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any writers here? https://www.crowdsupply.com/zerowriter/zerowriter-ink
>shitty small screen
>tilted text
>case made of low quality 3D printed shit
>nothing on keyboard keys cause i'm so cool and quirky
>completely useless redundant product that isn't any more comfortable than a laptop or notebook
and this shit costs like $300 doesn't it?
why are hipsters like this?
so its like a computer (everyone already has a computer btw) but extremely shit and less useful
rip neck

how much is it? like 30$ right?
holy shit what a fucking terrible design...
why the fuck is the display flat with the surface of the keyboard?
Why is the display canted 5 degrees to the right?
Why is there a microscopic cup of coffee in this picture????
What's the use case for this over a laptop?
Wasting a trust fund on something other than a MFA.
people with too little willpower to concentrate on what they want to write in the presence of distractions, notifications, the internet, etc. Why they don't just turn those things off when they want to write for a while idk, but they won't, they'd rather consoom a product.
Me. I went to the website but it doesn't describe the project or the device in good detail, what exactly is it?
It might have some use. Let's dig deeper.
How many versions of this piece of shit are people going to make and why do morons keep buying it? https://getfreewrite.com/products/freewrite-smart-typewriter-3rd-gen

paying $650 to get instant neck pain
my neck is fucked up already no thx
Better things to write with than this piece of shit:
>a physical writing utensil and a sheet of paper
>any typewriter
>a desktop computer running your favorite word processor
>a laptop computer running your favorite word processor
>any older computer that isn't being used for much else anyway
>a TV typewriter built by some boomer in his garage during the summer of 1976
>reed stylus and clay tablet
where are my diptych niggaz @???
so you're supposed to just lean over this thing and write your novel while destroying your spine?
products like this should be criminalized
>why the small screen?
more portable than a laptop
uses an e ink screen to save on battery
real keyboard unlike a laptop
What the fuck is that!? Who in their right mind would decide I want to type out anything on that shit!
I bet any amount it costs more than the Freewrite Alpha
Why cant we have fun gadgets anymore? Because people bitch about it
If you're easily distracted, no special gimmicky device is going help you. Even if you clear out your room completely, your mind would still wander. It's a non-solution to an internal problem.
It's a typewriter where you can barely see what you typed. It's not even a paragraph.
lol, let me just edit my novel on this post-it note.
He bought a raspberry pi and an lcd screen but I didnt know what to do with it.
Its big enough come on
If you type in 55378008 and hold it upside-down, it spells "BOOBLESS"
I know right?
They're so quick to judge, I keep encouraging them to dig deeper but they just call it terrible and leave.
Fuck off Adam, you absolute sperg. Go advertise somewhere else
I'm an illiterate smoothbrain but wouldn't dedicated arrow keys be pretty useful for something like this?
Obviously, if people don't like your product, it's not going to sell. Insulting potential customers isn't to get you anywhere.
I actually was going to come in here and shit on you op, but instead I will offer some advice.

Open source the entire project including the ESP32 code, the 3D print files and parts list and create a tutorial on how to make your own. I don't know what kind of power source you have but if thats the limiting factor on screen size then it needs to be larger.

If you attempt to crowd source this, you will just wind up pissing people off. Partner with some Chinese manufacturing company and sell those, give the plans away for free. Or don't, I don't give a shit.
Oh, we can have fun gadgets.
This isn't a fun gadget, however. It's a shit gadget.
>here is a picture of shit
>>wtf i don't want to look at that
>huh? dig deeper, you'll find something interesting, i swear!
>>no thanks
>why does no one like my picture of shit? it must be because people have become jaded!
this is you
>Has dedicated Windows/Cmd and even Alt keys, but no means to navigate across sentences
This is either investment bait or /g/ bait
Doesn't seem ergonomic to have the screen parallel to the keyboard desu
looks like a great way to get neck cramps and an rsi if you use this for any real writing. i know typewriters were cool but they were also big and elevated, with s piece of paper that pointed up.
i bet editing sucks on that thing.
i also bet trying to get whatever you write onto your computer either sucks or relies on a cloud service
Wow I can get an iPad and that retarded Magic Keyboard for what one of these costs.
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they haven't even announced a price

picrel, however, from another brand, is highway robbery. Hope they don't try to go this route and make it some kind of 'lifestyle' product.
Why are all those e-ink screens so small, are they expensive? Why not 12 inch low end laptop with all budget for screen?
>Hope they don't try to go this route and make it some kind of 'lifestyle' product.
There's literally no other way to market it.
The product is functionally shit, so you can only promote it as a hipster thing.
It's already open souced and not crowd sourced
Tax evasion and money laundering. Ever wondered why so many famous actors have wineries?
Anon, rich people almost never start businesses for money laundering.
They're 99.9% of the time purely for legal tax evasion.
Can't get taxed for money you already invested in things that make you more money, which can't get taxed because you already invested those returns on things that make you more money, which can't get taxed because you already invested those returns on things that make you more money, which can't get taxed because you already invested those returns on things that make you more money, which can't get taxed because you already invested those returns on
it absolutely isn't. i wouldn't be able to even see one whole paragraph without scrolling.
meant for
Just buy an Alphasmart Dana off ebay. At least it's made of polycarbonate and you don't have to baby it.
Distraction-free writing is bullshit. Get yourself some brain helpies if you really can't pay attention.
>so you're supposed to just lean over this thing
if you must, but if you're an autist writer it would be preferable look into nothingness with your back straight and visualize.
could cause some embarrasing moments at public though if a woman is hiding behind your projection.
nobody is stopping you from not looking at a laptop screen, so depending on your use case this is either the same or worse. there is no advantage for anybody.
people really just take pictures of anything and think adding coffee will make it look better
this thing looks pretty gay, why wouldn't you just use a typewriter?
I'd prefer a good big e-ink screen. E-ink is underrated.
Did none of the retards at this “company” think to put that little screen on a panel that can hinge up?
>lmao let them just do their best impression of the hunchback of notre dame to use it, it’s fine!
If I ever get fuck you money, I’m buying an eink monitor. I’ll need it because I’ll still be working, would be a godsend for reading specifications
>just print them!
One of them is over 10k pages. Even if I did have the time and resources, I need hyperlinks and Ctrl-F lmao.
Literally the only use case of a device like this is some roastie/trannie taking an instagram photo of xirself with it.

