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uBlock cant block youtube ads anymore, the jews won
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Not my problem.
good goy
Works on my machine
When all of you fags buy premium they will return ads and ask you to pay premium plus
why lie?


broken on every browser
NTA but it's working fine for me on firefox
Not mine, what other addons do you use?
I watched 3 long videos in last few hours and got 0 ads.
Idk if it's because of channels I watched but from what I've heard yt will still serve you ads regardless it's just creator won't get payed. I admit I might be wrong on this as I've been using adblockers 10+ years
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chrome pajeet detected
From what I've read it seems to be random "targeting" again. I've read somewhere they (YT) are selling it as antibot measure this time
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Works with YouTube Premium.
You use a script blocking addon don't you? If so you have to allow googleapis.com (probably jnn-pa.googleapis.com) on youtube.
>watching youtube
peak midwit
but where will i learn stuff like this then?

stop wasting your time on youtube watching "educational" videos
the absolute state of that subreddit lmao

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Chrometards BTFO
works on my machine.
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Works with troonfox

Chrome Tards BTFO ! Hahahahahahaha
It did it for me on librewolf too, it's wasn't ublock it was this >>101579001
In the back of my mind I secretly hope YouTube wins the ad war because it's the only way I'm ever getting off the site
jnn-pa.googleapis.com is already green in uBlock and i dont use any other addons in FF

what am i doing wrong?
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ublock? ads?
And it just freezes with a black screen like on that reddit page?
its very brave of you to admit that you use the absolute worse dogshit cryptominer browser that exists

no i just get 30 second ads of every 3rd or 4th video i click
I'd say try installing noscript and make sure only youtube.com and jnn-pa.googleapis.com are enabled.

have fun watching ten hours of ads, goy
Yeah same. I deleted all my Cuckflix subscriptions.
I'd be very willing to actively participate in a fight to make ads in paid products illegal.
works on my machine (chrome)
>Use Google's Browser
>Can't use AdBlock on Google's Websites anymore
>"Why is this happening?"

I sure wonder why Google spent all that money to create a browser and market is so aggressively, guise.
maybe read the whole thread nigger?
Google literally did the Animal Farm thing removing "don't be evil". Literal "but some animals are more equal than others"
Yes I am. Youtube is the greatest media platform ever created and I am happy to pay so scum like you can continue using it for free.
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It's over.

Soon all videos will be replaced by separate streaming files, and ads will be fully embedded in the video.
Image recognition AI will be needed to take screen captures, detect ads and mask them in the video and audio.
We need more GPUs and more fossil fuels.
Fucking bloat age.
The absolute most dogshit adblocker that even YouTube detects
works fine for me.
must be usual /g/tard's skill issue.
why do you retards even visit this board?
>t. firefox that never got updated
>Soon all videos will be replaced by separate streaming files, and ads will be fully embedded in the video.
I'm actually surprised they haven't done that already. I wonder if it's technological problem or legal that's stopping them.
Heh, the web browser of the future will not render and show you the HTML it receives, it will show it to an AI which then reconstructs the page as it would look if it wasn't ruined by advertising.

And then websites will try to jailbreak it and another arms race starts.
It would be funny if it wasn't so retarded.
I don't see why ai is necessary in your described scenario.
You already have games and other programs that use embedded browser
that just renders html onto the screen as if it was part of user interface.
Normally you can't access or change that html.
trannyfox and UBO still working. watching youtube now
Get a real browser, chromenigger
1. Go Back
2. Works on my machine (Firefox)
Works for me.
>b-but A/B testing!
I'll let you know when it stops working for me.
works on my mpv ffmpeg yt-dlp
how does this get set up? do you have to copy links over to mpv and download it to a disk?
>the jews won
I'd rather stop using youtube than let them win just like how I stopped using twitch
idk just works on my machine.
its literally Youtube testing the new anti-adblock thing
if you get targeted you will see ads
all the fags here typing works on my machine are just lucky youtube didnt target them yet
They did this to me once. I immediately closed the video and haven't seen it since.

