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Previous thread: >>101528991

>What is DALL-E 3?
It's a text-to-image generator made by OpenAI.


AI Slop

>How does it work on Bing?
In Bing's Image Creator, "boosts" are used to speed up the image creation process, each user starts with 15 boosts. When you use a boost, the AI creates your image quickly. If you run out of boosts, the image waiting time can increase, usually if you refresh the page you can get the picture earlier.

>New dall-e proxy

>Landscape and Portrait regeneration
Follow the instructions here:

>Prompt Generator


>Related Boards
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Dalle dweebs lost so hard its unreal
nice 1gorl though
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what's your password?

>when she's in the mood but u tryna work
There's a contest?
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"Bitch, I'm on patrol duty."
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Need more hellhounds in my life
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Elven family at the beach.
Off-topic, furry content... Would you kindly fuck off to /trash/?
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Can someone draw a Arabian jihadist with a cyberpunk gear in a anime vintage style

I've got plenty of girls done up like that, no dudes though.
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Be the change you want to see. Press 'Create' button.
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Simple illustration in the style of Robert Gillmor, minimalist fines lines, satured colors. Heron among the reeds at dawn. Detailed background.

I almost managed to reproduce (after many try) art style of Robert Gillmor. I've been looking for a solution for a while.
In one's head, everything is possible.
You might need to check out what counts as furry.
Yeah this new change is very silly, I make a tiny change to a prompt and it spits out this
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This was the previous thing it spit out, I added one word to the prompt lol
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It's almost more insulting than the dog, honestly.
I'm wondering if it's something that they're A/B testing.
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I really doubt it. If that were true, there would be some regions where it doesn't work. They don't A/B test content filters.
Sadly, the prompt is unstable. By the way, Gillmor s part of the list of artists whose art style I try to reproduce with Briton Riviere (success), Arthur Wardle (success), John Gould, Mark Catesby and Cecil Aldin.
how is something like the OP image made? I have DALLE, what exactly do I tell it to try and recreate that?
Give the image to chatGPT and tell it to make a prompt using the image, then tell it to give you the prompt. Then splat that into MS designer with whatever changes
I think that at least some tests, like the one done for the landscape/portrait feature in Designer, were done an per account basis. No idea whether it's realistic to tailor the filter for each individual account, some people have claimed for a long time that some accounts are less dogged than others, but I can't confirm it myself.
Getting exactly a certain style is a bit of mess with this thing, but I wish you good luck.
You could try to ask it on /v/, I got the picture from there. But the author didn't appear inclined to share prompts, at least when I saw that one, iirc someone tried to ask it for either this picture or another in this style.
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why is AI still allowed, is there any end in sight?
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>some people have claimed for a long time that some accounts are less dogged than others, but I can't confirm it myself.
There's an easy way to test this, just make a new account and run the same prompt 10 times. Same amount of dogs? It's a placebo. The RNG nature of the beast just does that sometimes.
There haven't been enough Humpos made yet, the work is unfinished
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right, so there may come an end?
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Here was my first attempt

90s lofi comicbook retro manga, clouds blue sky desert, woman disheveled robe jeans carrying rifle, hawk sitting on hand
I think once there are enough humpos, they might just turn off AI
humpo saturation levels must rise
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This is a "net tanktop"

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