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>The life of two Boeing Starliner astronauts stuck indefinitely in space
>Astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams blasted off for a short trip on June 5. Almost two months later, they’re still in orbit
What kind of technology could bring them back to earth?:
>What kind of technology could bring them back to earth?
media reporting
space is fake and gay
Chad stuck up there with a brown woman, imagine the smell.
imagine trusting this company to put you into space and bring you back
Yeah it's pretty obvious they're boomer-ran trash, why would anyone associate with them at all, let alone in that fashion
>stuck in space doing useless experiments
I'll get them down, Boeing. That will be one billion dollars, please.
20 million dollars. Take it or leave it.
200 million. I pm'd you my bank account details.
Ah man, I thought it was just them 2 stuck on a rogue spacecraft and the strongest was gonna have to eat the weakest at some point. They're on the iss ffs.
Elon Musk should volunteer to help
Probably a fancy kind of parachute or baloon
That would make for nice horror movie plot.
Please wait 3 business days.
The serious answer is that they could call up Ol'Musky to send up a Crew Dragon capsule; those have been working fine for years now. One of the major reasons NASA contracted two companies for their capsules is specifically so they would have a back up option in case things went wrong with one.

The more amusing answer is that NASA should have pursued the MOOSE (Man Out Of Space Easy) system, and had that ready too.
>What kind of technology could bring them back to earth?
thoughts and prayers
>paywalled link
Why don't they just jump out of the space station and use a parachute to safely get back
This seems like a good idea
The problem is that they have to stay there if it's fixed to fly it back retard
>linking washington compost with a paypall page
this board is literally the most reddit board on the site
>What kind of technology could bring them back to earth?:
Flush down toilet?
Wouldn't they be eating up the supplies of the rest of the astronauts? Since they were only supposed to be there for a week.
you are asking dangerous questions goyim.
imagine being the poor bastard that has to live test this.
aren't there russians on the iss that have been up there for like a year or more?
just come down with them. catch the next bus.

how did america get so bad at space?
*breathes deeply* Space elevator.
You're right, I wonder how much supplies they have left in the ISS given the fact that they've had two unexpected freeloaders for two months now. If Boeing doesn't get Its shit together we might be seeing a huge catastrophy for all the astronauts from the ISS soon
Only an absolute imbecile (that is to say, Hollywood writers since they don't know shit) would provision any kind of ship with "just enough for the planned mission and not one ounce more"

NASA adds redundancies upon contingencies upon extras upon "just in case"-es.
Just fall back to the earth

According to the NYTimes this is fake news, guys. Don't worry. They wouldn't lie to us.
>NASA adds redundancies upon contingencies upon extras upon "just in case"-es.
If that were the case they wouldn't be stuck there in there in the first place.
>how did america get so bad at space?
Stagnation, and it is all over the West, just more visible with the US.

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