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>gets fixed
>youtube breaks it the very next day
Is it over??
the solution to this is to just stop watching youtube. It's internet TV now, and it's just as goysloppified as the cable your boomer dad watches.
But I like to fall asleep listening to youtube philosophers spout batshit insane beliefs...
Get a job then
bruh look at all the other threads on here. there are literally like 10 clients you can use. just figure it out d00d.
this thing used to let me download any video at 1080p
then someone along the way one of the updates made it so the max is only ever 480p
so i stopped using it
Where can I get blender tutorails then?
read them instead of watching them
Freetube hasn't worked in months what are you even saynig just use one of the clients everyone always talks about like newpipe or gayjay
I'm having a bit of trouble wondering why we can't just use those fetchers clientside rather than server side.

The Fetch API exists in javascript and you can parse the body. You should theoretically have everything you need, and on top of that there's scrapers that do it server side like youtube to mp3.

Why can't someone make a site so that people can just scrape the video with fetch then put it in video.js and fetch the comments from browser?
My youtube client hasn't broken in over 1 year
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NewPipe just released an updated that fixes the youtube error (0.27.2)
skill issue, hasnt been broken since that initial wave of adblock breakers months ago.
Same with ublock, been fine all summer at least.
it's a cat and mouse game, google breaks third party clients and then devs have to spend 1 or 2 days updating the api to fix it. when that happens i just take a break from youtube and do something else with my time
Works fine. Whats the issue now?
It's not over. They are doing a massive rewrite. Patches until it releases.
Just restart the program. Its buffer overflow.
unironically kys if you think text is a good medium for learning
well yes. scotus and the rest of the retards in the government have no ass clue how powerful the google cartel is. Google literally killed the Windows phone by forcing Windows yt to suck balls, even though Windows devs made an excellent yt viewer.
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Kiwibrowser + ublock is untouchable
>Is it over??
Yep. Time to pay up, bitch.
werks on my machine, and have always worked.
the problem is in your end man

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