I think never logging in helps.
are they embedding in the videos yet?
See >>101579987
>/g/ discovering A/B testing again
yes, embedding the intro only for now, 30 seconds, no skip option also

didnt get any ads after intro ad yet
>total poojeet death
ah i saw one earlier this morning but it didn't play. just refreshed.
whatever, abandoning the platform once they force me to watch their nigger rap videos and goyslop aids treatment prep pills. rot in hell google
so uBlock wont be able to block embedded ads if youtube goes full jew mode?

please tell me someone can outsmart jewgle
what's stopping me from downloading the video and watching it locally
if they're embedding i think the only recourse would be to shut the output off until the aids treatment pill commercial is over. i'm sure it can be done but you'll have to wait through the commercial
It’s a couple of things, actually
1. Adding dynamic-per-user ads to a video file means partially reencoding the video for every view instead of once on upload. That’s not cheap
2. If they want to make the ads unskippable then the client has to know what timestamps they’re at. Downloaders and alt front ends can also use this information to know when to skip
All these “people” dooming about it simply don’t know the limitations and then turn to overengineered AI “solutions” like a bunch of jackasses instead of taking a moment to think of how it would have to be implemented
The videos are already segmented, embedding ads would be trivial
false, the videos are already in chunks, like 1000 chunks per video sometimes
all they have to do is embed an ad per user ID between 2 random chunks
They'll fix it just like they do every time
Dumb thread
im not addicted so i'll just stop watching completely if that happens
>"embed an ad per user ID between"
>Implying I have a youtube account and user ID
Work on my machine
you fucking retard, as soon as you enter the website you get a unique id
you VILL sign in with an account! you VILL not block ze ads! and you VILL be happy!
Do we have a work around yet?
eventually they will require one if you want to watch
not at all. videos like this are distributed in thousands of parts. twitch already injects their ads between those and people have been having a really hard time getting around it
yea, its called youtube premium
for me yesterday on firefox an ad passed through, and sometimes the videos wouldnt start and I had to F5. Today works fine desu
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corporate shills should get permabanned from the board
>answer question
>get called a jew and a shill

A lot of videos aren't, even new ones. I know this because I look at what dlp actually does. Besides, this doesn’t fix the third problem, which is that linking to specific timestamps would be completely broken and good luck getting normalfags to accept that
>annual shareholder report: uhh every conceivable metric we have to track user engagement cratered and then drilled a hole into the earth and we just can’t figure out why oh god please don’t replace us
Twitch also serves the same video stream to every client so the architecture is simpler. Adblockers work just fine on their vods. Also twitch is bleeding money so that might not be the best example to use
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the only ads making it past ublock for me are promoting ActBlue for Kamala. I keep getting ads for that terrorist organization the shooter funded.
shooter was registered republican.
stop coping already.
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Many dems registered republican to take votes from the orange man and give to RFK. There is a video of him screeching on a college campus to "slit the throats of all republicans".
You just have proven how easily rightoids can be manipulated with false narrative.
NTA but I only watch YouTube in private mode because otherwise the algo pigeonholes you.
realistically it probably wont drop that much. most people have an account and thanks to being basically a monopoly for free video hosting and peoples favorite simping targets being there most that might not yet have the account will make one. the masses these days don't think nearly as much as you do
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You just reminded me of an interview. It's long but worth a watch. There are some good technical discussions about the events. [1] Reference for our HN friends.

