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Suppose i need 100+ email accounts. Wont be possible to create that many in gmail since today they ask for phone verification and most 2 accounts per number.

So, can i setup my own email server, buy a domain and create my accounts?

I read on the internet that a custom email may be autofiltered by gmail, outlook and so. Is this worth trying?

>inb4 just use the same for them all
Not possible, i need a channel for each one, otherwise i might respond to someone trying to talk to bot1 thinking they wanting to talk to bot2.
>So, can i setup my own email server, buy a domain and create my accounts?
you can, but most likely nobody will ever receive your messages.

>Not possible, i need a channel for each one, otherwise i might respond to someone trying to talk to bot1 thinking they wanting to talk to bot2.
with gmail you can get emails sent to either username+bot1@ or username+bot2@ (or username+anything@) to the same username@ inbox and organize them accordingly
>So, can i setup my own email server, buy a domain and create my accounts?
it's possible and some people do it.

>I read on the internet that a custom email may be autofiltered by gmail, outlook and so. Is this worth trying?
You'll probably need a VPS ,because lots of email systems won't talk to any residential-provider IP ranges. There's a lot of other be-your-own-sysadmin stuff involved with running a mail server. They make you jump through a ton of hoops for anti-spam reasons, and you have to be on top of security and prompt patching. They're also very suspicious of brand-new domains. But if you're willing to go through the work you can have your own email server.
Why? Are you sure this is the correct solution to whatever XY problem you are trying to solve?
>There's a lot of other be-your-own-sysadmin stuff involved with running a mail server. They make you jump through a ton of hoops for anti-spam reasons
Virtualmin+webmin installed on a base debian system lets you set up email with essentially one click, and you don't have to do any of this stuff, it's all configured already (including DNS stuff if you just set it up as your nameserver)
you do thoughtever
nta but you need a phone NUMBER
not necessarily a phone in itself
Don't listen to anyone here saying it isn't possible. I briefly (~6 months) had an email set up on a pretty obscure tld running off of a VPS and was able to send mail to gmail accounts. Took me about 3 days from set up to successfully receiving an email from the server in my gmail inbox. The thing to remember is if there exists an optional authenticity/security-related feature, your server MUST have it. DMARC, spf, the whole 9 yards if you want to send to gmail. If you want to host from your residential, make sure to have fail2ban and anything else to block spam, once web crawlers see any of the email ports open you will be bombarded with traffic. Good luck.
you can buy gmail accounts for cheap on the internet
since you seem intersted in the subject
is there a way to buy sim cards?
All free services didn't work last time i tried. And as soon as you input a taken/blocked number gmail starts wasting your time with captchas.
If you got any suggestions that are free and will actually work, why not post them?
They verify the number is legit by sending a code via text message, moron
>why not post them?
because they work only until they get blocked

youre gonna have to do the legwork yourself, anon
yeah but probably reused ones that even were used in criminal activities
theres also the angle of finding an email provider you can use to verify your gmail, but who is more lenient about the fake numbers, or doesnt ask phone verif at all
There are services for that that will relay them, kinda like 10minutemail.
E.g. quackr.io
But with large services like chatgpt, whatsapp or gmail all the numbers will be taken already.
>You'll probably need a VPS
i can run a poc on a local vm then if it works rent a vps
the same websites that offer free phone numbers tend to offer paid ones also.

You can order them in bulk from amazon,
or get a phone number directly from skype
doubt it, niggers are selling thousands of accounts in the format of userbane348957@gmail.com
i doubt even a noticable percentage of them had any use beyond being created and logged into once or twice
If you don't want an actual gmail account, then its no issue at all. Get cock.li or whatever (which is blocked everywhere) and use simplelogin to relay mail to you.
and you can buy card you can activate yourself

how the fuck is that allowed?
it completely defeats the purpose of introducting sim activation with ID
most people arent autistic enough to buy a shit ton of sim cards
>autistic enough
its not what im talking about anon
a sim card is a remote kabumbum
its the entire reason we have to activate with ID today
im a white hat-ish and thats why im so horrified with this discovery
buy a demain on godaddy and use godaddy to register a shit ton of email accounts
in my country you can easily buy a sim card a fill it up with a special code, you might be able to do the same, or just use outlook and restart your router every so often
i dont get it
the world should be burning right now
or are people on average really retarded enough not to go read up on the things they would want to do?
nitration is one of the simplest chemical processes, and you dont even need to read a book to understand the concept of a circuit closing

thank god for making us that retarded i guess
(btw, this goes to show just how dangerous high school science teachers really are. dont EVER EVER EVER mess with a sci teacher. he will nerve gas yo ass without a second thought)
>how the fuck is that allowed?
>it completely defeats the purpose of introducting sim activation with ID
*anarcho capitalism.
chyna, the land of iphone factories and and suicide nets would see no problem with putting a literal gps chip in your literal ass if it would advance the goals of the party.
not saying it is right, but the state has a vast amount of power if it wasnt ruled by private corporations
if you're trying to do nefarious stuff just buy a bunch of verified gmail acounts from a forum

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