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For those of you that have been archiving for years, random files, movies, books, personal backups, phone backups and so on, when was the last time you ever looked at even 5% of it all? I ask because I'm a serial archiver and I'm tired of having so much shit.
i only save information on other people :)
I refer back to stuff occasionally. The key to making your collection useful is proper organization. If all your shit is just timestamped files in jumble in one folder, you'll never even bother to look through it.
Yeah I do that too but like, when is anyone ever gonna want the shit I have?
let go anon, do rm -rf *
You should find a way to share your collection if possible. Archival doesn't mean much if it's not categorized, or if others can't easily archive it too. Also, archive shit that's actually likely to get lost, or you might as well be a third wheel archive-wise
>random files
Depending on the file I usually sort these when I get them but I may not ever look at them again.
I host these on Jellyfin, my senpai watches these so even if I don't want a film someone else might.
I can download these to my kindle or phone from anywhere, not the best at choosing to read but books take up so little space that there's no reason not to hoard them.
>personal backups/phone backups
I don't look at these usually, they're backups.
i'm a windowsfag due to baby duck syndrome
Today. Can you send me the info you have?
I often go back looking at it, old pages, blogposts, articles, threads, images, videos, etc.
I archive only things I care about though, the garbage should be forgotten (this is the philosophy of 4chan too)
>random files
Those may be the most useful, but they should be properly tagged.
>movies, books
You can always download those again, keep the ones you care about.
>personal backups, phone backups
Organize your files properly and keep one backup upgraded incrementally.

Quality > quantity
for niche software and game mods archiving was the correct choice
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There real reason for hoarding, at least in my case, is things becoming inaccessible or very difficult to get. It's like a spare tyre: you hope you won't ever need it, but you keep lugging that extra weight around just in case. Even if you ignore all the stuff you've made yourself (that is thus unique), someone has to keep the files somewhere, or the phrase "nothing disappears from the internet" doesn't hold up. If you have the space, keep the stuff that is interesting to you, as well as things you want to watch/read again.

I personally go though it slowly. If I don't like something, it goes in the "out" folder. It is difficult to judge what is good and what you (will) like at times. I am by no means hardcore, however, so I might not be seeing the same issues you do. Sometimes, the hoard does feel like a burden, but at the same time it's also reassuring that I won't be bored for a while even if they decide to rape the internet or something.
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>"nothing disappears from the internet"
biggest lie ever peddled to my generation. i realize that it was told in an attempt to stop horny teenagers from posting nudes online, but the damage done is that people honestly believe that the '"internet is forever"
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the truth is that data you put out could be completely gone, or in some hoarder's cold storage to be reuploaded on his death by a friend. You don't know, and conveying that is a bit too hard to someone who doesn't even know what a server is.
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Here's the best way to use a giant collection of anime girls, first of all set the gallery order to RANDOM so you can see all of them with equal likelyhood

next you can currate them, deleting the ones you dont think are worth keeping. This will force you to look at all of them and is fun

next you can comparison rank them using an algorithm like chess ELO or microsoft trueskill. which I leave as an exercise for the reader
what program
Its worse when you have ocd and trauma of losing things

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