[1] - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U24fKGJ2JPo
kek he believes private browsing doesn't track him
>jack posobierc
i don't watch jewish controlled opposition
why would youtube serve different streams of the same content? makes no sense and if you mean transcoding twitch has that too
>unironically linking to a fucker carlson video
you are too far gone at this point anon
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>i don't watch high IQ individualish controlled opposition
Me neither. We should be pen pals.
you know youtube still sees the same IP right?
>why would a video site where users can click on whatever videos and start them at different times serve different streams of video to different users?
have ni/g/gers actually gotten this dumb?
posting cucker carlson.
yeah, you're beyond saving.
I also have an interview for you.
full version if you have the time to see:
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I miss John Oliver. He was funny on The Colbert Report, another great show long gone. Stephen and John were broken by the LeftyBucks and will never go back.
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I'm using the Firefox with the uBlock Origin.
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take this (You) and fuck off.
why cant pol posters stay in their containment board?
you fags are mentally ill
They don't seem to map IPs to IDs.
At this point I'm pretty sure non-pol posters are probably mentally ill.
its similar on twitch too. you can join a stream anytime and still get the unskippable preroll. its literally embedded there and if you use third party tools to attach directly into the stream you wont see the ad but you instead see a placeholder until the ad is over. nothing is stopping youtube from instead of serving a piece of the actual video serving a piece of ad video
~don't tell him it's all the same website.~
Yesterday was the first time since 2017 that I got an ad with Brave. It's a fine browser.
We have this thread pretty much every other day. Just update your filters retard.
>When all of you fags buy premium they will return ads and ask you to pay premium plus
kek yep, they did the same shit with cable, netflix, etc
Paid products having ads legitimately actually needs to be outlawed. I hate narcissist liberals protesting because a black resisted arrest, tried to choke the officer, and got shot, and not protesting this legit evil corpo tactic. Loser people needing the smug ego boost like ebussy types.
I bet a lot of politicians are also pissed off with it.
>its similar on twitch too
no. kiketube videos are the equivalent of twitch vods. If a twitch streamer is live, all of their viewers get the exact same video at the exact same time once you factor in the ads. kiketube videos that aren’t livestreams viewed live do not have this property and it affects how the media files are streamed to the viewer. Do I need to get out the crayons or did this explanation make sense?
Wrong on all accounts.
For the past decade or so all videos on the net have basically been serves in m3u8 and the like. The video is already encoded a million differenr chunks that can have the parts changed on the fly. Inserting ads is trival and takes no resources to do.
Preventing users from skipping ads is also trival and always has been. Its purely a matter of how willing they are to fuck over user experience. They can easily make the ad unskippable with server side checks and controls how the ad being served and you being other parts of the video.

Video content is the one thing were it IS POSSIBLE for businesses to outright prevent adskipping on if they so desired to ruin user experience.
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>Do I need to get out the crayons
I like crayons. Are they scented? Those are my favorite. Crayons were Happy Days.
"jews won", now youll watch your lovely "starving" gazavit advertisements all day long.. brainlet
nigger they can’t figure out how to stop me from downloading the Premium-only bitrates when I don’t even give them a login token and that’s the simplest server-side check on the planet, mixing unskippable ads into their slop is way beyond the jeet horde’s ability to pull off
It is best adblocker that works best on Firefox based browsers.
Yes, Brave embeds their own ads. Not a problem in Firefox based browsers.
The absolute state of this board posting reddit urls
Use freetube
firefox gigachad here
it works flawlessly
cope and seethe chromelets
Are you paying for an individual account?
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>push ctrl+shift+r
>ads blocked again
just wait for the inevitable ublock update that will fix this in a few days
why am I seeing images of guru guru everywhere?
>Soon all videos will be replaced by separate streaming files, and ads will be fully embedded in the video.
Then I'll just make sure to click on every single one. I'll even get a script to do it automatically. Maybe something called Ad Nauseam. And who knows, maybe if enough people do something like this, the ad companies themselves will "AdBlock" YouTube, since they don't like paying for fake clicks.
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works here, I'm logged out
you're retarded, he literally did donate to ActBlue a few years ago
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>chromejeet cope thread
Ad Nauseam is for literal retards. Google tracks ad clicks not only by cookies but by IP.
When an IP clicks lets say 100 ads in 1h google just blacklist your IP and Ad Nauseam just keeps clicking on ads like a retard and it does absolutely nothing. You just wasting your PC and internet resources.
Whether you pay or not makes no difference as to whether us freechads make use of Youtube's services
A/B testing
but they are still distributed in chunks so nothing is stopping it
sounds like a win in either case. i guess you could also use a russian vpn for a while
>fossil fuels
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>ad nauseam is useless goy we'll blacklist you, you're just wasting res- AHIIIIIII NO GOY DO NOT TOUCH THAT SETTING WE WON'T BE ABLE TO KNOW IF YOU REALLY DID CLICK ON THE- ACK
works with brave's built-in ad blocker
>proud paypig
enabling jnn-pa.googleapis.com fixed it for me
before everything worked fine with this blocked
>hourly disguised tech support/shill thread
Nothing is blocked on chromium based, change to firefox, i can still block jewtube ads on opera.
They won't even ask. They'll make the premium+ and then delete the normal premium tier just like Netflix did kek
>an incompetent retard is screaming that he can't figure out how to make software work again

