. If you have the space, keep the stuff that is interesting to you, as well as things you want to watch/read again.

I personally go though it slowly. If I don't like something, it goes in the "out" folder. It is difficult to judge what is good and what you (will) like at times. I am by no means hardcore, however, so I might not be seeing the same issues you do. Sometimes, the hoard does feel like a burden, but at the same time it's also reassuring that I won't be bored for a while even if they decide to rape the internet or something.
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>"nothing disappears from the internet"
biggest lie ever peddled to my generation. i realize that it was told in an attempt to stop horny teenagers from posting nudes online, but the damage done is that people honestly believe that the '"internet is forever"
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the truth is that data you put out could be completely gone, or in some hoarder's cold storage to be reuploaded on his death by a friend. You don't know, and conveying that is a bit too hard to someone who doesn't even know what a server is.

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Today I learned you can just erase the login password on linux
just wait till you discover that you can set /bin/yes as your login shell
now discover full disk encryption

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The current version works fine so far on my end.
They are adding a new recommendation engine you can see it being built on the github.

Tubluar is the worst fucking pajeet garbage that never works. why anyone here ever shills this shit is beyond me.
i switched over to peepee
Maybe there is an inherent difference? Newpipe lets you watch as you download and skip through the timeline, while yt-dlp just downloads the entire video.
Pipepipe is much better than tubular dude get with the times

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>gets fixed
>youtube breaks it the very next day
Is it over??
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Get a job then
bruh look at all the other threads on here. there are literally like 10 clients you can use. just figure it out d00d.
this thing used to let me download any video at 1080p
then someone along the way one of the updates made it so the max is only ever 480p
so i stopped using it
Where can I get blender tutorails then?
read them instead of watching them

any writers here? https://www.crowdsupply.com/zerowriter/zerowriter-ink
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>No gimmicks
fucking lmao
more like no features
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Except it's not a computer and probably doesn't even have any typesetting feature
There are other devices with a screen on a flat surface. You got bitch neck
not true. The generic brand ones are called electronic paper screens
this looks so fucking bad

>animation system: broken
>ik: broken
>c# api: broken because of gdscript garbage legacy api abstraction
>file handling limited to extreme levels because of Juan's kikery
>gdscript = garbage
>physics system: broken
>i added a voxel lighting system that no godot game uses
>also gay buttsex flags in our discord
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What's the use case for being mad about it? Just don't use it LOL.
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>best language
>intuitive ecs
>best performance
>fast updates
>friendly community
>pedantic autistic trannies who make sure everything works perfectly and is designed right before pushing
come home
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and no flag
>this is not gonna be compatible with raytracing yet no one use raytracing in their videogames with a few exceptions in AAA games
Christ, what a shit excuse he's giving

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