I mean even if you wanted to "reduce distractions" so you could write your "great novel" that still looks like shit. What is that lmao, a 40x16 screen? Back to the slop factory, melt it down for some new chink gameboys clones.
If you can’t write without getting distracted I suggest getting on Adderall like everyone else. It’s great.
e-ink is more expensive than LCD. But you an get a 10" Remarkable2+Type Folio or Boox Tab Ultra C Pro+Keyboard cover for that price point. Or you just get a cheaper 10" like the Boox Go 10.3 and hook up a normal keyboard via USB or bluetooth for half as much.
real writers use macbooks
>real writers
no such thing
all writers are fake and gay, NO EXCEPTIONS
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you can get a fucking 13 inch dasung paperlike for that price lmao
>400+ $ Shitware
>Mogged by literally any laptop so hard that it's not even funny.
>And I mean literally - a fucking refurbished Samsung Netbook bought for 20$ is slaughtering this shit along with it's onions-faced user. A damn Toshiba Libretto can rape his family.
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Because this isn't a fun gadget.
So you can type text on it, one of the most basic things "gadgets" have been able to do since the 19th century, and that's it. And it's somehow WORSE at typing text than 19th century gadgets, with that tiny, flat, crooked display and a horrible font.
In fact, it's probably one of the most unfun gadgets I've ever seen. The only thing that can make it even less fun is if you somehow hook it up to SAP.
>a 300 dollar version of an Alphasmart
>offers far fewer features
It's funny that it has a 5000mAh battery and can't manage a week's worth of usage thanks to bloat.

Meanwhile the old Neo would run for about 700 hours on a couple of AAs.
That's me. Concentration is difficult. If typewriters were still cheap bricks no one wanted I'd honestly pick one up but they're all hipster darlings now. I've got an old electronic typewriter someplace in the closet but at that point it's just an in between compromise and impossible to find ink for.
>concentration is difficult
>but I can totally write something cohesive and coherent longer than a paragraph guys
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Ah, finally perfect posture.
just use an old computer. that’s what tons of authors do. keep it disconnected from the internet and only install whatever you use to write.
>Get yourself some brain helpies if you really can't pay attention.
I don't want those. I might be a distracted retard but I don't want to be a drooling double-retard to boot.
it takes a while to finish but it's possible
You think amphetamines make you into a drooling retard?
>they'd rather consoom a product.
It's a lot less effort to just waste some money than it is to actually build a habit. Plus, you have the excuse that the reason wasn't that you were lazy, you just didn't have the right worthless gadget gimmick.
I don't know, I'm a retard.
hipster goyslop
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If that types ink over paper and it's not just a screen that looks like paper, then Not carrying your printer and laptop when you find yourself stranded in a deserted island after a plane crash and your boss needs you to print or fax him some documents real quick.
buy an ad you canadian faggot
This man fucks
why would anyone want this?
what about formatting
best poast
Just get an expired Chromebook, install linux on it, remove the desktop environment and just use Nano.
...or keep the DE and just remove the browser.
Write first, format second.
How long does the battery last? On this it has two days and my eyes dont hurt.
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Maybe it's the right use of free space on this writer.
Or stickers... who knows.
These wasted space left me a mysterious impression.
Its a cheap standardized e ink screen. if you want something custom wide or bigger it will being up the cost of this thing.
you can attack a family member or a roommate with this in a fit of impotent rage and be sent to a mental hospital
what's stopping me from plugging a keyboard to a bigger e-reader?
They reinvented the TRS-80 Model 100 from 1983?
I admire the strategic cup of coffee, marketing master stroke. I can already picture the millions of ''I HECKIN LOVE COFFEE'' hipsters salivating over this thing
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He already said
>reed stylus and clay tablet
A wax tablet is just a less shitty version of that.
There's like one company that makes e-ink screens. They're squatting on all the relevant patents. They're small and expensive because the manufacturer has no competition.
>No gimmicks
fucking lmao
more like no features
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Except it's not a computer and probably doesn't even have any typesetting feature
There are other devices with a screen on a flat surface. You got bitch neck
not true. The generic brand ones are called electronic paper screens
this looks so fucking bad
This is dog shit. Just use a computer of some kind.

Personally I use a pen and paper
unironically would prefer that
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You don't even have the willpower to buy a device that enhances concentration.
How did "Learn" work?
Handwriting is worthless for writers, these days. They need to write, then upload it to their editors.
sweet, a mechanical keyboard, now i can be extremely annoying in every coffee shop i sit in.
put emacs on it and I'll buy it.
Oh great, another raspi inside a crappy case with a horrendous form factor.
Ask on >>>/lit/
They’ll probably shit on it in new and interesting ways

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