I just don't have any sympathy for pajeet op morons.
They also broke the Channel Blocker extension.
you didnt even read the thread, you have an lower IQ than a pajeet
i would kms if i was you
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>incompetent screaming retard can't figure out how to get software to work
>chromium browser
Yeah, they actually rolled this out on me about a month ago. Everyone will have this happen to them eventually.
damn your so fucking cool and smart,maybe join the uBlock dev them and show them how to block embedded ads
No, I don't have sympathy for incompetent retards. Why you even on the technology board if you're just a consumer? Stay on /tv/, enduser.

cmon bro, just write a few lines of code and send it to the ublock dev team
if you solve the embedded problem no consumer will come to /g/ again to complain
Sure but it's kinda cringe when you realize you're just paying monthly to use YouTube's adblocker over uBlock Origin for free instead. Wouldn't you agree?
We just did this a year ago, jewgle will try for a few months to block the blockers and give up after their fixes keep getting circumvented.
Unlock on FFox never failed for me after updating btw.
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been listening to music all day on librewolf
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Because it's good.
you're paying for
>no ads
>mobile background play
>downloaded videos
>YouTube Music, and offline music downloads
that makes $15 pretty worth it. you don't need Spotify or anything else
>no ads
I get that for free
>mobile background play
I get that for free
>downloaded videos
I get that for free, and it's actual raw files and not some secure storage shit I get locked out of when I'm offline for too long
>YouTube Music, and offline music downloads
See above

There is absolutely zero value in paying for YouTube Premium if you're tech savvy enough to know about Grayjay, uBlock Origin and yt-dlp.
to be honest if it was 5$ i would pay just for Youtube Music because its superior to Spotify

but 15? hell no
you're talking about much clunkier, more time consuming methods using multiple different apps.
I'm talking about paying $15 to use one app (technically 2 including Music) with everything included in the same app.
totally fair for you to make that call, but you're retarded for thinking that spending more time and effort on all that makes you superior
my machine's status: working in it
OP's status: kicked out of downie camp for being too retarded
problem exists between left and right ears
too expensive considering i barely use the thing but maybe theres enough foolish tech millionaires like you to fund this, probably not since they have to push it so aggressively
NTA but i like to use it with newsboat with a few channels i wan to be up to date. The rest of the slop i ads to freetube so i just open and see when i have free time.
imagine paying $180 every year for an inferior product because you can’t be bothered to learn a different workflow that requires a few minutes of one-time setup
that and you still get to enjoy the embedded sponsor segments :) im surprised youtube allows those since they don't make anything of 3rd party advertising
Absolute bullshit
>because you can’t be bothered to learn a different workflow that requires a few minutes of one-time setup
dude, I've done it all. you're the retard who said
> if you're tech savvy enough to know about...uBlock Origin
you're so tech savvy. you downloaded an extension on the chrome web store. what a fucking sick bitch you are. fucking off the wall shit right there man.
quit LARPing as a techno-hacker and become a normal fucking person
You're lying
I have not seen an ad in many years on youtube
A year ago that ad pop up happened but i just blocked that element and it stopped
I’m not him but I haven’t opened the kiketube homepage in like two years because I manage my “subscriptions” in a local json file which I feed into yt-dlp. Suggested algorithm slop is a meme, just load what you want into vlc and it just werks. Honestly I don’t know why I even bothered responding to a paycuck, you won’t understand this anyways
Freetube does all of this too IIRC. Also you just block a script for mobile background play. If I play a video in a playlist and change tabs after it ends on mobile, autoplay will go through the rest of the playlist and related videos in the background without interruption. You can sometimes get it to allow background play on a video by refreshing and immediately changing tabs, too. I
>no ads
>mobile background play
>downloaded videos
>YouTube Music, and offline music downloads
I've been doing that for decades and haven't spent a dime on it kek

do goodgoys really?
Good goy, keep giving us money our slave.
I've never seen any advertising on yt until today - we'll be winning the race for a while yet
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They do to some extent, this can be seen through Invidious instances. Only tech nerds use these so the home page of all Invidious instances has the same tech slop (Linus Tech Tips-related channels, Mental Outlaw...).

Here are the homepages of three distinct Invidious instances accessed using https://farside.link/invidious
>yt.drgnz.club: https://files.catbox.moe/isihvb.png
>invidious.incogniweb.net: https://files.catbox.moe/tlx0b1.png
>invidious.reallyaweso.me: https://files.catbox.moe/yramre.png
So YouTube knows. That's why LibreTube for Android exists, too.

Works fine on firefox.
weird that they are attacking the small fries by targeting adblockers which only pc users use when the real issue is all these custom mobile clients that the normies get from their own app store :D
>Brave embeds their own ads
Where? The new tab page? Trannyfox did that too, or don't you remember the Disney Turning Red advert?
I thought everyone moved onto just using clients. grayjay, newpipe, revanced. theres like 10 to choose from why do people care so much if they go down?
because not everyone is a dumb phoneposter like you
just use desktop clients? wtf
I searched and click on a linus shill tips video and didn't get an ad. Works on my machine.
I'm listening to youtube on Firefox with uBlock Origin and it' fine, PS to block youtube's annoying new layout, this article has the code to paste into filters, just tried it and it works:


I hate how user-hostile and anti-consent youtube became after it got jeeted.
ublock origin on librewolf and im getting ads
Half works on my machine. Occasionally I'll get a 5 or 15 second ad, but nothing plays. Haven't had any ads pop up at all in longer videos.
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www.youtube.com##+js(json-prune-fetch-response, playerAds adPlacements adSlots playerResponse.playerAds playerResponse.adPlacements playerResponse.adSlots, , propsToMatch, /player?)
Unpaid advertising seems pretty shilled and Jewy.
Cut yourself and put salt on it you bootlicker subhuman nigger. Vermin like you are the reason everything is so shit.
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I have not willingly used youtube since ages ago, anon, it's nothing but shit lately. They can have their Mr breast or whatever youtuber the cool kids watch nowadays.
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I prefer Freetube anyway.
Also works on mine but noticed that the ad player shows up for a millisecond so they're trying something
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I don't get it why people think it's funny or wrong to pay for YouTube Premium. If you enjoy the website and use it often, why not pay for it?
Because it's too expensive for what it is. If they offered ad free + background play for $5 I'd get it in a heartbeat, instead they want something like $18 for the only two features that matter.
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Imagine the retards paying for premium when you get ABOVE premium features for free
Because they already had precedents of making Premium worse, fucking ironically.
Imagine this:
>Youtube somehow defeats ad blockers
>everyone is forced to buy premium
>whatever, but no ads finally
>then Youtube decides you can't skip ALL ads with Premium and you need to buy Premium+
It is always a fucking slippery slope with corpos. It's ok to support indie devs, small companies and stuff like that.
Supporting literal scumbags who constantly make the website worse and worse is not.
sure, 2 more weeks, right? fucking retard
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where do i copy paste this?
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Settings ---> my filters
thanks bro, i just did it and for now i tried a few vids and no intro ads so far

is this a temp fix tho? why wouldn't ublock devs put this in the main filters?
Not sure. It just works for me and that's good enough until the next update rolls around
Nothing to do with IP
Also the site owner can pick the default feed from PubSubHubbub

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